Paging [P-Dan]

I’m curious what you think. If Hezbollah had done this to Israel instead of Israel doing it to Lebanon would you call it terrorism?
You think Hezbollah would have the capability to do something like this? 🤣🤣🤣

The only thing your buddies are capable of is blowing up innocent children playing a game of soccer. And by the way: go to hell.
You think Hezbollah would have the capability to do something like this? 🤣🤣🤣

The only thing your buddies are capable of is blowing up innocent children playing a game of soccer. And by the way: go to hell.
I don’t know if Hezbollah has that capability or not. I wouldn’t think it does. But then a week ago I didn’t think Yemen had supersonic missiles capable of reaching TelAviv, so who knows.

Just so you know there is nothing about any terrorist that I consider to be my buddy. I guess the difference between you and me is I think what Israel did constitutes terrorism while you do not. As for me going to hell, fortunately that will not be for you to decide.
Hell, Ponca Dan was the one decrying unfocused bombing. Now he’s decrying targeted IDF attacks that greatly limit collateral damage.

That’s how I know he is an antisemite.
Calling a critic of Israel an anti-Semite today carries no more gravitas than accusing someone that criticizes BLM of being a racist. You need to find another insult.
  • Haha
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IF Hezbollah targeted IDF assets then I’d call it a military strike and not terrorism.
You are an honorable man and I take your word that you would not call it terrorism. But there is no doubt in my mind if Hezbollah had pulled off the attack exactly as Israel has done such that two Israeli babies were killed along with a handful of ambulance drivers/EMT’s in addition to a couple thousand IDF personnel others on this board would be incensed by the cowardly terrorism, and would call it terrorism.
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No. I’m right. You still try to equivocate.
You are right only if criticism of the state of Israel as a Zionist enterprise is anti-Semitic. Because you have never once heard me attack the Jewish religion or any Jew for being Jewish, which would be the standard in recognizing an anti-Semite. It’s because you try to equate the political ideology of Zionism with the religion of Judaism, as if they are the same thing, that your accusations have no merit.

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