HBO's Game of Thrones [April 13]

Have you read any of the sample chapters from The Winds of Winter?
No I have not.

IT is two of the sand snakes and Yara Greyjoy. I have to think this is true because of the preview with Yara making out with one of the sand snakes. I wonder if this means Theon makes it as the ruler of the Iron Islands in the end.
No I have not.

IT is two of the sand snakes and Yara Greyjoy. I have to think this is true because of the preview with Yara making out with one of the sand snakes. I wonder if this means Theon makes it as the ruler of the Iron Islands in the end.
Well then I really don't want to give anything away, but there is reason to believe Euron could cause the downfall of the wall, but not with the horn.
Well then I really don't want to give anything away, but there is reason to believe Euron could cause the downfall of the wall, but not with the horn.
Dang it I mainly avoid spoils from the released chapters of the books but I might have to go dig this one up now. Speaking of books I heard a rumor that GRRM released a twitter comment or something and people are taking it as a possible coded release date of when Winds of Winter will be released. 10-18-17 was the date. I am going to have to hammer through books 4 and 5 again because with the show I am so confused as to what has happened on the show vs the books. I am thinking about reading books 4 and 5 in chronological order though just to make it interesting.
Interesting; I don't remember Sam finding a horn along with the dragon glass. Methinks that MUST be the Horn of Winter.

Then again, has the Horn of Winter been mentioned in the show at all, or just the books?
Just the books I believe.

Dang it I mainly avoid spoils from the released chapters of the books but I might have to go dig this one up now. Speaking of books I heard a rumor that GRRM released a twitter comment or something and people are taking it as a possible coded release date of when Winds of Winter will be released. 10-18-17 was the date. I am going to have to hammer through books 4 and 5 again because with the show I am so confused as to what has happened on the show vs the books. I am thinking about reading books 4 and 5 in chronological order though just to make it interesting.

I recently re-read both, and I still can't keep show vs books straight in my head.
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Dang it I mainly avoid spoils from the released chapters of the books but I might have to go dig this one up now. Speaking of books I heard a rumor that GRRM released a twitter comment or something and people are taking it as a possible coded release date of when Winds of Winter will be released. 10-18-17 was the date. I am going to have to hammer through books 4 and 5 again because with the show I am so confused as to what has happened on the show vs the books. I am thinking about reading books 4 and 5 in chronological order though just to make it interesting.
I haven't seen the coded thing, but he did post on his not a blog a cryptic post last Wednesday.

It said this:
"Alas, alas, that great city Valyria, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come."

A lot people think it is refering to TWOW and he is close to done or close to announcing he is done.
I haven't seen the coded thing, but he did post on his not a blog a cryptic post last Wednesday.

It said this:
"Alas, alas, that great city Valyria, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come."

A lot people think it is refering to TWOW and he is close to done or close to announcing he is done.
Ya that was the comment I was talking about. I get all this confused. I just love books so I am way more excited for these next two books then I am these last two seasons of GOT.
Just the books I believe.

I forgot this horn made the show. I was thinking they left out both horns so maybe something comes of this one. I would just think it would be funny if Euron was battling Dani and whips out this horn blows it and nothing happens but back at the wall all hell is breaking loose.
No I have not.

IT is two of the sand snakes and Yara Greyjoy. I have to think this is true because of the preview with Yara making out with one of the sand snakes. I wonder if this means Theon makes it as the ruler of the Iron Islands in the end.
Same here. Its been a long 6 years of waiting for the next book though.
I will say it seems like GRRM finally gets that he won't get to finish the story how he wanted and it is bugging him a bit. I liked the rumor that he has wrote both the last two books and hopes to drop them before GOT finishes up. It would be so great if this rumor was true. I still that book readers will finish them even if the show wraps up and those who didn't read the books never will so it doesn't matter if he takes another 6 years to finish A song of Summer or what ever it will be called. I just can't get over that this guy started this series in 1991 and still has yet to wrap it up. He might be the slowest writer I have ever read.
I will say it seems like GRRM finally gets that he won't get to finish the story how he wanted and it is bugging him a bit. I liked the rumor that he has wrote both the last two books and hopes to drop them before GOT finishes up. It would be so great if this rumor was true. I still that book readers will finish them even if the show wraps up and those who didn't read the books never will so it doesn't matter if he takes another 6 years to finish A song of Summer or what ever it will be called. I just can't get over that this guy started this series in 1991 and still has yet to wrap it up. He might be the slowest writer I have ever read.
From what I have learned when Martin is inspired in his writing he writes really fast and a lot, but when he isn't inspired its like torture for him and it really grinds to a stop. he did make a comment on his Not a Blog again how the show and books are going to be different, even if the endings should be the same.
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I will say it seems like GRRM finally gets that he won't get to finish the story how he wanted and it is bugging him a bit. I liked the rumor that he has wrote both the last two books and hopes to drop them before GOT finishes up. It would be so great if this rumor was true. I still that book readers will finish them even if the show wraps up and those who didn't read the books never will so it doesn't matter if he takes another 6 years to finish A song of Summer or what ever it will be called. I just can't get over that this guy started this series in 1991 and still has yet to wrap it up. He might be the slowest writer I have ever read.

Last book is "A Dream of Spring".
At his current pace, it will be a decade between Book 6 and 7.
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I think it will be Tyrion.
My first Thought was Tyrion or the Dornish woman (or one of the sand snakes) who killed her daughter. I think the Dornish angle is the easiest to story line without disrupting too much stuff.
Here's something else (possibly) interesting about Dragonglass. Possible spoiler, but I think it would be very cool if it comes to fruition. Seems like a possible spoiler for the books also.

Interesting concept. I see a lot of people comparing Shireen to Jorah's but remember Shireen wasn't cured they just stopped it. I think they should through out her comparison and they might be on to something.

I do wonder if Benji having the dragon glass thrust into his heart might help give him a power against the the Night's King.
Got this from the Main Board.

Kind of nuts when you think about that Lyanna Stark ran off with Rhaegar and subsequently let her dad and brother die over it. Like she could have sent a raven and been like "hey Dad hey Brandon, not kidnapped just really like the guy. Love you hope all is well. - Love Knight of the laughi....errr Lyanna "

Then none of this happens.
Got this from the Main Board.

Kind of nuts when you think about that Lyanna Stark ran off with Rhaegar and subsequently let her dad and brother die over it. Like she could have sent a raven and been like "hey Dad hey Brandon, not kidnapped just really like the guy. Love you hope all is well. - Love Knight of the laughi....errr Lyanna "

Then none of this happens.

Robert's still pissed off because Rhaegar stole his women. The Mad King is still mad. Don't think it would have made much difference.
The scene between Arya and the soldiers seemed to be playing up family and how much those soldiers missed being away from them. A great deal of how much time had been lost.

To me it was forcing Arya to choose family over vengeance. If she turns north it was a really good scene that set up the turning point. If she continues south it seems like a waste of plot time. We'll see what happens.

The whole scene was really nothing more than a way to get Ed Sheeran in the episode.
Last book is "A Dream of Spring".
At his current pace, it will be a decade between Book 6 and 7.

My thought is he's finishing the whole thing before releasing Winds of Winter so they will probably come out pretty close together. The question is before or after the final season on HBO. Who gets to reveal the ending? Obviously the books will be much more detailed as HBO has had to combined and cut a lot of the plots but I expect them to end the same. I'm guessing WInds of Winter before the last season and then Dreams of Spring right after. That gets everybody max bang for the buck. .
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My thought is he's finishing the whole thing before releasing Winds of Winter so they will probably come out pretty close together. The question is before or after the final season on HBO. Who gets to reveal the ending? Obviously the books will be much more detailed as HBO has had to combined and cut a lot of the plots but I expect them to end the same. I'm guessing WInds of Winter before the last season and then Dreams of Spring right after. That gets everybody max bang for the buck. .

I think us not even getting Winds of Winter before the show wraps up is a lot more likely than him completing the whole series shortly after the show wraps up.
Martin could have hired a ghost writer to help him get the books out in a timely basis, he just doesn't care. Thinking he's going to drop both volumes back to back is a promise he's made before and it turned out to be like 6 years apart
Martin could have hired a ghost writer to help him get the books out in a timely basis, he just doesn't care. Thinking he's going to drop both volumes back to back is a promise he's made before and it turned out to be like 6 years apart
I agree with you. I am not even entertaining the idea that he has completed both books already. I do think he has got Winds of Winter pretty much wrapped up now but I expect it takes at least a coupe years to even see him get motivated on finishing the last one.
I have debated posting this but I am just going to go ahead and see what a few of you think. So I was deep into Malbec Monday and an idea hit me. What if Bran is "The Lord of the Light". I thought of this because of the vision Bran had right before crossing the wall and then the Hounds vision in the fire. Could the Three Eyed Raven be the lord of the light?
I have debated posting this but I am just going to go ahead and see what a few of you think. So I was deep into Malbec Monday and an idea hit me. What if Bran is "The Lord of the Light". I thought of this because of the vision Bran had right before crossing the wall and then the Hounds vision in the fire. Could the Three Eyed Raven be the lord of the light?
Are you sure it was only Malbec?
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Are you sure it was only Malbec?
Ya but like I said I was deep into the night and was a couple bottles in. Also after I posted here I thought about doing a google search and there were several articles written about the subject. So I am not the only crazy person out there.
Ya but like I said I was deep into the night and was a couple bottles in. Also after I posted here I thought about doing a google search and there were several articles written about the subject. So I am not the only crazy person out there.
That's honestly not super out there, like the one that popped up today that the Cersei we see now is actually a evil clone that Qyburn made and he has the real Cersei held prisoner.
That's honestly not super out there, like the one that popped up today that the Cersei we see now is actually a evil clone that Qyburn made and he has the real Cersei held prisoner.
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Could you make a clone more evil than the real Cersei? History appears to be repeating its self as she turns into the mad king going him one step farther and actually using the wild fire to commit mass murder. My prediction is the loop will close with Jamie killing her to prevent her from destroying the whole kingdom just as he did the Mad King.

The brother sister conflict theme was strong as it is apparent the Jon and Sansa are going to eventually clash. Its clear she doesn't fully recognize him as the true King of the North. You wonder how Bran's return is going to play into that. Bran would clearly be the true Stark heir. You know Littlefinger is whispering as much into Sansa ear.

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