Brett Kavenaugh letter details...

A rape accusation. Possible perjury. Baggage from time in the W Bush Whitehouse. Whether you believe these things are true or not, there are lots of conservative judges you could nominate with none of the above, so why risk the scenario we have playing out right now?
Dammit WaPo, why you gotta kill these narratives? They're dying so young these days.
she is a lousy lying POS......said earlier that the libs bottom feeders keep moving the goal posts, so now she wants the FBI to investigate him first before she testifies. They are hoping to drag this out until November 7th, that is all this is.

Pathetic how the one celled republicans have not learned that actually fighting back empowers their base and makes them look somewhat masculine. They need to push this guy through by September 28th and tell the liberals to FO. Hopefully Feinstein will practice self immolation right before the vote.

As anyone on this board should know I'm not fan of the republican leadership, but the liberals in congress are some of the lowest, dirt licking, bug eating, lying, manipulative reprobates there are on the planet.
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she is a lousy lying POS......said earlier that the libs bottom feeders keep moving the goal posts, so now she wants the FBI to investigate him first before she testifies. They are hoping to drag this out until November 7th, that is all this is.

Pathetic how the one celled republicans have not learned that actually fighting back empowers their base and makes them look someone masculine. They need to push this guy through by September 28th and tell the liberals to FO. Hopefully Feinstein will practice self immolation right before the vote.

As anyone on this board should know I'm not fan of the republican leadership, but the liberals in congress are some of the lowest, dirt licking, bug eating, lying, manipulative reprobates there are on the planet.

She has received death threats.
@CowboyJD Does the FBI even have jurisdiction? What can they even do about a 36 year old claim? Even if they found that someone did something like that what happens?

Probably not for a criminal investigation. They do aappointee backgrounds too, I believe...but not sure.
this poor slob lying pos woman has gotten her ass in the middle of a big mf'ing fight that she will cave on. She had no idea it would come to this, and either did that stupid %uckig frankenstien loser. This has no way to go but favorable for the rebups but they may not have the balls or brains to make it so. fbi isn't touching this deal as they have already done their work. they won't be looking at frivilous accusations and shouldn't. the death threats are another big lie and these lower than whale $hit dems are leading this woman down a path of no return. It's going to be funny as there is no way out for them.
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When this bogus claim fails don't be surprised if George Soros and the dems dredge up a man to say he was groped, raped and almost killed by Kavanaugh. A million or two can get many to say anything.

One word succinctly describes this dog and pony show---abortion. The left believes Kavanaugh is the vote to kill RvW.

Desperation breeds ingenuity.
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simple solution is to call the vote with the understanding that feinsteins time for questioning has passed
simple solution is to call the vote with the understanding that feinsteins time for questioning has passed

Probably what is going to happen Wednesday or so if she doesn’t testify on Monday. Will probably happen then anyway even if she does testify.
Probably what is going to happen Wednesday or so if she doesn’t testify on Monday. Will probably happen then anyway even if she does testify.

the woman can then pursue her case through the system
Another reason the dems would like a delay in confirmation could be cases before the SCOTUS this term which begins in two weeks.

Don't know if a Justice seated after cases are argued can participate in those decisions. Perhaps @CowboyJD can comment.
Another reason the dems would like a delay in confirmation could be cases before the SCOTUS this term which begins in two weeks.

Don't know if a Justice seated after cases are argued can participate in those decisions. Perhaps @CowboyJD can comment.

They can’t. If they didn’t sit for oral argument, they can’t take part in the decision.
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Wait a sec... are you saying that if a case ends up 4-4 and is automatically kicked back to the lower court then that is that? Are you sure?
My understanding is if it's a 4-4 vote the decision of the appeals court/s stands.