National emergency

Show me where Obama declared DACA or Obama care a national emergency. Did not like Obama by the way.
You're correct on the national emergency. I should have been more specific about bills/plans costing a ton of taxpayer money from Obama. The wall would be a small fraction of those costs, but they can't let Donald Trump get another win for the US
changing the constitution is different than violating the constitution. i think your impression of easterners is biased,not everybody wants to get rid of the 2nd amendment but yes lots of them want the assault weapons off the market and they want a more checks for people who want to buy guns.

My impression of “easterners” comes from living and working in NYC for years. And yes, most New Yorkers would be in favor of what I posted. And many of them (if not most) have open disdain for the mainstream people and culture of this country.
And if I remember correctly the wall was to be paid by the mexicans not American tax payers.Helping millions of americans is definitely better than a wall.He claims now the tariff being paid by american companies to import mexican goods cost of which would be passed on to american consumers is going to pay for the wall which he says would be paid by mexico, Guys atleast read the news.
I read all the news sites including fox,breibart infowars and daily stormer and many more of the conservative persuations. Most of them as news is the same in all the news sites,please dont confuse news with opinions.
And if I remember correctly the wall was to be paid by the mexicans not American tax payers.Helping millions of americans is definitely better than a wall.He claims now the tariff being paid by american companies to import mexican goods cost of which would be passed on to american consumers is going to pay for the wall which he says would be paid by mexico, Guys atleast read the news.
I read all the news sites including fox,breibart infowars and daily stormer and many more of the conservative persuations. Most of them as news is the same in all the news sites,please dont confuse news with opinions.
Man, thanks for educating us!
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And if I remember correctly the wall was to be paid by the mexicans not American tax payers.Helping millions of americans is definitely better than a wall.He claims now the tariff being paid by american companies to import mexican goods cost of which would be passed on to american consumers is going to pay for the wall which he says would be paid by mexico, Guys atleast read the news.
I read all the news sites including fox,breibart infowars and daily stormer and many more of the conservative persuations. Most of them as news is the same in all the news sites,please dont confuse news with opinions.
You are one arrogant piece of trash. Talking shit about President Trump. What amazing country are you from?
And if I remember correctly the wall was to be paid by the mexicans not American tax payers.Helping millions of americans is definitely better than a wall.He claims now the tariff being paid by american companies to import mexican goods cost of which would be passed on to american consumers is going to pay for the wall which he says would be paid by mexico, Guys atleast read the news.
I read all the news sites including fox,breibart infowars and daily stormer and many more of the conservative persuations. Most of them as news is the same in all the news sites,please dont confuse news with opinions.

Aliabedi, am curious to now where you reside?

With the exception of New Yorkers who live and work away from the big cities, they loath flyover country and are incredibly ignorant of what happens out here in the hinterlands. They would also vote to trash the electoral college in a heart beat. They believe the masses (CA, WA, IL, MA, NJ & OR as well) should rule by who has the higher tally of a popular vote.....their guy vs the other guy. Some of the most unbelievably ignorant people I've ever met are from NY, with CA following a close second.

Congress sucks does now and has for a very long time. They created a law in 1976 that they thought would reign in presidential discretion on what is or isn't an NE and how much can be thrown at it. As is the case with most laws they make, it invariably made the situation worse with Trump finally pushing the limit. Congress can still stop him BTW, we shall see what happens. But generally when I see Waters, Pelosi, Schumer and the ACLU throw hissy fits, I'm thinking the guy/gal has gotten something right.

Another thing, I don't care if the traffic illegally over the border is slowing down doesn't mean it won't pick up later. Regan got hoses after declaring amnesty in the 80's, congress has completely abrogated their responsibility in providing law enforcement the necessary tools to prevent illegal immigration and they continue to be complicit in one of the most easily manageable threats to The US. I say this because if this were a gay, transgender, muslim or minority problem they would parade the offended/harmed through an endless publically televised hearings, photo ops and laws to correct the problems. When is the last time they have multiple border patrol or ICE members in front of a committee, with television rolling, to hear what should be done and then the louts acted on those recommendations?

UK I refute your argument that the "vast" majority of illegals are visa holdovers BTW. You nor anyone alive in the US has a grip on the total number of illegals here. In fact there is a built in incentive for one side to expand the number and the other side to reduce the number. Tax payer money is being thrown at illegals in the billions, from incarceration, to teaching kids English, to medical care and crime they are an existential threat, more so those who fail to assimilate and work in the shadows.

If congress truly wanted to "serve" the American people, they could solve this in a week...literally. What we have now is a giant structure housing the best paid 535 whores in the world, who are in the pockets of special interests (for the most part) who in turn have the media in their pocket (well at least the dems/libs).
No, I'm trying to get a set of facts and figure out who and what to believe about the first, basic data point I looked at, nothing more. Trying to compare apples to apples and see who's full of shit, I don't know who to trust between the CATO institute and your cut and paste. Facts precede advocacy, right?

Your cut and paste cited a statistic, apparently from the CBO article, that seems at first blush to be out of sync with the Cato's arithmetic and when I look at the CBO article, that math that was represented in the cut and paste wasn't in the CBO article.

I'm hardly a fan of Cato Institute. I don't know who to believe. Wharry's been raising hell about this forever and he hasn't bothered to look at the basic numbers about whether these people are disproportionately criminal. I see his uninformed response, so I challenge you guys. You produce facts, they're out of sync with another set of facts, and your facts aren't supported by the cite for them. That's all I'm saying. I know exactly shit about immigration crime, this is my maiden inquiry into this talking point.

I didn't see that statistic or numbers that support that statistic in the CBO article. If I missed it, show me where it is. That's all I'm saying.

Indelicate as it may be, I should also out that sometimes people get misclassified demographically.

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And if I remember correctly the wall was to be paid by the mexicans not American tax payers.Helping millions of americans is definitely better than a wall.He claims now the tariff being paid by american companies to import mexican goods cost of which would be passed on to american consumers is going to pay for the wall which he says would be paid by mexico, Guys atleast read the news.
I read all the news sites including fox,breibart infowars and daily stormer and many more of the conservative persuations. Most of them as news is the same in all the news sites,please dont confuse news with opinions.

You seem super duper smart.

You'll fit right in with the rest of our board's leftists.

Especially @Syskatine and @Clinton Scott
You seem super duper smart.

You'll fit right in with the rest of our board's leftists.

Especially @Syskatine and @Clinton Scott
I am not a leftist I am pragmatist who believes in democracy like America has.
All my life I have run my own business and strongly believe in capitalism but that does'nt mean that I would believe any con man just because he has a nice slogan.
MAGA is a stupid argument, America is the greatest country and most respected untill Trump and his base thought isolationism was the answer in today's global village.It will hurt you more in the future.
Show me where Obama declared DACA or Obama care a national emergency. Did not like Obama by the way.
I never said he did. What he did do, however, was pass an eexecutive order, which basically said --- We will choose to not enforce the law as passed by Congress. That is the gist of DACA and it's sister program, DAPA. He did this after saying over 20 times that he did not have the authority to do it via executive order during his 1st term.
I am not a leftist I am pragmatist who believes in democracy like America has.
All my life I have run my own business and strongly believe in capitalism but that does'nt mean that I would believe any con man just because he has a nice slogan.
MAGA is a stupid argument, America is the greatest country and most respected untill Trump and his base thought isolationism was the answer in today's global village.It will hurt you more in the future.

Welcome to the board fellas. The right wingers on here represent the bottom 10% of American political discourse. If you want to first hand observe the culture and philosophy that supported Jim Crow, Vietnam war, Iraq war, Watergate, dozens of false conspiracies, red scares, xenophobia, superstition, and this latest dalliance with fascism, you're at ground zero and can see it yourself all the way from Pakistan. Check your common sense at the door, take a deep breath, and ease into the rabbit hole.
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Welcome to the board fellas. The right wingers on here represent the bottom 10% of American political discourse. If you want to first hand observe the culture and philosophy that supported Jim Crow, Vietnam war, Iraq war, Watergate, dozens of false conspiracies, red scares, xenophobia, superstition, and this latest dalliance with fascism, you're at ground zero and can see it yourself all the way from Pakistan. Check your common sense at the door, take a deep breath, and ease into the rabbit hole.

Did you just welcome toon town to the board?
I am not a leftist I am pragmatist who believes in democracy like America has.
All my life I have run my own business and strongly believe in capitalism but that does'nt mean that I would believe any con man just because he has a nice slogan.
MAGA is a stupid argument, America is the greatest country and most respected untill Trump and his base thought isolationism was the answer in today's global village.It will hurt you more in the future.


con man?

global village?

of course you like the capitalism everybody likes the capitalism and its byproduct of billions upon billions in foreign aid

otard and liberal ilk were giving us away

thanks to trump
america now has a future
okcpokefan12 you will realize soon that you have been suckered by a yankee con man.

selling fear that’s classic

you think imran awan didn’t enjoy the capitalism?

and the rights our courts allowed him to skate back to pakistan with?
I am not a leftist I am pragmatist who believes in democracy like America has.
All my life I have run my own business and strongly believe in capitalism but that does'nt mean that I would believe any con man just because he has a nice slogan.
MAGA is a stupid argument, America is the greatest country and most respected untill Trump and his base thought isolationism was the answer in today's global village.It will hurt you more in the future.

Lol. This is a funny post.

You'll fit right in with our board Leftists.
selling fear that’s classic

you think imran awan didn’t enjoy the capitalism?

and the rights our courts allowed him to skate back to pakistan with?

Over halfway through his first term, and I gues he's still waiting to pounce.

"Yankee conman" Who TF talks like that?

con man?

global village?

of course you like the capitalism everybody likes the capitalism and its byproduct of billions upon billions in foreign aid

otard and liberal ilk were giving us away

thanks to trump
america now has a future
I like capitalism not because of the foreign aid that America gives I like it because
it is closer to human nature than communism is. I started my business with about 2000
$ and made it the largest direct sales company in Pakistan. Of course I went into other business ventures later on.I am semi retired now and take projects that interest me.
What you dont understand is that with Trump your future is uncertain. Please listen to other news channels besides fox news. I thought on this board we always criticized Oklahoma sooner fans for never have gone to univ of Oklahoma, if you have been to college then read more not only what fits your political ideology but stuff that challenges it
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I like capitalism not because of the foreign aid that America gives I like it because
it is closer to human nature than communism is. I started my business with about 2000
$ and made it the largest direct sales company in Pakistan. Of course I went into other business ventures later on.I am semi retired now and take projects that interest me.
What you dont understand is that with Trump your future is uncertain. Please listen to other news channels besides fox news. I thought on this board we always criticized Oklahoma sooner fans for never have gone to univ of Oklahoma, if you have been to college then read more not only what fits your political ideology but stuff that challenges it

Here we go with the Fox News. Where do you get your news so we can all be as informed as you?
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I like capitalism not because of the foreign aid that America gives I like it because
it is closer to human nature than communism is. I started my business with about 2000
$ and made it the largest direct sales company in Pakistan. Of course I went into other business ventures later on.I am semi retired now and take projects that interest me.
What you dont understand is that with Trump your future is uncertain. Please listen to other news channels besides fox news. I thought on this board we always criticized Oklahoma sooner fans for never have gone to univ of Oklahoma, if you have been to college then read more not only what fits your political ideology but stuff that challenges it

Here we go with the Fox News. Where do you get your news so we can all be as informed as you?
I read fox news everyday I even listen to Sean Hannity., Ilsten to cnn bbc I read nbc cbs
abc breitbart info wars msnbc and others when it interest me or I have the time. I read newsok every day. Does that satisfy you.
I could tell you the headlines of fox news today and what Sean said on thursday or friday.