I think the point is that Seth Rich was murdered in a place that murders don't happen and it was blamed on an attempted robbery that didn't result in a single thing being taken. Of course that makes sense.OMG
So, the implication is that the director of trauma, at a holpital near where Rich was murdered, might have assisted in the cover up because his wife is a Hillary supporter.
Like he is going to put his career on the line, for a guy that no one even knew was the leaker, if Rich was even taken to that hospital.
What a load of horse shit.
I think the point is that Seth Rich was murdered in a place that murders don't happen and it was blamed on an attempted robbery that didn't result in a single thing being taken. Of course that makes sense.. Always does.
No. that is not the point that was being made at all. Not in the post I referenced.
Look, if you want to go with your narrative (in this post), that is OK with me. I think it makes sense to follow that line of thinking and investigate. But, when the conspiracy crowd starts throwing out horse shit like the "Oooh look at this Dr Jack Sava connection", then it begins to look more and more like people are just making shit up, which dilutes the whole narrative. Add in Kim Dotcom's "I know he was the leaker because I know he was the leaker", and a post about a Billionaire who tweets "Seth Rich", etc, and there is more spin/reaches around the whole story then there are legitimate things that make you go "hmmm". The more of this crap I see, the more I think there is absolutely nothing to the story other than made up BS. As an intelligent individual, with the ability to overcome partisanship, I'm surprised you don't feel the same way.
I'm not operating on partisanship. Excuse me for being a bit skeptical on how a DNC staffer was murdered in a botched robbery in which nothing was taken in a place that murders haven't historically happened.As an intelligent individual, with the ability to overcome partisanship, I'm surprised you don't feel the same way.
I'm not operating on partisanship. Excuse me for being a bit skeptical on how a DNC staffer was murdered in a botched robbery in which nothing was taken in a place that murders haven't historically happened.
I don't like Hannity but crucifying him for following the Seth Rich story is remarkable.
I don't like Hannity but crucifying him for following the Seth Rich story is remarkable.
Scandals literally every day with "reams" of suspicious Russia evidence, Biff plainly and publicly trying to cover it up and conservatives are like:
But the Seth Rich ideas....
9 months of reams and still, not only can no evidence be presented, but no specific crime can be articulated.
At least with Seth Rich, the crime is self evident.
Russia feels like a spirit cooking peyote vision quest.
Scandals literally every day with "reams" of suspicious Russia evidence, Biff plainly and publicly trying to cover it up and conservatives are like:
But the Seth Rich ideas....
At least we can all agree WL is a reliable source.
I have a theory that Assange is not happy with KDC right now. KDC showed his ass and is trying to play up his connections with Assange, which makes Wikileaks reputation take a bit of a hit.
I think the tweet above (from KDC)This @FBI document could be a fake.
Let's wait for the FBI to comment.
If it's real, it's a bombshell. #SethRich
...is about KDC knowing that Assange is not happy with him and him trying to get back in Assange's good graces.
Just a theory.
And still it holds more water than most of the ones you jump on to...This is a theory spawned by cognitive dissonance banging confirmation bias in the back seat of the mystery machine after getting high on Scooby snacks.
9 months of reams and still, not only can no evidence be presented, but no specific crime can be articulated.
At least with Seth Rich, the crime is self evident.
Russia feels like a spirit cooking peyote vision quest.
And still it holds more water than most of the ones you jump on to...
No offense taken. Help me out a bit and give me the last 3 or 4 that I jumped on if you will.According to you. Nothing personal but you jump on stuff as fast or faster than anyone.
No offense taken. Help me out a bit and give me the last 3 or 4 that I jumped on if you will.
Here is what I see you jumping on off the top of my head:
The past year has not been a good one in this regard...
- Set Rich leaked emails to Wikileaks
- Pizza Gate
- Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower
- Lester Holt and Hillary using hand signals during debate
- HRC is terminally ill, seizures, etc
- "Sex Island" bombshells
This is a damn lie. I never claimed Lester the molester gave Hillary a hand job.
The rest of that shit is real though.
These guys are definitely not DJT leg jumpers. Also hit and miss credibility-wise, but this is interesting/entertaining. Ties the Comey firing to Trump being pissed at him for blowing a deal with Kim Dotcom for Seth Rich proof.
Respectfully taken. All I said was it was interesting. Didn't present it as something I endorsed and even made a disclaimer that these guys are hit and miss. If I implied otherwise, that wasn't my intent.
Also - I'm 100% about entertaining myself on this board. Sometimes that means one or more of the following: Enlightening, debating, arguing, trolling, dad jokeing, philosophizing and antagonizing. You guys are smart enough to sort it out, so usually I like to leave it up to interpretation.
Back to the point - not endorsing Anonymous or buying into anything. Just tossing out something I find interesting. When I fully buy into content, I say so - as I did with Ponca Dan's post this morning.
I get all that.
Maybe, just maybe, the slant/nature of all the things you find interesting or entertaining and post without endorsing per se itself exhibits some confirmation bias for Trump that you haven't considered or are willing to admit.
And while we're at it....I have a bias towards questioning or doubting persons presently in office and in power much more than I do the minority party. I focus more on them as well. I am more suspicious of those that can actually exert some level of influence on my life by their policies and actions.
Consequently, I do care as much about Hillary or Obama at this point. If they got away with things, I'm more interested in that not being used as an argument for Trump getting away with the same things....inexorable march to authoritarianism and all that.