My Son Writes About Twitter, Trump And The Riots

And a lot of you are not going to like what he has to say. (I would encourage you to read with an open mind and try to repress your initial knee-jerk reaction that you must defend Trump against all comers. If you can do that you might figure out that he says something of value).
I wanted to rip into it, but due to it being your child I will let a sleeping dog lie. Just ask him to do his research on the true statistics related to African American deaths by cop. We need responsible journalism now more than ever.
I wanted to rip into it, but due to it being your child I will let a sleeping dog lie. Just ask him to do his research on the true statistics related to African American deaths by cop. We need responsible journalism now more than ever.

Please feel free to rip. My son and I both wear big boy pants, we can handle criticism. At least if it is legitimately made and not just overly emotional backlash.

I posted it knowing full well that the few on this board that would put their lives on the line defending Donald Trump would react with fury. The posting is not aimed at them. It is aimed at those people who can read and reflect on what is being said with a calm and reasonable manner, people who might contemplate there might be some truth in what is being said, and recognizing truth is superior to undying emotional attachment to falsehood.

Did he get everything right? I don’t think he did, and I have told him so. But what he said has forced me to reflect on some of my prejudices. And if you think about it that’s the purpose of what he wrote.
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Please feel free to rip. My son and I both wear big boy pants, we can handle criticism. At least if it is legitimately made and not just overly emotional backlash. Which is it? Can handle criticsim IF.....

I posted it knowing full well that the few on this board that would put their lives on the line defending Donald Trump would react with fury. - No one on this board would defend Trump with their life, but if you believe that than the highlighted part above would not have the "if" statement.

I am sure you have every reason to be proud of your son. Political views should never interfere with the love between a parent and a son or daughter. My belief personally is that for whatever reason, anyone that writes or reports about political events today simply can not keep their political bias totally at bay. I think every person on this board would admit to that. If you pawn your writings off as editorial comment then you have told the reader buyer beware. In those situations IMO, the writer violates being truthful to his real opinions and the readers when they change their opinions for political convenience. Not blaming your son for this because I would not know.

For example, if you were ok with people being arrested for not following social distancing, not wearing a mask, or that man that was arrested for playing in a park with his kids, how do you now defend these same Governors, Mayors, and Police Chiefs that watch severe crimes of violence happening right in front of their eyes and people are not arrested? Hypocrisy is what I hate the most from any side of the aisle, and right now the hypocrisy has been off the charts from the extreme left (is there any other kind right now?) since before Trump took office.

Does not make it right, but anyone with a recent University education stands a good chance of being brainwashed by the lib elites that have invaded our Universities. So, perhaps some "journalists" are incapable of unlearning the very prejudices they have been taught and the inability to think for themselves.

You would have been better off just linking the article and seeing what people thought, you would of had some really honest comments. I think you knew if you just posted that link the opinions expressed would have been really criticized on this forum and you hoped by indicating this was your son perhaps some might "listen". But, some people will not change their opinions for political convenience or to perhaps lie to make a fellow board poster feel good about his son's writings.

Be proud of your son, but do not ask for opinions if you do not really want them.
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Please feel free to rip. My son and I both wear big boy pants, we can handle criticism. At least if it is legitimately made and not just overly emotional backlash.

I posted it knowing full well that the few on this board that would put their lives on the line defending Donald Trump would react with fury. The posting is not aimed at them. It is aimed at those people who can read and reflect on what is being said with a calm and reasonable manner, people who might contemplate there might be some truth in what is being said, and recognizing truth is superior to undying emotional attachment to falsehood.

Did he get everything right? I don’t think he did, and I have told him so. But what he said has forced me to reflect on some of my prejudices. And if you think about it that’s the purpose of what he wrote.
I am not someone that reflexively defends Trump. I will read the article later, but the first sentence was (sorry, I know he is your son) absolute garbage.

EDIT after reading: One question I would ask your son. You list race many times in your article. You point out that the main police officer was white and the victim was black. You talk about white Americans. But when you mention the other three police officers you don’t mention they are Black, Asian, and Latino. Why?
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I don’t agree with Trump’s response to this crisis but I also believe that the deck is stacked against him.
I don’t understand how the 20-40 year old age group is so sure that they are right about any and all subjects. I have 2 in that age group and I wonder where I went wrong in their upbringing. I witnessed a good friend and his 30 something daughter go nuclear on each other last night on Facebook (not the right platform for that discussion) while the dad was being tactful, his daughter was vile and vicious. Her last response was “I used to think you were smart and now I know that you are not “. He is a very intelligent and successful business owner. The daughter is doing well but her attitude is her limiting factor.
Why do people in this age group think that they are so smart and superior to their elders?
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I don’t agree with Trump’s response to this crisis but I also believe that the deck is stacked against him.
I don’t understand how the 20-40 year old age group is so sure that they are right about any and all subjects. I have 2 in that age group and I wonder where I went wrong in their upbringing. I witnessed a good friend and his 30 something daughter go nuclear on each other last night on Facebook (not the right platform for that discussion) while the dad was being tactful, his daughter was vile and vicious. Her last response was “I used to think you were smart and now I know that you are not “. He is a very intelligent and successful business owner. The daughter is doing well but her attitude is her limiting factor.
Why do people in this age group think that they are so smart and superior to their elders?

They want the trophy handed to them, that is what they learned. You are not suppose to hurt my feelings or tell me the truth, just tell me how wonderful I am and how I can be anything I want.
I am sure you have every reason to be proud of your son. Political views should never interfere with the love between a parent and a son or daughter. My belief personally is that for whatever reason, anyone that writes or reports about political events today simply can not keep their political bias totally at bay. I think every person on this board would admit to that. If you pawn your writings off as editorial comment then you have told the reader buyer beware. In those situations IMO, the writer violates being truthful to his real opinions and the readers when they change their opinions for political convenience. Not blaming your son for this because I would not know.

For example, if you were ok with people being arrested for not following social distancing, not wearing a mask, or that man that was arrested for playing in a park with his kids, how do you now defend these same Governors, Mayors, and Police Chiefs that watch severe crimes of violence happening right in front of their eyes and people are not arrested? Hypocrisy is what I hate the most from any side of the aisle, and right now the hypocrisy has been off the charts from the extreme left (is there any other kind right now?) since before Trump took office.

Does not make it right, but anyone with a recent University education stands a good chance of being brainwashed by the lib elites that have invaded our Universities. So, perhaps some "journalists" are incapable of unlearning the very prejudices they have been taught and the inability to think for themselves.

You would have been better off just linking the article and seeing what people thought, you would of had some really honest comments. I think you knew if you just posted that link the opinions expressed would have been really criticized on this forum and you hoped by indicating this was your son perhaps some might "listen". But, some people will not change their opinions for political convenience or to perhaps lie to make a fellow board poster feel good about his son's writings.

Be proud of your son, but do not ask for opinions if you do not really want them.

My son’s piece was not journalism and was not marketed as such. It was an opinion
piece and never pretended otherwise.

You are correct that I am very proud of my son. But if you have followed my postings on this board with the slightest attention you will know that I have not shied away from controversy from either the Trump supporters or the Trump haters. Criticism has been rained down on my before, and I’m sure this will not be the last. I don’t fear having my opinion debated, never have. That’s what this board is for, or at least that’s what I thought.
I am not someone that reflexively defends Trump. I will read the article later, but the first sentence was (sorry, I know he is your son) absolute garbage.

EDIT after reading: One question I would ask your son. You race many times in your article. You point out that the main police officer was white and the victim was black. You talk about white Americans. But when you mention the other three police officers you don’t mention they are Black, Asian, and Latino. Why?
I suspect it’s because the cop that actually killed him is white.

Oh, and let me add that is one of the things with which he and I disagree. At least we disagree a little. I contend, and have always contended that police brutality in less about race and more about power differential. People with power eventually begin to abuse it. Kings abuse their subjects and police abuse their “suspects.” We have (stupidly, IMO) handed way too much power to police in the name of letting them do their job without impediment. Too many police have interpreted that to mean they can do what ever the hell they want to do to people who are unable to defend themselves. Poor people are the least politically powerful of all. They are essentially defenseless against a cop determined to harass or abuse them. And racial minorities fall into the “poor” category in a higher percentage than whites. So it stands to reason that racial minorities are on the receiving end of police harassment/abuse.

That is small consolation if you’re a racial minority, a poor one. And that was a discussion I personally had hoped could be had with Mr. Floyd’s murder. The rioting has put that hope to bed. If anything the people are going to demand we give the police even more power. Not only will nothing change, but it’s very likely to make things worse.
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I don’t agree with Trump’s response to this crisis but I also believe that the deck is stacked against him.
I don’t understand how the 20-40 year old age group is so sure that they are right about any and all subjects. I have 2 in that age group and I wonder where I went wrong in their upbringing. I witnessed a good friend and his 30 something daughter go nuclear on each other last night on Facebook (not the right platform for that discussion) while the dad was being tactful, his daughter was vile and vicious. Her last response was “I used to think you were smart and now I know that you are not “. He is a very intelligent and successful business owner. The daughter is doing well but her attitude is her limiting factor.
Why do people in this age group think that they are so smart and superior to their elders?
Can’t speak for anyone else, but in my case my son is smarter/wiser than me by a degree of magnitude.
Tell your Son to try and reign in his thoughts to use the King’s yinglish to say what is needed in 500 words instead of 2000. HL Mencken would be a better model
He’s paid to write long form.
Eh? What is it you think that cop did that killed him? Have you seen the photos from the other side of the vehicle?
Yes, I know that more than one cop held him down. But so far, at least, the only one charged with murder is the one that rammed his knee in his neck.
And a lot of you are not going to like what he has to say. (I would encourage you to read with an open mind and try to repress your initial knee-jerk reaction that you must defend Trump against all comers. If you can do that you might figure out that he says something of value).

As an opinion piece it is a good piece of work and you have every right to be proud. It is never stated to be a "news report" - it is obviously from the first sentence an opinion piece and that is readily apparent.

Now I'm about to step in it -- not with the original poster, but with others -- as one of the Liberal Elites who may very well have educated some on this board (I have been at OSU for the better part of three decades), I simply get sick of that excuse. I am an Army Veteran with an Honroable Discharge. My father served in Korea and earned a Bronze Star -- and then spent over 30 years in the Army Reserve. I readily admit to being fairly liberal (what I call a left leaning moderate, but a raging lib in Oklahoma -- pretty sure in Massachusetts some would think I was a Republican), but I have made every attempt in my 35 years in higher education to not press only my own opinions in my classes. However, as a military veteran what I saw last night on TV sickened me, and for the first time truly made me wonder what the future of our country is going to be. Your son has every right to his opinion and every right to make it public, and those who think he has been "dropped on his head" or mis-raised in some manner are the ones who need to look inside their own motivations.

At this time in our history our country is torn apart - almost 50-50 it often seems - and all of us seem to run to our preconceived notions and refuse to listen to the other side -- this is the real problem in the country. I am in my 60s -- I have worked with, served with, and known people of all political and social positions, and in that time I have never seen our country torn so asunder, and there is blame everywhere, but in my opinion what happened at the White House last night is the most sickening part of all this (other than the death of Mr Floyd itself - which was also sickening). It is time that we all look within and begin to understand that most of those who have different beliefs are not anti-American and are not trying to bring the country down -- that is limited to a small number on the extremes. It is time we re-learn to cooperate and compromise again, and to understand that sometimes the other side has a point.

OK, enough of this. I know some will choose to tear into me because you with think I am some anti-American shill or something, but I will put my love for this country and my record of service up against most others. Have a nice day - and be proud of your son and his hard work. I'm very proud of my son and he is one of those "lazy liberal public school teachers" some on here like to rail about endlessly.
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Please feel free to rip. My son and I both wear big boy pants, we can handle criticism. At least if it is legitimately made and not just overly emotional backlash.

I posted it knowing full well that the few on this board that would put their lives on the line defending Donald Trump would react with fury. The posting is not aimed at them. It is aimed at those people who can read and reflect on what is being said with a calm and reasonable manner, people who might contemplate there might be some truth in what is being said, and recognizing truth is superior to undying emotional attachment to falsehood.

Did he get everything right? I don’t think he did, and I have told him so. But what he said has forced me to reflect on some of my prejudices. And if you think about it that’s the purpose of what he wrote.
Quit being such a passive aggressive puss. Good lord it is insufferable.
Is he back to writing a regular column or is this just a one off?
Regular column. Once a month, I think. Most of his writing is about culture (books, music, etc.). He surprised me with this one. He usually studiously avoids politics. I guess the murder of Mr. Floyd hit a raw nerve.
Can’t speak for anyone else, but in my case my son is smarter/wiser than me by a degree of magnitude.

And my 2 are smarter/wiser than me when you consider book read intelligence. Both are severely lacking in common sense and experience that we have earned over the years. They trust people based on smooth and emotional discourse where we have learned that many of these people were snakes in the grass using emotional outbursts to gain control. They have become the participation trophy kids that we condoned as parents because the intellectual people forced us to do it knowing it would bite us on the butt one day.
Regular column. Once a month, I think. Most of his writing is about culture (books, music, etc.). He surprised me with this one. He usually studiously avoids politics. I guess the murder of Mr. Floyd hit a raw nerve.

Why did this one hit a nerve?

There had to have been hundreds he’s ignored on his platform prior.
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Dan would you like to ask your son to please explore the true statistics behind African Americans encounters with law enforcement? To be brave enough to present the picture of the amazing restraint law enforcement shows as a whole. How more unarmed blacks killed officers than officers killed unarmed blacks. He could be part of stopping the horrible treatment law enforcement receives due to a false narrative that they are out to take black lives. That would take true courage and character. Then again most media are like liberal parrots repeating the same lines over and over and over. To do research counter to his likely pre conceived thought process. Truth be damned most of the time.
I went a head and struggled through your son's article. What I see is a one sided view without the slightest attempt to understand those with differing opinion or a minimal effort to see anything past his own world view. If he wants to be a difference maker he needs to spend his time learning and understanding people with differing opinions. He already has his views, he needs to educate himself on the views of others. Somewhere in the middle lies the solution.
Dan would you like to ask your son to please explore the true statistics behind African Americans encounters with law enforcement? To be brave enough to present the picture of the amazing restraint law enforcement shows as a whole. How more unarmed blacks killed officers than officers killed unarmed blacks. He could be part of stopping the horrible treatment law enforcement receives due to a false narrative that they are out to take black lives. That would take true courage and character. Then again most media are like liberal parrots repeating the same lines over and over and over. To do research counter to his likely pre conceived thought process. Truth be damned most of the time.
Ponca - I imagine, like any young adult, your son wants to stand out in the crowd in his field. His article will not stand out because it is one of several article that could be on Salon or Daily Kos. Journalism has taken a big hit over the last many years. Facts don’t seem to matter - being the loudest and having a biased opinion does. People, rightly so, don’t trust the media.

But what if you son shined a light to facts? Factually, the police do not target minorities. We know that, but the public doesn’t. There is not a war on blacks. However, people are called racist for speaking the truth. The current protest and rioting is a direct result of inaccurate media activity.

Your son could affect major positive change by challenging those that spew false information and help heal a divide that has grown due to inaccurate information.
As always a well written article.

However, he needs to take his own advice to heart. Only sourcing the Post for facts is just picking a source that agrees with his own point of view, just as he accuses the President.

Twitter posting links to opposite views of what the President is tweeting doesn't bother me. But twitter abusing this power by targeting only the President and not their own CEO is just as bad.

Like you said it's an opinion piece, but it reads like he only watches CNN and reads the Post.
Why did this one hit a nerve?

There had to have been hundreds he’s ignored on his platform prior.
Brian is well known to offer unique and often tangential opinions from the norm. This one is no different. I suspect you’re thinking this article is like many others because it is critical of the President, and you view any such criticism as cut from the same cloth.

I’m not sure what you’re asking when you say “Why did this one hit a nerve?” Do you mean why did watching a drawn out murder as it happened hit a nerve? I would think the answer to that is obvious. It hit a nerve with me. Did it not with you?
Brian is well known to offer unique and often tangential opinions from the norm. This one is no different. I suspect you’re thinking this article is like many others because it is critical of the President, and you view any such criticism as cut from the same cloth.

I’m not sure what you’re asking when you say “Why did this one hit a nerve?” Do you mean why did watching a drawn out murder as it happened hit a nerve? I would think the answer to that is obvious. It hit a nerve with me. Did it not with you?
Does the fact that more unarmed blacks killed cops than unarmed cops kill blacks shake your initial pre conceptions? Why do no liberal journalists present this fact? Do they prefer to stir it up for their own political bias? Damned be a cop in let’s say Oklahoma with young children that is now treated like garbage due to some dumbo cops in Minnesota he has never met. Also why are no news stations presenting the fact that African americans % on police forces correlates with the number of African Americans in the us... Facts be damned.
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Brian is well known to offer unique and often tangential opinions from the norm. This one is no different. I suspect you’re thinking this article is like many others because it is critical of the President, and you view any such criticism as cut from the same cloth.

I’m not sure what you’re asking when you say “Why did this one hit a nerve?” Do you mean why did watching a drawn out murder as it happened hit a nerve? I would think the answer to that is obvious. It hit a nerve with me. Did it not with you?

How is that different from the norm?

Trump is evil.

No peep about censorship from a person that earns his living with words.

While somehow swallowing his tongue, how many thousand times before?
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Brian is well known to offer unique and often tangential opinions from the norm. This one is no different. I suspect you’re thinking this article is like many others because it is critical of the President, and you view any such criticism as cut from the same cloth.

I’m not sure what you’re asking when you say “Why did this one hit a nerve?” Do you mean why did watching a drawn out murder as it happened hit a nerve? I would think the answer to that is obvious. It hit a nerve with me. Did it not with you?
Nothing unique or tangential in this opinion piece
Dan would you like to ask your son to please explore the true statistics behind African Americans encounters with law enforcement? To be brave enough to present the picture of the amazing restraint law enforcement shows as a whole. How more unarmed blacks killed officers than officers killed unarmed blacks. He could be part of stopping the horrible treatment law enforcement receives due to a false narrative that they are out to take black lives. That would take true courage and character. Then again most media are like liberal parrots repeating the same lines over and over and over. To do research counter to his likely pre conceived thought process. Truth be damned most of the time.
No, I’ll leave it to Brian to research what he wants. By the way I have seen you refer to the same statistic several times, and I don’t understand it. You say more unarmed blacks killed more officers than officers killed unarmed blacks. What does that mean? How do unarmed people kill armed police officers? I also take exception to your admiration for the amazing restraint law enforcement shows as a whole. Surely you know that is balderdash. Maybe police show restraint most of the time, but their (occasional) lack of restraint is commonly understood by people of color. That you can’t recognize this truth is discussed in the article. And until white people come to that realization the anger and resentment by blacks people will boil up and explode again. I find it admirable that you feel called upon to stand up for LE. But while you ask Brian to be equal in his opinion piece you might want to follow your own advice.
No, I’ll leave it to Brian to research what he wants. By the way I have seen you refer to the same statistic several times, and I don’t understand it. You say more unarmed blacks killed more officers than officers killed unarmed blacks. What does that mean? How do unarmed people kill armed police officers? I also take exception to your admiration for the amazing restraint law enforcement shows as a whole. Surely you know that is balderdash. Maybe police show restraint most of the time, but their (occasional) lack of restraint is commonly understood by people of color. That you can’t recognize this truth is discussed in the article. And until white people come to that realization the anger and resentment by blacks people will boil up and explode again. I find it admirable that you feel called upon to stand up for LE. But while you ask Brian to be equal in his opinion piece you might want to follow your own advice.
Stats don’t lie. Liberals stand on pins and needless waiting for anything. Most journalists in this day and age are quite frankly reprehensible and don’t care about the truth.
No, I’ll leave it to Brian to research what he wants. By the way I have seen you refer to the same statistic several times, and I don’t understand it. You say more unarmed blacks killed more officers than officers killed unarmed blacks. What does that mean? How do unarmed people kill armed police officers? I also take exception to your admiration for the amazing restraint law enforcement shows as a whole. Surely you know that is balderdash. Maybe police show restraint most of the time, but their (occasional) lack of restraint is commonly understood by people of color. That you can’t recognize this truth is discussed in the article. And until white people come to that realization the anger and resentment by blacks people will boil up and explode again. I find it admirable that you feel called upon to stand up for LE. But while you ask Brian to be equal in his opinion piece you might want to follow your own advice.
And your unarmed question....geez do I really need to answer that?
No, I’ll leave it to Brian to research what he wants. By the way I have seen you refer to the same statistic several times, and I don’t understand it. You say more unarmed blacks killed more officers than officers killed unarmed blacks. What does that mean? How do unarmed people kill armed police officers? I also take exception to your admiration for the amazing restraint law enforcement shows as a whole. Surely you know that is balderdash. Maybe police show restraint most of the time, but their (occasional) lack of restraint is commonly understood by people of color. That you can’t recognize this truth is discussed in the article. And until white people come to that realization the anger and resentment by blacks people will boil up and explode again. I find it admirable that you feel called upon to stand up for LE. But while you ask Brian to be equal in his opinion piece you might want to follow your own advice.
Get off your high horse! Nothing special about you or your son. Hope your family doesn’t need help from the police in the future

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