And THAT'S the problem....branding....instead of analysis and reason.
Again, I agree. I blame education. Good evening guys.
And THAT'S the problem....branding....instead of analysis and reason.
Ok, let's debunk that shit here and now.No, but a Nazi is a socialist.
I was referring to Sys not outright calling NZPoke a nazi.
I also don't think because someone posts a bunch of links to articles necessarily defines them. And I sure wouldn't call anyone a Nazi because of it.
Again, I agree. I blame education. Good evening guys.
I don't know that we disagree, but we do seem to be focusing differently.
Especially with statements like this...
"violence like this is not the result of free speech, it the result of attempts to suppress it. let these hateful morons say what they want to say and give them no fuel."
We do disagree....especially when we are talking about who bears the blame for the actual terrorist attack with the car. He driver....he and his ideology bears all that. The victims none. Driving a car into a crowd like that is in no way justified or "blameable" at all on any amount of supposed attempts to suppress speech.
What woud be your reaction be if a response to say the Nice truck attacks was that French Nationalists and Marie La Pen bore a measure of blame for the attack because they were suppressing radical fundamentalist Muslims?
The NAZI party was not, and never was a SOCIALISTS political party.
As to your second...if someone posts a lot of anti-Semitic stuff and sources and defends them, at some point it is reasonable to conclude they are likely themselves anti-Semitic.
Just as when Westboro Baptist shows up to protest, it's not like only the atheist or "left-wingers" show up to counter protest them, it's often a very "mixed" crowd including a number of Christians, Bikers, Hippies and everyone in between who want to show solidarity against their special brand of hate.
So anti-semetic = Nazi? Nazi's hated a lot more than just Jews.
So that's like if you don't like Longhorns you must be a Sooner?
Frankly I skip over a lot of NZPoke's posts as most are far fetched conspiracy stuff, but for a Mod to label anyone a Nazi seemed like a line that shouldn't have been crossed.
i have been very clear in this thread that the driver is a terrorist and should be treated as such by anyone identifying as right.
I think I need to explain, I used "violence like this" to describe the scene in its entirety, with ANTIFA throwing rocks and white nationalists punching people. and to that end, I do stand by what I said. the attempt to intimidate, silence the protestors and stir up violence by the counter protesters absolutely contributed to the overall violence. how could it not? both groups of idiots are anti-American scum.
hollywood mentioned westboro baptist protests and the diversity of the counterprotestors, but it's also a wonderful example of how a universally hated ideology can be isolated and countered by a clearly better message. there is no violence because one side is clearly good and one is clearly evil. In this case, there is a lot of evil to go around on both fringe sides.
the car attack is outside of the general stupidity and standard riot violence, and looks like a lone wolf terrorist unless something has happened today that I'm unaware of.
that guy needs to be charged as a terrorist and be publically disavowed. trump needs to strongly condemn the white nationalists and it needs to be uncool to be one. but, same for ANTIFA and blm. they are all losers and scum.
So anti-semetic = Nazi? Nazi's hated a lot more than just Jews.
So that's like if you don't like Longhorns you must be a Sooner?
Frankly I skip over a lot of NZPoke's posts as most are far fetched conspiracy stuff, but for a Mod to label anyone a Nazi seemed like a line that shouldn't have been crossed.
I'm glad you mentioned this. westboro counter protestors are absolutely textbook cases of how to diminish the hateful protest of disgusting people. no violence. no annonymity. no rock throwing. just outclassing and being louder at a safe distance.
ANTIFA, blm and their own fans who were there backing their hateful racist ideologies were not peaceful counter protestors even if the bulk of the counterprotestors were (peaceful). why are you compelled to defend a side in this madness?
hollywood mentioned westboro baptist protests and the diversity of the counterprotestors, but it's also a wonderful example of how a universally hated ideology can be isolated and countered by a clearly better message. there is no violence because one side is clearly good and one is clearly evil. In this case, there is a lot of evil to go around on both fringe sides.
You do realize that for many years, the standard response to the Westboro idiots WAS throwing rocks, violence, etc.? It was only when people came to realize that the Westboro idiots were using these attacks to sue people and local governments for failing to protect them, that those reactions trailed off. I would note for the record that these tactics are still (or were, as I think Westboro is falling apart and not as active) being used in response. It's not like all of the violence towards stopped.I'm glad you mentioned this. westboro counter protestors are absolutely textbook cases of how to diminish the hateful protest of disgusting people. no violence. no annonymity. no rock throwing. just outclassing and being louder at a safe distance.
ANTIFA, blm and their own fans who were there backing their hateful racist ideologies were not peaceful counter protestors even if the bulk of the counterprotestors were (peaceful). why are you compelled to defend a side in this madness?
You do realize that for many years, the standard response to the Westboro idiots WAS throwing rocks, violence, etc.? It was only when people came to realize that the Westboro idiots were using these attacks to sue people and local governments for failing to protect them, that those reactions trailed off. I would note for the record that these tactics are still (or were, as I think Westboro is falling apart and not as active) being used in response. It's not like all of the violence towards stopped.
Because the number of antifa folks there were a minority of the protesters. Lots here seem to be trying to paint all of those who showed up to counter protest against the gathering of racists as violent reactionaries, when the FACTS differ significantly.
While (because it's factual) it is fair to paint the racists as violent prone reactionaries, it's far from factual to paint those opposing them with the same broad brush.
You do realize that the people marching that were hit by the car were physically a bit of distance removed from where the violent confrontations took place and it's an almost near certainty none of them were involved in the violence? What did they do to get branded as being violent reactionaries exactly?
I didn't say anti-Semitic = Nazi anywhere.
Nor did I defend been labeling NZ a Nazi.
Finally, I don't think been is a moderator.
I get this...and agree...but aren't the counterprotestors attempts to isolate and counter Westboro also and example of "limiting" Westboro's "free speech"?
If you are essentially pursuing a line of thought that anti-fa and their ideology and tactics are equally despicable as white nationalists, I'm with you there.
You do realize that for many years, the standard response to the Westboro idiots WAS throwing rocks, violence, etc.? It was only when people came to realize that the Westboro idiots were using these attacks to sue people and local governments for failing to protect them, that those reactions trailed off. I would note for the record that these tactics are still (or were, as I think Westboro is falling apart and not as active) being used in response. It's not like all of the violence towards stopped.
Yep, but kind of demonstrates how people want free speech, be to protest and assembly for one set of values, but can't stand it for others. I'll bet the person who drove into the crowd isn't a member of the John Birch Society.
2 or 3?
You are way off
If you go down the rabbit hole of his links you will what we are talking about.
Just Friday he was trying to get us to feel sorry for some holocaust deniers who were on their way to march with the Nazis and KKK in Chralotteville.
The other problem is the out right slanderous lies he post about people in order to push his alt-right beliefs. 90% are easily researched and dismissed.
Nazi is a very fair word for his anti semantic beliefs.
I also fully believe he should be called out and shamed for all his misleading and outright lies.
Lets look at his one of his favorite people to quote.
Mike Cernovich--
--This is the man behind pizza gate, which built to the point that one of his followers showed up at the place and fired shots. There was never a pedaling at the place.
--He is an admitted misogynist and that all women are bitches
--Has said that their is no such thing as date rape
--and commissioned that extremely anti-semitic cartoon:
they did nothing to deserve it, and assuming it's the right guy, he needs to be executed.
no good came from any of this. you are absolutely right - the active supporters of the protest are mostly bad people though at the forgotten center of the protest was the removal of an historic statue, so at least some people may have been protesting that. I honestly don't know or care, because nobody with a brain should find themselves on the side of nazis or ANTIFA when a riot breaks out.
it's a toxic situation that will repeat itself. we can pick sides from the middle and argue or we can get every one of these groups under control.
no. i've witnessed a westboro protest/counterprotest and there is always a healthy distance separating and there are no masked communists trying to move them or intimidate them or instigate violent reactions from them. night and day difference.
incidentally the reverse is true. if ANTIFA simply protested rather than rioted, and were being drawn into violence by nazis it would be the same thing. as you said, equally disputable.
Been has a Mod tag under his name.
You have been defending Been for me calling him out for calling NZPoke NaZiPoke.
I'll drop the subject as I wasn't looking for an argument. I just had assumed Been was above calling someone a Nazi.
I was referring to Sys not outright calling NZPoke a nazi.
I also don't think because someone posts a bunch of links to articles necessarily defines them. And I sure wouldn't call anyone a Nazi because of it.
Fair enough on your first sentence. I misinterpreted your statement.
As to your second...if someone posts a lot of anti-Semitic stuff and sources and defends them, at some point it is reasonable to conclude they are likely themselves anti-Semitic.
Poor little Broflakes.
Tricked into driving a car into a crowd.
Red flag?
cmon JD this dem guy let this thing brew right on out of control and is now making hay with it
Been has a Mod tag under his name.
You have been defending Been for me calling him out for calling NZPoke NaZiPoke.
I'll drop the subject as I wasn't looking for an argument. I just had assumed Been was above calling someone a Nazi.
This is just trying to point the finger for "this thing" at anyone else but the people that showed up and made this thing.
If the mayor had refused protest permits, ran these Nazis, racists, and KKK'ers out on a rail, started with armed armored riot police as an initial response, or called a state of emergency and the national guard immediately we'd be hearing about this dem guy suppressing free speech and making "safe spaces" against "peaceful" protestors.
Broflakes. Don't start none. Won't be none.
This is just trying to point the finger for "this thing" at anyone else but the people that showed up and made this thing.
If the mayor had refused protest permits, ran these Nazis, racists, and KKK'ers out on a rail, started with armed armored riot police as an initial response, or called a state of emergency and the national guard immediately we'd be hearing about this dem guy suppressing free speech and making "safe spaces" against "peaceful" protestors.
Broflakes. Don't start none. Won't be none.
crying about being called a racist as he was on his way to the racist rally.
I would like to add that we really need to get a grip on allowing the constant villainization of whites just for being white.
White nationalists, skinheads, NeoNazis, whatever they are collectively called, represent hate, bigotry, and every terrible ism and phobic term and I'm required to speak against them with all of my soul lest I then be labeled a supporter or member for not reaching deep enough in my condemnation (I is collective of white people). I get that.
@syskatine likes to complain about KEK, Pepe, weaponized autisim. One thing that completely escapes him is that they are the creation of the left. They are parodies of the left with an extreme right spin. But somehow the left just can't wrap their heads around that little nugget. Part of what makes it so funny to so many, myself included.
there's a picture of my grandad and another man i knew standing in front of a boxcar full of emaciated corpses in the dachau room.
there was a lampshade made of jewish skin which is no longer on display
you can go to the library on the second floor and hear my grandad recount the liberation of dachau on audio.
to answer your question i don't really understand the moral overlap aspect of it
Second, it's hard to take anything you say seriously when I don't remember you one time disavowing the antics of the Marxists and radicals in ANTIFA or their violent, anti-free speech actions (and no, I not creepy enough to pour thru your posts from weeks ago to verify).
Pretty simple.
Riots and property damage aren't speech.
They aren't counterprotests.
They are crimes.
What woud be your reaction be if a response to say the Nice truck attacks was that French Nationalists and Marie La Pen bore a measure of blame for the attack because they were suppressing radical fundamentalist Muslims?
Umm, no. More like a bunch of communists against a bunch of fascists/Nazi's. What we've established here is that this was a case of marxists vs fascists which is to say a face off of the left side of the lefts spectrum and the right side of the lefts spectrum.
Communist = left
Marxists = left
Fascists = left
Nazi's = left
They may have called it "unite the right" but it was the right side of the left. Not the right side of the American spectrum. Sorry.
It's why even though the Democrats have a much harsher history of segregation, racism, and other atrocities yet they are seen as being on the side of altruism and noble purposes. Branding my friend.
you did see what a joke the security was for that nazitards news conference was right?
that scene was screaming for drama
This is just trying to point the finger for "this thing" at anyone else but the people that showed up and made this thing.
If the mayor had refused protest permits, ran these Nazis, racists, and KKK'ers out on a rail, started with armed armored riot police as an initial response, or called a state of emergency and the national guard immediately we'd be hearing about this dem guy suppressing free speech and making "safe spaces" against "peaceful" protestors.
Broflakes. Don't start none. Won't be none.
You're "going there" again.
Once again --- pointing out that Jewish groups are lobbying leaders to import mass amounts of Islamic refugees throughout the US and the west --- while forbidding any new refugees into Israel (and deporting existing refugees) --- has nothing to do with race / antisemitism / discrimination.
Pointing out this inconvenient fact, and you know it's a fact ---- is as un-racist as pointing out that white conservatives in Utah are America's biggest consumers of porn. (or were as of 2009)
Would you be calling out people as "anti-caucasion" for pointing out white Utah conservatives' inconvenient stance on porn?
If you're going to play the race card --- at least be consistent on it.
Beyond that, Democratic party officials were calling for actual discrimination against a specific group of Americans (based entirely on their race) in 2017 --- what was your stance on that?
Why would someone who called for actual discrimination have the largest funeral in Israel's history?