"2000 mules"

Was not Ms. Hemingway's book a NY Times best seller? Did not much of MSM trash the book? Page 333-423 contains notes. I read the book. Has the board's slow 8? Yet they comment.
Great, you read it. It made the list. So did Disloyal by Michael Cohen. Just because some rubes bought it doesn't mean it is worth time or effort.
Great, you read it. It made the list. So did Disloyal by Michael Cohen. Just because some rubes bought it doesn't mean it is worth time or effort.
They hate the NY Times and rip it at every chance. The instant one of their cult members makes the list they bring it up. There's no consistency, no logic, it's pure cult. Just push the cult agenda.
You're for leaving a shadow governs this who we have no idea who it is (most of us),
That are anti American and are blowing the country up?

I can't see Leaving a Cheating installed pedophile that is ran by a group we don't know- but we all have our opinions. As an ex coach we don't let cheaters get away with $hit like this- plus it's treason
FOr how much?

You're doing it again, dumbass. A "settlement" because it "was so blatant" is your fantasy. Kind of like how your facts the other day about the uranium weren't verifiable so you defaulted to "It's just an opinion" after you were caught lying.

So prove it up, dumbass. How much was the settlement? Like $20? So he could claim he got a settlement?

You asked for an example I gave you one off the top of my head. If you don't like it, tough shit.
What the movie 2000 mules has done is what honest investigative journalist should have done immediately upon hearing the slightest of rumors. From what I have read the film takes publicly available GPS tracking data and follows the movements of people that visited ballot box locations frequently. Then they took government surveillance video match the people they identified by tracking their GPS locations and watched what they did at these ballot drop boxes. Supposedly they have over 2000 people dropping numerous ballots into drop boxes in states where ballot harvesting is illegal. That would be clear evidence of voter fraud. I know leftist don't care about laws being enforced when their side of the aisle breaks them but you don't get to ignore laws just because you don't like them.
I'd love some details on his methodology and the source of this "publically available GPS tracking data". If there is something there it will be really great to see it investigated. Of course, I have no interest in giving a convicted con-man $20 to show me his interpretation of the data, but maybe one of you will summarize it for us.
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It is hard to tell how long this has been going on for but to rig an election in your favor all you have to do is get ballots in the drop box. If you can go around the in person voting you are free to do what you like. With turnouts below 50% you have an enormous amount of room to throw in what you need if you have the ability. If 100% of the people voted you wouldn't have this issue. If you had voter ID and in person voting that would also eliminate much of the threat.

It is far too easy to just drop ballots in a box and walk away. A simple in person canvas of an area can net you all the names you need to simply place the name on the paper and drop the ballot.

The election of 2020 had an additional 22,846,206 additional ballots cast which should be the largest increase in the history of elections for the US. This during an election in which a pandemic was raging across the US threating to kill millions, and keeping people away from the polls. The only one that comes close is the 2004 election that saw 16,800,456 additional ballots cast in a highly controversial re-election bid for a President accused of cheating to the win his first election, after a war many believed we should not have fought in the first place. Another comparable election is the other pandemic election in 1920, which lost 12 percent for votes cast. The 2020 election by all means should have a been an re-lection bid with negative votes cast we see an increase to an all time record high votes cast. Not only that both candidates see a record number of people vote for them. The outlier is the mail in ballots. This last election saw the most mail in ballots in the history of the US and it is not even close. For some reason google has made it hard for me to find the number of ballots mailed in the last election. I have been able to estimate it to about 30-40,00,000. One article did have the number of ballots mailed out at 66,000,000. I have been able to find multiple articles telling me how this was the most secure election in US history. How you call those numbers the most secure in history is beyond me, as they each point to an increase in the suspicion of fraud. Everyone of those numbers is a red flag to me. Everyone bears further investigation.

I'm not for overturning an election. I'm for getting the next one credible. Without credibility in our elections, freedom, democracy, and the republic are dead. You lose everything when you lose this fight. We can either get the credibility gap to shrink or grow, there will be no staying the same. A growing credibility gap will have a point of no return.
But you can define all seven components of critical thinking and math's simplest equation. The board's slow 8 cannot. The majority here is well aware there are not an all time record 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for the embarrassment plaguing us.
But you can define all seven components of critical thinking and math's simplest equation. The board's slow 8 cannot. The majority here is well aware there are not an all time record 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for the embarrassment plaguing us.
Cut and paste. Cut and paste.

Have fun wasting your money on another conman.
I'd love some details on his methodology and the source of this "publically available GPS tracking data". If there is something there it will be really great to see it investigated. Of course, I have no interest in giving a convicted con-man $20 to show me his interpretation of the data, but maybe one of you will summarize it for us.
I'm sure it will be available later for free and you can still ignore it.
You asked for an example I gave you one off the top of my head. If you don't like it, tough shit.
How much was the settlement, Dumbass? You offered it like a functional equivalent to Alex Jones deliberately lying and slandering grieving families, so follow up. How much did the kid get? Was it a token, nominal settlement?

You don't have a fvcing clue, lol. You did it again. You dumbassed. You wanted to believe it so, so, so badly, lol.
How much was the settlement, Dumbass? You offered it like a functional equivalent to Alex Jones deliberately lying and slandering grieving families, so follow up. How much did the kid get? Was it a token, nominal settlement?

You don't have a fvcing clue, lol. You did it again. You dumbassed. You wanted to believe it so, so, so badly, lol.
The amount wasn't released per the court orders but what does it matter if it was $20 or $200 million? You ask for an example, I gave it to you.
Let's leave the Anti American government in place till it's too late, how about that idea?

Forget all the suffering and death the Afghanistan debacle did, Forget the billions they gave away -
Maybe even more important our military secrets, forget the open border with Mexico where over 2 million illegals have not migrated, it is a straight up invasion. Commercial passenger jets flying illegal military age men into the country Each day- what this doesn't bother the Normies? Y'all think pedo shadow
Govt is doing this to be nice?

Forget the mandating of the poison shots they did on our protectors in the military. Forget what they are doing to our kids with the jabs, the pedophile grooming, the CRT teaching our children to hate whites-

All of the evidence is there that they stole the election which was basically a coup against a sitting duly elected President of the United States. Y'all think just bc Fox and CNN won't report it it didn't happen?!

All of the suffering is going on in the world with the Ukraine citizens begging the Russian forces not to leave them again because of the Azov
military, Shanghai locked down TO A POIINT THEY ARE STARVING THEM TO DEATH!

They going to lock us down again most in the know are saying July, All the suffering has taken place people dying, people just don't know what a true leader for the USA does for keeping people safer IN THE WORLD- not just here, everyone should be able to see it but some people just don't.

Why there's only a few On here calling to make the election right it's just beyond any concept imaginable for many of us...."just don't fix it Just get them right in the future" is laughable -they got away with it 2020 and for decades before -do you guys think they're gonna stop?!
NO NO NO NO AND NO- that's not how you deal with bullies-YOU HAVE TO DEFEAT THEM-they do not stop on their own-
Anyone who has dealt with a bully knows this.

If you fix 2020 they may just stop but the weak minded in this country anymore is bothersome, people are so worried aboutPC instead of worrying about the pain and suffering of everyone-
Worried about PC instead of their own country- and we just ain't seen nothing yet -

F 'in decertify already
I'd love some details on his methodology and the source of this "publically available GPS tracking data". If there is something there it will be really great to see it investigated. Of course, I have no interest in giving a convicted con-man $20 to show me his interpretation of the data, but maybe one of you will summarize it for us.
You do know the government installed motion cameras like people have for deer stands on the drop boxes. So the government has the video of every person who walked up to a voting drop box. That is your smoking gun. The people who sued to get the video have video of the people dropping off large amounts of ballots and it is the same people over and over.

Put your head in the sand sheep.
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You do know the government installed motion cameras like people have for deer stands on the drop boxes. So the government has the video of every person who walked up to a voting drop box. That is your smoking gun. The people who sued to get the video have video of the people dropping off large amounts of ballots and it is the same people over and over.

Put your head in the sand sheep.
Tell me more about the GPS data.
You do know the government installed motion cameras like people have for deer stands on the drop boxes. So the government has the video of every person who walked up to a voting drop box. That is your smoking gun. The people who sued to get the video have video of the people dropping off large amounts of ballots and it is the same people over and over.

Put your head in the sand sheep.
Like the majority, you read about the upcoming movie and everything available to us about the stolen election. The board's slow 8 comments on what they wish is fact.
You're for leaving a shadow governs this who we have no idea who it is (most of us),
That are anti American and are blowing the country up?

I can't see Leaving a Cheating installed pedophile that is ran by a group we don't know- but we all have our opinions. As an ex coach we don't let cheaters get away with $hit like this- plus it's treason
If he is a cheating, pedophile, ran by China he will be easy to Impeach. The constitution gives you remedy. Vote people in that will do this. I'm 100% behind Impeaching the hell out of him, and anyone else that is corrupt for that matter.
If he is a cheating, pedophile, ran by China he will be easy to Impeach. The constitution gives you remedy. Vote people in that will do this. I'm 100% behind Impeaching the hell out of him, and anyone else that is corrupt for that matter.
They have already put all the Infrastructure In place - impeaching him does nothing- they roll kamel toe in there and all the rest of the shadow cheaters still run the place In the shadows - It does nothing to impeach the senile pedo puppet.

Tough decisions have to be made by WTP- leave them in there and WORLD is overrun by demons With even more
Massive suffering and it's over.....or decertify And flush out the deep state cabal-
They will uNleash all Of their might on WTP...and it's mighty. It is ugly ugly either way- I know which way I vote
They have already put all the Infrastructure In place - impeaching him does nothing- they roll kamel toe in there and all the rest of the shadow cheaters still run the place In the shadows - It does nothing to impeach the senile pedo puppet.

Tough decisions have to be made by WTP- leave them in there and WORLD is overrun by demons With even more
Massive suffering and it's over.....or decertify And flush out the deep state cabal-
They will uNleash all Of their might on WTP...and it's mighty. It is ugly ugly either way- I know which way I vote
Everyone in the shadow government can be impeached. Republicans need to start going on the offense and quit cowering the corner. Vote tougher minded individuals in. You attack the deep state from both ends that way.
Everyone in the shadow government can be impeached. Republicans need to start going on the offense and quit cowering the corner. Vote tougher minded individuals in. You attack the deep state from both ends that way.
How do you impeach a shadow govt? You know this is like Obama, Soros, the Clinton's, NWO, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, used to call themselves "Bilderbergs" - idk exactly who all it is- you can impeach all their puppets all day 24/7- they replace with other puppets. I feel most people have no clue what we are up against.

Most all of our tax monies goes to fund this cabal of what ever you want to call them - they have more money than God, no empathy, want about half of more of WTP gone (I say 85 percent gone), they've been around decades but prob A century or more- they have their tentacles in every part of our lives from schools, to universities, to govt, to Hollywood, To sports, Heavy in the justice system et al- this may even be a Goliath that cannot be defeated. But if you decertify they have to put all Their cards on the table and it moves forward. Each day we put up with it we move to a weaker standing to them.

And again as per votes- they own the voting systems. As far as GOP - they are spineless wimps that are just controlled opposition IMO- just like fox. (Not 100 percent are but vast majority are yes men to this cabal) They say enough "Biden Bad" to make you think they represent us but they do nothing- just controlled opposition. Border stays open under both parties (but not trump) , taxes go up both parties, both parties are war mongers ...need to look no further than Ukraine , both parties are big massive govt, again GOP and Fox you get the "appearance" Of people fighting for us.

Will say it again- it's WTP v GLOBAL political good v evil.
How do you impeach a shadow govt? You know this is like Obama, Soros, the Clinton's, NWO, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, used to call themselves "Bilderbergs" - idk exactly who all it is- you can impeach all their puppets all day 24/7- they replace with other puppets. I feel most people have no clue what we are up against.

Most all of our tax monies goes to fund this cabal of what ever you want to call them - they have more money than God, no empathy, want about half of more of WTP gone (I say 85 percent gone), they've been around decades but prob A century or more- they have their tentacles in every part of our lives from schools, to universities, to govt, to Hollywood, To sports, Heavy in the justice system et al- this may even be a Goliath that cannot be defeated. But if you decertify they have to put all Their cards on the table and it moves forward. Each day we put up with it we move to a weaker standing to them.

And again as per votes- they own the voting systems. As far as GOP - they are spineless wimps that are just controlled opposition IMO- just like fox. (Not 100 percent are but vast majority are yes men to this cabal) They say enough "Biden Bad" to make you think they represent us but they do nothing- just controlled opposition. Border stays open under both parties (but not trump) , taxes go up both parties, both parties are war mongers ...need to look no further than Ukraine , both parties are big massive govt, again GOP and Fox you get the "appearance" Of people fighting for us.

Will say it again- it's WTP v GLOBAL political good v evil.
Obama, Soros, and Clinton have no power if you fire everyone willing to do their bidding. That takes votes, and voters willing to vote in people that willing to take the heat for firing people.
Obama, Soros, and Clinton have no power if you fire everyone willing to do their bidding. That takes votes, and voters willing to vote in people that willing to take the heat for firing people.
No sir very sorry those people have all the power right now and they have the voting machines and the mules. Do you really think Soros and Obama and the Clintons don't have any pull in our world?! They have it all. Why do you think they're not behind bars or have had their money confiscated?

Everyone don't take your eyes off of prize (rigged election /2000 mules) with the Roe v. Wade Intentional leak - it's all by design
They are going to burn the country to the ground with the shadow America haters-
while the Normies ponder PC on whether they should Say anything- or count on controlled opposition (GOP) to save the day
Anyone who's slept through a course in physics knows the 2020 presidential election was stolen. One of the "brightest" on the left, Hillary, told Brandon not to concede under any circumstances. This could be drawn out she told the world.. She knew what was coming.

Just a few Harris County TX examples. To say this type of fraud is not widespread is to be blind, ignorant and tribal.

Just a few Harris County TX examples. To say this type of fraud is not widespread is to be blind, ignorant and tribal.
RNC grandson came home for Christmas. After the "bright" Stacey Abrams announced she had 1.2 million mail-ins in hand, grandson didn't bother to return to GA for January's special election. He flew back to DC. The RNC knew the Senate was lost.
Don't know the law of how you would get access but it is available, I'm sure a smart lawyer can get that information. I read somewhere that facial recognition is also being used. True/False don't know but that is available if you're willing to pay for it.
Does any GPS unit emit data that you are aware of? Are you thinking of cell phone tower data? Are you suggesting Dinesh bought dark web data? Did the mules share their Strava data?
RNC grandson came home for Christmas. After the "bright" Stacey Abrams announced she had 1.2 million mail-ins in hand, grandson didn't bother to return to GA for January's special election. He flew back to DC. The RNC knew the Senate was lost.
Really? Weren't you right up to the end defending the grandsons polling data?
True the vote somehow had all the info- or most of it in the movie. I'm going to watch the "Trump won" 2000 mules movie soon as I can find. Of course the Corndog has been calling it all along....and for good measure:

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Does any GPS unit emit data that you are aware of? Are you thinking of cell phone tower data? Are you suggesting Dinesh bought dark web data? Did the mules share their Strava data?
Maybe you are unaware, there are people out there that know how to capture Google and Apple phone tracking data, which they absolutely do even if you turn your phone off. I'm an illiterate when it comes to these types of things but I know from the crap that comes across my phone that Google and Apple know everything I do on my phone and listen in on my conversations and direct ads based on casual conversations even if you haven't done an internet search.

Deny it but I'll give you some simple examples. I have never ever done any kind of search on gun purchases of any kind. I don't trust you Google Big Brothers. I had a conversation with a few people about easy reload clips for a 9MM I lawfully own these are simple plastic devices that save your fingers from getting blisters loading your clips, they cost less than 10 bucks. All the pop up ads I got on my phone and computer for the next couple of days ways for clip loaders. Told a friend in person I wanted to buy a pepper grinder, guess what all my pop up ads where for? F'ing pepper grinders!

If you Google goons can spy on us, we can spy on you.
Tried to find tickets in Tulsa. Every showing in Oklahoma except 1 in OKC is SOLD OUT.

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