Who the heck is Jay Inslee? Did the Democrats get this guy from Manpower?
I think Yang and Gabbard are heading towards VP candidate choices. Inslee is a one issue guy with not a lot of national appeal. Gillibrand sucks and de Blasio is a dick and he's hated in his own city, not electable.
Tulsi is absolutely trending towards a VP candidate but you can’t see that because you’re riding Kamala’s hog.I don't see either Yang or Gabbard heading towards VP consideration. Both are 1%ers (heck, Gabbard has registered 0% in some recent polls) and would really offer very little as a potential running mate at this point. There are other stronger candidates in their lanes. I think their best shot is a cabinet position if they want it. Gabbard could be a good candidate for UN Ambassador as well.
Inslee wants to be Secretary of Energy or Administrator of the EPA. He would be a good choice for either.
Gillabrand is another 1%er that I don't see going anywhere in this race. I like her though and she didn't have a bad performance last night but I just don't see a path forward for her. Same goes with de Blasio.
Tulsi is absolutely trending towards a VP candidate but you can’t see that because you’re riding Kamala’s hog.
Harris was given ample opportunities to slam dunk last night and she was not good. That’s a fair assessment. Gabbard was also the candidate that was the most searched in every single state last night from Google (I wonder if her lawsuit helped her out there).lol, and I could say you are too busy hating Kamala to give a fair assessment. Is this what we get to expect from you in the future? Anyone who attacks Harris you will declare a possible VP candidate?
I don't see Gabbard trending towards anything but dropping out of the race. She is at 1% (on a good day) and there are stronger potential VP choices than her. I like Gabbard and she definitely got an attack in on Harris last night. And I am sure Gabbard wants to be considered for the VP spot. But I just don't see that happening right now and it has nothing to do with Harris.
btw, Harris is one of my top choices but I also have a couple of other top choices. I've actually been donating to a candidate who isn't Harris. At this point, Harris would be my second choice.
The polls following the debate suggests you are dead wrong about Tulsi Gabbard.lol, and I could say you are too busy hating Kamala to give a fair assessment. Is this what we get to expect from you in the future? Anyone who attacks Harris you will declare a possible VP candidate?
I don't see Gabbard trending towards anything but dropping out of the race. She is at 1% (on a good day) and there are stronger potential VP choices than her. I like Gabbard and she definitely got an attack in on Harris last night. And I am sure Gabbard wants to be considered for the VP spot. But I just don't see that happening right now and it has nothing to do with Harris.
btw, Harris is one of my top choices but I also have a couple of other top choices. I've actually been donating to a candidate who isn't Harris. At this point, Harris would be my second choice.
Harris was given ample opportunities to slam dunk last night and she was not good. That’s a fair assessment. Gabbard was also the candidate that was the most searched in every single state last night from Google (I wonder if her lawsuit helped her out there).
Harris came off as smug and lacking legit responses to sensible questions. The only bullet she has in the gun is attacking Biden and if that isn’t working she isn’t a viable candidate to take down Trump. She ran away from legitimate criticism from Gabbard like a wounded dog. Sorry pal, that’s just reality.
El lolThe polls following the debate suggests you are dead wrong about Tulsi Gabbard.
The polls following the debate suggests you are dead wrong about Tulsi Gabbard.
El lol
Gabbard checks more boxes on the progressive list than most on the stage and seems to be one of the most reasonable at the same time. She is trending way higher at this point in time as far as digital engagements and searches than Castro and that's not to say he isn't a viable VP candidate for a progressive candidate like a Warren or Sanders. She also has collected nearly double the amount of political fundraising dollars of Castro.I agree with you that Gabbard used a progressive critique of Harris to go on the attack and was successful in that. I think you are of course blowing out of proportion the impact it had on Harris (as well as how Harris "came off"), but Gabbard did expose a concern progressives have about Harris' record as a prosecutor. I also realize you don't like Harris but she is definitely a viable candidate to defeat Trump (as are most of the top tier Democratic candidates). Where Harris' difficulty lies is the balancing act she is going to have to perform in order to obtain the nomination. It is going to be tough for her.
I was disagreeing with your claim that Gabbard is heading towards VP choices. There is just no evidence of that. She is polling at 0% to 1% among Democrats. She is in the progressive lane and there are other progressives above her that would bring more to a Democratic ticket then she would. There are also others who aren't in the progressive lane who would bring more to a ticket than Gabbard would. Right now, Gabbard is just trying to figure out a way to remain relevant. That definitely isn't heading towards a VP choice.
If you want to make a case for a 1%er who may be heading towards serious consideration for the Veep spot, I think that would be Castro. And so far he is closer to making the September debate than Gabbard is.
Gabbard checks more boxes on the progressive list than most on the stage and seams to be one of the most reasonable at the same time. She is trending way higher at this point in time as far as digital engagements and searches than Castro and that's not to say he isn't a viable VP candidate for a progressive candidate like a Warren or Sanders. She also has collected nearly double the amount of political fundraising dollars of Castro.
This election will come down to two issues and both of them are going to really bite Harris in the ass, healthcare and the economy. The healthcare plan she rolled out got shot to shreds it would essentially bankrupt the country, her support of the Green New Deal would wreck jobs all over the country especially manufacturing jobs, she was in flipping Detroit last night saying this, DETROIT.
I do not believe she would accept a VP slot from any candidate that was not as anti-regime-change-war as herself. That leaves only Bernie, and Bernie is done. (My hope is he will endorse her as reciprocity for her endorsement of him in 2016, which would give her a boost in the polls.)She also won the internet Drudge "poll" after the first debate. So what? It didn't help her at all and clearly Drudge and Breitbart aren't the most legitimate sources when it comes to judging how Democratic primary voters are viewing the debates.
btw, were you not the one arguing that there is no way Gabbard would take the VP spot if offer? Have you now changed your mind?
I truly love that you believe these delusions, and suspect many in your echo chamber do also.A Medicare for All plan isn't going to bankrupt the country and anyone who takes a moment's time to research it would know this. It can easily be paid for and will eventually save most Americans money. And manufacturing jobs have been wrecked for decades now. A Green New Deal will actually create jobs and transition our society into the future, instead of living in the past hoping certain jobs are going to come back that never will!
Also, these proposals are supported by a majority of Americans. Medicare for All (in some form) for example, is popular with Americans. Some polls show as much as 70% support. Same goes with a Green New Deal, which a number of polls have shown enjoying strong support,
I do not believe she would accept a VP slot from any candidate that was not as anti-regime-change-war as herself. That leaves only Bernie, and Bernie is done. (My hope is he will endorse her as reciprocity for her endorsement of him in 2016, which would give her a boost in the polls.)
I do believe she is in the race for the long haul, and the longer she lasts the better she will look to Democratic primary voters.
No doubt Hilary will CRUSH dumb ole Trump come November 2016!! The same echo chamber told me so.
Bernie isn't done at all. What are you talking about? He is one of the top candidates. Two of the last three national polls released has him second to Biden. He is also running strong in both Iowa and NH.
I still disagree with you. Gabbard would take the VP spot under any of these Democrats running.
btw, Bernie will endorse Warren before he endorses Gabbard.
If she expects to be in the race for the long haul, she is going to have to do better than 0 or 1% in the polls. She still has some work to do to make the next debate.
Do you really believe progressives will leave Sanders and Warren en masse to support Gabbard?
She’s going to run as a Green Party. The suckers that buy into her now will vote for her then and gladly try to help re-elect trump like the useful idiots they are.How the hell would I know who Progressives will support when Bernie drops out? I’m neither a Democrat nor a progressive.
Here’s what I think. The polls today are meaningless. The only people paying attention are activists and ideologues, and they’re the ones answering the polls and making it look like the Democratic Party has turned socialist. I do not believe the rank and file union member agrees with the hard core progressives, but right now he’s disengaged in politics. It will be a few more months before he starts to pay attention, and that’s when the polls will start to reflect reality.
The rank and file Democrat has watched as his son has come home from war a shell of himself. Or he has a relative or friend in that situation. He’s watched as the infrastructure falls apart all around him and wonders why we’re spending trillions of taxpayer dollars on weapons to be used in a part of the world he has no interest in, rather than fixing his roads and bridges. He’s watched as the Democratic leadership has embarked on s three year waste of time on Russia, Russia, Russia. He sees establishment types break laws with impunity. He’s watched DJT insult and bully every single person or country he has contact with. He’s watched as Republicans and Democrats constantly berate each other rather than try to actually solve problems. And he’s getting sick and tired of the whole kit and caboodle.
That’s the kind of voter a fresh new face that speaks with great eloquence and passion will appeal to, someone who has a history of working with the other side and someone who spends her time trying to solve problems rather than pontificate about it.
Tulsi is his kind of politician. He does ‘t know her yet, but as time goes on and others fall by the wayside she will ruse in the polls you are so keen on. Which will put the war mongers in both parties into a state of despair!
I’d go on, but I think you get my point. I don’t think any of the Democrats can beat Trump, but Tulsi has the best shot. My opinion.
How the hell would I know who Progressives will support when Bernie drops out? I’m neither a Democrat nor a progressive.
The only people paying attention are activists and ideologues, and they’re the ones answering the polls and making it look like the Democratic Party has turned socialist. I do not believe the rank and file union member agrees with the hard core progressives, but right now he’s disengaged in politics. It will be a few more months before he starts to pay attention, and that’s when the polls will start to reflect reality.
He does‘t know her yet, but as time goes on and others fall by the wayside she will ruse in the polls you are so keen on.
She’s going to run as a Green Party.
Yes. She is an empty vessel, being used to further her father’s cults Hinduism nationalist agenda. Her brains have been scrambled from a young age. If she wasn’t halfway decent looking and from Hawaii she’s never even be given a second thought.You think the Green Party would have her?
I think Gabbard would seriously harm her political future if she did something like that. She has potential in the Democratic Party if she is patient.
My takeaway from this "debate":
Night 1 --- White
Night 2 --- Colored
.You posted that you believe Gabbard is in the race for the long haul and the longer she lasts the better she will look to Democratic primary voters. That would mean she would have to look better to progressive Democratic voters and they would have to break from Sanders and Warren and come to her. Again, do you think this is going to happen?
You do realize that the activists and ideologues will be voting in the primaries, correct? So what they think matters, just as much as the rank and file union members (who are Democratic activists also lol) that you claim are disengaged right now.
But even if we accept your faulty premise here, what is going to make that supposedly large group of disengaged rank and file union members go to Gabbard instead of Biden, or Warren, or Sanders, etc.? Especially if Gabbard isn't even around anymore?
Nothing. If he is a progressive union member, he is going to jump on board with Warren or Sanders. If he is skeptical of the progressives, he isn't going to choose a progressive Gabbard. He will look at Biden or Harris or Buttigieg.
btw, I remember when union members were called socialists by those on the right. Now somehow, they are opposite the real socialists!
Or maybe he does already know about Gabbard and she just isn't his choice. Maybe the Democratic activists (i.e. union members) who are going to vote have already decided that they like Gabbard but she isn't ready to be President. Ever thought of that?
Supporting both the Green New Deal and Medicare for all will bankrupt the company. If you don’t understand that you are too far gone. Love that calling me a republican is a big slap in the face. My very first election ever voting in was Obama vs McCain, guess who I voted for numb nuts?I don't disagree that Gabbard is a progressive. She is. And if she became a serious contender for the nomination or for the VP spot, this appreciation fest that we see some Republicans/libertarians having with her would quickly end. The problem is, she needs more support among Democratic primary voters than 0% and 1%, regardless of how many people are searching for her or Assad on Google.
With all that said, there are other viable progressives (running and not running) who are ahead of her when it comes to consideration for the VP spot. She isn't going to bypass those individuals. There is just no evidence to back up a claim that she is heading for a VP choice at this point. Things of course could always change.
Spoken like a true Republican.
However, what you said just isn't true. A Medicare for All plan isn't going to bankrupt the country and anyone who takes a moment's time to research it would know this. It can easily be paid for and will eventually save most Americans money. And manufacturing jobs have been wrecked for decades now. A Green New Deal will actually create jobs and transition our society into the future, instead of living in the past hoping certain jobs are going to come back that never will!
Also, these proposals are supported by a majority of Americans. Medicare for All (in some form) for example, is popular with Americans. Some polls show as much as 70% support. Same goes with a Green New Deal, which a number of polls have shown enjoying strong support, especially among Independents. Running on popular issues isn't going to bite any Democrat in the ass.
What this election is really going to come down to is two things: vision and Donald Trump. A majority of Americans can't stand Trump and aren't going to vote for him. And they want someone with a vision to vote for. A vision that will excite them to come out and vote.
1). If you go back and read you will see I said it is my hope Bernie endorses her. I have no clue what he’ll actually do, and I don’t know if she’d get a bump if he did.
2). Yes, activists and ideologues are running the show for the Democrats, and if they don’t tone it down a bit the Democrats will get butchered in 2020.
3). My premise may very well be faulty, but it also might be correct. Only time will tell.
4). Yes, I also remember when unions were socialists, but I’m hardly a member of the Right.
5). I didn’t watch the debates, but I did see the exchange between Gabbard and Harris (How could I not? It’s all anybody is talking about.). I thought Harris looked haggard and exhausted, and her rebuttal was laughably weak. While I don’t think that alone will cost her the nomination the Democratic establishment has to be privately concerned at her lack of intelligence.
6). It’s just my opinion, obviously, but pretty much the entire Democratic field strikes me as incredibly inept. Bernie is like a guy that has 10 minutes until he has a fatal heart attack, he just doesn’t know he’s about to die. He’s done. Biden makes me think of Jerry Jones right after his facelift. His skin is stretched so tight it looks plastic. Plus he’s old and bumbling and a walking gaffe machine. The only thing keeping him in the race is he’s the establishment’s first choice. Booker reminds me of a big dumb teddy bear, Of all the candidates he is the least presidential material. Warren is like the crazy aunt you keep hidden in the attic. She’s like an old maid school marm that passed her prime decades ago.
7). So that’s the best the Democrats have? Tulsi is so above that bunch in intelligence, character, demeanor. It’s not even close. She is the superior choice for the Democrats. Right now they’re too stupid to recognize it. But there is time for her to become known. And if she does she’ll be unbeatable.
8). All the above is my opinion only. Make of it what you will,
My takeaway from this "debate":
Night 1 --- White
Night 2 --- Colored
1). If you go back and read you will see I said it is my hope Bernie endorses her. I have no clue what he’ll actually do, and I don’t know if she’d get a bump if he did.
2). Yes, activists and ideologues are running the show for the Democrats, and if they don’t tone it down a bit the Democrats will get butchered in 2020.
4). Yes, I also remember when unions were socialists
6). It’s just my opinion, obviously, but pretty much the entire Democratic field strikes me as incredibly inept.
Supporting both the Green New Deal and Medicare for all will bankrupt the company.
Love that calling me a republican is a big slap in the face.
I noticed that too.looks like pelosi had shut down the squad...not a word from them for a while.
Regarding your last point, yes, I am strongly inclined to disagree with Democratic policy positions. More than strongly disagree, I utterly despise them. What I’m not sure you understand, though, is I have an equal lack of regard for Republican policy positions. When it comes to party politics I’m an equal opportunity hater.I read that but I don't see it happening. Sanders is going to be in this longer than Gabbard is and if Sanders has to drop out, he will endorse Warren.
Activists and ideologues usually run the show for any political party. How do you think Trump got the GOP nomination in 2016?
And btw, GOP activists/ideologues heard the same claim about Trump getting butchered in 2016. Same for Democratic activists/ideologues for Obama in 2008. We see how that worked out.
They still are socialists today according to many on the right.
Again, I see no reason why a member of a union would choose Gabbard over the progressive and non-progressive front runners.
This doesn't surprise me coming from you. You are strongly inclined to not like the Democratic candidates and you disagree with their policy positions. Of course you are going to claim they strike you as inept.
They aren't though. The Democrats have a number of strong candidates. There are just too many IMO right now and at least half of them need to drop out
What I’m not sure you understand, though, is I have an equal lack of regard for Republican policy positions. When it comes to party politics I’m an equal opportunity hater.