HBO's Game of Thrones [April 13]

Me too, but with only 7 episodes this season, we don't need any more slow episodes like that.

Sunday spoilers below..

Yeah but some pretty huge pieces of the chessboard have been set. Danni now in Westerose, Aria now in Westerose, all of the Frey's are dead, Cercie has the most powerful navy in the world....but nothing else and may be losing the backing of her Brother, The North is united again (including the wildlings) and knows about and believes in the dead army, Bran is out of the north and back in friendly territory, The Hound and the brotherhood are setting up to be major players going forward.

Thought it was a really solid stage setter.
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The Hound and the brotherhood are setting up to be major players going forward.

Thought their narrative was one of the more interesting parts of the episode. It appears that they are going to join up with Jon's army in fighting the White Walkers at the wall (or somewhere south of the wall). On the surface, it doesn't seem that there are enough of them to really make a significant difference, but the conversation about Dondarion being kept alive for a reason suggests that he (and his group) will somehow end up being hugely important. I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
Best start to an episode ever. Arya is one of my favorite characters in this series and her badass level is, easily, over 9000 right now!

My only problem with it was I wish they would have established our at least hinted during her training that total voice changing was something she learned to do.
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Best start to an episode ever. Arya is one of my favorite characters in this series and her badass level is, easily, over 9000 right now!

I watched "Inside the episode" after it ended. One of the producers said that the Arya scene was originally going to be shown somewhere in the middle of the episode, but after they watched it, they decided that it was so badass they had to make it the opening scene.
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Anyone thinking that Greyjoy's gift will be a dead dragon?
I watched "Inside the episode" after it ended. One of the producers said that the Arya scene was originally going to be shown somewhere in the middle of the episode, but after they watched it, they decided that it was so badass they had to make it the opening scene.
Read the same thing and I completely agreed with that guy. Setup up the episode AND the season well IMO. I saw the wine being delivered and immediately assumed poison, but had no idea it would've been Arya. I haven't read any of the books, yet. So, I am unsure if this is information people who have read it would've known.
My only problem with it was I wish they would have established our at least hinted during her training that total voice changing was something she learned to do.

Thought about the same thing. In the books, the face changing seems to be more like a magic spell, whereas in the show they have made it more like putting on a mask.
Read the same thing and I completely agreed with that guy. Setup up the episode AND the season well IMO. I saw the wine being delivered and immediately assumed poison, but had no idea it would've been Arya. I haven't read any of the books, yet. So, I am unsure if this is information people who have read it would've known.

In the books, Arya is still across the sea. Not in Westeros.
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Thought about the same thing. In the books, the face changing seems to be more like a magic spell, whereas in the show they have made it more like putting on a mask.

Exactly what i was thinking, wasn't a fan of the masks. Though we aren't even to the part yet where its revealed how they change faces in the book are we?
Also really enjoyed the interactions between Jon and Sansa. Jon really has finally killed the boy. The bit about Sansa weirdly admiring, or learning from Cercie was good.
Thought their narrative was one of the more interesting parts of the episode. It appears that they are going to join up with Jon's army in fighting the White Walkers at the wall (or somewhere south of the wall). On the surface, it doesn't seem that there are enough of them to really make a significant difference, but the conversation about Dondarion being kept alive for a reason suggests that he (and his group) will somehow end up being hugely important. I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
You can see Beric and Jon together in the 2nd trailer so we do know they meet up and fight together. Also GRRM dropped this last week, Beric is a fire wight
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Exactly what i was thinking, wasn't a fan of the masks. Though we aren't even to the part yet where its revealed how they change faces in the book are we?

I think the following is in one of the pre-released chapters from Book 6 (spoiler obviously).

The priest in the Temple of B/W take a face off of the wall of collected faces. He makes a cut around Arya's face (hairline, down the sides and around chin). She feels blood running down. He puts the face over Arya's face and it feels like dried leather, but the blood soaks into it and it softens, then it molds to her face and basically melds to her and becomes her new face.

Sort of like putting on a mask, but definitely some magical/spell like properties.
Anyone else worried about all the dead bodies outside Winterfell? I never saw where they have burned the bodies and with Bran crossing the wall after being touched by the Night's King I am worried the wall won't be up much longer. I could see all those dead bodies becoming a major problem for Jon Snow.

Fire wight well that concept is interesting. I wonder if the red priest will raise a bunch of the dead to help fight the White Walkers. Also makes me wonder if Jon Snow isn't as important as we all think also.
Anyone else worried about all the dead bodies outside Winterfell? I never saw where they have burned the bodies and with Bran crossing the wall after being touched by the Night's King I am worried the wall won't be up much longer. I could see all those dead bodies becoming a major problem for Jon Snow.

Fire wight well that concept is interesting. I wonder if the red priest will raise a bunch of the dead to help fight the White Walkers. Also makes me wonder if Jon Snow isn't as important as we all think also.
I think the Wall falls at the end of the season and next season is all about fighting the Others and their undead army.
The reasons I thought it was slow:

1. The whole bedpan washing was overdone, IMO. 3 times was enough but it just seemed like they kept showing it. We get it, he cleans the poop, like everyday for forever.

2. Unless Arya doesn't go to Westeros to kill Cersei, I didn't see the point of her encounter with the "everyday" Kings Landing Army men.

3. The walk up to Dragonstone. We get it, it's a long freaking way from the initial gates to the castle.

Maybe they could have trimmed some of these scenes and added more in other spots. Like maybe some more of Bran arriving at the Wall or even to castle Black.
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I think the Wall falls at the end of the season and next season is all about fighting the Others and their undead army.
I don't get, or recall any hint, of how or why the Wall would fall?

The whole battle with the WW's is predicated on the Wall not keeping them on their side of the fence. The final Bran/Meera scene of season 6 is Benjen reminding everyone that powerful magic guards the Wall so that the WW's (or any dead) can't pass.

The Hound's vision in the fire of the WW's passing through Eastwatch just puzzled me even more. This impenetrable Wall that is about the most foundational physical element in the world just falling down all of a sudden seems like BS. It would take some major splainin.
I don't get, or recall any hint, of how or why the Wall would fall?

The whole battle with the WW's is predicated on the Wall not keeping them on their side of the fence. The final Bran/Meera scene of season 6 is Benjen reminding everyone that powerful magic guards the Wall so that the WW's (or any dead) can't pass.

The Hound's vision in the fire of the WW's passing through Eastwatch just puzzled me even more. This impenetrable Wall that is about the most foundational physical element in the world just falling down all of a sudden seems like BS. It would take some major splainin.
The reasons I thought it was slow:

1. The whole bedpan washing was overdone, IMO. 3 times was enough but it just seemed like they kept showing it. We get it, he cleans the poop, like everyday for forever.

2. Unless Arya doesn't go to Westeros to kill Cersei, I didn't see the point of her encounter with the "everyday" Kings Landing Army men.

3. The walk up to Dragonstone. We get it, it's a long freaking way from the initial gates to the castle.

Maybe they could have trimmed some of these scenes and added more in other spots. Like maybe some more of Bran arriving at the Wall or even to castle Black.

Agree on the bedpan washing stuff. I was getting nauseous watching it.

I think the Arya scene meant something. Not sure if it was to humanize and wisen her a bit or what, but the point was obviously that just because you fight on the side of an evil person, it doesn't mean you are evil. It may play a part later in her having mercy on someone (Jamie?)

I actually loved how they drew out the Dragon Stone scene. I mean, Danni landing in Westerose is the thing we've been waiting on for a number of years now.

So many characters reached a turning point/life defining moment in the last 3 episodes. Dani is Home, and her true war begins. Cercie finally became queen. Jon is home, and has become what his father and Brother never really were, and has finally truely "killed the boy". Sansa has finally "Killed the girl". Arya has also "killed the girl" to an extent and embarks on her calling. Bran realizes his calling. The Hound is finding himself.
So I was reading some articles about GOT this morning and they put in a spoiler about what/who the gift to Cersi is and we are all wrong. Very disappointing IMO.
"I actually loved how they drew out the Dragon Stone scene. I mean, Danni landing in Westeros is the thing we've been waiting on for a number of years now."

See, this is my point and maybe it's because I haven't read the books and only started watching the show on season 5. It seemed like a fanboy scene in that everybody has been waiting for this scene and it was finally here so we're going to give you as much as possible to soak it all up. I would have preferred more dialogue of significance somewhere than all the scenery bs. They just seemed to build it up too much.
"I actually loved how they drew out the Dragon Stone scene. I mean, Danni landing in Westeros is the thing we've been waiting on for a number of years now."

See, this is my point and maybe it's because I haven't read the books and only started watching the show on season 5. It seemed like a fanboy scene in that everybody has been waiting for this scene and it was finally here so we're going to give you as much as possible to soak it all up. I would have preferred more dialogue of significance somewhere than all the scenery bs. They just seemed to build it up too much.

The producer explained that she has been thinking about her return to Westeros her whole life and it was a very powerful moment for her (both in book and show). They felt that that they could demonstrate the gravity of the situation without any words.

Personally, I thought it worked. I'm not a Dani fan, so I would have been fine with it being shorter, but I thought the scene was well written and well acted.
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The scene between Arya and the soldiers seemed to be playing up family and how much those soldiers missed being away from them. A great deal of how much time had been lost.

To me it was forcing Arya to choose family over vengeance. If she turns north it was a really good scene that set up the turning point. If she continues south it seems like a waste of plot time. We'll see what happens.
2. Unless Arya doesn't go to Westeros to kill Cersei, I didn't see the point of her encounter with the "everyday" Kings Landing Army men.

I felt like the point was Arya's confusion/conflicted emotions. She hates all Lanister's and thinks they are all evil extensions of Cersei/Jaime. However, those guys were just a bunch of nice young men. They shared their food. They were anxious to get back to their families. They had no love for Cersei.

The encounter humanized them and made her realize that she doesn't need to destroy all of the Lanisters (like she did the Freys) but really just needs to focus on the queen.
Bran's vision at the start of the episode appears to be of the future given that Wun-Wun is a wight. So, they get through
Bran's vision at the start of the episode appears to be of the future given that Wun-Wun is a wight. So, they get through

How could you tell that was Wun-Wun? There were several giants with them. I couldn't tell you if it was Wun-Wun or his Dad. Seriously was there something that they showed that you could tell it was him? No sarcasm, I'm genuinely curious if they dropped a hint it was him?
How could you tell that was Wun-Wun? There were several giants with them. I couldn't tell you if it was Wun-Wun or his Dad. Seriously was there something that they showed that you could tell it was him? No sarcasm, I'm genuinely curious if they dropped a hint it was him?
His face, I'm not the only one who thought that saw it on twitter as well.

Edit: found this as well.

"What Did Bran Actually See? It’s tempting to imagine that the Bran vision that immediately follows the episode’s opening credits is a glimpse of either the past or the current march of the undead. But as we learned last season when Bran saw Cersei’s wildfire exploding, this kid can also see the future. If you look closely, it looks to me as though the Night King and his crew (including giants!) are marching on green grass that turns to snow as they cross it. As Jon put it last season: “The true enemy won't wait out the storm. He brings the storm.” That green means they are south of the Wall. But the White Walkers have never been south of the Wall fore. They may even be south of snowy Winterfell in this green grass vision, given that this looks like poor, one-eyed Wun-Wun."
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Just went back at looked at 2 episode its not Wun Wun the giant is missing the wrong eye. Oh well.
And Jon knows full well to burn all of the dead. Especially something like Wun Wun.
I was thinking maybe it is the dragon tamer horn...
No it is people but I have had this idea about the books for a while now. My idea is that Euron's dragon tamer horn is really the horn that brings the wall down and he blows it in hopes of taming one of Dani's dragons. I think the show doesn't even bring up this horn and it is a mute point.
No it is people but I have had this idea about the books for a while now. My idea is that Euron's dragon tamer horn is really the horn that brings the wall down and he blows it in hopes of taming one of Dani's dragons. I think the show doesn't even bring up this horn and it is a mute point.
Have you read any of the sample chapters from The Winds of Winter?
No it is people but I have had this idea about the books for a while now. My idea is that Euron's dragon tamer horn is really the horn that brings the wall down and he blows it in hopes of taming one of Dani's dragons. I think the show doesn't even bring up this horn and it is a mute point.
Spill it! DM me if you don't wanna spoil for others lol

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