Sealed search warrant--unsealed by 2pm CST August 12

You and me have a very special relationship and repartee that should be exclusive to us and be cherished between us.

Abbott and Costello
Lucy and Rickey
Sam and Woody
Woody and Buzz

type thing going on.

Let’s not drag interlopers into what should be ours and ours alone.

What the hell just happened?
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I suspect that those of you hoping for this to backfire on DOJ/FBI are going to be disappointed. These guys are not stupid. You don't take such a step without having all your i's dotted and t's crossed.
You have got to be kidding me Been. They got away with an attempted coupe unscathed. No doubt about that. The Jan 6th crap is laughable. The corruption of the left knows zero bounds to obtain the objective. You seem like a good guy but many of you need to wake the hell up, especially if you have kids. Country is going to s*** because of the left. Trump isn’t the answer imo but he beats the hell out of anyone the left trots out there. There is bad, there is awful, and then there is Obama’s 3rd term. That’s what this is. Biden can barely walk and I would be surprised if he can wipe his own ***. He’s that bad politically and physically.
You have got to be kidding me Been. They got away with an attempted coupe unscathed. No doubt about that. The Jan 6th crap is laughable. The corruption of the left knows zero bounds to obtain the objective. You seem like a good guy but many of you need to wake the hell up, especially if you have kids. Country is going to s*** because of the left. Trump isn’t the answer imo but he beats the hell out of anyone the left trots out there. There is bad, there is awful, and then there is Obama’s 3rd term. That’s what this is. Biden can barely walk and I would be surprised if he can wipe his own ***. He’s that bad politically and physically.

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I suspect that those of you hoping for this to backfire on DOJ/FBI are going to be disappointed. These guys are not stupid. You don't take such a step without having all your i's dotted and t's crossed.

Have you ever read a book about the DOJ/FBI searching the home of a former POTUS when the country is more divided than ever before and they are potentially going to set off a poltical powder keg? Like I said, you don't go there unless you have to , and you make sure you have all your ducks in a row.

it’s dolts like this who have to be shown how bad it can be

im sure America today looks vastly different than the America he enjoyed at the time of these posts

in 2016 told him you are a 1939 Parisian
there is no margin for error

and now i’ve watched idiots on the very street corner where i have my coffee waving PLO flags and all i can say to them is shame on you

i didn’t invite these people in
the people and party he supports did
you do understand the chaos the ccp/dnc wants to create don’t you?

the slow drip drip red pilling of
billionaire bill ackmen smfh

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