
I'll never understand why you default to whataboutism when people carry nazi flags and torches and call for white supremacy. You default to Mao, Stalin, etc. Everything but America. Nobody recognizes a red flag over a black flag as anything, much less anarcho-communism (that's a thing? Anarchy coupled with government control of everything is the most incoherent thing I've ever heard.) 99% of Americans haven't either. We all instantly recognize a fvcking swastika and torches at night, though. How in the hell would a reasonable person even know what that flag means? Someone flies a hammer and sickle and that would be recognizable.

I've never heard of such a silly thing as anarcho-communism. What's next, a virgin whore movement? Was that anarcho-communist flag flying in the Virginia deal, or did you find that elsewhere and attribute it to the leftist protesters?

Those people that lil' Adolph drove his dodge into weren't violent, weren't doing anything illegal, weren't advocating killing cops, or raping Mrs. White. Imagine if I responded to the cops in Dallas getting killed with, "Well, but cops killed that guy in Minnessota." or, "But some white guys were waiving a confederate flag." That's the mirror image of what you guys do.

I'm sick of the racial shit and have been for a long time. It's like two sets of warring hillbillies in a child custody fight that are totally incapable of moving forward. One brings up little Johnnie catching lice, and the other starts screaming about Johnie knocking up his cousin. It just never ends. There's no solution when nobody wants to rise above anything. The extremism on the left is at least in reaction to something tangible -- there's a coherent grievance: Economic unfairness. Decades of racism. Violence. Awful environments. I'd be mad, too. Others - many -- are born and in reality aren't gonna get their shot at real success. It's just the way it is. On the other hand, blacks that are given some resources (family. Education. Discipline. Inspiration.) kick life in the ass and produce and make it happen.

I'm white and can't get why "white guilt" is so offensive and drives all the range. Today there's been a Dr. and village idiot both bellyache about white guilt. Hell the good Dr. is so motivated by it it'll determine his vote. WTF is he so mad about, did a black guy squeeze him out of his preferred school? Is it really keeping someone up at night? Why is that so upsetting and drive so much rage? White america has kicked. the. shit. out of black america. It's a fact. Acknowledging that isn't racist or extremist. Neither is anger about it. I see no real difference between a race hustling Al Sharpton and the "whatabouters" on here that whine about white guilt.

I never saw or heard anything about pepe until it turned up here in NZ's or someone's posts. And what's your point about Pepe or KEK? If Richard Spencer stole it from liberals then it's all good?

So the ideological underpinnings only matter if you've "heard of it"? These people carry Soviet flags and it doesn't matter? I'm not the one here taking up for one side. I'm condemning both and was asked why. I stated why. Stop trying to redirect.

Regarding the cops in Dallas, you tried to redirect it to the 2nd amendment.

I think we agree on identity politics. Again, the ideological basis in identity politics is Marxism and condemning an entire group for their "status" and past transgressions they had nothing to do with is not that much different than what Stalin did to the Kulaks.

The protestors showed up with clubs and other weapons on both sides.

I'm not defending KEK or Pepe. Just pointing out what it is, how it came about, and trying to shine light on the lefts interpretation of it. And yes, white supremacists did latch on to it and the alt-right. Because they too didn't realize the troll. It's amusing to me that both sides of the fringe elements are being trolled to oblivion. Sadly, it's increasing tensions and pushing us closer to a boiling point.
Expose it all. No issues with calling out Robert Byrd, et al - not my idol. A bit binary of you to suggest that has some greater meaning.

actually I was just suggesting that the origin story of the Klan is definitely going to devolve into tribal politics and it probably wouldn't be fun to feel compelled to defend the dnc's historic involvement.

i take youbat your word though and admire you for having the character to want to expose it all.
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So the ideological underpinnings only matter if you've "heard of it"?

No, but it's evidence that it's not really "mainstream" if I haven't even heard of it. I watch some news. Read some news sources. Not daily, but try to keep informed. I keep up -- I know what fidget spinners are. These are radical fringes that have not permeated anything.

These people carry Soviet flags and it doesn't matter?


Regarding the cops in Dallas, you tried to redirect it to the 2nd amendment.

Right -- that's a wholly distinct issue from pounding on the racial wedge. Totally different wedge. They're still talking about my thoughtful contributions in Dallas, too....

The protestors showed up with clubs and other weapons on both sides.

I'm the only one anywhere that says this, but if two people want to engage in mutual combat, there are worse things. We have all done it. Young men like to fight, drink and &$#@. Now, attacking people that don't have clubs and aren't looking for trouble is totally different. Two sides showing up with clubs is a wash. One of the sides advocating racial superioity and flying flags of genocide is something else. If the other side is "anti-fascist" my starting point is they're the good guys and the swastikas are the bad guys. If some whips out a hammer and sickle flag then... we're approaching "wash" status again.
If some whips out a hammer and sickle flag then... we're approaching "wash" status again.
You need to get outside that loud echo chamber more often. Commie groups who acknowledged they were part of the counter-protest include the Worker's World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, and the Revolutionary Communist Party.

But let's get real. They are about as useful and powerful as the white supremacy dorks. No need to get worked up and do battle with them.
You need to get outside that loud echo chamber more often. Commie groups who acknowledged they were part of the counter-protest include the Worker's World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, and the Revolutionary Communist Party.

But let's get real. They are about as useful and powerful as the white supremacy dorks. No need to get worked up and do battle with them.

I give a shit --- I haven't heard about those parties hurting anybody or wanting to return to the good old days of racial superiority, slavery and genocide.

i can't keep track of the narratives. We dems are defending the uber-wealthy, in bed with banks and wall street and cheated Bernie, but simultaneously advocating no private property. I mean... getting dizzy here, dude.
I give a shit --- I haven't heard about those parties hurting anybody or wanting to return to the good old days of racial superiority, slavery and genocide.

i can't keep track of the narratives. We dems are defending the uber-wealthy, in bed with banks and wall street and cheated Bernie, but simultaneously advocating no private property. I mean... getting dizzy here, dude.
I'm not the one that named them, gave them their ideology, or made claim that they were there. I'm also not connecting them to the majority of sensible people on the left. You asked. I answered.

I do have about as much concern that white supremacy groups will become some kind of a majority to lead us backward in time as I have that commies will take over our government. A big fat none.
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No, but it's evidence that it's not really "mainstream" if I haven't even heard of it. I watch some news. Read some news sources. Not daily, but try to keep informed. I keep up -- I know what fidget spinners are. These are radical fringes that have not permeated anything

That just it though. It is mainstream, you just don't realize it and/or understand how and why. Marxism is alive and well in these movements. They just don't call it Marxism, they call it anti-facism. The schools teach it as postmodernism. The historical reality is that almost all the first fascists were Marxists. They both want collectivism, the difference is that Marxists want collectivism based upon class consciousness. The fascists want collectivism based on the nation-state or ethnicity or race because they figured out it works much better than class consciousness to subjugate people.


Right -- that's a wholly distinct issue from pounding on the racial wedge. Totally different wedge. They're still talking about my thoughtful contributions in Dallas, too....


One of the sides advocating racial superioity and flying flags of genocide is something else. If the other side is "anti-fascist" my starting point is they're the good guys and the swastikas are the bad guys. If some whips out a hammer and sickle flag then... we're approaching "wash" status again.

Both sides need to be condemned and marginalized. Instead the media is ignoring the hammer and sickle while simultaneously painting them to have the moral high ground.
I give a shit --- I haven't heard about those parties hurting anybody or wanting to return to the good old days of racial superiority, slavery and genocide.

i can't keep track of the narratives. We dems are defending the uber-wealthy, in bed with banks and wall street and cheated Bernie, but simultaneously advocating no private property. I mean... getting dizzy here, dude.

No, they'd prefer to move to a communist form of government that enslaves almost the entire populace and is also prone to genocide.
Here's what I've talked about a million times on here @ThorOdinson13 . Do a google search of that picture that you posted in response to me asking whether there were soviet flags flying in Charlottesville. That picture is apparently from Seattle. Mr. Shapiro had to get a picture from Seattle, and put it in an article about Charlottesville to get his "commies were in Charlotesvile" narrative off the ground. It's never square with those right wingers -- always something deceptive. Every time.

Ready for you and Medic to tell me how uniformed I am. Guess I should frequent Mr. Shapiro more?

I agree they all need marginalized. From what I can tell, you gotta get an old picture from Seattle to make a case that commies were in Charlottesville, though. That sounds pretty marginalized to me, at least regarding their presence in Charlottesville. Another group wasn't nearly as marginalized in Charlottesville. I thik the P.R. disaster of killing that lady and hurting so many people may do the trick, though.
In summary:

In VA, one white person kills another white person.
The problem: Whites

In Chicago, 8 black men kill 8 other black men.
The problem: Gun laws
Sorry, did not realize the two incidents were so closely linked - either in this thread or in real life.
Here's what I've talked about a million times on here @ThorOdinson13 . Do a google search of that picture that you posted in response to me asking whether there were soviet flags flying in Charlottesville. That picture is apparently from Seattle. Mr. Shapiro had to get a picture from Seattle, and put it in an article about Charlottesville to get his "commies were in Charlotesvile" narrative off the ground. It's never square with those right wingers -- always something deceptive. Every time.

Ready for you and Medic to tell me how uniformed I am. Guess I should frequent Mr. Shapiro more?

I agree they all need marginalized. From what I can tell, you gotta get an old picture from Seattle to make a case that commies were in Charlottesville, though. That sounds pretty marginalized to me, at least regarding their presence in Charlottesville. Another group wasn't nearly as marginalized in Charlottesville. I thik the P.R. disaster of killing that lady and hurting so many people may do the trick, though.

My bad on the picture. I didn't look too hard. Antifa was still there so my point remains, where there's antifa there are communists.

I'm also a little tired of the selective outrage. Tons of Trump supporters have been attacked and assaulted and the media hasn't said a word, they don't even acknowledge it. This was the moment they were waiting for and they will milk it to death.

I still just cannot understand how anyone can take a side of either of these disgusting groups. In fact, the only side taking I see on this board is libs. Let that sink in.
My bad on the picture. I didn't look too hard. Antifa was still there so my point remains, where there's antifa there are communists.

I'm also a little tired of the selective outrage. Tons of Trump supporters have been attacked and assaulted and the media hasn't said a word, they don't even acknowledge it. This was the moment they were waiting for and they will milk it to death.

I still just cannot understand how anyone can take a side of either of these disgusting groups. In fact, the only side taking I see on this board is libs. Let that sink in.
Who amongst the libs is taking a side? Serious question.

The objection to equivalency is nothing more than that. Odd that those who "held their nose" and voted for Trump need to be reminded of such things...
Who amongst the libs is taking a side? Serious question.

The objection to equivalency is nothing more than that. Odd that those who "held their nose" and voted for Trump need to be reminded of such things...

@syskatine is here saying in his book antifa are good guys in this Charlottesville brouhaha. The media is only focusing on one said. They've ignored what antifa really is for six plus months.
In summary:

In VA, one white person kills another white person.
The problem: Whites

In Chicago, 8 black men kill 8 other black men.
The problem: Gun laws

THIS what I'm talking about. Stoking it up, not blacks, not generic liberals, not generic conservatives, this stuff. Nobody blames "whites" for Charlottesville. It's white supremacists that are getting the blame. Textbook example of contributing to racial division.

My bad on the picture. I didn't look too hard. Antifa was still there so my point remains, where there's antifa there are communists.

I'm also a little tired of the selective outrage. Tons of Trump supporters have been attacked and assaulted and the media hasn't said a word, they don't even acknowledge it. This was the moment they were waiting for and they will milk it to death.

I still just cannot understand how anyone can take a side of either of these disgusting groups. In fact, the only side taking I see on this board is libs. Let that sink in.

No, it's not your bad on the picture -- the guy deceived you just like he did me. And he and his ilk have done it x 1000 other times. You tell me he was being intellectually honest. He got you out on a limb because you believed him, and you can't trust his narrative for anything. I don't know why you people continually drink from the same poisoned well.

I'm not "for" antifa, commies or anyone else. I am pleading ignorance on them, as all I know is what has been presented on these boards and I just don't follow antifa and communist fringes like you guys. I looked at a clip a few months ago re: berkeley and it wasn't as portrayed. I looked at your cited article for soviet flags in Charlottesville and it was liteally misleading before the story started. I asked bigosufan where his flyer came from. His evidence was a picture of a piece of paper.

Commies are bad. when they get to be a problem Ill be leading the charge against them. I'm the one that objects to them taking over the white house, remember? I'm offended at the obvious swastikas and murder. That does not obligate me to give equal time to any other outrage, particularly that I haven't seen or confirmed with my own eyes.
Lots of people are blaming all whites for Charlottesville. My Facebook feed is full of smart, well-natured people I've known for decades posting links to teaching moments on how we should all educated ourselves on white privilege, etc due to the events in Virginia.

I've got three TVs on in my office on political channels all day and it's non stop as well.
In summary:

In VA, one white person kills another white person.
The problem: Whites

In Chicago, 8 black men kill 8 other black men.
The problem: Gun laws

Nobody blames "whites" for Charlottesville. It's white supremacists that are getting the blame.

Lots of people are blaming all whites for Charlottesville. My Facebook feed is full of smart, well-natured people I've known for decades posting links to teaching moments on how we should all educated ourselves on white privilege, etc due to the events in Virginia.

I've got three TVs on in my office on political channels all day and it's non stop as well.

I would like to see someone "blaming all whites" for that girl getting killed.

Teaching moments and educating ourselves on white privilege aren't the same thing as "blaming all whites" for her death. Does it emotionally resonate the same?
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Lots of people are blaming all whites for Charlottesville. My Facebook feed is full of smart, well-natured people I've known for decades posting links to teaching moments on how we should all educated ourselves on white privilege, etc due to the events in Virginia.

I've got three TVs on in my office on political channels all day and it's non stop as well.
The political networks are generically blaming white people? You'll understand if I ask for some kind of example.
I would like to see someone "blaming all whites" for that girl getting killed.

Teaching moments and educating ourselves on white privilege aren't the same thing as "blaming all whites" for her death. Does it emotionally resonate the same?

There's not a lot on the girl that got killed actually. Basically it's blaming whites for allowing white supremacist to protest is what has them riled up.
There's not a lot on the girl that got killed actually. Basically it's blaming whites for allowing white supremacist to protest is what has them riled up.
Again, you got an example of someone with some gravitas (outside your FB feed if you can) generically blaming white people? Serious request, seen nothing like that.
Again, you got an example of someone with some gravitas (outside your FB feed if you can) generically blaming white people? Serious request, seen nothing like that.

Max Kellerman and the crew of First Take on ESPN first take had a pretty good rant.

There was an interview on Fox News this morning were guest blamed white people because we refuse to have the proper conversations about race.

I'll see if I can track down videos.

Here's link from my facebook feed, I'll edit the post with more if I run across them.
Last edited:
davidallen is scared that white people as a whole are going to turn racist again. He's got the 411 on white people. He does live in the whitest city in Amerikkka in a state known for white supremacy. I think I've got to believe him on this one. He's probably in a bunker while his white neighbors set fire to the homes of the three or so black people in Portland.

Keep us posted davie. This is some serious shit. Stay strong bro. #resist
Max Kellerman and the crew of First Take on ESPN first take had a pretty good rant.

There was an interview on Fox News this morning were guest blamed white people because we refuse to have the proper conversations about race.

I'll see if I can track down videos.

Here's link from my facebook feed, I'll edit the post with more if I run across them.
First Take? Umm OK. A guest on Fox - any idea who? Salon talking about differences in police response based on demographics? Sorry, not seeing any of these as credible attacks on "white people".
davidallen is scared that white people as a whole are going to turn racist again. He's got the 411 on white people. He does live in the whitest city in Amerikkka in a state known for white supremacy. I think I've got to believe him on this one. He's probably in a bunker while his white neighbors set fire to the homes of the three or so black people in Portland.

Keep us posted davie. This is some serious shit. Stay strong bro. #resist
Sometimes you just stop making sense. Get some rest, tomorrow could be a better day for you...
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Sometimes you just stop making sense. Get some rest, tomorrow could be a better day for you...
I dunno. I might wake up racist. I'm not sure when David Duke is going to come convert me. It sounds like The Walking Dead is going down, but instead of zombies, the streets will be filled with blood thirsty racists.
First Take? Umm OK. A guest on Fox - any idea who? Salon talking about differences in police response based on demographics? Sorry, not seeing any of these as credible attacks on "white people".

Where does this "credible attacks on white people" come from?
Lots of people are blaming all whites for Charlottesville. My Facebook feed is full of smart, well-natured people I've known for decades posting links to teaching moments on how we should all educated ourselves on white privilege, etc due to the events in Virginia.

I've got three TVs on in my office on political channels all day and it's non stop as well.

almost as if ithe event itself were designed to facilitate the heirarchy of intersectionality.
Yup. As is decades of racism. If society can construct something they can tear it down.

Racism is a real, tangible thing. Social constructs are "perceptions of reality" by definition and not real.

Probably don't want to compare the two.
Racism is a real, tangible thing. Social constructs are "perceptions of reality" by definition and not real.

Probably don't want to compare the two.

I never know what the latest vocabulary twists/dog whistles are.

  1. 1.
    relating to society or its organization.
    "alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem"
    synonyms: communal, community, collective, group, general, popular, civil, public, societal
    "a major social problem"
  1. 1.
    build or erect (something, typically a building, road, or machine).
    "a company that constructs oil rigs"
    synonyms: build, erect, put up, set up, raise, establish, assemble, manufacture, fabricate, create, make
    "a new high-rise was being constructed"
  1. 1.
    an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.
    "history is largely an ideological construct"
Offhand I cant' think of a better illustration of combining those two words than racism. It is a widespread construct of a society. I can't see anything in the definitions of those words that mentions or suggests perceptions of reality. Who came up with that? Trannies trying to blur gender?
I never know what the latest vocabulary twists/dog whistles are.

  1. 1.
    relating to society or its organization.
    "alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem"
    synonyms: communal, community, collective, group, general, popular, civil, public, societal
    "a major social problem"
  1. 1.
    build or erect (something, typically a building, road, or machine).
    "a company that constructs oil rigs"
    synonyms: build, erect, put up, set up, raise, establish, assemble, manufacture, fabricate, create, make
    "a new high-rise was being constructed"
  1. 1.
    an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.
    "history is largely an ideological construct"
Offhand I cant' think of a better illustration of combining those two words than racism. It is a widespread construct of a society. I can't see anything in the definitions of those words that mentions or suggests perceptions of reality. Who came up with that? Trannies trying to blur gender?

From your definition....

"an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence."

Definition of the actual phrase....

social construct

a social mechanism, phenomenon, or category created and developed by society; a perception of an individual, group, or idea that is 'constructed' through cultural or social practice
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