Night 2 of the 2nd Dem Debate

Woah, you weren't lying about angelic Tulsi.

"Fatal flow in Harris's plan"
"Shut out private insurance"

Big cheers.

Takes issue with Tulsi being wrong about the author. Haha okay. Pivots to Biden and attacks.
Woah, you weren't lying about angelic Tulsi.

"Fatal flow in Harris's plan"
"Shut out private insurance"

Big cheers.

Takes issue with Tulsi being wrong about the author. Haha okay. Pivots to Biden and attacks.
Woah... that's definitely a healthcare issue...

Harris isn't looking sharp at all in this. She says she is giving people choice in her plan. I said she was disingenuous before, this is a prime example. Medicare for all without true private insurance is not a choice.
Castro's grandma had diabetes and he has really slick hair. Best speaker so far.

Kawala: Her plan is not illegal as Bennet claims.
Separate healthcare from employment.

She doesnt respect moderators.

Bennett doubles down that Kawala's plan bans employer based insurance.
Yes, Senator Harris, people stick around at their job for the kickass benefits even if they hate the actual job. HELLO, WELCOME TO AMERICA. It's their choice to do that.
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OMG Inslee isnt getting elected. This isnt an episode of The Adams Family.

(Though it's close)
Harris again being disingenuous with her response. What will hold insurance companies accountable is their customers leaving them and going for a public option. The more people leave the more attractive they have to make their plan, it's called competition.
Castro zings Biden on immigration.

Dems have morphed "free borders" into "it's a civil issue."
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Democrats gonna lose on the border crisis/immigration issue...
People should have to get in line for legal immigration. Finally Biden makes a distinction. He's over this circus and fighting with some of these fringe candidates like Castro, de Blasio, Bennet.
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Biden seems least crazy.
Kawala is nasally and uninspiring.
Booker has crazy eyes and is feminine.
Yang is sharp
De Blasio is an asshole.
Bennett is a bumpkin but somewhat reasonable.
Inslee is a ghoul.
Tulsi is beautiful and could be presidential in time. Has presence.
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Biden seems least crazy.
Kawala is nasally and uninspiring.
Booker has crazy eyes and is feminine.
Yang is sharp
De Blasio is an asshole.
Bennett is a bumpkin but somewhat reasonable.
Inslee is a ghoul.
Tulsi is beautiful and could be presidential in time. Has presence.
I could not have said this better.

A Biden and Yang ticket (business man, parents are immigrants, minority) could give Trump and Pence a run.
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Good lord Booker's eyes.

I'm pretty sure Biden is not gonna make it. Too tired.
Kamala's plan for criminal justice reform in theory:

Reality (with her locking up drug offenders):
Booker Biden brawl. Is Booker trying to be OG with the koolaid remark?

Castro attacks police.

HAHAHA Inslee drones on about Wahington with every response. But a few reasonable items.

Castro again attacks police.
Harris didn't answer the question about busing, Jake Tapper make her answer the question on where she stands!
Biden going ham on Harris' time as AG of California.

Reforming a criminal justice system in California? She really going to tout that? She wasn't progressive at all as AG and helped lock up simple drug offenders at will.
Harris: "But I did work"

She is not respectful to the forum.

Tulsi...holy shit
Lemon doubles down on a question which is, in reality, a statement that Trump is a racist.
Jesus Christ, again Don Lemon calls Trump racist.

Then Castro does.

These people are clowns.
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