OK State Vs. Cornell


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2005
In addition to being broadcast on the Ivy League network it is also being simulcast on ESPN3 for those who wish to see it via the internet starting at 2pm. I have a commitment so I will not be able to watch or listen.

125 Eddie Klimara vs. Dalton Macri Eddie reboujnds with a major decision OSU 4-0
133 Gary Wayne Harding vs. Nashon Garrett Gary fights valiantly in a tech fall loss 4-5
141 Dean Heil vs. Mark Grey Major decision for #1 Dean Heil 8-5
149 Anthony Collica vs. Joey Galasso dec. by Collica 11-5
157 Joe Smith vs. Dylan Palacio In the most exciting match of the day Smith edges out Palacio 14-5
165 Alex Dieringer vs. Duke Pickett Alex continues to amaze with a fall 20-5
174 Chandler Rogers vs. Brian Realbuto Chandler loses by decision but makes 1-2 outstanding moves 20-8
184 Nolan Boyd vs. Gabe Dean Nolan loses a decision to #1 Gabe Dean 20-11
197 Andrew Marsden vs. Owen Scott Upset special as Andrew dec. Owen Scott 23-11
285 Austin Marsden vs. Jeramy Sweany Major Decision for Austin 27-11

I keep putting Andrew in the lineup but it could be Preston. JMO but if it is Weigel we lose a close match at 197 and the score would be 24-14. Nothing against Weigel who looked good Friday night but his lack of offense is a problem. says the dual starts at noon. ESPN 3 says 1:00 Eastern to match. I will be watching and will enter results if nobody else does.
157 Joe Smith vs. Dylan Palacio In the most exciting match of the day Smith edges out Palacio 14-5

Simaz wrestled (lost) yesterday vs Columbia.

157. #143 Simaz, Kyle. #22 Scheidel, Markus. L. Dec 6-1
Looks like a pretty big crowd in Ithaca. I guess as a tip of the hat to the National tournament the band play "Give My Regards to Broadway"
Garrett making short work of Harding 14-0 3 first period turns

Harding survives the first period 14-1

Garrett rides out but still 14-1
gary still alive in period 3
Takedown Garrett 16-1

that was the last home match for Garrett. 26-0 on the season
tough weekend for Harding Brewer now Garrett
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Forfeit to Klimara. Garrett techs Gary Wayne, but Harding was down by 14 going into the second and it took until the end of the second. Harding fought hard.
Mark Grey a Jr v Heil
P1. takedown Heil
escape Grey
duck under Heil but off the mat they go. 49 sec to go P1
Heil on the go behind takedown. 4-1 and ride out.

Heil starts p2 on top.
ride time goes over a minute.
Heil got an arm on the back trying for the turn. 30 seconds to go.
2nd stalling on Gray. end of P 2. 5-1 Heil

Heil takes bottom p3
Heil up and escapes 6-1
Heil needs a td and rideout for a major.
Heil got leg and works for the TD 8-1
again he just shelved the leg and fought through Greys defense.

Now needs a rideout and he gets it. Add the RT 9-1 wow that Heil is great.
10-5 OSU
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Forfeit to Klimara. Garrett techs Gary Wayne, but Harding was down by 14 going into the second and it took until the end of the second. Harding fought hard.

Think it was 3rd, correct? GWH rode him pretty well in the 3rd. Not sure I agree with th 2 vs 1, but didn't matter.
I think you are correct. Harding fought hard as I thought he was toast after the 1st period. Hell looked very good, always in position. I am on my wife's Apple and like a duck out of water and Wheeling is doing a great job. I will just add color commentary.
Dean is so dang good at finishing his takedowns that would usually end in stalemates for other wrestlers.
Collica v Gallaso
Collica converts a single leg on the edge and now riding. and releases him.
Got the leg and goes behind for the TD. and escape 4-2.
Collica another TD and escape 6-3
on the leg again. No defense TD. escape 8-4
another TD escape 10-5
another TD and now cradles him . FALL !!!!!!
Gallaso has no clue how to defend a shot.

16-5 OSU
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Colic looked very good today. He got takedowns whenever he wanted and was looking for that cradle constantly.
Smith v Palacio big match here for Joe.
Joe gives up the TD at the buzzer. geez
P2. Joe on top. and Dylan escapes. 0-3
Palacio down from 165 last year looks bigger stronger.
TD smith and then gives up the reversal. 2-5
p3. Joe takes down
escape Joe 3-5
Joe on a leg but Palacio gets the TD and in control. 45 secs left
escape Joe 4-8 with riding time Joe loses.
Im not sure that was Joes smartest match but he learned a lot. Don't roll around with that guy. take him down and let him up.

16-8 OSU
Tough one for Smith, but some losses are expected. I think he will learn from this one. Palacio wins some crazy positions.
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Im not sure that was Joes smartest match but he learned a lot. Don't roll around with that guy. take him down and let him up.
I'd agree he should've learned a lot from that match. Seeds at NCAA 157 will be more about the luck of which style wrestlers ends up on your side. Sometimes you'd rather be 6 vs 4 or 5.
Joe beats that guy 9/10 times, today was the one. Joe moved forward the whole match, Palacio should've been hit for stalling. Joe lost the scrambles at the end of the first and second periods, which didn't allow for an escape. He also shouldn't have tried to roll with him after his takedown. Still think Joe is the superior wrestler.

We have been the aggressor on our feet in every match so far, including Gary Wayne's match.
Smith just fed into everything that Palacio loves to do I doubt he does that again just surprises me a little bit because you'd think they would of took something away from that match Marstellar had with Palacio
Alex v Pickett a Sr.
P1. Td off the high C. Got an arm on the back and getting turned.
and now the FALL!!!! a bit of a quick call. 1:20
22- 8 good guys
and its Chandler v Realbuto.
Hopefully this one goes longer than 30 seconds as did the scuffle match.
Chandler on the headlock. Brian has a leg and chandler fighting off the TD. stalemate. 1:40 to go
Brian in on a leg. Chandler fights it off No TD. Chandler behind him and gets the TD on the edge. and now gets reversed. wow Brian is strong.
CHandler gives up 4 swipes at the end of first period yikes 2-6
p2, chandler down to start period.
brian turns chandler for 4 more swipes and another 4 swipes. 2-14
ouch hes taking a beating here.
Guess we have our answer as to who should go at 174.
P3. Brian choses top and gonna pound away. Hope chandler still has both arms attached at the end of this. Rogers not gonna get away but managing to not get turned. Nearly 4 minutes of RT.

20 seconds left. Rogers trying to keep it a major and does.22-12 Cowboys dean boyd next
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Dean v Boyd
quick TD Dean. quick escape 1-2
Dean with a TD off of Boyd nice high C quck escape
2-4 dean
p2. Boyd down and escape. and now Boyd with a big td up 5-4.
Boyd nice rid and getting 2 swipes 7-4
BOyd still riding lots of mat returns. and getting MORE SWIPES on the edge. 4 Big ones. 11-4

Dean hasn't wrestled in a couple of weeks from illness
escape Dean 10 seconds left in p2. buzzer. 11-5 BOYD
p3. Dean down and escapes.
Boyd with another TD 13-6
escape dean 13-7
Dean moving slow. Boyd looking sharp
30 seconds
Dean gassed. Boyd hand fighting shoots low level.
late TD for Dean. Nearly puts Boyd on his back. 14-9 with RT

BOYD WINS!!!!!!! beats Number 1 Dean with a big statement WIN

Boyd ends Deans 42 Match win streak. or was it 52.
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Nolan Boyd has seriously turned the corner he just stuck it to Dean he would seriously **** the bed at nationals if he doesn't AT LEAST make the podium
That was a great match, besides the late TD for Dean all of his other points were escapes and from scrambles initiated by Boyd. He is looking real good. Not sure if Dean was 100 percent, but no matter what that was awesome!!!
How tough are wrestlers... Cornell 197 has a freaking broken jaw and is wrestling with a face guard.
197 Weigel v Preston Scott. Scott healing from a broken jaw.
Weigel just working his ties. not really shooting. and to the mat they go.

Weigel in a big scramble no points. 30 seconds Weigel showed some good defense.
end of period 1. no score.
p2 Weigel starts down and quickly out. 1-0
more tie ups. Scott trying the low level attacks.
Weigel not really looking for a shot. end of p2. 1-0
P3 weigel on top and nearly got swipes and again. off the mat restart
1:13 remaining
Weigel putting on a tough ride. and he gets 1 minute of riding time.
Weigel getting another 1 count. Hes got scott flat. and that's the match Rides out the period 2-0 WEIGEL!!!!

I could be wrong on the final. I might have missed some back points by Weigel. I don't see how he could have turned Scott that many times and not gotten some swipes. If he got no backs then he was robbed.
There is your 197 starter folks. He could make some noise. So here's the deal. What if opponents quit taking down against Weigel? No way I would go there. Remember Brandon Mason??

28-12 good guys
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If Weigel could get some offense he could be dangerous! So strong with such good D and so tough on top.
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