It is hard to tell how long this has been going on for but to rig an election in your favor all you have to do is get ballots in the drop box. If you can go around the in person voting you are free to do what you like. With turnouts below 50% you have an enormous amount of room to throw in what you need if you have the ability. If 100% of the people voted you wouldn't have this issue. If you had voter ID and in person voting that would also eliminate much of the threat.
It is far too easy to just drop ballots in a box and walk away. A simple in person canvas of an area can net you all the names you need to simply place the name on the paper and drop the ballot.
The election of 2020 had an additional 22,846,206 additional ballots cast which should be the largest increase in the history of elections for the US. This during an election in which a pandemic was raging across the US threating to kill millions, and keeping people away from the polls. The only one that comes close is the 2004 election that saw 16,800,456 additional ballots cast in a highly controversial re-election bid for a President accused of cheating to the win his first election, after a war many believed we should not have fought in the first place. Another comparable election is the other pandemic election in 1920, which lost 12 percent for votes cast. The 2020 election by all means should have a been an re-lection bid with negative votes cast we see an increase to an all time record high votes cast. Not only that both candidates see a record number of people vote for them. The outlier is the mail in ballots. This last election saw the most mail in ballots in the history of the US and it is not even close. For some reason google has made it hard for me to find the number of ballots mailed in the last election. I have been able to estimate it to about 30-40,00,000. One article did have the number of ballots mailed out at 66,000,000. I have been able to find multiple articles telling me how this was the most secure election in US history. How you call those numbers the most secure in history is beyond me, as they each point to an increase in the suspicion of fraud. Everyone of those numbers is a red flag to me. Everyone bears further investigation.
I'm not for overturning an election. I'm for getting the next one credible. Without credibility in our elections, freedom, democracy, and the republic are dead. You lose everything when you lose this fight. We can either get the credibility gap to shrink or grow, there will be no staying the same. A growing credibility gap will have a point of no return.