Along those lines. Here is a WaPo opinion piece that discusses a lot of things talked about ITT. I know many of you won't take the time to read it, but maybe some will.
Here is a quote from it.
This nonstop drumbeat of over-the-top invective and irrational conspiracy theories can drive otherwise sane conservatives to extremism — and it can drive those who were already unstable to violence.
Read the article Been and found it the same as many others...both sides.
Blame Fox, Trump, Pirro, Dinesh D' Sousa and many others for the incivility that led to this shooting - Check
Don't mention the ex-rodent in chiefs attendance at an anti-Semite's church for nearly 20 years - Check
I found this part of his writing really amazing:
"So who created the environment in which
right-wing terrorism has become far more commonplace — and, since 9/11,
far more deadly — than Islamist terrorism in America?" "
"President Trump — by championing “nationalism,” denouncing “globalists” such as Jewish financier George Soros, vilifying immigrants as “
snakes” and “
animals,” fear mongering (two words not one as he wrote) about a refugee caravan and defending white supremacists as “fine people” — bears a substantial share of the blame."
He offer no solutions, nor any culpability on the left for their share of unhinged adherents who also commit crimes, including murders. I don't have the time or the inclination to go look up all the falsehoods this guy describes.
I did look up the Steve King interview though, brought to us by The Daily Mail. Here is what the article author wrote in part:
"King, an eight-term congressman up for re-election next month, has been linked to Neo-Nazism and the far-right before, but he laid out his extremely conservative views like never before in an interview with far-right propaganda website
Unzensuriert, which translates to 'uncensored' in English."
In the interview Sommerfeld asks: 'In your opinion is Islam the problem or Western liberalism?'
King replies saying 'it is like fighting a two front war. How is it, that the liberals, the leftists, on the one side, could build an alliance with the misogynistic hard core rightist Islamic people that have no tolerance for everything?'
'If we don’t defend Western civilization, then we will become subjugated by the people who are the enemies of faith, the enemies of justice,' King said."
Speaking on migrants, he touched on Mollie Tibbetts, the 20-year-old girl who was found stabbed to death in an Iowa cornfield whose confessed killer is believed to be an illegal immigrant from Mexico.
'The individual who murdered Mollie Tibbetts should have never been in America,' he said.
'Liberals in the US say that Mollie Tibbetts' death is just because the perpetrator was male, that it didn’t have anything to do with him being a law breaker, a criminal. And what I say to those people who say that immigration isn't part of her death is: then go and tell her family, that if her killer had been deported the minute he set foot illegally on US soil, your daughter would still be dead,' he added.
He also slammed the U.S. low fertility rate saying 'if we continue to abort our babies and import a replacement for them in the form of young violent men, we are supplanting our culture, our civilization.'
At multiple points in the interview he uses the phrase 'Western Civilization' which he seems (WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? HE SEEMS TO DEFINE, YA OKAY) to define as white America.
The two touched upon the theory of the Great Replacement - which is the idea that mass migration such as from Muslim-majority countries, could lead to the extinction of white European culture and identity."
King called it 'slow-motion cultural suicide'.
The Great Replacement is a term used by anti-Muslim European networks who believe migrants and refugees are leading to the Islamification of Europe."
NOT ONE TIME DID HE SAY ING ABOUT THE COLOR OF IMMIGRANTS! He's been liked to Neo-Nazi's in the past by who? I don't have an issue with anything he said above and on face value it is true.
The guy that wrote this is just as much a part of the problem as anyone see he included a reference about "color" which wasn't in the article and knowing that most people who hate Republicans/King (implication being that they are all racist) won't bother to look up the article and access for themselves the validity of the accusation the article's author makes.
Oh and the author of the Mirror Article manages to get a plug in for King's opponent in the upcoming election. Anyway, I bet if someone went through all the linked articles in Max's article they would find more lies. But he is practicing the same thing he wants to blame Conservatives/Trump for.