north korea/us summit

the deal was done
all the playing nice and pretty pictures
window dressing

see how that works?

Maybe tell me whether you think the NK problem has been solved as we speak in something other than Rdcldad speak, and I might understand.
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Maybe tell me whether you think the NK problem has been solved as we speak in something other than Rdcldad speak, and I might understand.

trump wouldn’t put americas reputation on the line by visiting some pissant rocket man without his clear understanding

kim didn’t walk across the dmz cause he woke up one day and thought gee i wanna see what a country that can feed its people looks like

kim didn’t take his toy train to china because he needed silk stockings for his concubine

pompeo didn’t go to noko to do anything but brief rocket man on how he was gonna be the hero in this escapade

that’s the big picture that led up to this summit

and why it’s a done deal
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trump wouldn’t put americas reputation on the line by visiting some pissant rocket man without his clear understanding

kim didn’t walk across the dmz cause he woke up one day and thought gee i wanna see what a country that can feed its people looks like

kim didn’t take his toy train to china because he needed silk stockings for his concubine

pompeo didn’t go to noko to do anything but brief rocket man on how he was gonna be the hero in this escapade

that’s the big picture that led up to this summit

and why it’s a done deal

So that’s a yes....the NK problem is solved as we speak?
didn't say you were.

I don’t want to get into a meaningless pedantic linguistic discussions of rhetoric (who am I kidding?, I love words and meaningless pedantic linguistic discussions of rhetoric), but you did provide that counter response after quoting me and saying you agreed. That kind of raises the question of whether you were saying I was.
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what else do you want me to say?

do you just want the power of me answering your question directly?

My interpretive skills are on the fritz today.

So yes...a straight forward, direct response would be helpful to me.

You can give it to me or not. That is certainly still within your power. It wou,d be a choice you make of your own free will.
I don’t want to get into a meaningless pedantic linguistic discussions of rhetoric (who am I kidding?, I love words and meaningless pedantic linguistic discussions of rhetoric), but you did provide that counter response after quoting me and saying you agreed. That kind of raises the question of whether you were saying I was.

I see your point. sorry for being unclear. I *think* I was referring to the larger narrative of the moment from resistance nerds regarding the outcome of the meeting. One guy on this board called it a "disaster" and @syskatine's spin on it has been typically predictable as though we came away with nothing noteworthy, historic or substantive for cause of optimism.

not blind optimism. not tribal loyalty. just basic observation of what was clearly a wow moment in history, and a general optimism that this looks a lot like a thing that is actually happening and likely is further down the road than we have been publicly privy to. IMO of course.
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My interpretive skills are on the fritz today.

So yes...a straight forward, direct response would be helpful to me.

You can give it to me or not. That is certainly still within your power. It wou,d be a choice you make of your own free will.

i wouldn’t think for a second trump flew to singapore to negotiate on behalf of america

he went for the window dressing

so yes done deal
I think it is time that we recognize that radical dad has moved on to the JimmyBob years of his life.
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I’m not saying the meeting shouldn’t have happened. I’m saying something that doesn’t get said a whole lot around here...I’m not sure. The proof will be in the results.

"I'm not sure" is about the best way one can characterize this meeting. Mainly because "I'm not sure" is the best way to characterize our options when it comes to dealing with the North Korean problem.

The meeting on its face seemed like a well-orchestrated photo op. Who that most benefits the most can be debated, but one can't deny it helps Kim. As for what was signed, not very specific at all. Leaves a lot of questions unanswered. And then there is the rhetoric coming from Trump, which is both shocking and worrisome. Trump seems to be very much personally invested in this, which could spell trouble for him down the road. Yeah, "I'm not sure" seems to fit it.

I have a serious question though. Does anyone really think North Korea is going to give up its nuclear program? They have been promising this for decades now and have yet to make any move to do so. And in their eyes, Kim's great moment yesterday was a direct result of their nuclear program. Why would they now just give it up?
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"I'm not sure" is about the best way one can characterize this meeting. Mainly because "I'm not sure" is the best way to characterize our options when it comes to dealing with the North Korean problem.

The meeting on its face seemed like a well-orchestrated photo op. Who that most benefits can be debated, but one can't deny it helps Kim. As for what was signed, not very specific at all. Leaves a lot of questions unanswered. And then there is the rhetoric coming from Trump, which is both shocking and worrisome. Trump seems to be very much personally invested in this, which could spell trouble for him down the road. Yeah, "I'm not sure" seems to fit it.

I have a serious question though. Does anyone really think North Korea is going to give up its nuclear program? They have been promising this for decades now and have yet to make any move to do so. And in their eyes, Kim's great moment yesterday was a direct result of their nuclear program. Why would they now just give it up?

Kim jung Un has never lied about giving up his nukes. Why so racist thinking all Koreans are the same?

I totally agree finally getting nukes is a great accomplishment for the regime and if they didn’t have them trump or hillary could have kicked the Can down the road.

Trump however was faced with nukes and the delivery capability. Kudos to nk for getting that card and possibly cashing it in for the economic gift basket that is forthcoming,
1.7 billion bought us 10 years.
And then what? What part of their nuclear capability are they currently spending money on? Why are they testing missiles? Does the secret side deal that limits inspections of "military installations" make catching them cheating easier or more difficult? What additional military capabilities could they afford after receiving cash and sanctions relief? Will they be easier to confront at the end of the deal? Are they more or less dangerous to the region and US interests since the deal was signed?
And then what? What part of their nuclear capability are they currently spending money on? Why are they testing missiles? Does the secret side deal that limits inspections of "military installations" make catching them cheating easier or more difficult? What additional military capabilities could they afford after receiving cash and sanctions relief? Will they be easier to confront at the end of the deal?
And then pay 1.7 billion plus inflation for 10 more years, or have a war that we have years to prepare for.
Was Kim Jung-un in control of North Korea on February 29, 2012?

With that said, you didn't really answer my question. Do you really think North Korea is going to give up its nuclear program, and if so, why? Simply because Trump talked to them about some beach hotels?

I did not remember that deal.

If you want to ask an adult question ask it in an adult way. “Beach hotels” are obviously not what made this happen.

I have no idea what’s going to happen, but if it does happen it is 100% trump’s bluster, threats, videos, extended hand and ass kissing at the photo op that did it. The whole trump package that is being laughed at, questioned and Monday morning quarterbacked for the last 500 days is what made this happen. If anyone can’t applaud him for this chance, (just the chance) they are a hater. If this really does take place and people still don’t get down and kiss the ring then the tds has become fatal.
I did not remember that deal.

If you want to ask an adult question ask it in an adult way. “Beach hotels” are obviously not what made this happen.

I have no idea what’s going to happen, but if it does happen it is 100% trump’s bluster, threats, videos, extended hand and ass kissing at the photo op that did it. The whole trump package that is being laughed at, questioned and Monday morning quarterbacked for the last 500 days is what made this happen. If anyone can’t applaud him for this chance, (just the chance) they are a hater. If this really does take place and people still don’t get down and kiss the ring then the tds has become fatal.

I did not remember that deal.

After observing the past few days, it is easy to wonder if Trump and most of his supporters remember that deal (or all the other promises North Korea has made in the past).

I have no idea what’s going to happen, but if it does happen it is 100% trump’s bluster, threats, videos, extended hand and ass kissing at the photo op that did it. The whole trump package that is being laughed at, questioned and Monday morning quarterbacked for the last 500 days is what made this happen. If anyone can’t applaud him for this chance, (just the chance) they are a hater. If this really does take place and people still don’t get down and kiss the ring then the tds has become fatal.

The reason the "whole Trump package" is being questioned is because there appears to be a lot of upside to all of this for North Korea (especially Kim) and very little upside for our interests or values. It also appears that Trump is proceeding down the same path past US administrations have gone down with North Korea and with a lot more balderdash.

That is why I asked if anyone really believes North Korea is going to give up its nuclear program. What is different about this time? The promise of economic benefits appears to be Trump's offer, but those who have observed North Korea for decades believe that isn't what drives the regime in Pyongyang. This could have driven them before too, but it didn't.

I am all for diplomacy, but it must be smart diplomacy that furthers our interests and values. I would love to see North Korea completely denuclearize and if they do, I would give Trump credit for it. However, if they don't follow through (as they always have in the past), then they will have gained a lot here while our foreign policy will look inept and foolish. And that would have to be credited to Trump as well.

Let me ask you (or anyone else) another question. Do you think Trump will eventually just accept a nuclearized North Korea?
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After observing the past few days, it is easy to wonder if Trump and most of his supporters remember that deal (or all the other promises North Korea has made in the past).

The reason the "whole Trump package" is being questioned is because there appears to be a lot of upside to all of this for North Korea (especially Kim) and very little upside for our interests or values. It also appears that Trump is proceeding down the same path past US administrations have gone down with North Korea and with a lot more balderdash.

That is why I asked if anyone really believes North Korea is going to give up its nuclear program. What is different about this time? The promise of economic benefits appears to be Trump's offer, but those who have observed North Korea for decades believe that isn't what drives the regime in Pyongyang. This could have driven them before too, but it didn't.

I am all for diplomacy, but it must be smart diplomacy that furthers our interests and values. I would love to see North Korea completely denuclearize and if they do, I would give Trump credit for it. However, if they don't follow through (as they always have in the past), then they will have gained a lot here while our foreign policy will look inept and foolish. And that would have to be credited to Trump as well.

Let me ask you (or anyone else) another question. Do you think Trump will eventually just accept a nuclearized North Korea?

Very little upside for us?? I don’t understand that. Not being nuked or Japan not being nuked seems like upside to me. How can you even make that remark?

What have they gained? Nothing? We can start war games tomorrow morning. We can do more sanctions whenever we want. A picture with trump has no material value.

No I don’t think he will accept that.

Have you ever heard Cedric the entertainer talk about black people? Does the phrase “I wish a mother fvcker would” mean anything to you? I think trump has that in him.
Very little upside for us?? I don’t understand that. Not being nuked or Japan not being nuked seems like upside to me. How can you even make that remark?

What happened in this meeting that made it less likely we or our allies won't be nuked? Nothing. What changed for our interest? Nothing. Just words, words that North Korea has agreed to before and then went on to ignore.

What have they gained? Nothing? We can start war games tomorrow morning. We can do more sanctions whenever we want. A picture with trump has no material value.

What haven't they gained? Kim got some significant promises from Trump that his state-controlled media is now broadcasting to show how great a leader Kim is. The North Korean media is showing pictures of the N. Korean flag beside the USA flag and Kim having the same level of importance as the US President. All of this helps Kim in North Korea. It helps him continue his brutal practices and extend his control even more. It also reinforces one thing in his mind and the minds of those around him: having nuclear weapons benefits Kim and North Korea.

Now, North Korea is claiming that Trump promised to lift the sanctions.

This is all a boom for Kim. And again, what do we have that we didn't have before the meeting?

No I don’t think he will accept that.

So if Kim reneges like North Korea has done in the past, does Trump go to war? What do you think Trump's options are now if Kim doesn't denuclearize?
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The whole dynamic depends on whether Kim believes that he can either de-nuke peacefully or Trump will de-nuke him and he'll be eliminated.

He never believed past Presidents had the balls to do it the hard way. I believe he belives Trump is dead serious.

I don't get the legitimize argument. No one with a brain thinks differently about North Korea. What people do hope is the fear of being destroyed motivates them to become a country in good standing with the rest of the world.
Cents, I don’t know how to argue with you. That’s just jibberish. Helps him in nk? He is already brutalizing his people. You can’t give your girlfriend more herpes.

How are we closer to not being nuked? Trump’s laid out the situation for them and if they don’t take the deal their goose (or dog) is cooked. Trump has brought us to the intersection of action. No more kick the can like obama. It’s they denuke or we do it the hard way. We are going to have a resolution to this one way or another. This president FYI is not interested in any way how things have been done in the past. This is new and it’s different. I can’t beleive people are still doubting this man after he has thrown egg on the face of his predictors countless times.

Let me guess you thought he would never be the nominee or thought FOR SURE he would never be president right?

It’s just laughable at this point.
Also read what trump said in 2000 what he would do with nk to answer your question. He has been planning for this is whole life.
I don't get the legitimize argument. No one with a brain thinks differently about North Korea.

yet this is the MSM libtard narrative

it fits perfect for peeps sans grey matter

and there she was like disco superfly

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