Things that don’t exist

10. People “open” to being proved wrong.

Part of the problem is that the goal of many is to prove the other person "wrong" and to humiliate and make them feel small, rather then to perhaps to educate them and show how they perhaps are misinformed or exposing them to matters or experiences they have never been exposed to before. . No one wants to be put in their place by someone proving they are "wrong". People might be more open to listening if everyone did not try to put people in their place by proving them wrong. The other issue is that life experiences and realities for each individual is so vastly different and especially from coast to coast in this country that both people on a topic could be correct in their opinion and have vastly different opinions all due to what is happening in their geographic / demographic area.

Anyone that says they are completely unbiased on everything is full of it, we all have our biases, everyday we get exposed to experiences that are unique to each individual and you accumulate those experiences and your brain learns and remembers, and your subconscious every time you relive something in your life knows no difference between when you actually lived an event and then re-living it again mentally, and each time you are placing another weight on the scale, either good or bad, as it relates to that experience and the scales get tilted in one direction or the other.
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A UO fan that really wants to see OSU be great in sports
A Nebraska fan who is happy they are in the Big10
Polar bears are dying off because of the other myth
Any multimillionaire politician or business man actually cares about us bottom feeders
Your tax dollars are wisely spent
TV weather people can accurately forecast weather
The Japanese were victims in WWII
Media members are fair and unbiased
Russia helped Trump become president
The ex-rodent in chief was the smartest president ever
Cities with a history of liberal oversight are solvent
The crusades weren’t needed
Rhino horns, elephant tusks, shark fins and tiger bones make people virile.

Floods are worse because there is concrete everywhere.

Fires are worse because they go longer without burning.

The dollar amount destroyed will always go up because man keeps building expensive shit on coasts and in forests.

Obama took three planes, forty vehicles and 200 people direct from dc to Hawaii.

For Christmas vacation

Several years in a row.
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Floods are worse because there is concrete everywhere.

Fires are worse because they go longer without burning.

The dollar amount destroyed will always go up because man keeps building expensive shit on coasts and in forests.

Obama took three planes, forty vehicles and 200 people direct from dc to Hawaii.

For Christmas vacation

Several years in a row.

Concrete = man made (gasp)

Trump has spent 77 million taxpayer money on golf
Ok. We’ve only been waiting for 60+ years and been assured we’d already reached it multiple times.
Ok. We’ve only been waiting for 60+ years and been assured we’d already reached it multiple times.
Now that you have introduced me to the concept of human fallibility I am beginning to think you are right and that we can increase oil production every year from now to eternity.
Now that you have introduced me to the concept of human fallibility I am beginning to think you are right and that we can increase oil production every year from now to eternity.

Quit reading. Don't research. It all comes from humans.

Did you SEE how wrong oncologists were back in the 70's and 80's? We never should've gotten away from leeches and candle wax.

He's in another thread apparently trying to argue (if I understand him) that Trump refusing to extend food safety regs to contaminated water used for irrigation is okay because there was previous unrelated food contamination. It's like he's getting a grade based on the volume of specious posts he can generate.
Quit reading. Don't research. It all comes from humans.

Did you SEE how wrong oncologists were back in the 70's and 80's? We never should've gotten away from leeches and candle wax.

He's in another thread apparently trying to argue (if I understand him) that Trump refusing to extend food safety regs to contaminated water used for irrigation is okay because there was previous unrelated food contamination. It's like he's getting a grade based on the volume of specious posts he can generate.
Nicely stated Capt Strawman.

Or maybe you’re just too ****ing stupid to understand anything other than Orange Man Bad
Nicely stated Capt Strawman.

Or maybe you’re just too ****ing stupid to understand anything other than Orange Man Bad

Bring something beyond recycled, right wing talking points if you'd like to participate. And you can try removing orange man's cock out from your mouth. That would take a degree of independence too, though.
Bring something beyond recycled, right wing talking points if you'd like to participate. And you can try removing orange man's cock out from your mouth. That would take a degree of independence too, though.
Thats rich, coming from Yay Deregulation guy. Buzz off Capt. Strawman.
People get free healthcare all the time. Believing it doesn’t happen is foolish imo.