You are still being a moron, except you're an obsessive, spiraling moron now. I'm not going to sit down and read all your spiraling shit. I straightforwardly asked you about that wrong number like 3 times -- see above -- and you changed the subject.
By the way, I havent' read your lengthy post. I never will, I dont' give a shit. That's because you're a moron. I tried to engage you civilly, gave you the benefit of the doubt, and even took the time to pull the chronology in the above post. That's twice I've invested time in you. So type a freakin' bible if you want, you posted stupid numbers that you cut and pasted, I asked you two or three times what I was missing, and you went moron Maga. I tried to extend an olive branch a couple days ago and you're a typical trolling maga moron. If you don't like me or the way I treat you you can ignore me, ban me, or start having some good faith and intellectual honesty.
That was really your only move here. Claim martyrdom and try to gaslight everyone into believing you extended anything like an olive branch that I then rejected, so you have some kind of (weak AF) basis to avoid reading anything I just wrote on principle.
You are a liar and a fraud.