Ok, let's debunk that shit here and now.
The NAZI party was not, and never was a SOCIALISTS political party. They adopted that portion of their name when they changed from the German Worker's Party in large part to confuse the public and try to pull supporters from the actual Socialist Party (Social Democratic Party of Germany) back when there were 12 or so political parties in Germany. Yes, Hitler, Goebbels, Rohm, et al tossed some rhetoric around while they were campaigning and recruiting. But surprisingly, they were just freaking LYING! Much like they lied about everything else.
Let me provide you two pieces of evidence that clearly establish the Nazi Party was not part of the "Socialist" political movement.
1. March 24, 1933 both the German Reichstag and Reichsrat passed the "Enabling Act of 1933" which became effective at the end of the day after being signed into law by then German President von Hindenburg. This law in effect gave Hitler complete dictatorial control over Germany.
March 25, 1933 the first act of Hitler after assuming control of the govt was to OUTLAW the Communist and Socialist Political Parties.
2. I'm sure everyone here is familiar with the famous poem/quote written by Martin Niemöller about how so many Germans had refused to stand up to Hitler and the Nazis and by the time the Nazis got around to them, there was no one left to oppose them. Niemöller spent some 7 yrs in a German prison camp after he finally turned against Hitler and the poem was actually based on his own failings as a Methodist Minister who at one time had supported the Nazis.
I think people need to read the first sentence of what Niemöller wrote again, this time with a bit more closer/critical eye. It pretty clearly shows who the first group of people the Nazi Party/Hitler victimized after gaining power.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
For a group that was somehow supposed to fall within the parameters of the Socialist Political movement, it's absolutely ridiculous to believe that when their own actions were in total contradiction to any such claim. It was virtually nothing more than a "marketing gimmick" which brought them attention when they were merely a fledgling and struggling political movement.
Unlike Mussolini in Italy, who actually had been a socialists, before rejecting that political philosophy in favor of nationalism and fascism, the early Nazi Party had none in their upper ranks or leadership who were actually Socialists. But by the time that Hitler had seized power, they were followers of Mussolini and his Fascist beliefs. As such, they would have likely embraced Mussolini's then take on Socialism: "Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.”
It is absolutely incorrect to tie the Nazi Party in any way to actual Socialism just because they used the word in their title. Much like you would be entirely wrong to assume that since the actual name of North Korea is the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" that there is in fact any element of either Democracy or a Republic in their government.