This is why Trump will be reelected ...

obama gets nothing....and will like it. can't say anyone is thankful for 8 years of misery.

Obama inherited an economic mess from Bush. Obama led this country out of The Great Recession...and look at the economy today. Trump inherited a strong and growing economy from Obama. And now those numbers Trump once questioned, he cites. lol.

Americans aren't stupid. They know who gets credit for the economic success we are experiencing right now. And it isn't Trump.

So let me see if I get the narrative right: nothing bad was the ex-rodent in chiefs fault because Bush did/caused it, and nothing that is good can be credited to Trump because the ex-rodent in chief laid the ground work for the eventual success we see now. WHAT A GIANT LOAD OF PARTISAN, PARTY LINE

Optimism, is a great fuel for economic recovery and job creation...despite a congress whose worth is on par with child rapists. Hey keep living in your Peter Pan world GL.
So let me see if I get the narrative right: nothing bad was the ex-rodent in chiefs fault because Bush did/caused it, and nothing that is good can be credited to Trump because the ex-rodent in chief laid the ground work for the eventual success we see now.

No, not at all. There are a number of mistakes that can and are credited to Obama. And yes, when Trump actually starts accomplishing something, positive results, if any, will be attributed to him.

Trump has been President for a little over six months. The economic growth is not his doing. He didn't inherit an economy in the tank and miraculous turned it around. He inherited a growing economy that continues to expand today. As shown by the numbers Trump and his supporters all of a sudden are embracing!

Thank you President Obama.

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Obama inherited an economic mess from Bush. Obama led this country out of The Great Recession...and look at the economy today. Trump inherited a strong and growing economy from Obama. And now those numbers Trump once questioned, he cites. lol.

Americans aren't stupid. They know who gets credit for the economic success we are experiencing right now. And it isn't Trump.

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Did you even bother to read the Salon article you linked?

Yes I read it. Keep in mind I'm not claiming the economy is perfect. Just addressing the claim that somehow Trump should or will get credit for the condition of the economy right now. As for 2020, long ways to go.

Move on Chester.
Yes I read it. Keep in mind I'm not claiming the economy is perfect. Just addressing the claim that somehow Trump should or will get credit for the condition of the economy right now. As for 2020, long ways to go.

Move on Chester.
Perfectly illustrated my point that yes, some Americans are in fact stupid. You're the type that could actually drown while bobbing for apples. Hopefully you don't own any firearms...
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It's too bad national polls and popular votes don't win shit.

Again...and try to keep up...

National Approval ratings are national polls.

National polls during an election gage national popular support.

Many national polls during the election were not wrong, it was some state polling that was off.

I'm referencing national approval ratings.

And finally, just to help you out more, I know that the electoral college is what elects a President. However, if you think Trump is going to win re-election with national approval ratings in the are delusional.
You really don't realize that your use of lol and ellipsis is a dead giveaway, do you?

lol, now you are back to this other poster deal huh?

Oh goodness...I just posted lol...I must be that other poster!! And look, I post in English too!:D

I for one hope this toon character comes back soon. I can't wait to watch you fall over yourself trying to explain how you were so wrong.
Again...and try to keep up...

National Approval ratings are national polls.

National polls during an election gage national popular support.

Many national polls during the election were not wrong, it was some state polling that was off.

I'm referencing national approval ratings.

And finally, just to help you out more, I know that the electoral college is what elects a President. However, if you think Trump is going to win re-election with national approval ratings in the are delusional.
For actual conversation sake, polling methodology is everything when it comes to results. Many 2016 election polls were weighted toward Democrats. The same is true of any poll. Bias will always show up in any poll that isn't a true representation of the applicable segment of the population. In the case of the 2016 elections, the polls didn't accurately represent the voters.

Compare the methodology of CNN and the LA Times poll. There's a reason the LA Times poll has been more accurate.

And for the record, I hope Trump doesn't run again in 2020. I'm not a big fan so far. Outside of a few positive things I approve of like his SC appointment, pulling out of the TPP and the bullshit activist driven Paris Agreement, he's doing shit just like a typical conservative would.
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Trump will be reelected because the majority of Americans do not believe in Cultural Marxism-inspired bullsh*t such as "white privilege" or "gender fluidity."
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Trump will be reflected because the majority of Americans do not believe in Cultural Marxism-inspired bullsh*t such as "white privilege" or "gender fluidity."
I don't know if that will get Trump elected again, but I agree a bunch of people are tired of the identity politics from the Democrats.
For actual conversation sake, polling methodology is everything when it comes to results. Many 2016 election polls were weighted toward Democrats. The same is true of any poll. Bias will always show up in any poll that isn't a true representation of the applicable segment of the population. In the case of the 2016 elections, the polls didn't accurately represent the voters.

Compare the methodology of CNN and the LA Times poll. There's a reason the LA Times poll has been more accurate.

And for the record, I hope Trump doesn't run again in 2020. I'm not a big fan so far. Outside of a few positive things I approve of like his SC appointment, pulling out of the TPP and the bullshit activist driven Paris Agreement, he's doing shit just like a typical conservative would.

A reasonable post, thank you.

I agree with you about polling methodology. I disagree about your broad statement that the polls in 2016 didn't accurately represent the voters. If you mean state level polling, I would agree with you. However, many national level polls were correct and the popular vote reflected that.

I of course also disagree with what you label positives from Trump (except on TPP). Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement was a major blunder and one I think Trump already regrets. It will have to be rectified.
He got elected on those same approval ratings.

He barely got elected with 46.1% support. That is not support in the 30s or low 40s.

If Trump is not at least at 45% approval by 2020, he will be in serious trouble. Probably will even need to be higher than that if the Democrats nominate a stronger candidate than Clinton was (i.e. less flaws).
He barely got elected with 46.1% support. That is not support in the 30s or low 40s.

If Trump is not at least at 45% approval by 2020, he will be in serious trouble. Probably will even need to be higher than that if the Democrats nominate a stronger candidate than Clinton was (i.e. less flaws).


He barely got elected with 46.1% support. That is not support in the 30s or low 40s.

If Trump is not at least at 45% approval by 2020, he will be in serious trouble. Probably will even need to be higher than that if the Democrats nominate a stronger candidate than Clinton was (i.e. less flaws).

Why do I get the feeling this will be the exact message the MSM plans to roll out in 2019?
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