What terror attack in Sweden?

I am APPALLED that he said something wrong if there was no specific attack in Sweden last night. He needs to get his shit together on these things and his staff is letting him down.

However, reading the quote in context he is spot on in regards to Muslims are ruining Europe.

Bravo... you got half way there. Context? That is laughable given this latest evidence that DJT gets his info from Fox News instead of an actual intelligence briefing.

Oh the inhumanity - the terror in Sweden....

Yes Muslims are doing great in Sweden. Everyone loves those cute little teddy bears. They are not rethinking their immigration policies at all.
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There is thirty seconds of research. This is where I have to lecture your post reality liberalism. You seize on trumps misspeak and scoff at the context but I can prove that what he said about Europe becoming babysitters to Muslims ghettos and taking body blows in the culture war. Sure that doesn't feel good to someone in an all white neighborhood like yourself but that is why smug liberalism is losing to literally lying hitler.

Your side is so blind and so emotional you should walk all over a literally lying hitler. But you are not and your only argument is that people who voted for obama became kkk members since 2012.

Literally lying hitler is better than liberalism. That cran cookie can't taste that good now.
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trump says dumb shit all the time. It's my biggest criticism of him. He does no favors for any of us having to discuss sound bites with liberals. European Muslim ghettos are a story but you get the email from huff po, run to your computer( skip in your case) and you whiff on the entire context because we are discussing these three words that make no sense.

I wish he would tighten up, stop lying or misspeaking whatever it is so we can crush your ideology once and for all. I hate it that he gives you these cracks in the dam like this but it does show you blatantly missing what he is saying about Muslim immigrants and that's a net gain for my argument. Circular logic and the long road but it works out.
Back to the petty bickering...

I don't take issue with a fumbled word or phrase- I believe the Joker in Chief gets his info from Fox instead of the IC. What I can't fathom is people who will find some reason this is OK...
Wow. That takes me back to a debate I had in my office in Denver before Colorado legalized marijuana. I sat across the cube wall from a guy who makes you look like Michelle Malkin. He was so liberal and it is too bad I wasn't there for the trump run. That would have been grand.

Anyway one thing we agreed on was if weed was legal no one who isn't already smoking is going to go out mid life and start consuming it. Everybody who wants to smoke is already smoking. We were both dead wrong and your story is not unique from all Reports I've read.
It's not ok and he should be accountable. Unfortunately your corporate media overlords spent all week comparing gen Flynn's calls with Russia to 9/11 watergate Iran cantra and the Pearl Harbor bombing. Trying to jack me off on these three words isn't going to work because I shot my wad all week with this other fake news hysteria. Hold your side accountable mr credibility.
Not to be picky and ruin your joy of shoving pencils in your dick hole every time Trump opens his yuge yapper, but it doesn't appear he said anything about a terror attack as your thread title suggests. This is what I found that he said...

“You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden, Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris."

(I'll preface this by saying you're likely right, and the next part is simply devil's advocate.)

Although he likely was just mindlessly gum flapping, he could have been referring to several things reported out of Sweden on the 17th such as:

I did this quickly and only glanced through the stories. They could be fake news like your thread title. But the thing that cannot be argued is that there is no shortage of Muslim migrants doing bad shit to people, especially women, in Europe. I believe that was the spirit of what Trump was speaking of despite the babble bobble bullshit we can expect when his mouth is motoring.

You ate pot and didn't invite me. You're an ass.
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My big problem is that President Trump says or tweets something that is totally false, the media reports verbatim what he has said, and shows proof that it is false, and he calls it "fake news", and the worse part is that people believe him. He acts like a bully, anyone or any institution ( media, Judicial system) that disagrees with him, he verbally ( or term?) assaults. I am sure he will go full after Senator McCain today after his comments. A President of the US, should not act like this, its embarrassing for everyone and does no good good for anyone
I can't believe that there are so many people in this country who get behind him, and support him, when he says stupid shit like this. It is OK to think that he is going to do an overall good job as president while admitting that he does embarrassingly stupid stuff at least twice a week.

He is a loose cannon that is too stubborn/lazy to take the time to make sure he understands the details of a topic before he goes public and discusses it (and this includes his Tweets).

Mistakes like this are easily preventable, and happen to him regularly. Every prior president, that I remember, was not perfect. But, things like this happened very rarely.

Yet, his sycophants start throwing out "this is what he probably meant", or "fake news", or "liberals are unfairly putting him under a microscope", or "he is not a career politician". Excuses and rationalizations. He is the effing POTUS!. He represents our country. Stop enabling him. He is not making America (look) great again. He is making America the butt of joke after joke.
What we need here is a good old fashioned 57 state revolt every time Trump says something stupid.

And as often as he misfires, what will really be interesting is to see how long it will be before he says something as stupid as 57 states. I'm not saying he doesn't have it in him to surpass 57 state stupidity, but that bar is set very high. We'll see.
“You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden, Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris."

This is what the outrage in this thread is over?
What we need here is a good old fashioned 57 state revolt every time Trump says something stupid.

And as often as he misfires, what will really be interesting is to see how long it will be before he says something as stupid as 57 states. I'm not saying he doesn't have it in him to surpass 57 state stupidity, but that bar is set very high. We'll see.

So, you can point to 1 extremely stupid thing that Obama said over an 8 year period, while we can list 5+ extremely stupid things that Trump has said in 1 month. Rationalization at its best.
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My big problem is that President Trump says or tweets something that is totally false, the media reports verbatim what he has said, and shows proof that it is false, and he calls it "fake news", and the worse part is that people believe him. He acts like a bully, anyone or any institution ( media, Judicial system) that disagrees with him, he verbally ( or term?) assaults. I am sure he will go full after Senator McCain today after his comments. A President of the US, should not act like this, its embarrassing for everyone and does no good good for anyone

and it's the only way the swamp drains

call him potus

as an aside did you notice we have a new director of the epa?
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So, you can point to 1 extremely stupid thing that Obama said over an 8 year period, while we can list 5+ extremely stupid things that Trump has said in 1 month. Rationalization at its best.
Every person says something stupid, my problem is flat out lying, then attacking the people who point it many times has he said ( or tweeted ) something absolutely wrong, the news relays it exactly as he put it and shows the facts that debunks it, and he attacks them as being fake? It happens on a daily basis, or at least it seems to
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So, you can point to 1 extremely stupid thing that Obama said over an 8 year period, while we can list 5+ extremely stupid things that Trump has said in 1 month. Rationalization at its best.

Rationalizing? Yes you are.

Just pointing out that Trump is really going to have to step up his game if he's going to break the record. Again, I'm not saying he can't. He's just going to have to dig deep to do it.
Maybe he was referencing this ruling two days ago? He didn't say terror attack. That's an assumption as far as I can see.

Swedish court approves child marriage

A 14-year-old child bride from Syria came to Sweden and became pregnant with her husband, who is also her cousin. Now a Swedish court has approved of her marriage, because she appears "mature," and for religious and cultural reasons.

The girl was married off to a cousin when she was only twelve years old. In Sweden, she has been placed with his aunt and her family.

The social service authorities in Sweden thought her marriage is completely outrageous and took it to the justice system.

But the judge does not think there is anything wrong with it, since she was brought up with another religious and cultural perception of what is right and wrong.

In addition, the girl, according to court, is precocious for her age and early matured, so the court does not see anything wrong.

This means that Sweden now approves of Sharia law. The court looks through the fingers with sexual relations concerning Muslim minors, and approves of the pregnancy in a child's marriage where the girl is only 14 years old. This is a verdict that may set a precedent for further introduction of Sharia law in Sweden.

Political scientist and journalist Sakine Madon, questions the verdict in an editorial in VLT.

"So if a girl is considered 'mature', it is less wrong that she is part of a child marriage? So if the girl has a certain religious and cultural background, are child marriages in order?" she writes, and continues:

"It is difficult to interpret the verdict in another way. The girl is also described as a mature person with free will. Anyone who knows what honor culture is, is well aware of the powerlessness and pressure a minor married girl is exposed to. Why close your eyes to that she is underage?"
Maybe he was referencing this ruling two days ago? He didn't say terror attack. That's an assumption as far as I can see.

Swedish court approves child marriage

A 14-year-old child bride from Syria came to Sweden and became pregnant with her husband, who is also her cousin. Now a Swedish court has approved of her marriage, because she appears "mature," and for religious and cultural reasons.

The girl was married off to a cousin when she was only twelve years old. In Sweden, she has been placed with his aunt and her family.

The social service authorities in Sweden thought her marriage is completely outrageous and took it to the justice system.

But the judge does not think there is anything wrong with it, since she was brought up with another religious and cultural perception of what is right and wrong.

In addition, the girl, according to court, is precocious for her age and early matured, so the court does not see anything wrong.

This means that Sweden now approves of Sharia law. The court looks through the fingers with sexual relations concerning Muslim minors, and approves of the pregnancy in a child's marriage where the girl is only 14 years old. This is a verdict that may set a precedent for further introduction of Sharia law in Sweden.

Political scientist and journalist Sakine Madon, questions the verdict in an editorial in VLT.

"So if a girl is considered 'mature', it is less wrong that she is part of a child marriage? So if the girl has a certain religious and cultural background, are child marriages in order?" she writes, and continues:

"It is difficult to interpret the verdict in another way. The girl is also described as a mature person with free will. Anyone who knows what honor culture is, is well aware of the powerlessness and pressure a minor married girl is exposed to. Why close your eyes to that she is underage?"

there were all sorts of social issues getting normalized right here in the good ole usa

thankfully red blooded america woke up
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Davidallen - insight on this terrorist attack that you claim was said? Or just more fake news?
Anyone confirm this is it? I don't see anything about terrorist stuff. Looks like just talking about how Muslim crap is screwing up society.

Honestly, I think he may have just been referencing the crime and rape crisis in Sweden. Look up "rape crisis Sweden" it's bad. I read the other day about some Somali immigrant that followed a 12-13 year old into the bathroom and anally raped her. He got two months in jail for the crime.

After my time overseas you'd be hard pressed not to convince me that anal raping is not a part of their culture and meant to be demeaning in every way. When they take American hostages they sodomized them, when they killed Quadaffi they sodomized him, it's what they do, male or female. They don't respect us our our culture.
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The great president Ronald Reagan misspoke all the time. His supporters loved it. Drove the left up the wall. Awesomely effective and successful president. Reagan was Reagan. Carter was Carter. Obama was Obama. Trump will be Trump. Love it.
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Honestly, I think he may have just been referencing the crime and rape crisis in Sweden. Look up "rape crisis Sweden" it's bad. I read the other day about some Somali immigrant that followed a 12-13 year old into the bathroom and anally raped her. He got two months in jail for the crime.

After my time overseas you'd be hard pressed not to convince me that anal raping is not a part of their culture and meant to be demeaning in every way. When they take American hostages they sodomized them, when they killed Quadaffi they sodomized him, it's what they do, male or female. They don't respect us our our culture.

He said "last night"
That suggests that he wasn't speaking about a general long term issue.

The public should not have to play "maybe he meant" every time he speaks. He should be well prepared before he gives a speech. It is not like this was in answer to a surprise question from a reporter.
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Been jammin do you agree Islam is ruinig Europe most effectively without guns, bombs or trucks?

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