This is why Trump will be reelected ...

The success we continue to see today with the economy is because of the economic recovery that occurred under Obama.

You should be thanking Obama....
In a way Obama is responsible, his f'd up bureaucracy and oppressive regulations caused a lot of pent up demand that came out in a wave of relief by middle America and small businesses when Hillary lost.

The current business expansion is a direct response to not having a bunch of SJW's running the country.
In a way Obama is responsible, his f'd up bureaucracy and oppressive regulations caused a lot of pent up demand that came out in a wave of relief by middle America and small businesses when Hillary lost.

The current business expansion is a direct response to not having a bunch of SJW's running the country.

Nice attempt at political spin. Guess it all the right has though at the moment.
No spin, Obama was a blatant liar and was the worst President since Jimmy Carter, maybe even worse, if anything positive happened on his watch it was in spite of him not because of him.


Hang in there.
The presidency, the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court... Yep, spin is all the right has right now.

And what are they accomplishing? They can't even agree amongst themselves on most issues.

btw, the topic was the economy. Not the political makeup of the branches of government.

How's that Paris Agreement coming along?

Rather well and Trump is now realizing the mistake he made.

Stay tuned.

Hang in there.
If President Obama was so wonderful why didn't Hillary ride his beautiful coat tails all the way to the Presidency?

People are sick of the political correct nonsense we had the last 8 years. If you really want to see some pissed off people let them take Trump out of office and you'll see a wave of protests in this country that will make these ANTIFA pussies look like a rally of grade school Brownie Troops.
And what are they accomplishing? They can't even agree amongst themselves on most issues.

btw, the topic was the economy. Not the political makeup of the branches of government.

Rather well and Trump is now realizing the mistake he made.

Stay tuned.
Ahhh. Economy. Hmmmm. Is that why you were posting about polls?

And what do all of those branches of government have in common now? I'll give you a hint, it isn't Democrats.

Awwww, you mad about the adios to the Paris Agreement bro? It'll be OK. None of the dumbass global cooling/warming/climate change predictions have happened. It's phony alarmism. It isn't real. The alarmism is like your parents saying you won't get presents from Santa if you're bad. They say that to control your behavior. Just like the climate change alarmists are controlling yours now.
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If President Obama was so wonderful why didn't Hillary ride his beautiful coat tails all the way to the Presidency?

Because Hillary is no Obama and Hillary had a lot of baggage. And yet Hillary still got more votes from Americans than Trump lol!

You just better be glad Presidents can only serve two terms!;)

If you really want to see some pissed off people let them take Trump out of office and you'll see a wave of protests in this country

Let them? Not, let Trump's own actions take him out of office? Here comes the conspiracies and paranoia.

btw, protest away! You have the right.
And what do all of those branches of government have in common now? I'll give you a hint, it isn't Democrats.

Congrats. And the GOP sure is accomplishing a lot for the American people, huh?:rolleyes:

The branches of government go back and forth among the parties. Be patient and you will see another swing...

Awwww, you mad about the adios to the Paris Agreement bro?

Nope, not mad at all. It will be rectified soon enough.

Like I said, stay tuned.
Nope, not mad at all. It will be rectified soon enough.

Like I said, stay tuned.

How do you see it being rectified, by whom, and how soon is "soon enough"?
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Anybody that works for a company that has significant assets invested in the stock market or large amounts of cash or does themselves knows since the last crash Companies have been hoarding cash, to the point Corporate Balance Sheets held the largest cash reserves in US history. Now, cash invested in cash loses purchasing power because your return is below the rate of inflation. So, Corporate Boards were ok letting their cash sit idle, why?

It is really simple, and libs and Dems will deny, but they sat on that cash waiting for a favorable business environment. Corporate Board's could not trust Obama's plans, like raising the salary needed to not be eligible to work OT to $47,500, the threat of taxes going up, an endless budget deficit, an inability to compete fairly in international markets (see Hayley Davidson as an example), Obama was not seen as business friendly or creating the positive business and spending sentiment, or the confidence to put cash in play. Obama moved jobs outside the US, that is the truth.

I know 3 really good investment advisors that all have access to the top financial advisors on Wall Street, IF they sensed they could tell you the truth about the cash being hoarded without you being offended politically or if you had the stomach for the truth, they would tell you the financial community was waiting for a President that was business friendly and if a Republican got in office, the cash was going to start coming in to the market because there was pent up desire to get idle cash working again if the right President went in to office. Think about it, why would large corporations have a grandma portfolio? That cash is coming in and it is moving the market as predicted, it will not come in all at once but the change in sentiment is a huge factor and if it stays high it will continue to come in. Hate on Trump all you want but he is creating a more positive business environment, after Obama not hard to do. Obama concentrated on social issues and Trump may have already met with more business leaders than Obama did in 8 years. Trump even convinced Apple of all people to bring some manufacturing to the US.

The market will pull back this year, most likely 5%, if economic indicators remain positive the market will advance in 2018.

I know someone who owns a chain of convenience stores in Kentucky, he was sitting tight to see the election, since January he has started his first expansion of new stores in years, he said everyone he knew in business was waiting for Trump to get elected because they knew he would fix the economy.

2 things make an economy rock, you have to have a good economy and fundamentals, and you have to have positive business sentiment and the general public to feel good about their economic future to spend, the psychology in the country right now is improved, it is assisting the recovery. Consumer confidence is growing.

I said this earlier, Trump wins the next election on jobs and the economy alone if things are good, if it is just ok, he will have to have some wins in HC, tax reform, immigration, etc...if the economy is bad he will not win. Of course we might be to the point that some Americans could give a dang about working or saving for retirement and might prefer to have a government that takes care of them cradle to grave and would vote against a President that improved the financial situation for the public.

It is crazy the cash accumulation by corporations over the last 8 years, money talks, people controlling corporate cash did not trust Obama, sorry but it is true.
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Ahhh. Economy. Hmmmm. Is that why you were posting about polls?

And what do all of those branches of government have in common now? I'll give you a hint, it isn't Democrats.

Awwww, you mad about the adios to the Paris Agreement bro? It'll be OK. None of the dumbass global cooling/warming/climate change predictions have happened. It's phony alarmism. It isn't real. The alarmism is like your parents saying you won't get presents from Santa if you're bad. They say that to control your behavior. Just like the climate change alarmists are controlling yours now.

Hey! Enough with the santa shit ok!
How do you see it being rectified, by whom, and how soon is "soon enough"?

Either Trump will embrace a face-saving move to re-enter the agreement (i.e. claim some changes have been made that gives him enough political cover) or the next President in 2021 will renew our commitment. I think comments by Emmanuel Macron and others (even Richard Burton) indicate that Trump understands the mistake he made. Rather Trump changes course though is an open question. One never knows with Trump.

While waiting till 2021 is worrisome for some (worries about economic repercussions, the U.S. falling behind, etc.) there are positive signs that on the local level, many local leaders are going to work to sustain the agreement until a new President is in the White House.
If President Obama was so wonderful why didn't Hillary ride his beautiful coat tails all the way to the Presidency?

People are sick of the political correct nonsense we had the last 8 years. If you really want to see some pissed off people let them take Trump out of office and you'll see a wave of protests in this country that will make these ANTIFA pussies look like a rally of grade school Brownie Troops.

Just for the sake of clarity. Post election protests by liberals/Dems are uncalled for, ridiculous and incite violence. But, it is OK for Trump supporters to protest if he is removed from office. Is that about right?
You really don't realize that your use of lol and ellipsis is a dead giveaway, do you?

There are some things that can be easily masked, like use of slang, but the ellipsis is a hard habit to really is.
And very unique...
Just for the sake of clarity. Post election protests by liberals/Dems are uncalled for, ridiculous and incite violence. But, it is OK for Trump supporters to protest if he is removed from office. Is that about right?

Protests are one thing, destroying property and hurting people is another. We had riots going on mixed with some protests. As long as people protest peacefully I have no problem. Personally, I think it should be illegal to burn the flag and if protesters are trying to incite violence they should be shut down IMO.
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Protests are one thing, destroying property and hurting people is another. We had riots going on mixed with some protests. As long as people protest peacefully I have no problem. Personally, I think it should be illegal to burn the flag and if protesters are trying to incite violence they should be shut down IMO.

This doesn't sound like he is describing a group inclined to peaceful protests...
"If you really want to see some pissed off people let them take Trump out of office and you'll see a wave of protests in this country that will make these ANTIFA pussies look like a rally of grade school Brownie Troops."
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This doesn't sound like he is describing a group inclined to peaceful protests...
"If you really want to see some pissed off people let them take Trump out of office and you'll see a wave of protests in this country that will make these ANTIFA pussies look like a rally of grade school Brownie Troops."
It is definitely time for a revolution when deep state thugs can override a duly held election. It would take that much to set us off. On the left, they get set off just because their guy doesn't win. Big difference.
Relax Been your side still has the monopoly on stupid protests and destroying private property.

Nothing bad will happen from the right unless a people believe their vote has been stolen then you'll see large protests and they'll remain peaceful unless the left shows up.

Went to several Tea Party rallies, the places where left cleaner than before the rallies. Liberal rallies always leave everything trashed. Different mind sets I guess.
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President Trump has delivered an immense service to his countrymen by completely exposing the establishment. Before Trump, I poopawed its existence and influence. Now, it's as clear as the nose on my face how its interests are diametrically opposed to those of the vast majority of Americans and the establishment usually wins through its bought and paid for politicians. Never Trumpers are just plain stupid if they don't understand the powerful, meaningful relationship President Trump has with his supporters.
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President Trump has delivered an immense service to his countrymen by completely exposing the establishment. Before Trump, I poopawed its existence and influence. Now, it's as clear as the nose on my face how its interests are diametrically opposed to the vast majority of Americans and the establishment usually wins through its bought and paid for politicians. Never Trumpers are just plain stupid if they don't understand the powerful, meaningful relationship President Trump has with his supporters.

trump has challenged the establishment in the same manner as voltaire
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trump has challenged the establishment in the same manner as voltaire

BJ, because of President Trump and what he has clearly exposed for tens of millions of people to plainly see, politics in this country will never be the same again. If anyone truly believes we are going back in time to politics as usual they are clearly mistaken. President Trump caused a veritable earthquake in American politics.
Worked and lived in CA a couple of times, there are a lot of rural towns that have almost been completely taken over by undocumented / illegals immigrants. It is very easy to register to vote in CA without proof of citizenship. You can't tell me those people aren't voting.

Throw out CA illegals and Trump not only wins the electoral college in a landslide he wins the popular vote.
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The presidency, the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court... Yep, spin is all the right has right now. How's that Paris Agreement coming along?
Supreme Court? Congress? Really... numbers maybe in Congress but what have they done with it? Other than cook up a big ole nothing burger....

Paris Agreement marches happily along, perhaps aided by the Cheeto in Chief.

How's your wall coming?
Repealed ACA yet?
Mooooslim ban running smoothly?
ISIS dead yet?
Tax cuts... yours arrive yet in the mail?
VA reformed?

It is definitely time for a revolution when deep state thugs can override a duly held election. It would take that much to set us off. On the left, they get set off just because their guy doesn't win. Big difference.
Or when the dumb ass loads the gun, hands it to them and dares them to use it...

Who created the dumpster fire the "deep state" is using against DJT? Did some bureaucrat force him to hire Mannafort, appoint Flynn, et al? Them some spooky powerful folks there....
It is definitely time for a revolution when deep state thugs can override a duly held election. It would take that much to set us off. On the left, they get set off just because their guy doesn't win. Big difference.
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