I'll never understand why you default to whataboutism when people carry nazi flags and torches and call for white supremacy. You default to Mao, Stalin, etc. Everything but America. Nobody recognizes a red flag over a black flag as anything, much less anarcho-communism (that's a thing? Anarchy coupled with government control of everything is the most incoherent thing I've ever heard.) 99% of Americans haven't either. We all instantly recognize a fvcking swastika and torches at night, though. How in the hell would a reasonable person even know what that flag means? Someone flies a hammer and sickle and that would be recognizable.
I've never heard of such a silly thing as anarcho-communism. What's next, a virgin whore movement? Was that anarcho-communist flag flying in the Virginia deal, or did you find that elsewhere and attribute it to the leftist protesters?
Those people that lil' Adolph drove his dodge into weren't violent, weren't doing anything illegal, weren't advocating killing cops, or raping Mrs. White. Imagine if I responded to the cops in Dallas getting killed with, "Well, but cops killed that guy in Minnessota." or, "But some white guys were waiving a confederate flag." That's the mirror image of what you guys do.
I'm sick of the racial shit and have been for a long time. It's like two sets of warring hillbillies in a child custody fight that are totally incapable of moving forward. One brings up little Johnnie catching lice, and the other starts screaming about Johnie knocking up his cousin. It just never ends. There's no solution when nobody wants to rise above anything. The extremism on the left is at least in reaction to something tangible -- there's a coherent grievance: Economic unfairness. Decades of racism. Violence. Awful environments. I'd be mad, too. Others - many -- are born and in reality aren't gonna get their shot at real success. It's just the way it is. On the other hand, blacks that are given some resources (family. Education. Discipline. Inspiration.) kick life in the ass and produce and make it happen.
I'm white and can't get why "white guilt" is so offensive and drives all the range. Today there's been a Dr. and village idiot both bellyache about white guilt. Hell the good Dr. is so motivated by it it'll determine his vote. WTF is he so mad about, did a black guy squeeze him out of his preferred school? Is it really keeping someone up at night? Why is that so upsetting and drive so much rage? White america has kicked. the. shit. out of black america. It's a fact. Acknowledging that isn't racist or extremist. Neither is anger about it. I see no real difference between a race hustling Al Sharpton and the "whatabouters" on here that whine about white guilt.
I never saw or heard anything about pepe until it turned up here in NZ's or someone's posts. And what's your point about Pepe or KEK? If Richard Spencer stole it from liberals then it's all good?
So the ideological underpinnings only matter if you've "heard of it"? These people carry Soviet flags and it doesn't matter? I'm not the one here taking up for one side. I'm condemning both and was asked why. I stated why. Stop trying to redirect.
Regarding the cops in Dallas, you tried to redirect it to the 2nd amendment.
I think we agree on identity politics. Again, the ideological basis in identity politics is Marxism and condemning an entire group for their "status" and past transgressions they had nothing to do with is not that much different than what Stalin did to the Kulaks.
The protestors showed up with clubs and other weapons on both sides.
I'm not defending KEK or Pepe. Just pointing out what it is, how it came about, and trying to shine light on the lefts interpretation of it. And yes, white supremacists did latch on to it and the alt-right. Because they too didn't realize the troll. It's amusing to me that both sides of the fringe elements are being trolled to oblivion. Sadly, it's increasing tensions and pushing us closer to a boiling point.