Paging [P-Dan]

I’m curious what you think. If Hezbollah had done this to Israel instead of Israel doing it to Lebanon would you call it terrorism?
You think Hezbollah would have the capability to do something like this? 🤣🤣🤣

The only thing your buddies are capable of is blowing up innocent children playing a game of soccer. And by the way: go to hell.
You think Hezbollah would have the capability to do something like this? 🤣🤣🤣

The only thing your buddies are capable of is blowing up innocent children playing a game of soccer. And by the way: go to hell.
I don’t know if Hezbollah has that capability or not. I wouldn’t think it does. But then a week ago I didn’t think Yemen had supersonic missiles capable of reaching TelAviv, so who knows.

Just so you know there is nothing about any terrorist that I consider to be my buddy. I guess the difference between you and me is I think what Israel did constitutes terrorism while you do not. As for me going to hell, fortunately that will not be for you to decide.
Hell, Ponca Dan was the one decrying unfocused bombing. Now he’s decrying targeted IDF attacks that greatly limit collateral damage.

That’s how I know he is an antisemite.
Calling a critic of Israel an anti-Semite today carries no more gravitas than accusing someone that criticizes BLM of being a racist. You need to find another insult.
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IF Hezbollah targeted IDF assets then I’d call it a military strike and not terrorism.
You are an honorable man and I take your word that you would not call it terrorism. But there is no doubt in my mind if Hezbollah had pulled off the attack exactly as Israel has done such that two Israeli babies were killed along with a handful of ambulance drivers/EMT’s in addition to a couple thousand IDF personnel others on this board would be incensed by the cowardly terrorism, and would call it terrorism.
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No. I’m right. You still try to equivocate.
You are right only if criticism of the state of Israel as a Zionist enterprise is anti-Semitic. Because you have never once heard me attack the Jewish religion or any Jew for being Jewish, which would be the standard in recognizing an anti-Semite. It’s because you try to equate the political ideology of Zionism with the religion of Judaism, as if they are the same thing, that your accusations have no merit.
To me the best part of the is operation is that Israel set up a company to sell these pagers to Hezbollah. The salt in the wound is that Hezbollah paid for their balls to get blown off.
What Israel did there was a violation of international humanitarian law, a law to which Israel is a signatory. But then Israel has never concerned itself with abiding by laws to which it had approved. I’m sure since they are the Chosen People that means those laws don’t apply to them. Becsuse let’s face it, when has Israel ever worried about international law? It has three things going for it: God wants them to win and says they can win by any means preferred; they have the big sugar daddy in America to step in front of them if they ever get out over their arrogant skis, and, once again, how can you not root for the Chosen People?
Dan has you all fooled, he is not a terrorist sympathizer he is a sackless man that listens to 2 liberal women (his wife Peggy and his Daughter Thing 2) that tell him how to think.
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Dan has you all fooled, he is not a terrorist sympathizer he is a sackless man that listens to 2 liberal women (his wife Peggy and his Daughter Thing 2) that tell him how to think.
Do you know about the concept of a “tell” in poker? This isn’t poker but your “tell” is showing.
Your ass has been showing for a year. Whats your point?
My point is you cover your inability to express a cogent reasonable thought by resorting to personal insult, which I would have thought by now you would have figured out has no effect beyond trying to look clever to your buddies. Which is probably all you are after anyway.
My point is you cover your inability to express a cogent reasonable thought by resorting to personal insult, which I would have thought by now you would have figured out has no effect beyond trying to look clever to your buddies. Which is probably all you are after anyway.

Keep telling yourself that. One day you might actually believe it but I doubt it.
And you accusing me of insulting you after you did me.🤣🤣
Typical Terrorist Tactic, we blow you up, rape and murder your women and goats, how dare you take action against us! MORALS! 🤣🤣🤣
Keep telling yourself that. One day you might actually believe it but I doubt it.
And you accusing me of insulting you after you did me.🤣🤣
Typical Terrorist Tactic, we blow you up, rape and murder your women and goats, how dare you take action against us! MORALS! 🤣🤣🤣
You know me so well! (Blue)
What Israel did there was a violation of international humanitarian law, a law to which Israel is a signatory. But then Israel has never concerned itself with abiding by laws to which it had approved. I’m sure since they are the Chosen People that means those laws don’t apply to them. Becsuse let’s face it, when has Israel ever worried about international law? It has three things going for it: God wants them to win and says they can win by any means preferred; they have the big sugar daddy in America to step in front of them if they ever get out over their arrogant skis, and, once again, how can you not root for the Chosen People?
[P-DAN], silly me, I seemed to have forgotten that the Palistinian terrorists participated in and were a signatory at the Geneva Convention, particularly the part pertaining to the rules of war. Could you possibly get a copy of their signed acceptance and say, scan & attach it here?
[P-DAN], silly me, I seemed to have forgotten that the Palistinian terrorists participated in and were a signatory at the Geneva Convention, particularly the part pertaining to the rules of war. Could you possibly get a copy of their signed acceptance and say, scan & attach it here?
I was unaware non-state actors had signed those documents, and that’s one reason they are considered terrorists. But tell me: if Palestinian terrorists are evil because they signed an agreement to follow the rules of combat and proceeded to violate them, does that not also make Israel evil for doing the same thing?
I was unaware non-state actors had signed those documents, and that’s one reason they are considered terrorists. But tell me: if Palestinian terrorists are evil because they signed an agreement to follow the rules of combat and proceeded to violate them, does that not also make Israel evil for doing the same thing?
No, yer confused Dan.
I was unaware non-state actors had signed those documents, and that’s one reason they are considered terrorists. But tell me: if Palestinian terrorists are evil because they signed an agreement to follow the rules of combat and proceeded to violate them, does that not also make Israel evil for doing the same thing?
[P-DAN's] P-boys did NOT sign that agreement marone.

More info on this operation. They knew the INDIVIDUAL locations of each terrorist and detonated in order to keep civilians out of harm's way.

So the only people injured would be the terrorists. Now you see why certain people are so enraged. Perfect military operation where the terrorists are the victims.

More info on this operation. They knew the INDIVIDUAL locations of each terrorist and detonated in order to keep civilians out of harm's way.

So the only people injured would be the terrorists. Now you see why certain people are so enraged. Perfect military operation where the terrorists are the victims.
There were many innocent people injured and about one third of those killed by the pager bombs were innocent civilians. It was a brilliant, absolutely brilliant act of terrorism and a violation of international humanitarian law. Cheer for it if it makes you happy, but at least have the stones to admit what it is you are cheering.
It was the most targeted military action on a military that's embedded in a civilian population. Yes there will be a small sample of collateral damage. But Israel has to fight an atypical war.
It was the most targeted military action on a military that's embedded in a civilian population. Yes there will be a small sample of collateral damage. But Israel has to fight an atypical war.
Even if you say this is against the Geneva Conventions, I will need to point out that this attack in the way that it was carried out, and limitations to collateral damage, if it doesn't meet a provision, it does meet the intent of the Geneva Convention to limit civilian casualties and keep the war between combatants. In a day an age where technology has surpassed this convention it's important to note that intent here is of importance. Let me also point out that it is against the Geneva conventions to fight in a war without uniforms. Hezbola is notorious for that.
It was the most targeted military action on a military that's embedded in a civilian population. Yes there will be a small sample of collateral damage. But Israel has to fight an atypical war.
And they are embedded among civilians just to encourage civilian deaths as a potential deterrent against counterattack.

Memo: Terrorists are evil people. So is defending them. Thank you to Israel for fighting on the side of good against evil.
It was the most targeted military action on a military that's embedded in a civilian population. Yes there will be a small sample of collateral damage. But Israel has to fight an atypical war.
It was all those things you say it was. It was also an indiscriminate, barbaric and illegal act of terror. Israel knew they would detonate their booby traps in public places. They knew there would be many innocent civilians injured and killed. I believe it was factored into their plan, they were going for a terrorist twofer: it would kill or main a handful of Hezbollah fighters reducing its fighting capability (only about another 100,00 Hezbollah fighters to go, this time face to face, hand to hand), and would cause terror throughout the Lebanese population, softening them up, so to speak). All indications are it was wildly successful, the population is indeed terrorized. It remains to be seen if it softened them up, or if it created hatred toward the country that did it to them and a resolve to even the score. I believe if the roles were reversed and Hezbollah had done that to the IDF in civilian territory you would call it terrorism (as would I). I guess the terrorist rule of thumb for many on this board is: if “my” team does it it is a legitimate tactic of combat; if the other team does it it is terrorism pure and simple.
It was all those things you say it was. It was also an indiscriminate, barbaric and illegal act of terror. Israel knew they would detonate their booby traps in public places. They knew there would be many innocent civilians injured and killed. I believe it was factored into their plan, they were going for a terrorist twofer: it would kill or main a handful of Hezbollah fighters reducing its fighting capability (only about another 100,00 Hezbollah fighters to go, this time face to face, hand to hand), and would cause terror throughout the Lebanese population, softening them up, so to speak). All indications are it was wildly successful, the population is indeed terrorized. It remains to be seen if it softened them up, or if it created hatred toward the country that did it to them and a resolve to even the score. I believe if the roles were reversed and Hezbollah had done that to the IDF in civilian territory you would call it terrorism (as would I). I guess the terrorist rule of thumb for many on this board is: if “my” team does it it is a legitimate tactic of combat; if the other team does it it is terrorism pure and simple.
It can't be both targeted and indiscriminate.

Now I'm done talking down to this idiot.
It can't be both targeted and indiscriminate.

Now I'm done talking down to this idiot.
He starts with the premise that Israel is wrong, then backdates the events to support that.

I'm not sure if he's a legit racist or just trolling as one to draw attention to himself. Either way, he's on Ignore and isn't coming off.
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There were many innocent people injured and about one third of those killed by the pager bombs were innocent civilians. It was a brilliant, absolutely brilliant act of terrorism and a violation of international humanitarian law. Cheer for it if it makes you happy, but at least have the stones to admit what it is you are cheering.
You do not know these numbers. They are from the MSM which needs this to be true to support their rhetoric (and yours).
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