Supreme Court? Congress? Really... numbers maybe in Congress but what have they done with it? Other than cook up a big ole nothing burger....
Paris Agreement marches happily along, perhaps aided by the Cheeto in Chief.
How's your wall coming?
Repealed ACA yet?
Mooooslim ban running smoothly?
ISIS dead yet?
Tax cuts... yours arrive yet in the mail?
VA reformed?
Geezus david, I didn't say I was rooting for them. But bro, let's be honest, the Democrats have shit all over the bed since 2009. The losses are what they are. And I'm enjoying it.
Maybe unlike you, or like you, or somewhere in between, I'm not a fan of one political party having control of everything. It makes me uneasy. That's what gave us the pile of shit Medicaid expansion that is the ACA. Why didn't those Democrat pussies have the balls to go all in on single payer when they had the chance? We both know why. Those floaters are every bit as bad as the Republicans. They sold themselves out in exchange for big insurance bailouts on the backs of us taxpayers. Man, they really stuck it to big insurance and big pharma, didn't they? Savages.
Wall - don't want it. Bad for animals and shit. Actually letting the feds do the job they are paid to do is helping with the illegal immigration problem. Hell, just getting rid of the idiotic invitation of catch and release has slowed the pace quite a bit. California should be thankful with the amount of cash they dole out for people who supposedly don't vote. Where's the win in continuing to foot those bills?
ACA - sorry, but that turd is squarely on the donkeys. Whatever happens all falls back on the dipshits that passed it. There are plenty of folks who feel the exact way I do.
Muslim "ban" - haven't heard anything. I hope we're keeping additional terrorists out, however that's done. I'm all in for bringing in women, children, and the elderly as refugees. The capable military aged males should be staying home to secure their countries so we can get our capable military aged people back home to their families. ISIS doesn't stand a chance if the locals stand up for themselves. Interestingly, it seems some of the locals don't mind them and like that kind of living. That makes for an interesting dynamic.
ISIS - mixed. Probably better to ask Europe since they let a bunch of them in. We're nowhere close to what Medic would be doing about it though. See above.
Tax cuts - yeah right. When the pimps in DC spend money like they do, that'll never happen. It's all a shell game designed to keep you guessing which shell the screwing is under. The other two have nothing, but at least you don't see the screwing you're getting.
VA reform - some people finally got canned and things are starting to slowly move in the right direction. Finally.
Paris Agreement - lol. Like that pile of worthless paper was anything more than an ideological "victory" that was a green light to spend taxpayer money on other people's imaginary problems. I do expect better from you. The cat came screeching out of the bag real early on that it won't have any impact on "climate change" or whatever they call it now. It was all about optics over substance.
Which brings me back to the start of this brief convo with you. Optics over substance is no longer a winning formula outside of the coasts. I didn't invent the problem, but I've done my part to send my personal message. Optics over substance gave us the shit that's now in DC. Even union folks have bailed. I had hoped the slugs of the donkey party would wake up and smell the #winning they've been doing. Since the election, they've delivered Russia Russia Russia, resist Trump, and now some new chain pizza joint slogan, none of which is going to reverse their #winning.
The unfortunate reality is that nothing has really changed except the focus of the optics at this point. But, the optics being focused on jobs, illegal immigration, relief from the retarded regulatory burden we've been forced into, and other things that are actually meaningful to working class people is much more appealing than being focused on who can use what bathroom.
So yeah, for me, the Democrats, who've become the elitist piles of shit that Republicans have been for years, losing their asses with a Trump cherry on top is #winning.