HBO's Game of Thrones [April 13]

My gf who has been ALL team Dany for several seasons agreed with me last night, Dany needs some polish. Came across as a petulant child.

I looked at Justine and said (being Jon)...."I don't know you, b****" Then we cracked up when he said that to Dany a few seconds later.

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Three questions/points about Winterfell.

1). Did I miss something? Bran was talking about Sansa's wedding in the Winterfell Godswood, right? That hasn't happened. So, I guess he was telling her about her future...
If so, I think that is a pretty significant revelation. Suggests that she survives through to the conclusion of the series (only 10 episodes left. Would take a while to get her a realistic suitor to marry. Seems strange to marry her off then kill her in one of the final episodes).

2). In the most recent episodes, Sansa has shown complete disdain for Littlefinger. Why is she now allowing him to be her best buddy and trusted advisor?

3). Where the heck is Brienne? Why didn't Jon ask her to help Sansa and keep her safe? She hates Littlefinger. I would expect her to be following Sansa around and telling her to not listen to him.

I think Sansa knows she can learn from those she hates and cannot trust. She showed that last week when she told Jon that she learned much from Cercie. She has
learned a LOT from Littlefinger. While he can't be trusted, he has given her a great deal of tutoring in reading and manipulating people..

His advice on constantly be thinking of every scenerio that can unfold was very good.
My gf who has been ALL team Dany for several seasons agreed with me last night, Dany needs some polish. Came across as a petulant child.

I looked at Justine and said (being Jon)...."I don't know you, b****" Then we cracked up when he said that to Dany basically that 5 seconds later.


Yeah. Danni is getting ahead of herself. Her ass aint on that throne yet no matter how much she thinks its her birthright.
When Danny first talks to Jon she hadn't learned her fleet had been destroyed (I think). She has Dorne, the Reach, a Greyjoy fleet, Dorthraki, plus three Dragons. The riverlands are in chaos. Basically the only things stopping her from ruling the 7 kingdoms are the Lannisters and the North.

She thinks she is in a pretty strong position.
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Another thing I liked (besides Jon's eye rolling) was how the camera followed Jaime Lannister in his single-minded walk to Lady Tyrell. Set a very militaristic tone.

My gf asked me if Cercei learning that Lady Tyrell was Joffrey's murderer would change her thoughts/actions toward Tyrion. I think no (for Cercei) but that now Jaime may be more enabled to turn from "dark" to "light." He may end up a Kingslayer and Queenslayer, depending on how the Euron stuff progresses.
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Another thing I liked (besides Jon's eye rolling) was how the camera followed Jaime Lannister in his single-minded walk to Lady Tyrell. Set a very militaristic tone.

My gf asked me if Cercei learning that Lady Tyrell was Joffrey's murderer would change her thoughts/actions toward Tyrion. I think no (for Cercei) but that now Jaime may be more enabled to turn from "dark" to "light." He may end up a Kingslayer and Queenslayer, depending on how the Euron stuff progresses.

I thought they were totally setting the stage for Jaime to be the one to end Cersei. I'm betting that he is in a situation where he has to choose between her and Tyrion and he picks Tyrion.
Another thing I liked (besides Jon's eye rolling) was how the camera followed Jaime Lannister in his single-minded walk to Lady Tyrell. Set a very militaristic tone.

My gf asked me if Cercei learning that Lady Tyrell was Joffrey's murderer would change her thoughts/actions toward Tyrion. I think no (for Cercei) but that now Jaime may be more enabled to turn from "dark" to "light." He may end up a Kingslayer and Queenslayer, depending on how the Euron stuff progresses.

I think it could affect Jamie but not Cersei. Remember he killed Daddy and she always hated him and blamed him for killing her mother when he was born. Not to mention she will probably still think he was part of the plot.
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When Danny first talks to Jon she hadn't learned her fleet had been destroyed (I think). She has Dorne, the Reach, a Greyjoy fleet, Dorthraki, plus three Dragons. The riverlands are in chaos. Basically the only things stopping her from ruling the 7 kingdoms are the Lannisters and the North.

She thinks she is in a pretty strong position.

Last night was a reality check for her. Her entire life she's heard that the iron throne was rightfully her family's and believed most of the world recognized that. She has repeatedly said the people would rise up in support of her. Now that she's there she's finding she is just another in a long line of those claiming to be the rightful heir to the throne. She's going to have to earn it.
Anyone else notice how dark the settings are when Cersi is in them? Even the throne room is dark and everyone is wearing black. The only exception is Jamie and his kings guard armor shining.
So if Bran knows everything pretty much you would have to think some beans got spilled some where around one of the trees right? I think Bran knows everything Littlefinger did to set up his family. I think Bran's knowledge on what everyones true plans is pretty strong and he may even be able to spy on Cersi and it could end up helping bring here down.
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So if Bran knows everything pretty much you would have to think some beans got spilled some where around one of the trees right? I think Bran knows everything Littlefinger did to set up his family. I think Bran's knowledge on what everyones true plans is pretty strong and he may even be able to spy on Cersi and it could end up helping bring here down.

Yeah, but he did say it comes in bits and pieces and fleeting glympses, so he was overstating it a bit when he said he sees everything. He's somewhere between Melisandre and the Three Eyed Raven in abilities right now.
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Yeah, but he did say it comes in bits and pieces and fleeting glympses, so he was overstating it a bit when he said he sees everything. He's somewhere between Melisandre and the Three Eyed Raven in abilities right now.
Yeah, he said he needs to learn to see better.
I don't know how closely HBO will stick to GRRM's version. But, in the books, it seems that Bran will only be able to observe things that happen/happened in proximity of a Weirwood tree. That would preclude him from being able to spy on Cersei, since the trees don't exist in/around KL.

There is some evidence that he can enter the consciousness of a raven (warg into them), so that gives him more reach and ability to spy/witness current events. I guess GRRM can take it in any direction he wants, but I suspect that he will only be able to see historical and current events via a WW tree. He will be able to see current, but not historical, events through the ravens.
I don't know how closely HBO will stick to GRRM's version. But, in the books, it seems that Bran will only be able to observe things that happen/happened in proximity of a Weirwood tree. That would preclude him from being able to spy on Cersei, since the trees don't exist in/around KL.

There is some evidence that he can enter the consciousness of a raven (warg into them), so that gives him more reach and ability to spy/witness current events. I guess GRRM can take it in any direction he wants, but I suspect that he will only be able to see historical and current events via a WW tree. He will be able to see current, but not historical, events through the ravens.
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I don't know how closely HBO will stick to GRRM's version. But, in the books, it seems that Bran will only be able to observe things that happen/happened in proximity of a Weirwood tree. That would preclude him from being able to spy on Cersei, since the trees don't exist in/around KL.

There is some evidence that he can enter the consciousness of a raven (warg into them), so that gives him more reach and ability to spy/witness current events. I guess GRRM can take it in any direction he wants, but I suspect that he will only be able to see historical and current events via a WW tree. He will be able to see current, but not historical, events through the ravens.

Yeah I don't see HBO bothering with any of that. They are dumbing a lot of stuff way down. Basically he can kinda see all of the past and present but can't control it very well. Also one of Brran's visions before he met the TER was of dragons flying over KL and the throne room being snowy and deserted.
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I don't know how closely HBO will stick to GRRM's version. But, in the books, it seems that Bran will only be able to observe things that happen/happened in proximity of a Weirwood tree. That would preclude him from being able to spy on Cersei, since the trees don't exist in/around KL.

There is a Weirwood tree in KL. Only places that don't have them are the castles that Stannis had them burned at. I know there is one in KL as part of Sansa's story involved her meeting that drunk that was gonna help her escape by the weirwood tree. It was the only place she could escape Cersi and Joffery's spies
There is a Weirwood tree in KL. Only places that don't have them are the castles that Stannis had them burned at. I know there is one in KL as part of Sansa's story involved her meeting that drunk that was gonna help her escape by the weirwood tree. It was the only place she could escape Cersi and Joffery's spies
Actually it has a heart tree, but it isn't a weirwood its an oak. The heart trees dont have to be weirwoods, just traditionally they are.

the Red Keep's heart tree is a great oak covered in smokeberry vines.

A heart tree is a tree with a carved face that followers of the old gods pray, often within a godswood.[1] It is often said that no man can tell a lie in front of a heart tree, as the old gods know when men are lying.[2] Heart trees are almost always weirwoods, but other types of trees are used if weirwoods are not available. For instance, the heart tree of the Red Keep's godswood in King's Landing is a great oak.[3]
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Actually it has a heart tree, but it isn't a weirwood its an oak. The heart trees dont have to be weirwoods, just traditionally they are.

the Red Keep's heart tree is a great oak covered in smokeberry vines.

A heart tree is a tree with a carved face that followers of the old gods pray, often within a godswood.[1] It is often said that no man can tell a lie in front of a heart tree, as the old gods know when men are lying.[2] Heart trees are almost always weirwoods, but other types of trees are used if weirwoods are not available. For instance, the heart tree of the Red Keep's godswood in King's Landing is a great oak.[3]
Wouldn't he be able to tap into those also? I always took this as the children of the forest eyes where these trees basically. I also thought they were all the same so thanks for clearing that up. Or Maybe this is so sort of a tell by GRRM.
Wouldn't he be able to tap into those also? I always took this as the children of the forest eyes where these trees basically. I also thought they were all the same so thanks for clearing that up. Or Maybe this is so sort of a tell by GRRM.
My point was the tree being a weirwood isn't important. It has to have a heart tree for Bran to use.
Just remembered this, but we did see Bran looking where there is no weirwood or heart tree when he saw the events of the Tower of Joy.

Also in the books the 3 eyed raven says this, "but in time you will see well beyond the trees themselves."
These are the kind of details that are hard to remember what was said in the books vs the show.

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Dany sucks, wish her pompous ass the worst and have hated her from the beginning. Well, hated her when she had her clothes on anyways.

Can we also put Theon out of his misery? Please...
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Did anyone else think there were a lot of similarities when Danny told Jon that "you'd better get to work, Jon Snow' and when Ygritte would say, "you know nothing, Jon Snow.'?
Who has the clear right to the throne? Jon for being firstborn son of Rhaegar or his sister Danni?

Assuming it's Jon how will the petulant child react?
Just watched the third episode last night (had to wait for wife to get back in town). And, damn it, when I finally think things are going better for Deanerys, they smack me down again. Ending was fantastic though, suck it Lannister scum.
30 million people in the U.S. have watched the premier legally. That number is mind boggling.
Who has the clear right to the throne? Jon for being firstborn son of Rhaegar or his sister Danni?

Assuming it's Jon how will the petulant child react?

In Westeros, neither really has a legitimate claim.

Based on precedent, women can not be Lords/Kings. Fathers can not pass titles down to daughters. Trueborn sons come first, then grandsons, then brothers, then male cousins, etc. As the last living Targarean, an argument can be made for Dany, but her claim is extremely weak due to gender. The Baratheons were distant cousins of the Targereans, which is one reason that Robert ended up on the throne after the death of the Mad King and Rhaegar (and exile of Viserys).

If we are correct that Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, then he is a bastard, and also has no claim. I don't think bastard children are even considered for passing of a title. It is possible for a lord/king to legitimize a bastard and give him the family name (as Roose Bolton did with Ramsay), but there is no Targarean left to do that for Jon. One caveat for him would be if Rhaegar/Lyanna actually had some kind of wedding cermony and Jon's last name is actually Targarean (would be tricky to explain since Rhaegar was already married as far as we know).
Could Dany not recognize Jon?
I don't think so. Only a lord/king can legitimize a bastard (I think). There was discussion, in the early books, about Ned Stark never legitimizing Jon. Later there was discussion, after Ned died, about Robb being able to legitimize Jon now that he was the Lord of Winterfell. Since Bran is still alive, he is technically the Lord of Winterfell, so he could do it. But, he could only change him from Jon Snow to Jon Stark, not Jon Targarean (and that would be assuming that Ned was Jon's father).

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