Who On Here Has the Virus?

Press conference going on - someone in Cleveland County caught it locally.
OKC declaring state of emergency.
I told him not to, but one of my D/Bros. touched the dog in strange places thinking she was a
tri-delt reincarnate from Forty North in the 70's. I have him quarantined and on beer med's; will
report back in a.m.

Little late with this, but D/Bro was fine this morning. However, D/Bro2 went to the neighbor's late this afternoon and ate ribs/drank Pinot, so he's now on watch, especially after a trip to Walmart and Sprout's
this morning........
I guess my question would be if you truly believe this why were you out yesterday, not once but twice?

Good lord dong. Think hard and tell if if you can tell me the difference between going out before and after a pandemic hitting.

I've got to travel to louisiana today...doing a car rental today, driving to shreveport and be back tomorrow night after driving most of the day tomorrow to various parts of louisiana. It's not an emergency but it's necessary. I won't be going to the casino. I'm considered a high risk so I'll let you know the outcome. My immune system is reduced because of medication I take and I'm older.
I'll be wiping down the rental car but I guarantee the rental car company is doing the same along with the hotel. I'll see limited people so I actually think the odds are in my favor...the hotel being the highest risk most likely. Still got to make a living and this trip is necessary to facilitate that. Here is to hoping all these facilities and people are taking the same necessary steps to keep clean. It's a risk I am willing to least today. It looks like most of the louisiana cases are down south and I'll be up north.

Let the car bake the virus. It doesn't like heat, just leave the windows up and leave anything in it you want sanitized and bake 'em. My twitter stream has an article on how long it takes for various cleaning agents

One of the biggest problems with this and other cold/flu type viruses is the overuse of hand sanitizers (same as overuse of antibiotics but that's another discussion)
If it's not alcohol based it likely isn't very effective against corona.
Human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to 9 days. Surface disinfection with 0.1% sodium hypochlorite or 62–71% ethanol significantly reduces coronavirus infectivity on surfaces within 1 min exposure time. We expect a similar effect against the SARS-CoV-2.
Good lord dong. Think hard and tell if if you can tell me the difference between going out before and after a pandemic hitting.

I’m thinking real hard. Fatass declared a pandemic on Friday I believe. You were out twice in restaurants on Saturday I think. So I’m thinking you were out after the fact no?
When will the Socialibdems start calling for internet voting nationwide for the upcoming election?

Will all those dying from this virus and other causes be removed from the voter database? Or will some court somewhere block that?

Internet voting and the dead not being removed from voter lists (along with illegals being registered to vote) and the Socialibdems will have their 2020 election theft strategy fully implemented.
I've got to travel to louisiana today...doing a car rental today, driving to shreveport and be back tomorrow night after driving most of the day tomorrow to various parts of louisiana. It's not an emergency but it's necessary. I won't be going to the casino. I'm considered a high risk so I'll let you know the outcome. My immune system is reduced because of medication I take and I'm older.
I'll be wiping down the rental car but I guarantee the rental car company is doing the same along with the hotel. I'll see limited people so I actually think the odds are in my favor...the hotel being the highest risk most likely. Still got to make a living and this trip is necessary to facilitate that. Here is to hoping all these facilities and people are taking the same necessary steps to keep clean. It's a risk I am willing to least today. It looks like most of the louisiana cases are down south and I'll be up north.
I know a traveling sales engineer from Denver....Colorado and Wyoming. He actually sleeps in his van and his wife prepared his food to take with him. Microwaves food at convenience stores. May seem extreme but......
Update: 81 cases in Oklahoma and 2 deaths.

I now know someone who has the virus. Thinks he got it at a party where a lady had returned from Florida and tested positive. He has a weak immune system and damn near didn’t make it from what I’m hearing, but is doing better and looks like he’s gong to be fine.

Positive 106
Negative 735
Hospitalized 25
Deaths 3

Remember... any 'positive' reports are nearly week-old information. It takes days to get test results. Also, untold numbers are not reporting their illness. They are just keeping quiet. Many are not being tested. I reason this virus is far more widespread in Oklahoma.
One of my employees is a presumptive positive. She started showing symptoms over a week ago, and has not been to work since. Negative for flu and strep. Doctor told her that there is no point in testing her as she has all of the symptoms and they have ruled out everything else. Lives alone and is just staying in her apartment with plans to go to the hospital if she feels bad enough. She is feeling badly enough that she is wrestling with the decision. To make matters worse, one of her cats just went into heat and is constantly wandering around the apartment meowing/howling.

None of my other employees have had any symptoms so far.
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Remember... any 'positive' reports are nearly week-old information. It takes days to get test results. Also, untold numbers are not reporting their illness. They are just keeping quiet. Many are not being tested. I reason this virus is far more widespread in Oklahoma.
Same thing happens with the flu each year. I've never gone to the doctor when hit with the flu.
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One of my employees is a presumptive positive. She started showing symptoms over a week ago, and has not been to work since. Negative for flu and strep. Doctor told her that there is no point in testing her as she has all of the symptoms and they have ruled out everything else. Lives alone and is just staying in her apartment with plans to go to the hospital if she feels bad enough. She is feeling badly enough that she is wrestling with the decision. To make matters worse, one of her cats just went into heat and is constantly wandering around the apartment meowing/howling.

None of my other employees have had any symptoms so far.

fix the cat for her?

wonder if the ahole that spit on the pen spread it to her
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fix the cat for her?

wonder if the ahole that spit on the pen spread it to her

I would happily spay her cat at no charge. Problem is that I didn't know she had this cat, and she never asked for anything before getting sick. (she takes in a lot of strays, so I was not surprised to find out about this cat). Now, no one wants to go to her apt to pick up the Corona cat, and she can't leave to bring it to us.

She isn't a receptionist, so had no contact with the asshole you are referring to. She does have a lot of friends, and was socializing a bunch leading up to development of symptoms. Could have picked it up anywhere. I don't think it was here, but have decided that I am going to shut my business down for 2 weeks if I, or any other employees, develop symptoms.
A friend has it in KC and is having major issues with it. No preexisting conditions and not in the high risk group; went from minor symptoms to hospitalized with high fever then go home and rest and back to the hospital due loss of lung function in about a week.
A friend has it in KC and is having major issues with it. No preexisting conditions and not in the high risk group; went from minor symptoms to hospitalized with high fever then go home and rest and back to the hospital due loss of lung function in about a week.
The COVID-19 pneumonia is particularly nasty. Most people won't get it, but those that do are in for a rough time even if healthy.
A friend has it in KC and is having major issues with it. No preexisting conditions and not in the high risk group; went from minor symptoms to hospitalized with high fever then go home and rest and back to the hospital due loss of lung function in about a week.

I sure hear lots of anecdotal evidence about younger people catching this and getting bad sick.
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I sure hear lots of anecdotal evidence about younger people catching this and getting bad sick.

Percentage of deaths are much higher in older people, but plenty of young people are getting sick and many of them are needing hospitalization. There is a big misconception out there that young adults and children don't need to worry about this virus other than possibly passing it on to their parents/grandparents.