It would take me days to educate you on this topic. You would have to be able to take certain things at face value in order to progress to a point of understanding. Pick up a Bible and read it or join a group that will study the OT as well as the NT.Do you find it the least bit odd that The Revelation was never made to Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Incas, Australian Aboriginals, Taoists, Confucians, the multitude of American Indian tribes or any of the other over 4000 religions that have existed at one time or another? Does it not seem peculiar to you that God only told a Jewish prophet what he intended for all the people, but kept everyone else in the dark?
A few short things.
The Bible is written in various languages that the followers of those religions can read.
Mankind chose to follow fallen angels. God divided the world between Himself and them(70 fallen angels.) Israel was His chosen group because of Abraham. Salvation comes via His chosen path and that group. Jesus was a Jew. Jesus or Yehoshua is literally the world Salvation in Hebrew.
Jesus said He is the only way to the Father (heaven.) Exclusivity is baked into the cake.