IK State v, Oregon State


Heisman Candidate
Oct 30, 2005
125 Spratley #11 vs. Taylor #15
133 Fix#3 vs. Whisenhunt #31
141 Jamison #6 vs. Belton #27
149 Williams #20 vs. Singleton #18
157 Travis #16 vs. Crosby NR
165 Olejnik #3 vs. Olguin #12
174 Thompson #29 vs ? (Christenson,McKinney, Mower etc.)
184 Plott #2 vs Munoz #4 (Match of the bout)
197 Surber#16 or Robb or Haas vs Rademacher #18
285 Doucet #9 vs McDermott #13
Rankings by Flo dated 1/15/24
125 Spratley #11 vs. Taylor #15
133 Fix#3 vs. Whisenhunt #31
141 Jamison #6 vs. Belton #27
149 Williams #20 vs. Singleton #18
157 Travis #16 vs. Crosby NR
165 Olejnik #3 vs. Olguin #12
174 Thompson #29 vs ? (Christenson,McKinney, Mower etc.)
184 Plott #2 vs Munoz #4 (Match of the bout)
197 Surber#16 or Robb or Haas vs Rademacher #18
285 Doucet #9 vs McDermott #13
Rankings by Flo dated 1/15/24
IK State?? Is that on the Indiana-Kentucky border?:cool:
125 Spratley #11 vs. Taylor #15
133 Fix#3 vs. Whisenhunt #31
141 Jamison #6 vs. Belton #27
149 Williams #20 vs. Singleton #18
157 Travis #16 vs. Crosby NR
165 Olejnik #3 vs. Olguin #12
174 Thompson #29 vs ? (Christenson,McKinney, Mower etc.)
184 Plott #2 vs Munoz #4 (Match of the bout)
197 Surber#16 or Robb or Haas vs Rademacher #18
285 Doucet #9 vs McDermott #13
Rankings by Flo dated 1/15/24
Appreciate you doing this, I pull these up as I watch the matches.
KC Scott called me about this post and was giving me a hard time. He likes to pick on senile senior citizens and steal candy from babies. Sorry for the typo but I am old enough to remember Eisenhower as President and "I like Ike".
Do ranking matches really mean anything if it doesn’t translate to when the matches matter? Just comparing both wrestlers performances even though Alvarez is a small sample size I would say he gives us the best chance at scoring more points at nationals just my pea head opinion.
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Do ranking matches really mean anything if it doesn’t translate to when the matches matter? Just comparing both wrestlers performances even though Alvarez is a small sample size I would say he gives us the best chance at scoring more points at nationals just my pea head opinion.

They do. I think we are close to the point that it seems clear Alvarez give the team a better opportunity to have consistent performers at 149 this year but you have to beat the guy in the room to.
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They do. I think we are close to the point that it seems clear Alvarez give the team a better opportunity to have consistent performers at 149 this year but you have to beat the guy in the room to.
From what little we have seen, I do think Alvarez gives us a better chance, just mainly based on maturity.
Not always if Williams doesn’t win tomorrow look for Alvarez the rest of the year
I like this. Didn’t feel like Williams had lost the spot more so we are giving both a chance to earn it. Alvarez looked good but I like they are now giving Williams a chance to respond. Come out and show that you want it and keep it a competition.
Williams needs to be on fire every match. Seems like he can turn it up when he wants to. He may work to get the spot and then downshift. I’m having Gfeller flashbacks… ups and downs, so much potential but it seemed like he never quite committed. Just rambling and armchair coaching here lol
Looks like new opponent. IK vs ND
Williams needs to be on fire every match. Seems like he can turn it up when he wants to. He may work to get the spot and then downshift. I’m having Gfeller flashbacks… ups and downs, so much potential but it seemed like he never quite committed. Just rambling and armchair coaching here lol
He needs to stop making stupid moves/mistakes every match. Lots of talent but you can't come back from mistakes at this level.
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Williams needs to be on fire every match. Seems like he can turn it up when he wants to. He may work to get the spot and then downshift. I’m having Gfeller flashbacks… ups and downs, so much potential but it seemed like he never quite committed. Just rambling and armchair coaching here lol
Your right on
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I hate the way the Oregon wrestlers are wrestling

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