it looks like he had his front teeth knocked out on that initial takedown.
Geer has a bad backside draw to get to AA. He'll have Venz if he wins.

He isn't slick or particularly skilled but he's a brute. Geer typically struggles with strong guys.
AJ walks like a 70 year old with arthritis. Amazing to watch how quick he is.
He's got very good defense and balance when he shoots and misses trying for takedowns.

Def stays busy for a 197 than you normally see!
1-0 Warner after 2, AJ has RT currently at 1:25...Quick escape could be the difference in Period 3.
Bottom side of 197 got blown up. Winner of AJ/Amine is in a good spot.
What's AJ's chances? Haven't watched Amine this year.
What's AJ's chances? Haven't watched Amine this year.

I haven't watched Amine enough. He went to SV with the kid Aj just best. I would guess Amine is a slight favorite. I wouldn't bet against AJ though.
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