Sooners - bring us more liberals from your board


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Apr 21, 2006
I want to personally invite my good friend bullmarket to participate in our political debates. And others that will bring diversity to our humble community. Since josh m has seen fit to banish me and ignore my request for reinstatement and Carey Murdoch is too busy with his below abverage morning radio show I cannot ask them myself. Please extend my invitation on behalf of the board because the only thing worse than a liberal who enjoys this place would be a g****** Sooner liberal.

If you have any Muslims that would be great too, i think we have about humped the stuffing out of the one we have here.
Yeah, nobody can name call a visitor like our resident fatass redneck. We need some more foreigners to insult and act like we've kicked ass.
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Yeah, nobody can name call a visitor like our resident fatass redneck. We need some more foreigners to insult and act like we've kicked ass.

So nasty today.

Can I get a list of the rules? Do foreigners need to be protected from insults? You don’t think their iq is capable of standing up for themselves? That iq map by country @NZ Poke always links is just an average it’s not a hard fast rule. Alibaba is doing just fine being a part of this cultural cesspool. Should we take our lead from you on personality?

You are acting like a jealous whore when someone else comes to town and starts plucking your pigeons. You’ll get yours don’t worry buddy.
So nasty today.

Can I get a list of the rules? Do foreigners need to be protected from insults? You don’t think their iq is capable of standing up for themselves? That iq map by country @NZ Poke always links is just an average it’s not a hard fast rule. Alibaba is doing just fine being a part of this cultural cesspool. Should we take our lead from you on personality?

You are acting like a jealous whore when someone else comes to town and starts plucking your pigeons. You’ll get yours don’t worry buddy.
Yous guys are funny mofos.
So nasty today.

Can I get a list of the rules? Do foreigners need to be protected from insults? You don’t think their iq is capable of standing up for themselves? That iq map by country @NZ Poke always links is just an average it’s not a hard fast rule. Alibaba is doing just fine being a part of this cultural cesspool. Should we take our lead from you on personality?

You are acting like a jealous whore when someone else comes to town and starts plucking your pigeons. You’ll get yours don’t worry buddy.
Foreigners are too ****ing weak and stupid to take care of themselves. They need a white male American to protect them. Don’t believe me? Ask a white liberal.
Yous guys are funny mofos.

Find the thread where he was laying on the beach on wifey's dime, bitching about meals on wheels, which helped his own grandmother.

Foreigners are too ****ing weak and stupid to take care of themselves. They need a white male American to protect them. Don’t believe me? Ask a white liberal.

squeak squeak squeak squeak
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Foreigners are too ****ing weak and stupid to take care of themselves. They need a white male American to protect them. Don’t believe me? Ask a white liberal.

Isn’t that exactly what syskatine is doing here? He knows I have broad shoulders and can take anything he throws at me. Im a conservative. If he thought I would feel bad or harm myself from these insults and continued with them what kind of evil would that be? I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt that he thinks so highly of me that I’m not dumb enough or sensitive enough to be hurt by an Internet nut. I insult him with the same manner of respect.

But not alibaba. He can’t handle it according to sys. His government thinks the same thing. Too weak and sensitive to have that scary Fox News in their television.

Just say it sys. Say what you mean. Why does alibaba need special treatment? Why can’t he endure the same banter we’ve all had here for years? Are you afraid he will do something? What is it? He’s just an osu guy like the rest of us.
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Isn’t that exactly what syskatine is doing here?
Isn’t that exactly what syskatine is doing here? He knows I have broad shoulders and can take anything he throws at me. Im a conservative. If he thought I would feel bad or harm myself from these insults and continued with them what kind of evil would that be? I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt that he thinks so highly of me that I’m not dumb enough or sensitive enough to be hurt by an Internet nut. I insult him with the same manner of respect.

But not alibaba. He can’t handle it according to sys. His government thinks the same thing. To weak and sensitive to have that scary Fox News in their television.

Just say it sys. Say what you mean. Why does alibaba need special treatment? Why can’t he endure the same banter we’ve all had here for years? Are you afraid he will do something? What is it? He’s just an osu guy like the rest of us.

Criticizing your ape behavior doesn't mean anybody else is weak or inferior. It's about your conduct. Unlike me, Alibaba is probably too mature to get into this silly shit with you. Dude has been totally above board and reasonable.

Maybe you should listen and trade perspectives instead of constantly loooking to attack someone from somewhere else. Nah -- stay on that section line. Literally, physically and mentally, stay right there in Perkins and be threatened by anything different.

For context anon is the name you get when you call rivals and ask them for a scrub of your posts. Sys had to start a new handle after he ran away last year.

Damn I was brutal toward trump. I feel like Ike turner on Sunday morning.

@Medic007 Collective penis jumped up and got me again. Lol.


@GunsOfFrankEaton is a modern day Edgar cayce

anon is the name you get when your vaginitis flares up and you curl up in the fetal position like a little bitch.

At this point some betas are triggered, if I have the incel parlance down...

I thought you liked socialism

A little socialist, mostly capitalist, all pragmatist. Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

squeak squeak squeak

Ya'll hear something?
Criticizing your ape behavior doesn't mean anybody else is weak or inferior. It's about your conduct. Unlike me, Alibaba is probably too mature to get into this silly shit with you. Dude has been totally above board and reasonable.

Maybe you should listen and trade perspectives instead of constantly loooking to attack someone from somewhere else. Nah -- stay on that section line. Literally, physically and mentally, stay right there in Perkins and be threatened by anything different.

At this point some betas are triggered, if I have the incel parlance down...

A little socialist, mostly capitalist, all pragmatist. Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

Ya'll hear something?
It’s “y’all” not “ya’ll.”
Good to see so many Sooner fans on this board. Thanks for the link 22LR. Shout out to fitty, Section 22, iasooner, Medic and High Stick. I've read some threads and enjoyed the comments. Pretty civil comments I might add.

1. Lure sooner fans in to political board
2. Get them baptized (or at least convince them to shower)
3. Buy them orange shirts for Christmas

...Transformation to being an OSU fan becomes inevitable at that point

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