Who On Here Has the Virus?

I told him not to, but one of my D/Bros. touched the dog in strange places thinking she was a
tri-delt reincarnate from Forty North in the 70's. I have him quarantined and on beer med's; will
report back in a.m.
Heard Ramon gave sys some bad news today tho.
I don't. Gf works in a Hospital and neither does she nor anyone she knows. No family members in 6 different States have it either. That could change of course but we will see.
My girlfriend works in the ICU in OKC and they’ve tested a few people this week but all came back negative. So I don’t know of any positive tests either. I was running a fever with a dry cough earlier so maybe I have it now. I can finally eat all this extra food at my house if I do.
My girlfriend works in the ICU in OKC and they’ve tested a few people this week but all came back negative. So I don’t know of any positive tests either. I was running a fever with a dry cough earlier so maybe I have it now. I can finally eat all this extra food at my house if I do.

Hopefully you don't.
I have been thinking that if I do get it, it will likely be from her bringing it home but so far no cases there and it can be picked up anywhere so how would you know how you got it?

I have seasonal allergies so the past 2 weeks I have had the usual sneezing etc but it gets me every spring. Thats one bad thing for people that suffer with allergies this time of year, it can make you think you have the virus. Is it allergies or the virus? I would be able to tell, I have had the flu a couple of times in my life and when you have flu like symptoms you definitely know its not allergies.
I played an outdoor show tonight and posed for photos with dozens of groups of fans. Pretty cold, so in the happy zone for flu type bugs, Tried to avoid handshakes but couldn’t really. We shall see. Not terribly concerned.

Enjoy it now, we went out yesterday, brunch and dinner, and the crowds were slowing down.

We're headed to where Italy and now France are if we don't all isolate. It's about time to go to ground, imo. Sounds like it's already started in some coastal areas.
Enjoy it now, we went out yesterday, brunch and dinner, and the crowds were slowing down.

We're headed to where Italy and now France are if we don't all isolate. It's about time to go to ground, imo. Sounds like it's already started in some coastal areas.
I don't say this much, but I agree with sys.

Those with a cavalier attitude are only making this worse. I love my parents and other old people too much to treat this lightly.

Not that political affiliation matters right now, but I spoke with an immunologist friend that is a Trump supporter. He confirmed that this is bad.
We're headed to where Italy and now France are if we don't all isolate. It's about time to go to ground, imo. Sounds like it's already started in some coastal areas.

I don't disagree with this logic.

Something to think about. Every year in this country, there are roughly 3.8 million people who die off - in a normal year. I don't dismiss one estimate that says this Wuhan Flu will kill 1.5 million. But if it is mostly the elderly (like me) who will die from it, it seems the virus is just hastening the inevitable for some. Not exactly my exact thoughts in words, but close enough.
I don't say this much, but I agree with sys.

Those with a cavalier attitude are only making this worse. I love my parents and other old people too much to treat this lightly.

Not that political affiliation matters right now, but I spoke with an immunologist friend that is a Trump supporter. He confirmed that this is bad.
My wife’s father is our only remaining parent and he finally had (much to his displeaure) to go to assisted living about a year ago. My wife went to visit him Wednesday - - the last day she could visit before they put the place on lock down indefinitely. That was absolutely the correct decision.
A couple acquaintances of mine have tested positive and are in the ICU.
I've got to travel to louisiana today...doing a car rental today, driving to shreveport and be back tomorrow night after driving most of the day tomorrow to various parts of louisiana. It's not an emergency but it's necessary. I won't be going to the casino. I'm considered a high risk so I'll let you know the outcome. My immune system is reduced because of medication I take and I'm older.
I'll be wiping down the rental car but I guarantee the rental car company is doing the same along with the hotel. I'll see limited people so I actually think the odds are in my favor...the hotel being the highest risk most likely. Still got to make a living and this trip is necessary to facilitate that. Here is to hoping all these facilities and people are taking the same necessary steps to keep clean. It's a risk I am willing to least today. It looks like most of the louisiana cases are down south and I'll be up north.
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so where are they what state?
They are in Texas. For your trip, my two cents would be not count on the rental car or hotel employees wiping down every surface sufficiently. Also important to keep that 6ft separation, which I know can be difficult and awkward, but people need to understand, and may even appreciate the precaution from someone who has been traveling.
I’ve been dealing with seasonal allergies....but it seems like that’s when I usually catch something. Maybe it’s just me thinking that - but I’m staying away from people as much as I can to avoid catching anything, whether it be the common cold or flu or Covid-19.
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In the grand scheme of things when this has run its courses (infection period, MSM propaganda, Socialibdem propaganda, CEO's of associations/businesses who have no balls and are scared of lawsuits, grocery store hoarders, etc.) it will be much ado about only a very little cold virus.
I don't say this much, but I agree with sys.

Those with a cavalier attitude are only making this worse. I love my parents and other old people too much to treat this lightly.

Not that political affiliation matters right now, but I spoke with an immunologist friend that is a Trump supporter. He confirmed that this is bad.

In the past it has been usually the young that is the most at risk and the parents and grand parents took the precautions and took care of the young and the maturity do what was needed.

In this instance the roles are reversed. Little kids usually have inconsistent hygiene and so that is a challenge. 2 days ago, not one child under 10 had died. Kids can carry the virus without symptoms which is scary. My wife is high risk, I told her with tears in my eyes you may not get to see your grandkids that live a few miles away for months.

Then you have the young adults that statistically speaking have little mortality and because of that have no problem living life as usual. Last night I was filling up my car, watched a 20 something fill his car up, gets in his car, does not wash his hands immediately, picks his nose, and then hands a credit card to his girlfriend. I watch this and think, this sucker is going to spread.

This has a chance to be an event we are talking about 20 years from now. Chances are and pray to god I am wrong, some in this board will lose a loved one. No matter how many die, that will be an awful event. And it will particularly sting if they forgo someone in your family that is old and with underlying conditions that does not get a respirator for someone in their 40’s with no underlying conditions.

We all need to do our part, we have no idea if we are over or under reacting right now. We need to be conservative on our approach, we typically in this country try to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Everyone in a nursing home, older adults with conditions, people just plain old and relatively good health are seriously at risk.

We will know in 2 weeks if our curve looks like Italy, if it does it will be ugly. We do know Italy has one of the older populations, 22% over 65, the US is 15%, but our country has 300M people.

I pray this event becomes a great learning opportunity for the US and this is not an event that takes a great human toll on us as a country.
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I’ve been telling my parents (both in mid-80s) to stay in and not go to Walmart or other grocery stores (my brother lives in town so I suggested that they get him to go grocery shopping for them). I’ve basically told them not to go anywhere unless there is no avoiding it.

Then, of course, my mom goes to Dillard’s yesterday with a friend! Guess I’m going to have to ground her! Parents... they just don’t listen nowadays!

As for me and my kids, it’s spring break (extended, of course) so I stocked up on Wednesday with food and paper products and have been vegging in front of the TV while I put the rest of my lessons for the year on Google Classroom.
I went to the grocery store today and was amazed at how empty the shelves were. Had to go to two different grocery stores to get what we needed. Talked with people that worked at the grocery store and they were absolutely disgusted with the way people were acting. I apologized to them and told them I appreciated their efforts and the fact they were having to put up with people freaking out.

I can't figure out why toilet paper is what people are going rabid for. Does this virus cause people to get the shits?
We get one big deal of TP once every three or four months.
One of the biggest problems with this and other cold/flu type viruses is the overuse of hand sanitizers (same as overuse of antibiotics but that's another discussion). Used to be we all touched everything then touched our eyes, noses, mouths, etc. without washing our hands. We auto-immunized ourselves by being exposed to all these microbes in non-virulent quantities that our bodies were stimulated to make antibodies to these and we rarely got that sick or had a very mild episode when confronted. Now, with everyone killing these microbes (both good and bad) routinely, we are making ourselves more at risk by putting our normal defense mechanisms to sleep and awakening them when a rapid response in needed and there isn't enough time for the body to react.
One of the biggest problems with this and other cold/flu type viruses is the overuse of hand sanitizers (same as overuse of antibiotics but that's another discussion). Used to be we all touched everything then touched our eyes, noses, mouths, etc. without washing our hands. We auto-immunized ourselves by being exposed to all these microbes in non-virulent quantities that our bodies were stimulated to make antibodies to these and we rarely got that sick or had a very mild episode when confronted. Now, with everyone killing these microbes (both good and bad) routinely, we are making ourselves more at risk by putting our normal defense mechanisms to sleep and awakening them when a rapid response in needed and there isn't enough time for the body to react.

We are not going to control how many get this by trying to flatten the curve. It is a matter does possibly 150 million get exposed in 4 weeks, 80% are just fine and the remainder need access to healthcare and the healthcare system collapses. In this instance we are hoping IF 150 million get exposed it happens between now and possibly thru this time next year and the health care system can handle the cases. Once it goes thru the US for the first time, the next time it reappears many in our population will be more immune to the virus. We are pass containment at this point, it is a virus and it is going to spread. This is about managing the timeline.
I went to the grocery store today and was amazed at how empty the shelves were. Had to go to two different grocery stores to get what we needed. Talked with people that worked at the grocery store and they were absolutely disgusted with the way people were acting. I apologized to them and told them I appreciated their efforts and the fact they were having to put up with people freaking out.

I can't figure out why toilet paper is what people are going rabid for. Does this virus cause people to get the shits?
We get one big deal of TP once every three or four months.
It's herd mentality. The talking heads are saying this could "wipe out the world" and people freak out. It's like weathermen telling us the upcoming snowstorm will be snowmageddon and everyone strips the shelves. Nothing more than grocers lobbying weathermen or public health people with nice fat Christmas bonuses to increase sales.
We are not going to control how many get this by trying to flatten the curve. It is a matter does possibly 150 million get exposed in 4 weeks, 80% are just fine and the remainder need access to healthcare and the healthcare system collapses. In this instance we are hoping IF 150 million get exposed it happens between now and possibly thru this time next year and the health care system can handle the cases. Once it goes thru the US for the first time, the next time it reappears many in our population will be more immune to the virus. We are pass containment at this point, it is a virus and it is going to spread. This is about managing the timeline.
Yet the Swine flu infected +/- 150 million, hospitalized over 600,000 and killed 18,000 in the US alone and nobody reacted this way.

Maybe my multiple degrees in microbiology and having worked in virus labs for years dealing with these types of viruses and outbreaks has me less concerned. Never seen this much angst over previously more pathogenic "pandemics".
It's herd mentality. The talking heads are saying this could "wipe out the world" and people freak out. It's like weathermen telling us the upcoming snowstorm will be snowmageddon and everyone strips the shelves. Nothing more than grocers lobbying weathermen or public health people with nice fat Christmas bonuses to increase sales.

I have not head anyone, not even MSM claim this will wipe out the world. If you are going to self quarantine for a length of time, it was wise to tell people what they might need. It was predictable the shelves would be overrun, just like the hospitals will be if this gets bad. This IMO was not grocers lobbying for more money, that is horribly cynical. Fact is they are essential staff right now like hospitals and their employees are putting themselves and possibly family members at risk. I for one appreciate the grocery industry staying open. This is an invisible virus and no one can see the threat, this is not a joke to people that have family members at risk. People have a right to legit fears on this. Now, I do believe we need to try to calm each other (believe me I tell myself all the time) and be calm and take the appropriate actions.

Right now, what the "talking heads" and politicians are saying in terms of this virus that has nothing to do with solutions, educating, calming, and helping people to address their fears is all meaningless discussion.
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I don’t have it. But know someone very well who was diagnosed - so it became real to me fast.
Person felt worse with the flu (the person had flu in late 2019).
Symptoms: Fever, swollen neck. Not much of cough. Mid 50s. Good health. Traveled to Italy, Symptoms started 5 days after returning.
After symptoms started, lasted about 72 hours.
Person felt worse with the flu (the person had flu in late 2019).
Symptoms: Fever, swollen neck. Not much of cough. Mid 50s. Good health. Traveled to Italy, Symptoms started 5 days after returning.
After symptoms started, lasted about 72 hours.
Thank you
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