"2000 mules"

Tried to find tickets in Tulsa. Every showing in Oklahoma except 1 in OKC is SOLD OUT.
Buddy kjfreeze told me he tried to buy a ticket yesterday in Amarillo. Sold out. He's gonna try again probably on Monday. No scheduled showing in Waco. Streaming debut May 7.

3 polls tell me a majority of Americans are catching on to the steal. The 2012Bearcat Democrat moron base are not getting it.
Maybe you are unaware, there are people out there that know how to capture Google and Apple phone tracking data, which they absolutely do even if you turn your phone off. I'm an illiterate when it comes to these types of things but I know from the crap that comes across my phone that Google and Apple know everything I do on my phone and listen in on my conversations and direct ads based on casual conversations even if you haven't done an internet search.

Deny it but I'll give you some simple examples. I have never ever done any kind of search on gun purchases of any kind. I don't trust you Google Big Brothers. I had a conversation with a few people about easy reload clips for a 9MM I lawfully own these are simple plastic devices that save your fingers from getting blisters loading your clips, they cost less than 10 bucks. All the pop up ads I got on my phone and computer for the next couple of days ways for clip loaders. Told a friend in person I wanted to buy a pepper grinder, guess what all my pop up ads where for? F'ing pepper grinders!

If you Google goons can spy on us, we can spy on you.

We have experienced the same thing. WIfe and I were talking about buying some ranch land one day, never used the computer to look up anything. All of a sudden every time she pulls up Facebook or some of the other BS she looks at ads for ranch land are everywhere. Same with many of the sites I pull up, ranch land ads everywhere.
We have experienced the same thing. WIfe and I were talking about buying some ranch land one day, never used the computer to look up anything. All of a sudden every time she pulls up Facebook or some of the other BS she looks at ads for ranch land are everywhere. Same with many of the sites I pull up, ranch land ads everywhere.
Happens regularly.
Buddy kjfreeze told me he tried to buy a ticket yesterday in Amarillo. Sold out. He's gonna try again probably on Monday. No scheduled showing in Waco. Streaming debut May 7.

3 polls tell me a majority of Americans are catching on to the steal. The 2012Bearcat Democrat moron base are not getting it.
They don't want to get it is the key
Really? Weren't you right up to the end defending the grandsons polling data?
I defend RNC grandson's polling data today. Nothing has changed.
This is what it is all about for Confused Indian. He can't bring himself to admit that he and those "polls" were wrong.

Trump lost. Almost two years later, and he still can't grasp this reality. But he sure did do well on a 60 question test!🤣🤣
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Of course they will- they've been covering it up all along. I've always said 3 things Fox won't cover:
1. 2020 stolen election Coup
2. Deaths and side effects from the Experimental mRNA gene therapies
3. The Nazi controlled Ukraine (blame Putin)
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Word is - people are coming out of the viewings stunned....which is kind of cool ...but for us that knew all of this went on it's kind of amazing people don't know this- people HAVE TO figure out how corrupt and sold out cable news is- yes that includes Fox- sorry to most of the Normies - but LEARN ...they cover up what the DS doesn't want you To see and Lie about what they want you to think

7 entities own more than 90 percent of all so called news- so Blackrock, Pfizer, State Street Vanguard CHOOSES what peoooe see and don't- do your own research peeps
Can we see your formula that allowed you to come up with your infinitesimal percentage of Biden winning?
It would take considerable space. Let me demonstrate some highlights I injected. I took liberties of course, as I was measuring human behavior and not machinery or planets.

Biden did not actively campaign. Note his audiences in rare campaign rallies in Phoenix and Scranton. Of the dozens in Scranton, many wore MAGA hats and jeered. Phoenix drew little more than reporters.

Trump upped his vote count from 63 million in 2016 to 74 million in 2020, an incumbent record.

FL did not participate in a vote harvesting scheme after Election Day. Trump won FL by 1.2 in 2016, by 3.3 in 2020.

The Chinese currency nose dived on Election night because of the Trump win. Las Vegas signed off on a Trump victory on Election Night.

Uh oh. Late night on Election Day came the announcements. In some states we have all these mail-in votes to count. Controversy has swirled since. After I made my determination, I listened to every word of the forensic report in one county in AZ. If investigators found 40,000 anomalies and 17,000 duplicates in one county, how many are in the whole state?

I've read Rigged by Mollie Hemingway and much about the movie 2000 Mules. In a population of now 330 million with an average IQ of 98, there are not 81 million who will vote for someone who supports tax payer funded health care for illegals. I learned today a million of us have been lost to COVID.
Biden did not actively campaign. Note his audiences in rare campaign rallies in Phoenix and Scranton. Of the dozens in Scranton, many wore MAGA hats and jeered. Phoenix drew little more than reporters.
Why did Biden not actively campaign and hold large political rallies? Can you think of one obvious reason for this beside your "assumption" that he couldn't draw large crowds?

Trump upped his vote count from 63 million in 2016 to 74 million in 2020, an incumbent record.
So? Biden still received more votes than Trump.

Don't you find it a little curious why you don't attribute any voting fraud to Trump receiving over 74 million votes but you do to Biden receiving over 81 million votes?

The Chinese currency nose dived on Election night because of the Trump win. Las Vegas signed off on a Trump victory on Election Night.
So we always have stopped counting votes at a certain time on election night? What time would that be? When the Chinese currency falls or when Las Vegas makes some random prediction?🤣🤣

Uh oh. Late night on Election Day came the announcements. In some states we have all these mail-in votes to count.
Actually, if you had been paying attention before the election, there was a lot of talk about how there were going to be a large number of mail-in votes that would have to be counted and therefore, projecting who won the election could take time.

I've read Rigged by Mollie Hemingway and much about the movie 2000 Mules.
Yes, we know. You tell us this all the time.

The fact that you have absorbed right-wing propaganda concerning the big lie doesn't mean anything. Except that you go looking for that which you want to believe to be true.

In a population of now 330 million with an average IQ of 98, there are not 81 million who will vote for someone who supports tax payer funded health care for illegals.
And this is nothing but an assumption on your part based upon your own political biases. Can you really not understand this?
Why did Biden not actively campaign and hold large political rallies? Can you think of one obvious reason for this beside your "assumption" that he couldn't draw large crowds?

So? Biden still received more votes than Trump.

Don't you find it a little curious why you don't attribute any voting fraud to Trump receiving over 74 million votes but you do to Biden receiving over 81 million votes?

So we always have stopped counting votes at a certain time on election night? What time would that be? When the Chinese currency falls or when Las Vegas makes some random prediction?🤣🤣

Actually, if you had been paying attention before the election, there was a lot of talk about how there were going to be a large number of mail-in votes that would have to be counted and therefore, projecting who won the election could take time.

Yes, we know. You tell us this all the time.

The fact that you have absorbed right-wing propaganda concerning the big lie doesn't mean anything. Except that you go looking for that which you want to believe to be true.

And this is nothing but an assumption on your part based upon your own political biases. Can you really not understand this?
I couldn't have written your responses better myself. Precisely what I expected from you.
It would take considerable space. Let me demonstrate some highlights I injected. I took liberties of course, as I was measuring human behavior and not machinery or planets.

Biden did not actively campaign. Note his audiences in rare campaign rallies in Phoenix and Scranton. Of the dozens in Scranton, many wore MAGA hats and jeered. Phoenix drew little more than reporters.

Trump upped his vote count from 63 million in 2016 to 74 million in 2020, an incumbent record.

FL did not participate in a vote harvesting scheme after Election Day. Trump won FL by 1.2 in 2016, by 3.3 in 2020.

The Chinese currency nose dived on Election night because of the Trump win. Las Vegas signed off on a Trump victory on Election Night.

Uh oh. Late night on Election Day came the announcements. In some states we have all these mail-in votes to count. Controversy has swirled since. After I made my determination, I listened to every word of the forensic report in one county in AZ. If investigators found 40,000 anomalies and 17,000 duplicates in one county, how many are in the whole state?

I've read Rigged by Mollie Hemingway and much about the movie 2000 Mules. In a population of now 330 million with an average IQ of 98, there are not 81 million who will vote for someone who supports tax payer funded health care for illegals. I learned today a million of us have been lost to COVID.

There's certainly considerable space on this message board for you to post it, at least parts of it.
Chatted with a buddy that saw the movie today. He said overwhelming evidence of a stolen election. DNC internal polling showed Brandon had no prayer. Zuckerberg bucks and COVID were the keys for the steal.

I won't even mention all he told me about the mules. What grabbed my attention was Dimms and MSM. Constantly reminding us of the most secure election in US history, even before anyone even suggested fraud.
Chatted with a buddy that saw the movie today. He said overwhelming evidence of a stolen election. DNC internal polling showed Brandon had no prayer. Zuckerberg bucks and COVID were the keys for the steal.

I won't even mention all he told me about the mules. What grabbed my attention was Dimms and MSM. Constantly reminding us of the most secure election in US history, even before anyone even suggested fraud.
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Question is- are we
Going to do
Anything about it?
If we give up, the Democrats won't have to cheat. In July, 2020 Trump said mail-in voting is a tool for voter fraud. Hanoi Jane said COVID is a Godsend for the left.

I'm an idiot who just watched 2000 Mules at Rumble for $29.99. This is not a movie for the Democrat moron base.

Millions of Americans went to bed on election night with Trump the winner. Trump upped his vote count by 10 million, an incumbent record. NV was one of the first states to stop counting votes. RNC grandson told me internal polling saw NV as a possible flip along with VA, NH and CT.

A number of states stopped counting and resumed counting after midnight. Early Nov. 4, MSM, Biden, Schumer and other Dimms started shouting to the world about the most secure and legal election in US history. This is well before 22LR even thought about charging voter fraud. MSM and the Dimms knew they were pulling off an election steal. There are not 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for a shrub who confuses his sister with his wife.

67 of the 282 Atlanta mules were cell phone tracked at Antifa riots. Many of the 1100 Philly mules were tracked moving from NJ and made multiple deliveries at drop boxes in Philly.

Zuckerberg spent $470 million to buy drop boxes and get out the vote ads. Some AZ boxes had no cameras as required by law. Some Fulton County cameras were turned off.

Grandson was smart not to return to GA after Christmas. Mules insured a takeover of the Senate Jan. 5. Trump won WI, MI, AZ, PA and GA. Trump very well may have won NV, NM and VA. Pubs kept Senate control.

22LR and CoastGuardCowboy pegged the presidential election fraud on Nov. 3.
Unrelated to the movie. If a judge wants his home address published to BLM and Antifa, take a hard look at voter fraud evidence.
***voted the guy whose own COS/wife is being investigated for voter fraud for being registered in 3 different states and voting in more than one state…by mail***

Carry on

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