trump sells maga and if maga pronounces america’s seat at the table then i’m all for it
if it scares you i’m all for it
if you stand for these things you’ve got generations of work to Make Pakistan Great
let alone concerning yourself with catholic school kids smiling at a stolen valor indian banging a drum
there are hijabs in oklahoma, and i’ve seen two today, that i never saw as a kid, people came here to be American and now they come to shame us into their ignorance and lecture us about freedoms while women can’t get educated, drive cars let alone show their faces in their home countries
go to peshawar and stand for freedom and democracy, they’ll bury you hip deep, stone you and leave your brains for the flies, before you even think about telling me about my country or selling me the fear my president causes.
of course you don’t understand your moral compass spinning because of your personal wants and your commentary only makes my point
hell no mine doesn’t spin
there’s a general do the right thing
and have to stand tall before the man thing that keeps me moving in the right direction
marrying twelve year old girls and peddling heroin while embracing sharia won’t play well moving towards the next life
I dont think you have ever been to Pakistan or read much about it our women
have been getting education and driving cars for ever there was never a ban
in Pakistan on women activities including the oldest profession in the world.
I am sure some people (definitely a minority who marry their daughters at 12)
there is no law to prohibit it but human rights organizations and women rights org are doing work on it. We had a woman prime minister elected by the people in the country. She even won in certain areas where they don't allow their own women to vote.
You dont think I havent gone to Peshawer I go there all the time an asset management company that I have interest in have offices there.I even have gone to fata which was controlled by talibans,,people in that region are very religious like going to mosque five times a day and they hated talibans.
I went to afghanistan when it was controlled by talibans and went to Kabul after
after US attack.
If our leader made a slogan to make Pakistan great again it would make sense.Pakistan in 60's was a model country in the third world in industrialization.S korea and singapore came to study our model,Pakistan Airlines was the 3rd best airline in the world.Then a socialist like Chavez came to power and nationalized all the industries, banks, and insurance companies even though since then all have been denationalzed but what nationalizing of industries etc brings is corruption
which we are still dealing with. Our last prime minister and president paid less taxes than I do and both of them are billionaires in US$.
Yesterday Saudi crown prince came to Pakistan and I was invited for the reception
and I did'nt go because Saudis are most responsible with encouraging what you call
radical Islam. Because when Soviet attacked Afghanistan while America gave weapons and money to the mujahidin Saudis exported their religion through madrassas(religious schools) and mosques that propagated their form of Islam.
They gave aid to Al qaida and they started ISIS who are threatening them right now.
As far as Obama is concerned I admire him not because of his policies because I did not agree with all of them but because he fulfilled his American dream.When I was in okla
what people told me was that America is a country where you become what you want to.
Both of them, him and his wife came from lower middle class back ground and see what they achieved.Please read Becoming by Michelle Obama.
I posted on this board which I have never done before .was because of national
emergency and Donald Trump who has become a joke around the world.
I would again emphasize to read more about your country and the world around and try to see being the greatest right now how you effect the world.
By the way there is no such thing as sharia law and Islam does noit prohibit drinking like it does eating pork.Why did those two girls wearing hijab upset you so much
haven't you seen nuns with hijab and even Italian womenin the interior of Italy wear a scarf on their heads,even some jewish women cover their heads My paternal grand mother was a doctor and wore a burkha,so it is like this my mother or any one in my family wears hijab or burkha now.
Sorry this post has become like Indy's.