HBO's Game of Thrones [April 13]

I also was confused by the Dragon strategy. It would seem like she should have made a second or third pass up front to completely destroy the defenses. I know the more she exposes the Dragon the more danger it is in but the best time to attack was while you have the element of surprise before they can organize any defense against the dragon. Seemed to be more of a cinematic choice by the show runners that it made for better TV if you let the horde kill a few.

A. She might not have total control of him, or it might take time to get him positioned exactly where she wants.

B. I was expecting them to approach the Lannister battle line from one side (parallel) and torch a long swathe of soldiers, rather than doing what they did and hitting the battle line on a perpendicular approach.
I don't see that at all. She seems to have her S together fully. I agree that she has been caught by surprise with how changed Arya and Bran are. But, I find her to be a strong leader who is calm and measured while making decisions/suggestions.

Think about how emotional and upset she became in full view of the northern lords when Jon advocated a position of practical forgiveness rather than revenge against houses that betrayed the Starks.

She wanted to make the same mistake that Robb made. She also was undermining Jon's authority with her little tantrum.
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Am I the only one that was bothered by the fact that they burned all the supplies? I mean there was the food they needed and she just had the dragon touch it. I found that a little unnecessary.

Great episode and I feel like that was the type of action that should be happening in every episode since they cut it short by 3 episodes.
One thing to keep in mind about the number of episodes left, next season each episode is basically going to be a movie (90 minutes or so).
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Am I the only one that was bothered by the fact that they burned all the supplies? I mean there was the food they needed and she just had the dragon touch it. I found that a little unnecessary.

Great episode and I feel like that was the type of action that should be happening in every episode since they cut it short by 3 episodes.
You think Dany should have weighed what was in the wagon train before she torched it? Dragons are not pinpoint munitions.
Am I the only one that was bothered by the fact that they burned all the supplies? I mean there was the food they needed and she just had the dragon touch it. I found that a little unnecessary.

Great episode and I feel like that was the type of action that should be happening in every episode since they cut it short by 3 episodes.

Supplies were not far from KL by then (and on the opposite side from Dragonstone, I think). To get them to Dragonstone, they would have had to protect them over a great distance, and would have had to find a place to load them on ships then unload them.

With Euron's fleet on the prowl, and King's Landing able to send out a force to catch up to the supply train, they really only had one option.
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The battle scene was epic but based on what the dragons did why even risk your army? Just light everyone up!

I also was confused by the Dragon strategy. It would seem like she should have made a second or third pass up front to completely destroy the defenses. I know the more she exposes the Dragon the more danger it is in but the best time to attack was while you have the element of surprise before they can organize any defense against the dragon. Seemed to be more of a cinematic choice by the show runners that it made for better TV if you let the horde kill a few.

Yeah but that horde really really likes killing. Does the momma kill the gazelle and then give it to the young lion or just cripple it so the lion can have some fun?

The Dragon seemed very pin point accurate, it was like a massive A10 Warthog going to town in ground support. I couldn't help think of the Iraqi highway on the first gulf war when she just went down the road pulverizing everything on it.
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Am I the only one that was bothered by the fact that they burned all the supplies? I mean there was the food they needed and she just had the dragon touch it. I found that a little unnecessary.

Great episode and I feel like that was the type of action that should be happening in every episode since they cut it short by 3 episodes.

Supplies were not far from KL by then (and on the opposite side from Dragonstone, I think). To get them to Dragonstone, they would have had to protect them over a great distance, and would have had to find a place to load them on ships then unload them.

With Euron's fleet on the prowl, and King's Landing able to send out a force to catch up to the supply train, they really only had one option.

Be a hell of a trip, but marching the supplies north to where they are short on food would have gone a long way in getting them to bend the knee.
Be a hell of a trip, but marching the supplies north to where they are short on food would have gone a long way in getting them to bend the knee.
I was thinking she could move her whole army North as well plus pick up Grey Worm and crew then they have enough supplies to to deal with the undead before Cersi the dead soul. lol
I had a couple of very small nit picks of the battle... Jamie waits until the battle is almost over to think, oh we have a Dragon killer! Also, Bronn and Jamie hit the water like 4 foot away from the shore, yet it's 30 foot deep? That's a hell of a drop off. Just rewatched the battle, just as great the second time. That battle and the battle of the bastards both have to rank high in cinema battle history.
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[QUOTE="Cowpoke, post: 1036089, member: 242" Just rewatched the battle, just as great the second time. That battle and the battle of the bastards both have to rank high in cinema battle history.[/QUOTE]

Hardhome too (although it probably isn't technically a battle). GOT has to be creative with how they show a lot of battles because of budget but when they do go all in they are spectacular.
Jamie waits until the battle is almost over to think, oh we have a Dragon killer! Also, Bronn and Jamie hit the water like 4 foot away from the shore, yet it's 30 foot deep? That's a hell of a drop off.

On the first point....
Can't really blame him. He has never seen a live dragon before, and probably couldn't appreciate its size, or the amount of damage it was capable of, until the battle was well underway. There had to be a period of time where he was just stunned and not thinking clearly. After that, he was somewhat cut off from the scorpion and wouldn't have been able to work it if he had been able to get there. He, also, probably didn't have faith in telling just anyone to get to it and make it work.

Agree on the 2nd point. Not too many natural bodies of water that are that deep with such a steep slope.
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I think they discussed it earlier in the episode. Something about taking Highgarden and looting all of their food stores.

Military logistical constraints, as referenced in 1000 blog posts and articles, have been abandoned as a plot line this season so I'm not sure why we're nitpicking which wagons she incinerated.

When you're on the back of a dragon, YOU INCINERATE THINGS.

You and Vito would make terrible Targaryens.

Military logistical constraints, as referenced in 1000 blog posts and articles, have been abandoned as a plot line this season so I'm not sure why we're nitpicking which wagons she incinerated.

When you're on the back of a dragon, YOU INCINERATE THINGS.

You and Vito would make terrible Targaryens.

Wait a sec.

AT asked if she knew it was food. My impression was that his question was in response to the discussion about how they should have captured the food and taken it back to Dragonstone, or taken it to the Northmen.

If you look back in the thread, I have been saying that moving the food was not a realistic option, and destroying it was the best military move.

Dany and I are kindred spirits. She probably dreams of being betrothed to a man like me.
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Military logistical constraints, as referenced in 1000 blog posts and articles, have been abandoned as a plot line this season so I'm not sure why we're nitpicking which wagons she incinerated.

When you're on the back of a dragon, YOU INCINERATE THINGS.

You and Vito would make terrible Targaryens.
I am trying to get to kill the Night's King!!! Vito is think end game not some chump iron throne. The dead are what matters. lol
1. Where were the other two dragons? I have a sneaking suspicion she may have sent the other two someplace else? Perhaps to find and attack Euron's fleet?

2. Why did she choose to attack the Lannister army head-on? I thought it would have been a much more effective tactic to have the Dothraki storm around in front, making lots of noise and distractions, only to have the MILF of Dragons swoop in from behind, raining hell-fire down on them. It also would have prevented any possibility of those supplies/ getting to Kings Landing with near 100% certainty.

3. As Cowpoke noted above, I said out-loud that this reminded me of the "Highway of Death" scenes when the Iraqi Army fled Kuwait with their ill-gotten booty. Only with a dragon, instead of A-10's.

4. Cersei's Maester Qyburn wasn't smart/cunning enough to concoct a poison to dip those massive bolts? Unless you hit the skull directly, it's not likely you would kill a full-grown dragon, you need a bit of something extra to get the job done. Poor planning on his part.
Doesn't someone need to ride them?

They need a leader. They were able to participate in the attack on the slavers fleet but only by following the big guy. So yes, I think Dani has to be there to direct any kind of coordinated attack. A clear weakness that would lead me to focus on taking out Dani not the dragons but maybe Cersei doesn't realize that.

I wondered about attempting to poison them also. Seem logical but maybe the skin or hide is too think which leads to the question of why the hell they have archers shooting arrows at a dragon.
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But, they still haven't shown us the 2nd half of Bran's Tower of Joy vision, and there is a theory out there that Meera and Jon are Lyana's/Raegar's twins, so that could turn out to be accurate. I'd love to see Howland Reed written into the story.
Was there a 2nd half to the ToJ scene? Last I remember of it, they showed Jon (as a baby) then cut to present-day Jon. I know the theory about Meera, but I don't remember seeing any indications in Bran's visions that there was a 2nd baby there.
Doesn't someone need to ride them?
They didn't need no stinkin' riders (or badges) when they were burning up the slavers fleet.

Imagine the carnage/damage done to the Lannister army if all three had been unleashed at the same time. They could clearly follow the lead before and attack in some coordinated manner, I would think they could do the same again.
Clearly, both Dani and Jon have some warging abilities even if it hasn't manifested itself to the level of Bran.

Ghost and the dragons have some kind of telepathic conncections to their respective partners when chit hits the fan.
They sure are playing up this Chaos is a Ladder quote. I think LittleFinger better watch his back.
This episode was meh to me. Fight scene at the end was good, but still meh. The lame over-dramatic "drowning" of Jamie was weak...
This episode was meh to me. Fight scene at the end was good, but still meh. The lame over-dramatic "drowning" of Jamie was weak...

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