This is why Trump will be reelected ...

Whoa, hold on a minute. Are you telling me Rachael Maddow is a girl?

Oh damn, I never thought of that; I thought she was a dog biscuit pimping Ol' Roy. Maybe Medic would volunteer to do a (fill in this space) check and tell us WTF he/she/it/other is!:D
Top headline: Elected Republicans Not Required to Follow Law
Below the fold: Frankie Threatens to Take Ball and Go Home If He Doesn't Get His Way
If Barrack Hussein Obama had been forcibly removed from office for no reason don't you think it's time for some kind of revolution to take place? I would.
Supreme Court? Congress? Really... numbers maybe in Congress but what have they done with it? Other than cook up a big ole nothing burger....

Paris Agreement marches happily along, perhaps aided by the Cheeto in Chief.

How's your wall coming?
Repealed ACA yet?
Mooooslim ban running smoothly?
ISIS dead yet?
Tax cuts... yours arrive yet in the mail?
VA reformed?

Geezus david, I didn't say I was rooting for them. But bro, let's be honest, the Democrats have shit all over the bed since 2009. The losses are what they are. And I'm enjoying it.

Maybe unlike you, or like you, or somewhere in between, I'm not a fan of one political party having control of everything. It makes me uneasy. That's what gave us the pile of shit Medicaid expansion that is the ACA. Why didn't those Democrat pussies have the balls to go all in on single payer when they had the chance? We both know why. Those floaters are every bit as bad as the Republicans. They sold themselves out in exchange for big insurance bailouts on the backs of us taxpayers. Man, they really stuck it to big insurance and big pharma, didn't they? Savages.

Wall - don't want it. Bad for animals and shit. Actually letting the feds do the job they are paid to do is helping with the illegal immigration problem. Hell, just getting rid of the idiotic invitation of catch and release has slowed the pace quite a bit. California should be thankful with the amount of cash they dole out for people who supposedly don't vote. Where's the win in continuing to foot those bills?

ACA - sorry, but that turd is squarely on the donkeys. Whatever happens all falls back on the dipshits that passed it. There are plenty of folks who feel the exact way I do.

Muslim "ban" - haven't heard anything. I hope we're keeping additional terrorists out, however that's done. I'm all in for bringing in women, children, and the elderly as refugees. The capable military aged males should be staying home to secure their countries so we can get our capable military aged people back home to their families. ISIS doesn't stand a chance if the locals stand up for themselves. Interestingly, it seems some of the locals don't mind them and like that kind of living. That makes for an interesting dynamic.

ISIS - mixed. Probably better to ask Europe since they let a bunch of them in. We're nowhere close to what Medic would be doing about it though. See above.

Tax cuts - yeah right. When the pimps in DC spend money like they do, that'll never happen. It's all a shell game designed to keep you guessing which shell the screwing is under. The other two have nothing, but at least you don't see the screwing you're getting.

VA reform - some people finally got canned and things are starting to slowly move in the right direction. Finally.

Paris Agreement - lol. Like that pile of worthless paper was anything more than an ideological "victory" that was a green light to spend taxpayer money on other people's imaginary problems. I do expect better from you. The cat came screeching out of the bag real early on that it won't have any impact on "climate change" or whatever they call it now. It was all about optics over substance.

Which brings me back to the start of this brief convo with you. Optics over substance is no longer a winning formula outside of the coasts. I didn't invent the problem, but I've done my part to send my personal message. Optics over substance gave us the shit that's now in DC. Even union folks have bailed. I had hoped the slugs of the donkey party would wake up and smell the #winning they've been doing. Since the election, they've delivered Russia Russia Russia, resist Trump, and now some new chain pizza joint slogan, none of which is going to reverse their #winning.

The unfortunate reality is that nothing has really changed except the focus of the optics at this point. But, the optics being focused on jobs, illegal immigration, relief from the retarded regulatory burden we've been forced into, and other things that are actually meaningful to working class people is much more appealing than being focused on who can use what bathroom.

So yeah, for me, the Democrats, who've become the elitist piles of shit that Republicans have been for years, losing their asses with a Trump cherry on top is #winning.
Oh damn, I never thought of that; I thought she was a dog biscuit pimping Ol' Roy. Maybe Medic would volunteer to do a (fill in this space) check and tell us WTF he/she/it/other is!:D
Nope. I only see bad shit I'm legally forced to see. Unless you asshats manage to get him into my ambulance jurisdiction, Medic will not give any thought into Richard Sadcow's plumbing parts.

If you asshats do manage to get him into my jurisdiction, I'll get him a lift via Uber to Been Jammin's office to get it sorted out. I know he won't go hungry there. Been has a cabinet filled with free dog food samples.
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Geezus david, I didn't say I was rooting for them. But bro, let's be honest, the Democrats have shit all over the bed since 2009. The losses are what they are. And I'm enjoying it.

Maybe unlike you, or like you, or somewhere in between, I'm not a fan of one political party having control of everything. It makes me uneasy. That's what gave us the pile of shit Medicaid expansion that is the ACA. Why didn't those Democrat pussies have the balls to go all in on single payer when they had the chance? We both know why. Those floaters are every bit as bad as the Republicans. They sold themselves out in exchange for big insurance bailouts on the backs of us taxpayers. Man, they really stuck it to big insurance and big pharma, didn't they? Savages.

Wall - don't want it. Bad for animals and shit. Actually letting the feds do the job they are paid to do is helping with the illegal immigration problem. Hell, just getting rid of the idiotic invitation of catch and release has slowed the pace quite a bit. California should be thankful with the amount of cash they dole out for people who supposedly don't vote. Where's the win in continuing to foot those bills?

ACA - sorry, but that turd is squarely on the donkeys. Whatever happens all falls back on the dipshits that passed it. There are plenty of folks who feel the exact way I do.

Muslim "ban" - haven't heard anything. I hope we're keeping additional terrorists out, however that's done. I'm all in for bringing in women, children, and the elderly as refugees. The capable military aged males should be staying home to secure their countries so we can get our capable military aged people back home to their families. ISIS doesn't stand a chance if the locals stand up for themselves. Interestingly, it seems some of the locals don't mind them and like that kind of living. That makes for an interesting dynamic.

ISIS - mixed. Probably better to ask Europe since they let a bunch of them in. We're nowhere close to what Medic would be doing about it though. See above.

Tax cuts - yeah right. When the pimps in DC spend money like they do, that'll never happen. It's all a shell game designed to keep you guessing which shell the screwing is under. The other two have nothing, but at least you don't see the screwing you're getting.

VA reform - some people finally got canned and things are starting to slowly move in the right direction. Finally.

Paris Agreement - lol. Like that pile of worthless paper was anything more than an ideological "victory" that was a green light to spend taxpayer money on other people's imaginary problems. I do expect better from you. The cat came screeching out of the bag real early on that it won't have any impact on "climate change" or whatever they call it now. It was all about optics over substance.

Which brings me back to the start of this brief convo with you. Optics over substance is no longer a winning formula outside of the coasts. I didn't invent the problem, but I've done my part to send my personal message. Optics over substance gave us the shit that's now in DC. Even union folks have bailed. I had hoped the slugs of the donkey party would wake up and smell the #winning they've been doing. Since the election, they've delivered Russia Russia Russia, resist Trump, and now some new chain pizza joint slogan, none of which is going to reverse their #winning.

The unfortunate reality is that nothing has really changed except the focus of the optics at this point. But, the optics being focused on jobs, illegal immigration, relief from the retarded regulatory burden we've been forced into, and other things that are actually meaningful to working class people is much more appealing than being focused on who can use what bathroom.

So yeah, for me, the Democrats, who've become the elitist piles of shit that Republicans have been for years, losing their asses with a Trump cherry on top is #winning.
Lots to parse here... Much to agree with, a few things to clarify, and it wouldn't be an exchange between Medic and PDX without a few "bullshits" thrown in.

Let me try and respond tomorrow.
If Barrack Hussein Obama had been forcibly removed from office for no reason don't you think it's time for some kind of revolution to take place? I would.
Removal of office of DJT would be for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". I have enough faith in what we have left to believe that.

The mere process of investigation really should not be cause for these types of "revolution" drama statements. That might just be me though...
Removal of office of DJT would be for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors".
Then, as I said before in this thread, we have absolutely nothing to worry about. But, let's say Obama was prez and was forcibly removed from office because of reasons X, Y and Z and you know that X, Y and Z didn't happen at all. You know that a cabal had him removed because it could not stomach the thought of a person of color being president. You'd be fit to be tied and you wouldn't utter a complaint against those taking up arms to right the injustice.
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Geezus david, I didn't say I was rooting for them. But bro, let's be honest, the Democrats have shit all over the bed since 2009. The losses are what they are. And I'm enjoying it.

Maybe unlike you, or like you, or somewhere in between, I'm not a fan of one political party having control of everything. It makes me uneasy. That's what gave us the pile of shit Medicaid expansion that is the ACA. Why didn't those Democrat pussies have the balls to go all in on single payer when they had the chance? We both know why. Those floaters are every bit as bad as the Republicans. They sold themselves out in exchange for big insurance bailouts on the backs of us taxpayers. Man, they really stuck it to big insurance and big pharma, didn't they? Savages.

Wall - don't want it. Bad for animals and shit. Actually letting the feds do the job they are paid to do is helping with the illegal immigration problem. Hell, just getting rid of the idiotic invitation of catch and release has slowed the pace quite a bit. California should be thankful with the amount of cash they dole out for people who supposedly don't vote. Where's the win in continuing to foot those bills?

ACA - sorry, but that turd is squarely on the donkeys. Whatever happens all falls back on the dipshits that passed it. There are plenty of folks who feel the exact way I do.

Muslim "ban" - haven't heard anything. I hope we're keeping additional terrorists out, however that's done. I'm all in for bringing in women, children, and the elderly as refugees. The capable military aged males should be staying home to secure their countries so we can get our capable military aged people back home to their families. ISIS doesn't stand a chance if the locals stand up for themselves. Interestingly, it seems some of the locals don't mind them and like that kind of living. That makes for an interesting dynamic.

ISIS - mixed. Probably better to ask Europe since they let a bunch of them in. We're nowhere close to what Medic would be doing about it though. See above.

Tax cuts - yeah right. When the pimps in DC spend money like they do, that'll never happen. It's all a shell game designed to keep you guessing which shell the screwing is under. The other two have nothing, but at least you don't see the screwing you're getting.

VA reform - some people finally got canned and things are starting to slowly move in the right direction. Finally.

Paris Agreement - lol. Like that pile of worthless paper was anything more than an ideological "victory" that was a green light to spend taxpayer money on other people's imaginary problems. I do expect better from you. The cat came screeching out of the bag real early on that it won't have any impact on "climate change" or whatever they call it now. It was all about optics over substance.

Which brings me back to the start of this brief convo with you. Optics over substance is no longer a winning formula outside of the coasts. I didn't invent the problem, but I've done my part to send my personal message. Optics over substance gave us the shit that's now in DC. Even union folks have bailed. I had hoped the slugs of the donkey party would wake up and smell the #winning they've been doing. Since the election, they've delivered Russia Russia Russia, resist Trump, and now some new chain pizza joint slogan, none of which is going to reverse their #winning.

The unfortunate reality is that nothing has really changed except the focus of the optics at this point. But, the optics being focused on jobs, illegal immigration, relief from the retarded regulatory burden we've been forced into, and other things that are actually meaningful to working class people is much more appealing than being focused on who can use what bathroom.

So yeah, for me, the Democrats, who've become the elitist piles of shit that Republicans have been for years, losing their asses with a Trump cherry on top is #winning.

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Removal of office of DJT would be for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". I have enough faith in what we have left to believe that.

The mere process of investigation really should not be cause for these types of "revolution" drama statements. That might just be me though...

no reasonable people believe russian collusion happened or truly needs an investigation. this is publically funded opposition research for material to go in official reports which will be made public and will be used either to instigate impeachment (warranted or not, it won't matter) or expose/create distractions for midterms and 2020 reelection bid.

mueller can play it by the book but the result is the same. it was actually a great tactic if one believes undermining a presidential election is a good thing. trump helped paint himself into that corner. just remember precedents set today bite you in the ass tomorrow and let's be grown ups here and acknowledge he simply got outmaneuvered by the deep state and ruling class elite.

it would be a lot more interesting conversation if we could drop the clumsy pretense
no reasonable people believe russian collusion happened or truly needs an investigation. this is publically funded opposition research for material to go in official reports which will be made public and will be used either to instigate impeachment (warranted or not, it won't matter) or expose/create distractions for midterms and 2020 reelection bid.

mueller can play it by the book but the result is the same. it was actually a great tactic if one believes undermining a presidential election is a good thing. trump helped paint himself into that corner. just remember precedents set today bite you in the ass tomorrow and let's be grown ups here and acknowledge he simply got outmaneuvered by the deep state and ruling class elite.

it would be a lot more interesting conversation if we could drop the clumsy pretense

The conversation would be a lot more interesting if you didn't start with the proposition that no reasonable person could disagree with your assessment.
no reasonable people believe russian collusion happened or truly needs an investigation. this is publically funded opposition research for material to go in official reports which will be made public and will be used either to instigate impeachment (warranted or not, it won't matter) or expose/create distractions for midterms and 2020 reelection bid.

mueller can play it by the book but the result is the same. it was actually a great tactic if one believes undermining a presidential election is a good thing. trump helped paint himself into that corner. just remember precedents set today bite you in the ass tomorrow and let's be grown ups here and acknowledge he simply got outmaneuvered by the deep state and ruling class elite.

it would be a lot more interesting conversation if we could drop the clumsy pretense

Demoncrats + Deep state = Littlefinger:

"Chaos is a ladder."
I didn't say they couldn't. I said they don't.

regardless, point taken.

I do.....believe at least that an investigation needs to be made. I have a reasonable suspicion that it may have occurred and that needs to be followed through to either confirm or exonerate.

So am I unreasonable when I say that or am I the exception that "proves" the rule you proposed?
no reasonable people believe russian collusion happened or truly needs an investigation. this is publically funded opposition research for material to go in official reports which will be made public and will be used either to instigate impeachment (warranted or not, it won't matter) or expose/create distractions for midterms and 2020 reelection bid.

mueller can play it by the book but the result is the same. it was actually a great tactic if one believes undermining a presidential election is a good thing. trump helped paint himself into that corner. just remember precedents set today bite you in the ass tomorrow and let's be grown ups here and acknowledge he simply got outmaneuvered by the deep state and ruling class elite.

it would be a lot more interesting conversation if we could drop the clumsy pretense

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I do.....believe at least that an investigation needs to be made. I have a reasonable suspicion that it may have occurred and that needs to be followed through to either confirm or exonerate.

So am I unreasonable when I say that or am I the exception that "proves" the rule you proposed?

in my opinion you are highly reasonable. which is why you should recognize your likely bias as an investigator in favor of the validity of investigations when they come under scrutiny by laypersons.

and indeed it likely is a valid investigation running its valid course. the need and true purpose for it coming to pass is the bone of my contention.

if they find something treasonous, hang him. but it seems a low threshold given the level of reasonable suspicion many other well known governmental characters from both parties seem to enjoy special investigation free. for now at least.
if they find something treasonous, hang him. but it seems a low threshold given the level of reasonable suspicion many other well known governmental characters from both parties seem to enjoy special investigation free. for now at least.


again the real crime is the same folks that lost an election get to debase the results of said election

getting debate questions isn't fraud
it's gamesmanship

junior meeting the babushka isn't gamesmanship it's treason

bla bla bla
in my opinion you are highly reasonable. which is why you should recognize your likely bias as an investigator in favor of the validity of investigations when they come under scrutiny by laypersons.

and indeed it likely is a valid investigation running its valid course. the need and true purpose for it coming to pass is the bone of my contention.

if they find something treasonous, hang him. but it seems a low threshold given the level of reasonable suspicion many other well known governmental characters from both parties seem to enjoy special investigation free. for now at least.

Fair enough. Reasonable suspicion is NOT a high level of proof of a valid investigation. I don't believe I have a bias "in favor" of validity. I believe I am applying the legal standard established by law and court decision. I don't believe I make my reasonable suspicion evaluation in a biased post hoc manner with an eye to justifying an investigation. I do believe that most laypersons don't apply the legal standard for validity in their scrutiny of the question at hand and often reveal their own bias in not doing so and reaching a conclusion....whatever that conclusion is. I have my standard of scrutiny, they have theirs'. I believe mine is certainly less biased and more defensible than theirs'

As for other characters from both parties being free from investigations and what that reveals, I agree completely.
Fair enough. Reasonable suspicion is NOT a high level of proof of a valid investigation. I don't believe I have a bias "in favor" of validity. I believe I am applying the legal standard established by law and court decision. I don't believe I make my reasonable suspicion evaluation in a biased post hoc manner with an eye to justifying an investigation. I do believe that most laypersons don't apply the legal standard for validity in their scrutiny of the question at hand and often reveal their own bias in not doing so and reaching a conclusion....whatever that conclusion is. I have my standard of scrutiny, they have theirs'. I believe mine is certainly less biased and more defensible than theirs'

As for other characters from both parties being free from investigations and what that reveals, I agree completely.

not a criticism of you personally

but a bloodhound is a bloodhound and whether it's released on the trail by a jilted ex candidate or ex wife
it's gonna hunt

it may get a face full of pepper but it's gonna hunt

if reasonable suspicion is not a high level of proof of a valid investigation

the damage inflicted by said investigation should be considered a mitigating factor when engaging in such
not a criticism of you personally

but a bloodhound is a bloodhound and whether it's released on the trail by a jilted ex candidate or ex wife
it's gonna hunt

it may get a face full of pepper but it's gonna hunt

if reasonable suspicion is not a high level of proof of a valid investigation

the damage inflicted by said investigation should be considered a mitigating factor when engaging in such

What's the alternative level of proof that would be more valid? Seems anything higher would result in no investigations ever being done.

Are you saying an investigation should be mitigated based upon who is being investigated? If so, I disagree. The standard under the law should be the same for everyone, whomever they may be.
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What's the alternative level of proof that would be more valid? Seems anything higher would result in no investigations ever being done.

Are you saying an investigation should be mitigated based upon who is being investigated? If so, I disagree. The standard under the law should be the same for everyone, whomever they may be.

what's the alternative level of proof?

admittedly above my pay grade

yes i am saying the investigation should be mitigated based upon it involving

the president of the united states

i don't think anyone for one minute sat around the conference table and said

you do realize you are investigating the elected leader of the free world

you better not effing miss

nah these folks just sit around in the weeds on the hilltops in the bell towers sniping willy nilly
What's the alternative level of proof that would be more valid? Seems anything higher would result in no investigations ever being done.

Are you saying an investigation should be mitigated based upon who is being investigated? If so, I disagree. The standard under the law should be the same for everyone, whomever they may be.

lemme ask you

what if all this is investigation is wrong?

what has been done?
Has the Deep State and Media establishments figured out a way to, in essence, keep anybody and everybody in check...lest they be taken out or dismantled to a less effective Administration?

Maybe the wrong thread in which to ask that.
what's the alternative level of proof?

admittedly above my pay grade

yes i am saying the investigation should be mitigated based upon it involving

the president of the united states

i don't think anyone for one minute sat around the conference table and said

you do realize you are investigating the elected leader of the free world

you better not effing miss

nah these folks just sit around in the weeds on the hilltops in the bell towers sniping willy nilly

We are definitely gonna disagree on that.

Nobody should get a free pass just because they are elite or "important".

Also, how far down the food chain does this mitigation benefit go? VP, Congress, Cabinet, Governors? Where's this special privilege for the politically powerful stop?
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lemme ask you

what if all this is investigation is wrong?

what has been done?

If the investigation is wrong.

Mueller announces no charges are going to be filed.

Trump says "I told you so" and destroys Dems and media on twitter. Gains popularity amongst his loyal minions and maybe among fence straddlers.
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We are definitely gonna disagree on that.

Nobody should get a free pass just because they are elite or "important".

Also, how far down the food chain does this mitigation benefit go? VP, Congress, Cabinet, Governors? Where's this special privilege for the politically powerful stop?

my point concerning mitigation was centered on and starts with the idea that

in your words reasonable suspicion was not a high level of proof for a valid investigation

it stops there.
If the investigation is wrong.

Mueller announces no charges are going to be filed.

Trump says "I told you so" and destroys Dems and media on twitter. Gains popularity amongst his loyal minions and maybe among fence straddlers.


but he's the lawfully elected president of the united states

and if the investigation is wrong

the lawfully elected president of the united states for a year or more has operated under a cloud of investigation

which turns out to be nothing more than a cheap potshot by the opposition and losing party

this scenario flys in the face of our democracy

but he's the lawfully elected president of the united states

and if the investigation is wrong

the lawfully elected president of the united states for a year or more has operated under a cloud of investigation

which turns out to be nothing more than a cheap potshot by the opposition and losing party

this scenario flys in the face of our democracy
Not to throw fuel on the fire, but I remember when some Democrat told us that failure to acknowledge the results of an election was a threat to democracy. Hmmm.

I also remember when a Democrat told us the US elections could not be rigged and to quit whining. Hmmm.

Both of those Democrats sure are quiet today while other Democrats fail to acknowledge the results of the election and claim Russian interference is to blame for the results.

Don't you want your government officials kept in check?

I do.

That isn't an answer to my question. But my first question was inadequate to what I meant to communicate.

Has the Deep State and Media establishments figured out a way to, in essence, keep anybody and everybody in check as defined by however they feel an official SHOULD behave/govern/speak/vote/think ...lest they be taken out or dismantled to a less effective Administration?

Aren't deep state folks government officials as well? Don't they generally have rulebooks, codes of conduct, and laws they are bound to follow?
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my point concerning mitigation was centered on and starts with the idea that

in your words reasonable suspicion was not a high level of proof for a valid investigation

it stops there.

When I say a not high level of proof, that is in comparison to that necessary to charge and convict.

And your point doesn't seem to stop there, IMO...because you at least suggest that it some cases ought to be higher depending upon the person being investigated.
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but he's the lawfully elected president of the united states

and if the investigation is wrong

the lawfully elected president of the united states for a year or more has operated under a cloud of investigation

which turns out to be nothing more than a cheap potshot by the opposition and losing party

this scenario flys in the face of our democracy

Arguing the President should be immune or get some special dispensation from an investigation based upon reasonable suspicion flies in the face of our democracy, IMO.
at one point the media was our protector

mueller career highlight is testifying sadam is going to give al quesadilla wmd's? lol

At one point the media scrutinized, investigated, and questioned the integrity of all officials.

They let us down when they stopped doing that.
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Arguing the President should be immune or get some special dispensation from an investigation based upon reasonable suspicion flies in the face of our democracy, IMO.

treat the office with the respect it deserves

that is not blanket immunity
treat the office with the respect it deserves

that is not blanket immunity

The office doesn't deserve a different standard for investigation or prosecution than the average citizen gets.

And again, does this special standard get extended only to the President? Do any other offices get it as well?

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