Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

Why should Democrats be any more or less curious/concerned/appalled than Republicans or Libertarians or Socialists or the Green Party or the Tea Party?

A human was murdered, and the murder has not been solved. That’s tragic, full stop. One should care as much about this particular one aboutvas much as they care about all of the other unsolved murders in our country, regardless of “team”.

The only people it ever mattered “more” to were the far right bullshit conspiracy peddlers, and they only cared more when it presented them a talking point.

They’re the assholes.


Especially the ones who kept it up after his family pleaded with them to stop.
I could give a rat's ass about all the cries of hypocrisy. Believe what ever you want about my motives I do have great empathy for that kids family and I genuinely want to know why and who murdered him.

But to say Republicans should be just has out spoken as Democrats it's like saying OSU and OU would be equally interested if some kid from the other school was murdered.

Fact of life, human nature. The kid was a Democrat he was a teammate. I would expect his other teammates to have a higher level of interest than non teammates.

Still don't get the lack of curiosity. Never will. Seems like since people on the right had wrong narritives the Dems are scared the truth might actually not be to their liking so they are just ignoring it hoping it all gets forgot about.
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This is a change in narrative to deflect and distract from the fact that so many MAGA-ers got catfished by the original narrative.

Nothing more.

Damn... I went back and read a good portion of this thread. Really interesting stuff in retrospect.

Whatever happened to Thor and Mega, anyway?
I could give a rat's ass about all the cries of hypocrisy. Believe what ever you want about my motives I do have great empathy for that kids family and I genuinely want to know why and who murdered him.

But to Republicans should be just has out spoken as Democrats it's like saying OSU and OU would be equally interested if some kid from the other school was murdered.

Fact of life, human nature. The kid was a Democrat he was a teammate. I would expect his other teammates to have a higher level of interest than non teammates.

Still don't get the lack of curiosity. Never will. Seems like since people on the right had wrong narritives it's the Dems are scared the truth might actually not be to their liking so they are just ignoring it hoping it all gets forgot about.

Your righteous indignation is showing.
Let me know about all those mysterious murders of Democrats you don't have time for. Can't expect you to be burdened with that large a number.
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Let me know about all those mysterious murders of Democrats you don't have time for. Can't expect you to be burdened with that large a number.

Let me be 100% honest.

A lot of people are murdered in this country every day. In most cases, if I haven't heard of them, I don't even know that they were murdered. In some cases, I hear about the murder, but don't give it a lot of thought or put much energy into worrying or stressing about it. In other cases, I am bothered or extremely affected by said murder.

I'd be willing to wager that you, and everyone reading this, are in the same boat.
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But to say Republicans should be just has out spoken as Democrats it's like saying OSU and OU would be equally interested if some kid from the other school was murdered.

Fact of life, human nature. The kid was a Democrat he was a teammate. I would expect his other teammates to have a higher level of interest than non teammates.
The assumption that you have to turn curiosity into a media spectacle in order to demonstrate real concern is so dark and flawed, I really don’t know what to say.

But the fact that you used OSU/OU to illustrate your point of view speaks volumes.

Pettiness > common decency, FTW.

Yay team!
The kid was a Democrat he was a teammate. I would expect his other teammates to have a higher level of interest than non teammates.
Another conclusion reached without basis. How do you know they are not curious? How can you possibly know their level of curiosity? How curious are his parents? What are their wishes? How curious is local law enforcement? What are their wishes?

Peddling a baseless conspiracy theory isn’t curiosity. It’s using tragedy as a pawn to get digs in at the other side. And it’s ****ing pathetic.
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Seems like since people on the right had wrong narritives the Dems are scared the truth might actually not be to their liking so they are just ignoring it hoping it all gets forgot about.
This is borderline incoherent.

So the baked up smear story embraced by the far right loonies is uncovered for the pile of vomit that it was, and your conclusion is that this should now scare “the Dems”?

Based on what? Any foundation? Nope, nada.

You can’t put the partisan lens down for one minute, can you?
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I could give a rat's ass about all the cries of hypocrisy. Believe what ever you want about my motives I do have great empathy for that kids family and I genuinely want to know why and who murdered him.

But to say Republicans should be just has out spoken as Democrats it's like saying OSU and OU would be equally interested if some kid from the other school was murdered.

Fact of life, human nature. The kid was a Democrat he was a teammate. I would expect his other teammates to have a higher level of interest than non teammates.

Still don't get the lack of curiosity. Never will. Seems like since people on the right had wrong narritives the Dems are scared the truth might actually not be to their liking so they are just ignoring it hoping it all gets forgot about.

If an OU student was murdered....I’d be just as concerned and shocked as if he or she was an OSU student.

It takes a special kind of effed up not be.
This thread has been a perfect microcosm of what political dialogue has become. Total gaslighting and molesting the truth for partisan spin.

It is a feature of insincere people whose aim is to confuse, conflate and mislead.

And there's the $64,000 question. I can't figure out why they want to confuse, conflate and mislead, or if they truly believe that stuff. Or both.

I think that in Frank's head, the conspiracy stuff was all true. But when given accurate facts he doubled down. That's what I can't get. Why? I don't know whether gullibility morphs to deliberate deception, or if it begins as deliberate deception.
If an OU student was murdered....I’d be just as concerned and shocked as if he or she was an OSU student.

It takes a special kind of effed up not be.
I never said I wouldn't be shocked or concerned you lying know-it-all POS.

But I can say because I don't live in a goofy never-land called liberalism that I would most likely make more effort to keep informed about the OSU person. If you can say different then your the better person. I just don't lie to myself and I don't take things you post on here turn it into a bullshit lie about what you are saying.

Lawyers, is it a class you take in law school to learn how to twist plain English into whatever bullshit narrative you need to win an argument?

Smartest-man-in-the-room-syndrome seems run rampant in your occupation.

Now piss off and quit reading my posts they trigger you too much.
I would most likely make more effort to keep informed about the OSU person.
Fair statement.

I would care equally about the loss of life, but the OSU person would be more topical. Much in the same way that the OSU plane crashes affected me more than any other plane crashes.

But "keep informed" and "embrace bullshit conspiracies" are two different things. Nobody is out there calling the NTSB findings biased to gain clicks or making a cottage industry out of blaming Kelvin Sampson & Nick Saban for bringing down the 10 and the 4.
This is borderline incoherent.

So the baked up smear story embraced by the far right loonies is uncovered for the pile of vomit that it was, and your conclusion is that this should now scare “the Dems”?

Based on what? Any foundation? Nope, nada.

You can’t put the partisan lens down for one minute, can you?
Let clear up for you.

The Democrats seeming disinterest in getting the bottom of the Seth Rich murder may be because it is a total unknown and they may not like what they find out. Now that could mean it was a jilted lover, a pissed off co-worker I don't freaking know.

Maybe there is no disinterest by Democrats they're just really busy trying to get Trump out of office.
how to twist plain English into whatever bullshit narrative you need to win an argument?
Pretty rich santimony coming from a guy whose response to a debunked conspiracy theory is that Team Blue doesn't care or want the truth to be found.

I never said I wouldn't be shocked or concerned you lying know-it-all POS.

But I can say because I don't live in a goofy never-land called liberalism that I would most likely make more effort to keep informed about the OSU person. If you can say different then your the better person. I just don't lie to myself and I don't take things you post on here turn it into a bullshit lie about what you are saying.

Lawyers, is it a class you take in law school to learn how to twist plain English into whatever bullshit narrative you need to win an argument?

Smartest-man-in-the-room-syndrome seems run rampant in your occupation.

Now piss off and quit reading my posts they trigger you too much.

***doesnt see inherent personal bias and inability to parse fact from fiction.
Let clear up for you.

The Democrats seeming disinterest in getting the bottom of the Seth Rich murder may be because it is a total unknown and they may not like what they find out. Now that could mean it was a jilted lover, a pissed off co-worker I don't freaking know.

Maybe there is no disinterest by Democrats they're just really busy trying to get Trump out of office.

More innuendo of a conspiracy. #rolleyes

I just don't get it. What is it that you think should happen? Seth was murdered 2 years ago. The responsibility for solving the murder lies with the authorities. Are you trying to say that the Dems should be bringing the case before Congress, or attempting to get the FBI involved? Why are you assuming that none of them care about him? What can they do that they are not doing? How do you know that there are not members of the DNC calling the DCPD every day to see if they have come up with any leads?
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The Democrats seeming disinterest in getting the bottom of the Seth Rich murder may be because it is a total unknown and they may not like what they find out. Now that could mean it was a jilted lover, a pissed off co-worker I don't freaking know
"seeming disinterest"

You've established this as a given in your own mind despite zero foundation in reality. Just because Team Blue isn't latching on to every false-hope, half-baked scam artist that won't bring back a dead friend like Team Infowars did does NOT mean they don't care.

FWIW, I don't do Team Red vs Team Blue.

I am very passionate about Team Sincerity vs Team Bullshit.
More innuendo of a conspiracy. #rolleyes

I just don't get it. What is it that you think should happen? Seth was murdered 2 years ago. The responsibility for solving the murder lies with the authorities. Are you trying to say that the Dems should be bringing the case before Congress, or attempting to get the FBI involved? Why are you assuming that none of them care about him? What can they do that they are not doing? How do you know that there are not members of the DNC calling the DCPD every day to see if they have come up with any leads?

It's inconceivable to him that dems would NOT politicize or spin it to whip up a scandal, so it seems suspicious when they don't. Total disconnect in the way other people's minds work.
I never said I wouldn't be shocked or concerned you lying know-it-all POS.

But I can say because I don't live in a goofy never-land called liberalism that I would most likely make more effort to keep informed about the OSU person. If you can say different then your the better person. I just don't lie to myself and I don't take things you post on here turn it into a bullshit lie about what you are saying.

Lawyers, is it a class you take in law school to learn how to twist plain English into whatever bullshit narrative you need to win an argument?

Smartest-man-in-the-room-syndrome seems run rampant in your occupation.

Now piss off and quit reading my posts they trigger you too much.

Lol. Might want to follow your own advice with regards to my posts, because you are clearly calling, telling people what to do and whatnot. A good rule of thumb to follow is the first person that accuses someone else of being triggered....has been triggered.

Let’s be clear here though, there is could say or do here that could trigger me. I have to respect someone at least a little bit and believe they might have at least the tiniest iota of common sense and intelligence before they would have any shot at triggering me the least little bit.

You fail on both accounts. It’s impossible for you to trigger someone that is laughing at you.

You certainly indicated you wouldn’t be equally interested in the murder of an OU student as you were an OSU student...that you wouldn’t expect OSU to be equally interested in or outspoken about the murder of

I would, and you are an effed up individual if you wouldn’t.

I could give a rat's ass about all the cries of hypocrisy. Believe what ever you want about my motives I do have great empathy for that kids family and I genuinely want to know why and who murdered him.

But to say Republicans should be just has out spoken as Democrats it's like saying OSU and OU would be equally interested if some kid from the other school was murdered.

Fact of life, human nature. The kid was a Democrat he was a teammate. I would expect his other teammates to have a higher level of interest than non teammates.

Still don't get the lack of curiosity. Never will. Seems like since people on the right had wrong narritives the Dems are scared the truth might actually not be to their liking so they are just ignoring it hoping it all gets forgot about.

You got catfished...and you are throwing a toddler temper tantrum instead of just admitting it.
And no motive either.
I will die believing Seth Rich was collateral damage in an effort to secure the most influential and powerful position in human history unless proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt.

People are murdered every day for next to nothing.

When anyone this connected in politics dies under such unbelievably questionable circumstances as his, it’s hard to believe otherwise.

There was so much at stake, I have a hard time believing even 1000 lives are a price that “some” seeking such power wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice, let alone one.

That it was someone as unscrupulous as Hillary Clinton in question, further solidifies my suspicion.

There’s no evidence either way and we will likely never know.
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