Paging [P-Dan]

It was all those things you say it was. It was also an indiscriminate, barbaric and illegal act of terror. Israel knew they would detonate their booby traps in public places. They knew there would be many innocent civilians injured and killed. I believe it was factored into their plan, they were going for a terrorist twofer: it would kill or main a handful of Hezbollah fighters reducing its fighting capability (only about another 100,00 Hezbollah fighters to go, this time face to face, hand to hand), and would cause terror throughout the Lebanese population, softening them up, so to speak). All indications are it was wildly successful, the population is indeed terrorized. It remains to be seen if it softened them up, or if it created hatred toward the country that did it to them and a resolve to even the score. I believe if the roles were reversed and Hezbollah had done that to the IDF in civilian territory you would call it terrorism (as would I). I guess the terrorist rule of thumb for many on this board is: if “my” team does it it is a legitimate tactic of combat; if the other team does it it is terrorism pure and simple.
Congrats [P-DAN], you must have read Marcinko's book on Sun Tzu's book about how to demoralize and encourage your enemy to back down. It takes infinitely more energy to deal with wounded than the dead. I thought someone of your world & war experience could appreciate the tactic.
Congrats [P-DAN], you must have read Marcinko's book on Sun Tzu's book about how to demoralize and encourage your enemy to back down. It takes infinitely more energy to deal with wounded than the dead. I thought someone of your world & war experience could appreciate the tactic.
In this thread I called it a brilliant tactic. A brilliant tactic in violation of humanitarian law as agreed by the country that violated it.
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In this thread I called it a brilliant tactic. A brilliant tactic in violation of humanitarian law as agreed by the country that violated it.So

In this thread I called it a brilliant tactic. A brilliant tactic in violation of humanitarian law as agreed by the country that violated it.
Tulsaaggieson makes a knockout point above. I would like for you to address combatants out of uniform and their liability to your positions. You're either pregnant or your not, there is no middle ground here.
Tulsaaggieson makes a knockout point above. I would like for you to address combatants out of uniform and their liability to your positions. You're either pregnant or your not, there is no middle ground here.
Combatants participating in combat out of uniform are in violation of the rules of war. Soldiers not in combat walking with their families in a street on their way to a marketplace, for example, but not wearing a uniform because they are not in combat are not violating the rules of war. This applies to Hezbollah as well as IDF reservists/soldiers.
Combatants participating in combat out of uniform are in violation of the rules of war. Soldiers not in combat walking with their families in a street on their way to a marketplace, for example, but not wearing a uniform because they are not in combat are not violating the rules of war. This applies to Hezbollah as well as IDF reservists/soldiers.
The only conclusion that can be drawn from your MENSA-like diatribe is that there are NO Hamas, Hezbolla, pick your terrorist operating out of uniform, right? And, if they are, they are not soldiers, they are spies and can be treated as such. You are collateral damage to the human species. "Look in the mirror boy".
The only conclusion that can be drawn from your MENSA-like diatribe is that there are NO Hamas, Hezbolla, pick your terrorist operating out of uniform, right? And, if they are, they are not soldiers, they are spies and can be treated as such. You are collateral damage to the human species. "Look in the mirror boy".
Anyone participating as a combatant in combat out of uniform is subject to being a violator of the rules of combat. I don’t know what you find so difficult to understand in that comment.

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