Again, you are still treating this under a business model. Health care should not be a business. That is the lie you are buying into so that insurance companies can make their billions why you think you are getting some great deal. And meanwhile, millions of Americans go without.
But hey, as long as you get the crumbs the insurance companies throw your way you are happy, right?
Perhaps, but you continue to ignore the savings aspect of all this too. Also, you need to keep in mind that Harris is trying to add to this conversation with another path to Medicare For All. Democrats are having a conversation about the best approach and that is the point of a primary.
I personally tend to lean towards Sanders approach but I'm open to listening to ideas from Harris and others who recognize that health care is a right.
With all that said, you are beating a dead horse here OSU. Be it Saders, or Warren, or Harris' version of Medicare for All, you have been shown how they can easily be paid for and the postiive impact it would have on our nation. If you still want to embrace the insurance companies arguments, so be it. I doubt I will be able to convince you.