How do you impeach a shadow govt? You know this is like Obama, Soros, the Clinton's, NWO, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, used to call themselves "Bilderbergs" - idk exactly who all it is- you can impeach all their puppets all day 24/7- they replace with other puppets. I feel most people have no clue what we are up against.
Most all of our tax monies goes to fund this cabal of what ever you want to call them - they have more money than God, no empathy, want about half of more of WTP gone (I say 85 percent gone), they've been around decades but prob A century or more- they have their tentacles in every part of our lives from schools, to universities, to govt, to Hollywood, To sports, Heavy in the justice system et al- this may even be a Goliath that cannot be defeated. But if you decertify they have to put all Their cards on the table and it moves forward. Each day we put up with it we move to a weaker standing to them.
And again as per votes- they own the voting systems. As far as GOP - they are spineless wimps that are just controlled opposition IMO- just like fox. (Not 100 percent are but vast majority are yes men to this cabal) They say enough "Biden Bad" to make you think they represent us but they do nothing- just controlled opposition. Border stays open under both parties (but not trump) , taxes go up both parties, both parties are war mongers ...need to look no further than Ukraine , both parties are big massive govt, again GOP and Fox you get the "appearance" Of people fighting for us.
Will say it again- it's WTP v GLOBAL political good v evil.