HBO's Game of Thrones [April 13]

HBO could go in a different direction, but it is pretty clear that GRRM isn't going to go with that "walk around the wall" idea. He has put too much effort into describing the power of the wall. Allowing them go go around would be like revealing that dragons can no longer live in Westeros and die when they cross the narrow sea.

Please don't give GRRM any ideas Dani has suffered enough.
I'm guessing in the books, the horn of winter will bring down the wall. Littlefinger will probably blow it just to watch the chaos.

Don't think the horn exists in the TV show, so I bet it's something similar to when Bran's protection with the 3-eyed crow vanishes
Here is what is in salve that Sam made for healing grayscale.


After seasons of hearing about how devastating greyscale is and how there’s no consistently proven way for someone to save themselves once they’ve contracted this ultimately dangerous disease, Jorah Mormont is about to get treatment through a mixture of skin surgery plus pine resin, elder twig bark, beeswax, and olive oil.
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Here is what is in salve that Sam made for healing grayscale.


After seasons of hearing about how devastating greyscale is and how there’s no consistently proven way for someone to save themselves once they’ve contracted this ultimately dangerous disease, Jorah Mormont is about to get treatment through a mixture of skin surgery plus pine resin, elder twig bark, beeswax, and olive oil.

Pretty weak
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The show writers haven't been particularly good since l acing source material.

This is my theory why there weren't 20 more episodes. I don't think they are capable of writing that many.
That and the showrunners want to finish as fast as they can so they can move on to something else.
I enjoyed this episode but you can definitely tell a difference in the writing and pacing. Without the source material they are rushing through this war and the timing of events aren't really matching up.

I understood that the Unsullied and Greyjoys left Dragonstone at approximately the same time. Yet Euron was able to intercept the Greyjoys, drag them to kings landing and still race around the island to capture the Unsullied fleet? Or does Euron have multiple "flagships"?

A minor point to be sure, but they also continue with the dragged out scenes. How much shorter could they have made the dragging through the city of the captives? It made sense with Cersei, but not for the throw away line of pointing out Theon's reek reversion.
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I enjoyed this episode but you can definitely tell a difference in the writing and pacing. Without the source material they are rushing through this war and the timing of events aren't really matching up.

I understood that the Unsullied and Greyjoys left Dragonstone at approximately the same time. Yet Euron was able to intercept the Greyjoys, drag them to kings landing and still race around the island to capture the Unsullied fleet? Or does Euron have multiple "flagships"?

A minor point to be sure, but they also continue with the dragged out scenes. How much shorter could they have made the dragging through the city of the captives? It made sense with Cersei, but not for the throw away line of pointing out Theon's reek reversion.

Good point, if it's the same pack of ships it would take them forever to go around the bottom of Westerose.

Not a fan of Cercie and Jamie so easily out smarting Tyrion.
Tonight's episode would have been 2 or 3 great ones had GRRM material been available. They simply can't replicate his detail, and are compressing massive storylines as a result.

Still a great show but not what could have been...
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Thought about the same thing. In the books, the face changing seems to be more like a magic spell, whereas in the show they have made it more like putting on a mask.

Was it a mask or was it his actual face? Remember in the house of black and white they had the wall of faces. The magic seems to be that they put the face of the dead person on and kind of morph into them assuming the voice, body and everything. Ayra would have learned that as part of her training. The pulling the face off at the end and revealing herself is the main departure from the previous action.
Was it a mask or was it his actual face? Remember in the house of black and white they had the wall of faces. The magic seems to be that they put the face of the dead person on and kind of morph into them assuming the voice, body and everything. Ayra would have learned that as part of her training. The pulling the face off at the end and revealing herself is the main departure from the previous action.

I wasn't saying that she put on a mask. I agree that it was his actual face.

I was pointing out that, in the books, Arya puts the face over her real face and it kind of melts into her real face and the two faces morph into the appearance of the face she put on top of her real face. In the show, it is more like she just puts the old face on like a mask and peals it off when she is done.

Of course, in the books, we haven't seen how she transitions back to her old face. Maybe she peels off the face she applied. But, based on Jaqen Hagar, I suspect that she will be able to simply revert to her real face when she wants to, and will be able to return to the new face, at a later date, without needing the face off the wall.
I enjoyed this episode but you can definitely tell a difference in the writing and pacing. Without the source material they are rushing through this war and the timing of events aren't really matching up.

I understood that the Unsullied and Greyjoys left Dragonstone at approximately the same time. Yet Euron was able to intercept the Greyjoys, drag them to kings landing and still race around the island to capture the Unsullied fleet? Or does Euron have multiple "flagships"?

Yeah. I noted the same thing while I was watching. But, I am used to these kinds of discrepancies by now, and have just decided to ignore them.

I do think it is interesting that they made a point of telling us that the Unsullied will need to march across the entire continent, effectively taking them out of action. So, they will use time and distance when it fits their purposes, but will ignore it most of the time.
Good point, if it's the same pack of ships it would take them forever to go around the bottom of Westerose.

Not a fan of Cercie and Jamie so easily out smarting Tyrion.

Agree the timeline was confusing. Also Jamie got out of bed with Cersie and was magically at Highgarden leading the army the army the next scene we saw him so you have to assume some time had pasted. It wasn't clear to me that was Euron's fleet at Casterly Rock. My first thought was that was part of the Lannister Army shelling the fleet from the shore.

The timeline is clearly accelerating overall as they try to wrap this up in less then ten more episode. You have to realize the showrunners are dealing with two thing GRRM doesn't: Deadlines and budgets. GRRM can simply keep adding character and subplots to his hearts contents. If he wants to spend 1000 pages and a year of his life having the sand snakes wander around Drone the book is just delayed again. At a budget of millions an episode HBO can't even add an extra episode. They have to simplify the books.

Other thoughts from last night show:

Loved the exit of Olenna Tyrell. She drink the poison and then told Jamie make sure to tell your sister it was me who killed Joffery.

Bran's return to Winterfell was a major plot advancement. He knows who Jon's parents are and presumably that's what he want to talk to Jon about. Sansa is clearly taking control. A showdown between her and Jon is brewing. Although I'm not sure Jon returning to Winterfell anytime soon if at all. He may go straight back to the wall once he gets the dragon glass.

I think leaving Yara alive may be a big mistake by Euron.

Another point on the timeline issue are we suppose to believe Jorah was cured overnight? Sam's one hell of a doctor. Looks like he's heading back to Dani. He's the ultimate stalker boyfriend.

Minor point but it seems like someone at Casterly Rock would have known about Tyrion's secret entrance. Although that's part of the greatness of GRRM to drop the seemingly insignificant fact the Tyrion's father put him in charge of the sewer system four books ago and then come back to it a decade later.

Cersie's a bitch but the sand snakes had it coming. Does seem there was a major shift in the balance of power in her favor last night. I confident she will find a way a screw it up.
I wasn't saying that she put on a mask. I agree that it was his actual face.

I was pointing out that, in the books, Arya puts the face over her real face and it kind of melts into her real face and the two faces morph into the appearance of the face she put on top of her real face. In the show, it is more like she just puts the old face on like a mask and peals it off when she is done.

Of course, in the books, we haven't seen how she transitions back to her old face. Maybe she peels off the face she applied. But, based on Jaqen Hagar, I suspect that she will be able to simply revert to her real face when she wants to, and will be able to return to the new face, at a later date, without needing the face off the wall.

It was definitely inconsistent with Jagen and the other times we've seen it. A liberty taken by the showrunners for dramatic affect.
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Not a fan of Cercie and Jamie so easily out smarting Tyrion.

I was OK with it.
I think it was in line with GRRM's writing and with HBO's version. Every time it seems like Cercie is on the ropes, and about to be eliminated from the game, she finds a way to turn the tables and put herself back in an advantageous position.

It does seem unlikely that she would be able to guess Dani's/Tyrion's plans to the letter. I wonder if she has a spy in their camp?
It wasn't clear to me that was Euron's fleet at Casterly Rock. My first thought was that was part of the Lannister Army shelling the fleet from the shore.

Definitely ships from the Iron Islands. Kraken sails and everything. Unsure if Euron was with them.
Three questions/points about Winterfell.

1). Did I miss something? Bran was talking about Sansa's wedding in the Winterfell Godswood, right? That hasn't happened. So, I guess he was telling her about her future...
If so, I think that is a pretty significant revelation. Suggests that she survives through to the conclusion of the series (only 10 episodes left. Would take a while to get her a realistic suitor to marry. Seems strange to marry her off then kill her in one of the final episodes).

2). In the most recent episodes, Sansa has shown complete disdain for Littlefinger. Why is she now allowing him to be her best buddy and trusted advisor?

3). Where the heck is Brienne? Why didn't Jon ask her to help Sansa and keep her safe? She hates Littlefinger. I would expect her to be following Sansa around and telling her to not listen to him.
Three questions/points about Winterfell.

1). Did I miss something? Bran was talking about Sansa's wedding in the Winterfell Godswood, right? That hasn't happened. So, I guess he was telling her about her future...
If so, I think that is a pretty significant revelation. Suggests that she survives through to the conclusion of the series (only 10 episodes left. Would take a while to get her a realistic suitor to marry. Seems strange to marry her off then kill her in one of the final episodes).

Sansa did have a wedding and her wedding night was horrific for her. I took at as Bran talking about the past and not the future.
The timing for everything is way off but I think it is probably something fans just have to accept so they can get this think finished in the amount of episodes they have left.

How about the dragon buzzing Jon Snow as he said he wasn't a Stark. That was a little on the nose.
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Sansa did have a wedding and her wedding night was horrific for her. I took at as Bran talking about the past and not the future.

But, didn't he talk about her in a white wedding dress, while it was snowing, in the Godswood? She didn't have a wedding night in Winterfell previously, did she?
But, didn't he talk about her in a white wedding dress, while it was snowing, in the Godswood? She didn't have a wedding night in Winterfell previously, did she?

I thought thought they did but I don't remember that well. I googled it and this pic came up. I just thought he was talking about the rape because Bran said he was sorry for what happened to Sansa. I could have missed something though.

I thought thought they did but I don't remember that well. I googled it and this pic came up. I just thought he was talking about the rape because Bran said he was sorry for what happened to Sansa. I could have missed something though.


I was just getting ready to post the same pic.

Yes he was talking about her rape on her wedding night (to Bolton, at Winterfell).
Alright so I saw a clip in next weeks preview and I have a theory. In this clip it showed the knife that was used to try to kill Bran. I think Little finger will try to kill Bran again to make sure Sansa stays in power. Now my theory is that Arya is already in Winterfell and watching over Sansa but using a different face. I think she foils Little fingers plan and kills him. His speech to Sansa just makes me think he will miss the unknown Arya and it will cost him his life.

Also yes Sansa was married to Ramsey in Winterfell in under the tree. He even said I know that night was horrible but the night was so pretty with the snow falling and you looked so pretty in the white dress. He was talking about the past not future.
The biggest plot mover in this episode to me was the hint that Danny will find out that Jon was killed and brought back to life. I think that'll help her accept him and join together.

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