
Trump handled that about as poorly as possible. Has he even addressed the actual terrorist act yet?

Are you referring to his statements? Or do you think he should have done something differently by not allowing the protest, send in national guard, etc.?
I think he could have and should have condemned the white supremacists and Nazis by name. Words do matter from the President (i.e. similiar to the right's complaint on Obama for not calling out "Islamic terrorists" and not condemning BLM).

Statements. You HAVE to condemn terrorist acts, no matter their source. The lack of security and or handling of such was on the state and local officials. Now if they asked for federal help and he refused that's one thing, but I doubt that happened.
Because I'm that guy, a few observations...

Some guy drives his car through a crowd and kills someone, injures others. Terrible thing, but sadly far from the only example of injury and death caused by political extremism on both sides. The talking heads on the left are acting as if they can frolic through the meadows of moral high ground. Five dead Dallas police officers say quit being that dumb.

White nationalists, skinheads, NeoNazis, whatever they are collectively called, represent hate, bigotry, and every terrible ism and phobic term and I'm required to speak against them with all of my soul lest I then be labeled a supporter or member for not reaching deep enough in my condemnation (I is collective of white people). I get that. Those people suck. But in the same breath, I'm supposed to accept, without question, people who believe in a non-evolved stone age religion that makes the bigotry and oppression by white hate groups look like a petting zoo for infants. If I speak out against that bigotry and oppression, I get labeled with a phobic term that lands me as seen as part of a group whose ideology I also strongly condemn and reject. How can such an obvious disconnect exist?

We all know exactly why there was violence at this event. Both sides show up with helmets, protective clothing, and various offensive weaponry to do battle. If either side expected a peaceful event, and acted like freaking adults, there wouldn't be violence. Failure to recognize the responsibility lies with both sides of the political extremist coin is failure to look outside of the partisan echo chamber. Chris Cilliza wrote a hysterical puff piece for CNN yesterday where he claimed:

"Both sides don't scream racist and anti-Semitic things at people with whom they disagree. They don't base a belief system on the superiority of one race over others. They don't get into fistfights with people who don't see things their way. They don't create chaos and leave a trail of injured behind them."

True, what is being screamed about is different, but both sides are engaged in the exact same behaviors over, and over, and over again based on their political extremist ideology. If the other side simply stops showing up, violence doesn't happen. But then again, don't let sensibility handicap extremism. Extremism never promotes sensibility, or it wouldn't be extremism.

WTF is a peaceful, middle left, non-all of the bad ism phobic term white male like me supposed to do? Regardless who I speak out against, the basement dwelling dorks from the left or redneck troglodytes from the right, I'm seen as wrong by the other side or in my case, both sides. I've already extended bilateral middle fingers to both sides and say political extremism is just plain dumb. What's next?

I'm your brother. I appreciate how you conduct yourself, even if we disagree on several things. I know we could work together.

Can @syskatine say that to you? Will he?
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good point. but if the point of the counter protest is either to incite violence or shut down free speech, it's not a legitimate counter.

I would contend given everything I've seen, the point of the original white nationalist protest was to incite violence. So was their's not a legitimate protest to start with?

The answer to speech you disagree with is more speech.

Trying to characterize counter protests as shutting down free speech is silly. 1st Amendment prohibits governmental shutting down speech. Another citizen pointing out something someone is doing or promoting or saying (someone else's speech) is stupid, racist, whatever, and should be shunned, mocked, boycotted, shamed, whatever....AIN'T "shutting down free speech".

"Free speech" is free from government censorship. It isn't free from consequence or judgment. I thought we learned that when the Dixie Chicks basically got put out of business over their free speech about W.
All those Far Right groups that marched Friday and Saturday need to be identified as domestic terrorist organizations and brought to justice.

Any and all confederate symbols on public display need to be destroyed.

I agree rivercowboy. Once all the confederate symbols and statues are removed the US can get back down to the business of living peacefully side by side. No racism, it case white supremacist etc.
I would contend given everything I've seen, the point of the original white nationalist protest was to incite violence. So was their's not a legitimate protest to start with?

The answer to speech you disagree with is more speech.

Trying to characterize counter protests as shutting down free speech is silly. 1st Amendment prohibits governmental shutting down speech. Another citizen pointing out something someone is doing or promoting or saying (someone else's speech) is stupid, racist, whatever, and should be shunned, mocked, boycotted, shamed, whatever....AIN'T "shutting down free speech".

"Free speech" is free from government censorship. It isn't free from consequence or judgment. I thought we learned that when the Dixie Chicks basically got put out of business over their free speech about W.

Interested in hearing your viewpoint and in the Berkeley riots in reaction to conservative speakers. Is it your position those were not intended to shut down speech?


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Interested in hearing your viewpoint and in the Berkeley riots in reaction to conservative speakers. Is it your position those were not intended to shut down speech?

Pretty simple.

Riots and property damage aren't speech.

They aren't counterprotests.

They are crimes.
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They were called "protests against hate speech."

I don't give a shit what they were called.

What I saw was violence and property crimes.

The whole notion that we shouldn't allow groups to use their speech to shame, mock, attack other speech and opinions because their intent is or it tends to shut down speech is itself...a call to shut down speech....especially when you start throwing out extending the notions of appropriate ulility regulation. It's a good counterargument as to why they are full of crap....little else. Certainly not a justification for the government restricting them from making the arguments.
It's probably wrong of me to pray that groups of racist assholes blow the shit out of each other in some sort of power struggle war. But how awesome would that be if it happened. Like today.

I kind of agree. If someone shows up with combat gear and they have mutual consent to fight, I say let em get it o. I don't think that LE necessarily screwed that up. It's when they attack innocents....
So we've established the organizing group were fascists. The counter protesters were........????

Participating in a proud, established tradition of Americans kicking Nazi ass. Nazis? In THIS country?! With the sacrifices made to defeat them in the 40's? Could they have chosen a worse symbol? Maybe al Qaeda or ISIS.
I would contend given everything I've seen, the point of the original white nationalist protest was to incite violence. So was their's not a legitimate protest to start with?

The answer to speech you disagree with is more speech.

Trying to characterize counter protests as shutting down free speech is silly. 1st Amendment prohibits governmental shutting down speech. Another citizen pointing out something someone is doing or promoting or saying (someone else's speech) is stupid, racist, whatever, and should be shunned, mocked, boycotted, shamed, whatever....AIN'T "shutting down free speech".

"Free speech" is free from government censorship. It isn't free from consequence or judgment. I thought we learned that when the Dixie Chicks basically got put out of business over their free speech about W.

you seem to think we disagree here. not sure we do. there is a line to cross and I believe more and more both fringe sides are attracting the kinds of people willing to cross them. they both share a measure of blame in this case. obviously the driver bears far more.
Oh no You're supposed to ignore the swastika! Ignore that part of our American collective sacrifice and experience. The swastika actually was some ancient mesopotamian or tribal deal -- that's what they mean. This is how transparent and clumsy the propaganda is. Look at the alt-right killer's facebook page.

They literally have been embracing this shit on this board for a long time. See the weaponized autism nomenclature -- NZ posts to websites with that name... AC throws the term around, it's GIGO. People come up with those words and themes and the right bites it off until they're driving a Dodge Charger through a crowd to kill people to stop white oppression.

edit: @Ponca Dan this is a good primer on your point in the other thread about the impact of words and nomenclature and how important it is. A relatively small number of people package the cutesy slogans and it shows up in the lingo of terrorists.

First of all screw you.

Second, it's hard to take anything you say seriously when I don't remember you one time disavowing the antics of the Marxists and radicals in ANTIFA or their violent, anti-free speech actions (and no, I not creepy enough to pour thru your posts from weeks ago to verify).
you seem to think we disagree here. not sure we do. there is a line to cross and I believe more and more both fringe sides are attracting the kinds of people willing to cross them. they both share a measure of blame in this case. obviously the driver bears far more.
Would you characterized the car incident as having reached the mark of domestic terrorism? Was it a simple case of a nut job like the PDX Max train incident? If the Mosque bombing turns out to be someone with a similar mindset would you be prepared to say we have a problem with fringe alt-right groups?

I consider the anarchists in this part of the world to have crossed the line. I expect the left to shun them and call them out. Are those on the right, including the POTUS, prepared to do the same with the alt-righters?
you seem to think we disagree here. not sure we do. there is a line to cross and I believe more and more both fringe sides are attracting the kinds of people willing to cross them. they both share a measure of blame in this case. obviously the driver bears far more.

I don't know that we disagree, but we do seem to be focusing differently.

Especially with statements like this...

"violence like this is not the result of free speech, it the result of attempts to suppress it. let these hateful morons say what they want to say and give them no fuel."

We do disagree....especially when we are talking about who bears the blame for the actual terrorist attack with the car. He driver....he and his ideology bears all that. The victims none. Driving a car into a crowd like that is in no way justified or "blameable" at all on any amount of supposed attempts to suppress speech.

What woud be your reaction be if a response to say the Nice truck attacks was that French Nationalists and Marie La Pen bore a measure of blame for the attack because they were suppressing radical fundamentalist Muslims?
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Would you characterized the car incident as having reached the mark of domestic terrorism? Was it a simple case of a nut job like the PDX Max train incident? If the Mosque bombing turns out to be someone with a similar mindset would you be prepared to say we have a problem with fringe alt-right groups?

I consider the anarchists in this part of the world to have crossed the line. I expect the left to shun them and call them out. Are those on the right, including the POTUS, prepared to do the same with the alt-righters?

I consider the anarchists in this part of the world to have crossed the line. I expect the left to shun them and call them out. Are those on the right, including the POTUS, prepared to do the same with the alt-righters?

I agree Trump's first comments should have been more direct. He should have stated the need to stamp out the evil hate of white sumpremacist and Nazis. And several GOP senators said as much that his statements were inadequate.

But I think if you believe "expect the left to shun then and call them out"' it appears you have been waiting a long time. I don't remember Obama calling out and condemning BLM.
Participating in a proud, established tradition of Americans kicking Nazi ass. Nazis? In THIS country?! With the sacrifices made to defeat them in the 40's? Could they have chosen a worse symbol? Maybe al Qaeda or ISIS.

Umm, no. More like a bunch of communists against a bunch of fascists/Nazi's. What we've established here is that this was a case of marxists vs fascists which is to say a face off of the left side of the lefts spectrum and the right side of the lefts spectrum.

Communist = left
Marxists = left
Fascists = left
Nazi's = left

They may have called it "unite the right" but it was the right side of the left. Not the right side of the American spectrum. Sorry.

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Participating in a proud, established tradition of Americans kicking Nazi ass. Nazis? In THIS country?! With the sacrifices made to defeat them in the 40's? Could they have chosen a worse symbol? Maybe al Qaeda or ISIS.

Umm, no. More like a bunch of communists against a bunch of fascists/Nazi's. What we've established here is that this was a case of marxists vs fascists which is to say a face off of the left side of the lefts spectrum and the right side of the lefts spectrum.

Communist = left
Marxists = left
Fascists = left
Nazi's = left

They may have called it "unite the right" but it was the right side of the left. Not the right side of the American spectrum. Sorry.

Communists and Marxists are considered left, Nazi's and Fascists are considered right.

They all morph into totalitarianism a-holes in order to enforce their doctrine.

Antifa and Nazi's are the same they are just to stupid to know it.
Communists and Marxists are considered left, Nazi's and Fascists are considered right.

They all morph into totalitarianism a-holes in order to enforce their doctrine.

Antifa and Nazi's are the same they are just to stupid to know it.

It a totally insane "consideration." They are all left.
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@Been Jammin , dude, that's crossing the line. He posts lots of links and memes, but calling him a Nazi? Really?

Sys has called him anti-semitic, but I don't remember him even crossing that line.

Poor form.

You haven't been paying attention if you don't remember him crossing the anti-Semitic line.
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Communists and Marxists are considered left, Nazi's and Fascists are considered right.

They all morph into totalitarianism a-holes in order to enforce their doctrine.

Antifa and Nazi's are the same they are just to stupid to know it.

The flip sides of the totalitarian authoritarian coin.
Umm, no. More like a bunch of communists against a bunch of fascists/Nazi's. What we've established here is that this was a case of marxists vs fascists which is to say a face off of the left side of the lefts spectrum and the right side of the lefts spectrum.

Communist = left
Marxists = left
Fascists = left
Nazi's = left

They may have called it "unite the right" but it was the right side of the left. Not the right side of the American spectrum. Sorry.


Who cares about right/left labels?


Except those "keeping score" of some type.

White nationalists label themselves right....not right of the left.
Who cares about right/left labels?


White nationalists label themselves right....not right of the left.

Because the implication is that Marxism is left and national socialism is right. So we have a false dichotomy being implied to American that there's Marxism or socialism. This matters, specifically in regard to our children.
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Because the implication is that Marxism is left and national socialism is right. So we have a false dichotomy being implied to American that there's Marxism or socialism. This matters, said specially in regard to our children.

It's important to label Marxism and National Socialism on a left right scale...for the children?

Why not just teach them the beliefs and positions they espouse?

I tend to think of these things on a double axis...left/right and authoritarian/anarchy. I think of Marxism and National Socialism as the left/right extremes all the way up in the top of the authoritarian scale. Given the origins of "left and right" from the French Revolution, that's pretty accurate in my opinion. Even then it's little more than a broad brush thumbnail. As far as I am concerned Left/right is a pretty meaningless in today's world. Primarily used to point fingers and assess blame instead actually dealing with issues.
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It's important to label Marxism and National Socialism on a left right scale...for the children?

Why not just teach them the beliefs and positions they espouse?

I tend to think of these things on a double axis...left/right and authoritarian/anarchy. I think of Marxism and National Socialism as the left/right extremes all the way up in the top of the authoritarian scale. Given the origins of "left and right" from the French Revolution, that's pretty accurate in my opinion.

No, it's important to recognize that the scale being preached is wrong. Absolutely wrong.

I agree with that scale and I love discussions various adaptions of political scales. However, children are not being taught philosophy. The media is the main facilitator. So when they are constantly encapsulated with right = fascist and left = antifascist what do you think will happen? Branding is important. It's why even though the Democrats have a much harsher history of segregation, racism, and other atrocities yet they are seen as being on the side of altruism and noble purposes. Branding my friend.
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No, it's important to recognize that the scale being preached is wrong. Absolutely wrong.

I agree with that scale and I love discussions various adaptions of political scales. However, children are not being taught philosophy. The media is the main facilitator. So when they are constantly encapsulated with right = fascist and left = antifascist what do you think will happen? Branding is important. It's why even though the Democrats have a much harsher history of segregation, racism, and other atrocities yet they are seen as being on the side of altruism and noble purposes. Branding my friend.
The idea that we can describe political beliefs and ideologies on a 2 dimensional scale or right left continuum is ludicrous.

If you have to model to a physical analog use a sphere or cube or something...
You haven't been paying attention if you don't remember him crossing the anti-Semitic line.

I was referring to Sys not outright calling NZPoke a nazi.

I also don't think because someone posts a bunch of links to articles necessarily defines them. And I sure wouldn't call anyone a Nazi because of it.
The idea that we can describe political beliefs and ideologies on a 2 dimensional scale or right left continuum is ludicrous.

If you have to model to a physical analog use a sphere or cube or something...

I don't disagree with that. But the average individual, especially young people, they aren't on the same level as you philosophically. Fact is, most people see things on a left-right continuum.
No, it's important to recognize that the scale being preached is wrong. Absolutely wrong.

I agree with that scale and I love discussions various adaptions of political scales. However, children are not being taught philosophy. The media is the main facilitator. So when they are constantly encapsulated with right = fascist and left = antifascist what do you think will happen? Branding is important. It's why even though the Democrats have a much harsher history of segregation, racism, and other atrocities yet they are seen as being on the side of altruism and noble purposes. Branding my friend.

I thought you were one of the accuracy over convenience folks.

You say you agree with my scale, but even mine has Nazism on the far right, far authoritarian scale.

What do I think will happen? The same thing that will happen if they are taught left = fascist and left = antifascist....they will have been inoculated with a simplistic, childish, ultimately meaningless branding.
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I thought you were one of the accuracy over convenience folks.

You say you agree with my scale, but even mine has Nazism on the far right, far authoritarian scale.

What do I think will happen? The same thing that will happen if they are taught left = fascist and left = antifascist....they will have been inoculated with a simplistic, childish, ultimately meaningless branding.

So? A heirarchical scale is a lot different. I can see that point of view.

And no, we need to teach those are extreme left.

I'm sorry. I have to cut this short. Have a wedding to attend.

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