On Antisemitism, Trump and Israel

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
There has been a lot of discussion on these topics since the Pittsburgh Synagogue murders. We have discussed topics such as...
-How can Trump be blamed for what happened?
-Is he antisemitic?
-Obama was not a friend to Israel, but Trump is
-Jewish groups advocating for people who desire to immigrate to the U.S.
-historical antisemitism

This video touches on all of those topics and other related topics. The speaker, Bari Weiss, does a fantastic job of clarifying/describing the feelings of myself and the majority of the Jews that I socialize with. I know that the majority of you can not stand Bill Maher, and I understand why. He takes his liberalism to an extreme. But, I am hopeful that some of you, especially those of you who have discussed the above topics in the last few days, will take 9 minutes out of your valuable time, to listen to this young lady and what she has to say. Bill hardly talks in the video.

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There has been a lot of discussion on these topics since the Pittsburgh Synagogue murders. We have discussed topics such as...
-How can Trump be blamed for what happened?
-Is he antisemitic?
-Obama was not a friend to Israel, but Trump is
-Jewish groups advocating for people who desire to immigrate to the U.S.
-historical antisemitism

This video touches on all of those topics and other related topics. The speaker, Bari Weiss, does a fantastic job of clarifying/describing the feelings of myself and the majority of the Jews that I socialize with. I know that the majority of you can not stand Bill Maher, and I understand why. He takes his liberalism to an extreme. But, I am hopeful that some of you, especially those of you who have discussed the above topics in the last few days, will take 9 minutes out of your valuable time, to listen to this young lady and what she has to say. Bill hardly talks in the video.

Really interesting. Here’s what I don’t understand. She wants us to elect representatives that will restore and respect the values that made America what it is. Who are those representatives? Democrats who are openly collectivist/socialist? That’s counter to the values she advocates, isn’t it? Republicans who are openly collectivist/crony capitalist? Not much individual liberty in those policies. So what does she want? That’s the part that leaves me empty. Her rhetoric, while it sounded so high minded was in fact empty. Can you help me to understand?
There has been a lot of discussion on these topics since the Pittsburgh Synagogue murders. We have discussed topics such as...
-How can Trump be blamed for what happened?
-Is he antisemitic?
-Obama was not a friend to Israel, but Trump is
-Jewish groups advocating for people who desire to immigrate to the U.S.
-historical antisemitism

This video touches on all of those topics and other related topics. The speaker, Bari Weiss, does a fantastic job of clarifying/describing the feelings of myself and the majority of the Jews that I socialize with. I know that the majority of you can not stand Bill Maher, and I understand why. He takes his liberalism to an extreme. But, I am hopeful that some of you, especially those of you who have discussed the above topics in the last few days, will take 9 minutes out of your valuable time, to listen to this young lady and what she has to say. Bill hardly talks in the video.

out of respect i will take nine minutes
There has been a lot of discussion on these topics since the Pittsburgh Synagogue murders. We have discussed topics such as...
-How can Trump be blamed for what happened?
-Is he antisemitic?
-Obama was not a friend to Israel, but Trump is
-Jewish groups advocating for people who desire to immigrate to the U.S.
-historical antisemitism

This video touches on all of those topics and other related topics. The speaker, Bari Weiss, does a fantastic job of clarifying/describing the feelings of myself and the majority of the Jews that I socialize with. I know that the majority of you can not stand Bill Maher, and I understand why. He takes his liberalism to an extreme. But, I am hopeful that some of you, especially those of you who have discussed the above topics in the last few days, will take 9 minutes out of your valuable time, to listen to this young lady and what she has to say. Bill hardly talks in the video.

Powerful segment and what we need to hear more of.

Thanks for sharing Been.
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Really interesting. Here’s what I don’t understand. She wants us to elect representatives that will restore and respect the values that made America what it is. Who are those representatives? Democrats who are openly collectivist/socialist? That’s counter to the values she advocates, isn’t it? Republicans who are openly collectivist/crony capitalist? Not much individual liberty in those policies. So what does she want? That’s the part that leaves me empty. Her rhetoric, while it sounded so high minded was in fact empty. Can you help me to understand?

Ponca, I recommend this book to you (see link below). Maybe it will help with some of your questions...
Ponca, I recommend this book to you (see link below). Maybe it will help with some of your questions...

"He writes about the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the birth of the Lost Cause; the backlash against immigrants in the First World War and the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s; the fight for women’s rights; the demagoguery of Huey Long and Father Coughlin and the isolationist work of America First in the years before World War II; the anti-Communist witch-hunts led by Senator Joseph McCarthy; and Lyndon Johnson’s crusade against Jim Crow. Each of these dramatic hours in our national life have been shaped by the contest to lead the country to look forward rather than back, to assert hope over fear—a struggle that continues even now."

Having not read the book what does he say about FDR rounding up
Nisei-Americans, Italian Americans and German Americans and putting them in internment camps?

I find it interesting that he talks about LBJ's campaign against Jim public he supported a lot of things that painted him in a great light. But behind closed doors he was a crooked, racist punk.
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Been, always like your angle....but she if full of crap from about 7:01 on. So the American Jew has sold their souls because of Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem (something the previous 3 presidents said they would do but couldn't find the backbone to do) and dropping out of the Iran deal. We dropped out of the Iran deal not just for Israel but for The US also.

She said "I hope this week they have woken up to the price of those policies," "they have traded policies they like for policies that have sustained the Jewish people and frankly this country forever." "Welcoming the stranger, dignity for all human beings, equality under the law, respect for dissent, love of truth these are the things we are losing under this president and no policy is worth that price." <Crowd loudly applauds for about 15 seconds>

Then BM says something about millennial's being fearful and that to change that they need to vote, which the lady agrees with.

Then she goes on "if you want our future to be American carnage or if you want our future to be a renewal of what the founders talked about." "We can be the new Jerusalem again, we can renew the tree of liberty again and this week woke me up to that in a way that nothing else in the last two years never has and God forbid it ever comes to your neighborhood, but when you see people you love going through this, it changes you and you realize that the way we live in this country is an aberration in history, a miracle and it can go away like that <snapping her fingers 3 times> and we have a responsibility to protect it and we need to elect people to congress and everywhere else on Tuesday that are going to protect those values."

So all Jews are changed forever? America is changed forever? She hasn't been this awoke in the last two years (okay since Trump was elected).

But suddenly under Trump we don't welcome in the stranger, demonstrate "dignity for all humans," "respect under the law," "respect for dissent," "love of truth." Amazing that someone from the NYT would talk about "love of Truth and respect for dissent.....actually laughable!

The last part is just a flat out free campaign promotion to vote Tuesday and elect people that respect all the above (like Trump doesn't) whistle being they aren't like Trump and people that he endorses.

Ya we could loose all our liberties in the time it takes you to snap your fingers three times...This is where liberals, especially the east & west coast genus, species and subspecies homoliberalous giveyoueverythingous openborderites don't understand how Trump prevailed in the first place and what continually drives people to his camp. I've never seen any politician as a virtual fountain of truth, they all freaking lie and state facts/statistics that are beneficial to them, Trump is no different except that he fights back! Something liberals don't have to do because the media, NYT's included, is in their hip pocket.

Waste of 9 minutes.....she is full of shit!

Oh and a synagogue in NY was vandalized last Thursday and by who you ask? Well happens to be a black ex-rodent in chief campaign worker and democratic activist.........
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Guess we will have to agree to disagree. I concur with most everything she said.
Been, it is easy to agree with almost everything she said, because most of it was generic boilerplate sophism. Flowery language with which anyone would agree. It could just as easily have been said by the most stringent Trump supporter. It’s the kind of nonspecific rhetoric that gets us nowhere, just serves to make the two sides dislike each other that much more, because each side is convinced that is the society they are working toward.
Been, it is easy to agree with almost everything she said, because most of it was generic boilerplate sophism. Flowery language with which anyone would agree. It could just as easily have been said by the most stringent Trump supporter. It’s the kind of nonspecific rhetoric that gets us nowhere, just serves to make the two sides dislike each other that much more, because each side is convinced that is the society they are working toward.

I sent you a PM this morning, discussing it in more detail.
3:46 “he (trump) is inculcating an atmosphere of conspiracy minded people”

3:55 “in the mind of richard spencer and david duke they hear jew jew jew and it’s not a surprise that people like that were drawn to trumps banner”

4:24 “they mention international bankers and they show george soros and yellin and they show people who are jewish and i don’t think these folks who follow this think too much past that”

7:09 “there are many jews including jews that i know who have liked trumps policies regarding israel and the middle east they love the fact that the embassy was moved to jerusalem a move that i supported they liked the scuttling of the iran deal but i hope this week american jews have woken up to the price of that bargain they have traded policies that they like for the values that have sustained the jewish people and frankly this country ”

“welcoming the stranger, dignity for all human beings, equality under the law, respect for dissent love of truth these are the things we are losing under this president and no policy is worth that price”

wild applause

“do you want our future to be american carnage or a renewal of what our founders talked about”

im sorry you feel and people you know feel like this lady bari weiss does been

i never liked the politicization of these tragic murders in pittsburgh

i find it extremely distasteful
Been, it is easy to agree with almost everything she said, because most of it was generic boilerplate sophism. Flowery language with which anyone would agree. It could just as easily have been said by the most stringent Trump supporter. It’s the kind of nonspecific rhetoric that gets us nowhere, just serves to make the two sides dislike each other that much more, because each side is convinced that is the society they are working toward.

Sorta like idealistic/utopian rhetoric gets us nowhere.
3:46 “he (trump) is inculcating an atmosphere of conspiracy minded people”

3:55 “in the mind of richard spencer and david duke they hear jew jew jew and it’s not a surprise that people like that were drawn to trumps banner”

4:24 “they mention international bankers and they show george soros and yellin and they show people who are jewish and i don’t think these folks who follow this think too much past that”

7:09 “there are many jews including jews that i know who have liked trumps policies regarding israel and the middle east they love the fact that the embassy was moved to jerusalem a move that i supported they liked the scuttling of the iran deal but i hope this week american jews have woken up to the price of that bargain they have traded policies that they like for the values that have sustained the jewish people and frankly this country ”

“welcoming the stranger, dignity for all human beings, equality under the law, respect for dissent love of truth these are the things we are losing under this president and no policy is worth that price”

wild applause

“do you want our future to be american carnage or a renewal of what our founders talked about”

im sorry you feel and people you know feel like this lady bari weiss does been

i never liked the politicization of these tragic murders in pittsburgh

i find it extremely distasteful

I appreciate you giving 9 minutes of your time.
This needs to be made into an ad immediately with side by side pics of him with Democrats and him chanting "Death to America".

I'm still at a loss at how Jews vote for Democrats. Being liberal I get but there is so much anti-Israel, anti-Jewish sentiment on the left of the Democrat party.
Being liberal I get but there is so much anti-Israel, anti-Jewish sentiment on the left of the Democrat party.

What do you see on the right of the GOP? I know the GOP doesn't want to be tied to them, but White Nationalists, Nazi's, KKK, White Supremacists, etc vote Republican. They may be fringe groups, but they are still tied to the GOP. Its not rocket surgery.
What do you see on the right of the GOP? I know the GOP doesn't want to be tied to them, but White Nationalists, Nazi's, KKK, White Supremacists, etc vote Republican. They may be fringe groups, but they are still tied to the GOP. Its not rocket surgery.

***cue Democrat KKK meme***
What do you see on the right of the GOP? I know the GOP doesn't want to be tied to them, but White Nationalists, Nazi's, KKK, White Supremacists, etc vote Republican. They may be fringe groups, but they are still tied to the GOP. Its not rocket surgery.

No they aren't "tied to the GOP." That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever seen you post.

There is no mainstream GOP equivalent to Linda Sarsour or Louis Farrakhan.

You live in a fantasy world where there is the exact same amount of the exact same kind of shit on "both sides" Nazis and white supremacists are universally shunned by 99.999999999999999% of anyone voting republican tomorrow. It's a snipe hunt.
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No they aren't "tied to the GOP." That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever seen you post.

There is no mainstream GOP equivalent to Linda Sarsour or Louis Farrakhan.

You live in a fantasy world where there is the exact same amount of the exact same kind of shit on "both sides" Nazis and white supremacists are universally shunned by 99.999999999999999% of anyone voting republican tomorrow. It's a snipe hunt.

Do you think members of those organizations vote Democrat in elections (state or federal)? What percentage of them do you think either vote Democrat or opt to not vote at all?
Do you think members of those organizations vote Democrat in elections (state or federal)? What percentage of them do you think either vote Democrat or opt to not vote at all?

Don't know and don't care who those "organizations" (a highly charitable and misleading term for enclaves of losers) vote for or why.

Who do you think these fine young gentlemen will be voting for tomorrow? Do you claim them? At first glance, they meet the requirements of the identity politics crowd, but I'm sure they are just more white supremacists incited by Trump, right? Not outliers who mean nothing to anyone, right?

There are at least six of them, so it's obviously an organization.

What do you see on the right of the GOP? I know the GOP doesn't want to be tied to them, but White Nationalists, Nazi's, KKK, White Supremacists, etc vote Republican. They may be fringe groups, but they are still tied to the GOP. Its not rocket surgery.

When you start seeing the GOP/Conservatives standing shoulder to should with those groups at meeting or campaign rallies or you see the kooks actively campaigning for GOP/Conservatives then I would be disgusted. Just haven’t seen it.

The left has a cornucopia of groups that profess all kinds of dingbat shit as a reason to embrace them and vote for liberals....LaRaza (which in my opinion is just as bad as white supremacist), black panthers and so on. I suspect their roll books far exceeds the white supremecist numbers.
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what i learned is

been and the people he knows that feel like the lady in the video are going to believe what they want to believe

they will find whatever truth they wish to view

the concurrent posts in this thread do nothing but validate my thoughts from yesterday
Been I don’t understand you on this issue. Please tell me you have pictures or trump and the kkk at a funeral on stage together. Please show us those groups you listed as being embraced by the gop. Do you think Benjamin nentanyahoo (sp) would ever say it’s even a horse race between liberals and the gop over who is more friendly to Israel? Maybe some American Jews don’t see Israel in a nationalistic way as those who reside there.

It sounds to me you are trying to justify the two things, but your argument just doesn’t add up. The whole world (at least by its UN reps) hates israel and trump embraces them against all of that. How many things has that government put trumps name on?
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Please show us those groups you listed as being embraced by the gop.

I didn't say the GOP embraces them. I said that they are more likely to embrace the GOP than the Democratic party.

I think Trump's reluctance to condemn their actions after Charlottesville ("bad people on both sides") was an example of him not wanting to alienate a portion of his base.

I think those groups have been emboldened since Trump became POTUS (as evidence by a significant rise in antisemitic hate crimes).
I didn't say the GOP embraces them. I said that they are more likely to embrace the GOP than the Democratic party.

I think Trump's reluctance to condemn their actions after Charlottesville ("bad people on both sides") was an example of him not wanting to alienate a portion of his base.

I think those groups have been emboldened since Trump became POTUS (as evidence by a significant rise in antisemitic hate crimes).

But you aren’t saying Bill Clinton being in an obvious photo op with LF who chants death to Israel is the same as that quip from trump or you are?

The dems embrace LF.

Also your theory doesn’t hold water because trump has denounced David duke and the neo Nazis multiple times before and after Charlottesville.
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When you start seeing the GOP/Conservatives standing shoulder to should with those groups at meeting or campaign rallies or you see the kooks actively campaigning for GOP/Conservatives then I would be disgusted. Just haven’t seen it.

The left has a cornucopia of groups that profess all kinds of dingbat shit as a reason to embrace them and vote for liberals....LaRaza (which in my opinion is just as bad as white supremacist), black panthers and so on. I suspect their roll books far exceeds the white supremecist numbers.

So when a president tweets about an “invasion” and then a guy goes on Gab ranting about an “invasion”, and then goes to a synagogue in Pittsburgh.....

I didn't say the GOP embraces them. I said that they are more likely to embrace the GOP than the Democratic party.

I think Trump's reluctance to condemn their actions after Charlottesville ("bad people on both sides") was an example of him not wanting to alienate a portion of his base.

I think those groups have been emboldened since Trump became POTUS (as evidence by a significant rise in antisemitic hate crimes).

There was bad people on both sides! Antifa thugs showed with the specific intent of starting violence. They have to accept part of the responsibility for that poor woman's death just like the POS white supremacists.

I would blame the far left for a lot of the anti-Jewish crime. Plenty of evidence for this. What has Trump done that causes this? Use some made up trigger word or dog whistle?

This is why the temperature is so high in this country you can't argue a point of view, particularly on the right, without be called a vile racist. People are absolutely sick of the lefty bullshit attacks.
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There was bad people on both sides! Antifa thugs showed with the specific intent of starting violence. They have to accept part of the responsibility for that poor woman's death just like the POS white supremacists.

I would blame the far left for a lot of the anti-Jewish crime. Plenty of evidence for this. What has Trump done that causes this? Use some made up trigger word or dog whistle?

This is why the temperature is so high in this country you can't argue a point of view, particularly on the right, without be called a vile racist. People are absolutely sick of the lefty bullshit attacks.

Can’t argue a point on the left without being called a POS (happens here regular), communist, hater of America, or enemy of the US.

Let’s not try to act like the divisions in this country are the fault of primarily one side.

That dog won’t hunt. Both are playing identity politics.
Can’t argue a point on the left without being called a POS (happens here regular), communist, hater of America, or enemy of the US.

Let’s not try to act like the divisions in this country are the fault of primarily one side.

That dog won’t hunt. Both are playing identity politics.
Yeah but a significant segment of the left does in fact hate America. ;)
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