The Hannibal Directive: Did They Or Didn’t They?

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
For now the IDF just wants us to believe they killed scores of their own citizens because they are incompetent.

For now the IDF just wants us to believe they killed scores of their own citizens because they are incompetent.

Some very interesting quotes in that story. I wonder how many deaths are actually from friendly fire, and how many are due to "inaction". Because those are significantly different things. For example, the story highlights a poor decision by commanders to hold forces in reserve. Why is that a poor decision? You know now that Hamas didn't have reserve forces, or that this wasn't a coordinated with other terrorist groups like Hezbollah, but IDF commanders on October 7th didn't know that. So holding troops in reserve while defining a response to an unknown attacker force is smart military strategy. So I'll be interested in how many of the 'failures' are the friendly fire type, and how many are the 'monday morning QB' type.
Some very interesting quotes in that story. I wonder how many deaths are actually from friendly fire, and how many are due to "inaction". Because those are significantly different things. For example, the story highlights a poor decision by commanders to hold forces in reserve. Why is that a poor decision? You know now that Hamas didn't have reserve forces, or that this wasn't a coordinated with other terrorist groups like Hezbollah, but IDF commanders on October 7th didn't know that. So holding troops in reserve while defining a response to an unknown attacker force is smart military strategy. So I'll be interested in how many of the 'failures' are the friendly fire type, and how many are the 'monday morning QB' type.
So the IDF is correct in admitting it is incompetent? Interesting take.
Now the Hamas defense is Israel didn't respond to a surprise attack on Israeli civilians correctly? SMFH what kind of moron comes up with this kind of stuff?
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For now the IDF just wants us to believe they killed scores of their own citizens because they are incompetent.

So Israel is not only Genociding Hamas and Hamas supporters they are Genociding themselves as well?
Oh the humanity of it all!
You should know better about friendly fire incidents having a military background. I'll wait for the report to come out than speculate on what is in it or not.
You’te right, of course, that’s what we all should do. Maybe you should contact Israeli media and tell them to slow their roll. They’re the one doing the early reporting.
Now the Hamas defense is Israel didn't respond to a surprise attack on Israeli civilians correctly? SMFH what kind of moron comes up with this kind of stuff?
Hamas defense? Sorry, Bub, this is coming from your beloved IDF itself.
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Your Daddy would read this and be so proud of how he raised his brilliant lawyer son.
Like your dad was proud of the invertebrate milquetoast he raised, eh Caspar?

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Critical thinking Dan. Who attack who on October 7th? The attacker is 100% responsible for any and all deaths.
Here’s my take on the situation the IDF faced and continues to face. They realize they have two options: admit they employed the Hannibal Doctrine which to this point they furiously deny even though many of the soldiers involved say that is exactly what they were told to do, and face a backlash of their own citizenry (not to mention the world-wide PR disaster it would cause), or shrug their shoulders and say they were caught flat footed even though they had been told several times something big was coming very soon, declare they reacted like a bunch of unprepared amateurs, apologize for their incompetence and live for the next decade or so with a tarnished image they have spent decades trying to embellish. From reports coming from *Israeli media* they have selected Option Two as the least damaging to their image. But who knows, maybe they leaked the “incompetent” story ahead of time to see what the reaction will be but in plenty of time to switch gears and admit they intentionally murdered their own people.
You should know better about friendly fire incidents having a military background. I'll wait for the report to come out than speculate on what is in it or not.
You can't have faux outrage about what's in the report if you wait till the report comes out and the facts become clear.
Perhaps you should go back and reread the article with an eye toward from whom the author is getting his news.
I did one better. I read the article from channel 12 news that antiwar said they were using. It didn't say what said it says. Pick your poison on that one.
I did one better. I read the article from channel 12 news that antiwar said they were using. It didn't say what said it says. Pick your poison on that one.
Interesting. I didn’t know you speak and read Hebrew. The *Jerusalem Post* article, which is in English, says pretty much exactly what the article says it says. Can you translate what the other two say that differs from the *Jerusalem Post?”
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