The F? Did I miss this scene somehow?So maybe Dani and crew wasn't alone on Dragonstone after all..
The F? Did I miss this scene somehow?So maybe Dani and crew wasn't alone on Dragonstone after all..
The F? Did I miss this scene somehow?
The F? Did I miss this scene somehow?
Sorry got busy and forgot to mention it was from one of the trailers before the season started. I expect it will be in this weeks episode.The F? Did I miss this scene somehow?
Jon needs dragon glass to fight the white walkers, they'll be heading there at some point
Screw the dragonglass, bring the dragons.I don't see Jon heading there. Hard to imagine him leaving the North with the WW knocking on the door. (unless the WW breach the wall and overrun the North).
More likely, he sends a group south, to Dragonstone, to collect a load of dragon glass and bring it back North.
Careful what you wish for... That Night King is kind of a big deal.Screw the dragonglass, bring the dragons.
The F? Did I miss this scene somehow?
Thought last night's episode was great. It is crazy how we are seeing or will soon see pairings we've been waiting for for years (some OG book readers decades).
The boat battle was fantastic. They basically combined Euron and Victarion.
Glad to see that they killed off a couple of the sandsnakes. 2 to go.
Any idea where Theon's storyline goes from here? Maybe he reunites with Jon at Dragonstone and informs him that Bran is still alive (although it seems like that information would make it from The Wall to Winterfell relatively quickly).
I agree.Now keep in mind I am always happy watching GOT but I got to tell you I was a little disappointed last night. For only having 7 episodes this season sure seems to be moving really slow. I expect the WW don't break past the wall until next season. I think this season will shake out with all the players getting killed of being moved to their spots they need to be at for the great war with the undead.
The pace of killing off characters need to increase. I was fully ready for Yara and Theon to be gone on that ship.Now keep in mind I am always happy watching GOT but I got to tell you I was a little disappointed last night. For only having 7 episodes this season sure seems to be moving really slow. I expect the WW don't break past the wall until next season. I think this season will shake out with all the players getting killed of being moved to their spots they need to be at for the great war with the undead.
The showrunners didn't indicate that in the inside the episode feature.I have one question though. I am about 99% sure the scene with Arya and here wolf meant she was going to head south again instead of going North to see Jon. Did I get that right? I was kinda pumped to see here go back North but I am sure it will be fun to watch here go after Cersi.
The pace of killing off characters need to increase. I was fully ready for Yara and Theon to be gone on that ship.
But it's partially made up for by another Queen of Thorns appearance. Was wondering if somewhere in the Westeros canon we know whether the Tyrells and Dorne were allied to the Targaryens. Must not have been in open revolt obviously or they wouldn't have survived all those kings, but wasn't sure if there was some part of the continent that was really excited to hear another Targaryen was laying claim to the kingdom.
Where have you been seeing these? I know they used to air immediately after each new episode, but they haven't been this season.The showrunners didn't indicate that in the inside the episode feature.
I have HBO now and they are automatically part of the episode.Where have you been seeing these? I know they used to air immediately after each new episode, but they haven't been this season.
I have one question though. I am about 99% sure the scene with Arya and here wolf meant she was going to head south again instead of going North to see Jon. Did I get that right? I was kinda pumped to see here go back North but I am sure it will be fun to watch here go after Cersi.
You've got it backwards. She's heading north. The guys in the wagon in front of her were talking about going off to Kings Landing. That's when she paused and wheeled her horse around to head back north.I have one question though. I am about 99% sure the scene with Arya and here wolf meant she was going to head south again instead of going North to see Jon. Did I get that right? I was kinda pumped to see here go back North but I am sure it will be fun to watch here go after Cersi.
You've got it backwards. She's heading north. The guys in the wagon in front of her were talking about going off to Kings Landing. That's when she paused and wheeled her horse around to head back north.
It also makes sense kinda so she won't be in KL when Dani attacks.
I also completely called it when there was wolf howling as they closed the scene just prior to showing Arya in the woods. With all the wolves and the buildup, you knew Nymeria was about to appear. My kid knew I was the ultimate GOT boss when I told him what was about to happen.
The only thing I don't care for with this is that they didn't go off together. It's clear in the books that the connections between the Stark kids and the wolves is extremely close, and they'd never abandon each other if it could be avoided. In mystical ways they're the same soul even.
I meant her saying "No that isn't you" to the dire wolf meant she was going to turn back around and head south again. Arya also said that same line in Season 1 episode 4.You've got it backwards. She's heading north. The guys in the wagon in front of her were talking about going off to Kings Landing. That's when she paused and wheeled her horse around to head back north.
It also makes sense kinda so she won't be in KL when Dani attacks.
I also completely called it when there was wolf howling as they closed the scene just prior to showing Arya in the woods. With all the wolves and the buildup, you knew Nymeria was about to appear. My kid knew I was the ultimate GOT boss when I told him what was about to happen.
The only thing I don't care for with this is that they didn't go off together. It's clear in the books that the connections between the Stark kids and the wolves is extremely close, and they'd never abandon each other if it could be avoided. In mystical ways they're the same soul even.
In the "Inside the episode segment", they explained it as follows.
Arya wanted Nymeria to come with her. But, when she didn't, Arya said "that's not you" because she realized that Nymeria no longer had it in her to be a "pet". She is more wild now, and her nature is to be completely free and in the wild.
In the "Inside the episode segment", they explained it as follows.
Arya wanted Nymeria to come with her. But, when she didn't, Arya said "that's not you" because she realized that Nymeria no longer had it in her to be a "pet". She is more wild now, and her nature is to be completely free and in the wild.
And with Arya now going North it even makes the Lannister men scene even less needed.
The final battle was enjoyable. Theon is one messed up dude. Talk about PTSD. Ramsay sure f**ked him up. And yes I could see Gentry picking him up in the middle of the ocean. lol
True, but with how the showrunner dislike the direwolves I can see that being the last of it.Doesn't mean that Nymeria couldn't follow her, or keep the pack close to Arya. She doesn't have to be a "pet" in order to protect her "friend." I just don't think we've seen the last of Nymeria and Arya together.
True, but with how the showrunner dislike the direwolves I can see that being the last of it.
Doesn't mean that Nymeria couldn't follow her, or keep the pack close to Arya. She doesn't have to be a "pet" in order to protect her "friend." I just don't think we've seen the last of Nymeria and Arya together.
Yep.Maybe. HBO has made it pretty clear that they shy away from Direwolf CGI as much as possible (haven't even seen Ghost this season). I can see that scene being their way of wrapping up "what ever happened to Nymeria", and now they have done so, and don't feel the need to bring her back in the future.
Good questions, the other being how any army gets anywhere now that the Iron Fleet is now ashes at the hands of the other Iron Fleet. No one's taking the Rock now. Not clear where the fleet was during the battle, presumably no armies were aboard yet.I wonder who will lead the Dornish against King's Landing or really who will lead them at all. With the two being killed and the other two getting captured is there any "Lords" left in Dorne? Maybe royalty is a better word to use here. Did a family line die out?
I think only half the fleet was burn by the real Iron fleet. Remember Dani had other boats she got from the slavers when she took them out. I would think the other part of Dani's fleet is taking the unsullied to Castley Rock.Good questions, the other being how any army gets anywhere now that the Iron Fleet is now ashes at the hands of the other Iron Fleet. No one's taking the Rock now. Not clear where the fleet was during the battle, presumably no armies were aboard yet.
Yeah, Yara and Theon had 100 ships. Dany still has the slaver's ships, Tyrell ships and Dornish ships based on the ships that set sail from Meereen.I think only half the fleet was burn by the real Iron fleet. Remember Dani had other boats she got from the slavers when she took them out. I would think the other part of Dani's fleet is taking the unsullied to Castley Rock.
Lame!So I was reading a recap article on the show and the opening credits might have revealed something to us. I guess since winter has came the sea by Eastwatch has frozen over and looks like the WW might just walk around the wall.