Here's the post you ignored in the "How Would You React Thread" which you then followed up with your plagiarism accusations.
Truth for you... blame it on the incels, privately self reflect, I don't really care. This is from my brain to yours.
1. There was no collusion and for YEARS that was the central thesis. You and every other simpering fool (ahem...
@Pokeabear ) who bought into Russia puppet theology can suck it. It's been definitively proven to be a lie, this narrative you lapped up. This shouldn't make you angry at MAGA types. If you actually had a free brain, you would blame DNC leadership and the activist national media for getting your hopes up time after time after time. They lied to you. They propagandized you. They used you. A more self aware, less "projecty" man would be angry about that. But you don't have a fee brain, because sir - it is you who is the #bornfollower. Even now you are searching for the new narrative and simply going with "Maga makes me want to take a long hot soapy shower.... (naughty naughty soap)" until the next emoluments "scandal" comes along to bitch about like a little weeny.
You should go home and rethink your life.
2. The investigation was one big obstruction trap, and yet the WH was completely forthcoming and no legitimate obstruction can be pointed to beyond Trump not enjoying being the subject of what inarguably was a baseless witch hunt. I mean, two years and jack shit. JACK SHIT dude. How long do you really think it took Meuller to figure that out? 4 or 5 hours tops. Just picture him walking into his new office and asking...
Mueller: OK guys so what do we have on this collusion stuff...
Staff guy: Well sir, uh... Nothing but this bullshit dossier full of paid for, unverified op-o which has been used very sketchily to spy on the Trump campaign since well before the claimed Papadopolous/Downer origin story, sir.
Mueller: Whelp... (rubs hands together) let's see what we can create regarding obstruction. We gotta drag this thing out to at least the mid-terms! Get busy boys, but you know... not
too busy, if you know what I mean. *winks*
3. Process crimes and Russian nationals are all you have. Manafort is clearly a scumbag and Trump should've known better than to hire a Podesta guy like that. I'll give you that. Bad judgement there for sure, but you crowed up and down this board about this being an organized crime kind of organization full of bad people and you know got dam well that no presidential campaign in history was clean or full of good guys who didn't bend rules and work in the grey areas to win. Name me one single president whose campaign team could've withstood this proctological examination and not revealed (or caused) some process crimes along the way. Now, you'll spin this as me giving all that a pass and you'll be wrong. All I am saying here is that you have clutched your pearls for years about shit that is likely far more common than not amongst all presidential campaigns. It's a dirty business.
4. Prediction..... your shower fantasies aside,
Trump's approval goes UP after the dust settles here. The Russian hoax has artificially retarded it (as it was designed to do) since day one. God forbid people actually look at job numbers, economy, lack of intervention into new wars, and actual attention being given to border security. Shit dude, if they look at that stuff and ARE smart enough to be pissed about being lied to by the activist media for two years, they just may vote for the guy who is getting shit done. I invite you to hold me accountable to this prediction. Good luck with that.
5. Now, while all that is sinking in - don't forget. Huber is coming. OIG is coming. Barr himself has stated that he is looking into the details of this "investigation." I've told you since day one, it's bad and there is pain coming. Now ask yourself... if Russian collusion completely didn't happen, what was behind Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, Swallwell and the rest all claiming to have SEEN WITH THEIR OWN EYES the proof of Russian collusion? Why did they lie to you so effortlessly when they had nothing? Why do they still continue to lie about this? Because their asses are on the line. Thats why. If Russian collusion did not happen, what did? Well, that brings us to...
6. The real story was the spying scandal OF the Obama admin on the Trump campaign. It started well before the Papadopolous meeting. Was Obama involved? Don't know. But Brennan sure as fvck was. Did he answer to anyone above him or was he the "mastermind" behind a coup attempt? I'll stop here because this will be a lot of conversations for another day, but just want to remind you - I've been 100% right since day 1 about Russian collusion, so you would be wise to read this post and consider the strong likelihood that I am going to continue to be right about what happens now that the pendulum has begun it's swing in the other direction. If you come at the king, you best not miss.
7. Trump will easily win reelection, and
@07pilt will owe me $100. It's the only bet I'm making. I have a lot more fun being right than in wagering with delusional internet nerds like you guys. Anyway, you want to really get depressed? Take a long look at the field of losers and #bornfollowers the DNC is trotting out to be slaughtered by Trump in 2020. This is going to be a Walter Mondale level destruction of whichever unlucky idiot manages to prostrate himself/herself before the alter of intersectionality in the most obedient possible way. This eventual "winner" will be destroyed on the debate stage as he/she tries to pivot from his/her far left primary platform to a more palatable moderate dem platform in the general election and it'll be blood in the water. The Trumpian nickname for whomever this is will be all that's left of them when it's done. And then, you will have 4 more years of this guy - as a second term president with no bullshit collusion albatross keeping him from deep dicking what's left of the leftist agenda in this country, and man - if the dems don't get their shit together and articulate something beyond "orange man bad," he may be doing it with a supermajority.
So eat up that cold turd of reality and smile, because even though you hate the guy - he's (say it with me, Reek) Making American Great Again.