You can bet your a$$ war with Russia is coming.

I totally disagree with you on Biden's withdraw. Biden deserves no merits for leaving Afghanistan.
I'm not shocked that you disagree. You can't give Biden credit for anything.

It is better to stay and allow the withdrawal by proper means and methods.
Again, any withdrawal from a twenty year war is going to be messy. What you are advocating here is simply what was advocated for 15 years. It passes the buck to someone else and keeps us in Afghanistan even longer, with more American deaths.

Biden said enough is enough and had the courage to end the war. Sorry you disagree with a fact.

You display a complete ignorance of military strategy and protocol and should stop with your ignorance.
You mean the strategy that kept us in Afghanistan for twenty years and a strategy that released thousands of Taliban prisoners?

It is sad how you right-wingers have resorted back to defending failed military and political strategies simply because you refuse to give Biden credit for ending a war. Biden is really **** if he does and **** if he doesn't with you guys.
You say you could have gotten us out of the war, but four Presidents failed to do it. Biden did it. He got us out. And he deserves credit for that.

Not surprising that you do what right-wingers do, you fail to give him credit for the accomplishment while focusing on the mistakes that occurred during the withdrawal. I've stated that Biden made mistakes. I acknowledge them. I've also referenced how Trump's blunders made the withdrawal more difficult. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that Biden was the one that got us out of a twenty year war.

You guys can hem and haw all you want about this, but the fact remains, Biden delivered on his promise. He ended the war. He did exactly what so many Americans wanted.

I'll be happy to give Biden credit. Credit for lying to the Americana people about the effectiveness of the Afghan Army. Lying to the American people about not knowing how fast Afghanistan would collapse. Credit for killing 13 American service members. Credit for killing innocent children and their father all to make him look like he was doing something besides fvcking up. Credit for creating a terrorist safe zone. Credit for creating a humanitarian crisis causing the starvation of the Afghan people. Yea I'll give Biden credit for being an utter failure at everything he has touched but hey you keep trumpeting his failures as success. Shows what a complete and utter shill you are for Democrats.
What do you believe Biden and the US should so if Russia invades Ukraine?
US will be shocked at the results if Russia enters Ukraine. Once Russia enters Ukraine then all things change. Negotiating to not enter is much easier than negotiating a withdrawal. The US should do the simple thing now. Pledge that Ukraine will never be allowed to join NATO. NATO will never be allowed to establish a base in Ukraine. Then the US leaves the Ukraine in all respects. This will please everyone including Germany and most of the EU. If Russia enters the Ukraine we will see an overwhelming number of Ukrainians regions side with Russia. Kiev is in the minority with regards to political ideology. Eastern Ukraine will side with Russia. Crimea voted by 4 to1 to be annexed by Russia. It is thriving as a result.
Credit for lying to the Americana people about the effectiveness of the Afghan Army. Lying to the American people about not knowing how fast Afghanistan would collapse. Credit for killing 13 American service members. Credit for killing innocent children and their father all to make him look like he was doing something besides fvcking up. Credit for creating a terrorist safe zone. Credit for creating a humanitarian crisis causing the starvation of the Afghan people. Yea I'll give Biden credit for being an utter failure at everything he has touched but hey you keep trumpeting his failures as success. Shows what a complete and utter shill you are for Democrats.
And this shows what a complete and utter shill you are for Republicans.

If Trump had got us out of the war even with the mistakes, you would be defending him and praising him for ending the war. We both know this is true.

I'm sorry your hate of Biden keeps you from acknowledging when he fulfills a promise. Biden did what four Presidents couldn't do. He ended the war and got us out of a mess. Again, thank you President Biden.

"There is a reason four Presidents didn't have the courage to get out of Afghanistan. They knew what the withdrawal would look like and what would occur. It took political courage to get us out of there, knowing what would occur. Biden had that courage and ended the war. Again, thank you President Biden."

You are seriously juvenile. You have no idea what you are talking about. Four Presidents may have refused to withdraw due to the uncertain results of a creating a vacuum. Biden is not smarter than anyone of those four presidents. Biden overstepped everyone to make a complete **** up of the withdraw. The US is not better off for Biden's withdraw. We are worse on many fronts. We gave the enemy billions is arms. We gave them active bases with extreme intelligence gathering equipment. Your assessment of this withdrawal really shows how little you know and your words of support only convinces us of your lack of intelligent experience. Tell us about your military experiences?
The US should do the simple thing now. Pledge that Ukraine will never be allowed to join NATO. NATO will never be allowed to establish a base in Ukraine. Then the US leaves the Ukraine in all respects.
So your suggestion is to let Russia do whatever they want to in Ukraine (after all, they will be welcomed as conquering heros) and wash our hands of the whole matter?

Is this correct?
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Four Presidents may have refused to withdraw due to the uncertain results of a creating a vacuum.
I'm sure this was part of the calculation along with the fact that they knew what a withdrawal would look like. This was also part of Biden's calculation too when it came to supporting a withdrawal. Yet, he had the courage to get the job done. He didn't pass the buck to someone else.


Biden is not smarter than anyone of those four presidents.
Never said he was smarter. He had more political courage is what I said. And he did.

The US is not better off for Biden's withdraw.
The US is better off now that we are out of Afghanistan. It is starting to sound like you are one of those who supported remaining in this mess for another twenty years.

Withdrawals are messy and yes, Biden made some mistakes (Trump didn't help him out much either with the deal he signed). Still, Biden ended the war. We are out. I'm sorry this bothers you so much to hear, but it is good that the war is over and no more Americans are going to die in that mess. Again, thank you President Biden.
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So youe suggestion is to let Russia do whatever they want to in Ukraine (after all, they will be welcomed as conquering heros) and wash our hands of the whole matter?

Is this correct?
Wait and see what happens. Biden has blundered his way into this mess. Russia is going to do whatever they want and Biden will do nothing to stop them. I predict Russia will be welcomed in eastern Ukraine (where they will enter). American will jump off this Ukraine ship if it means combat troops on the ground. USA will wash their hands of Ukraine. There is no valid reason to enter into this conflict. Ukraine will be divided up with Russia taking the eastern 70%.
Wait and see what happens.
Which is partly what Biden is doing. Yet, you criticize him for doing that which you advocate?🙄

There is no valid reason to enter into this conflict.
I agree and I don't think Biden will enter into the conflict. I think he will do something similar to what you are advocating for, along with more sanctions.

Yet, you will still attack him for it. You will attack him for doing that which you are now advocating for.
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Biden has no courage but has loads of ignorance. I think you lack the intelligence to recognize the difference.

Spoken like a true right-winger. Again, you will never give Biden credit for anything. That is why, btw, he should ignore naysayers like yourself. You are useless at this point.
Biden murdered them?

You guys seem ignorant of what withdrawing from a 20 year war was always going to look like. You want to talk about all the Vietnamese that were murdered when we left Vietnam? Was it right for us to get out of Vietnam though?

There is a reason four Presidents didn't have the courage to get out of Afghanistan. They knew what the withdrawal would look like and what would occur. It took political courage to get us out of there, knowing what would occur. Biden had that courage and ended the war. Again, thank you President Biden.

And your inability to give him credit for ending the war shows how hyper-partisan you are. You have BDS, and will never give Biden credit for anything.

You also have no clue how the real world works.
Keep taking up for the POC- dig yourself deeper- he's a total loser
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You do realize that Scottsdale has forgotten more about the former Soviet dictatorships than you’ll ever know, right?
Funny how you make this assumption.

But yes, Putin Sooner is a big fan of Putin and Russia. His posts over time has made that clear. He clearly wants Putin to invade Ukraine so us Americans can be shown how much Russia will be welcomed and celebrated. Which, btw, I don't necessarily disagree with. There will be those in the Ukraine who would welcome Russia. As well as those who won't. Wonder what Putin and his regime will do with those who won't?

Spoken like a true right-winger.
Wow, you sure do like to label people.

This is like watching a UFC fight that Herb Dean is officiating.

You want him to stop it, but he’s just watching a defenseless dude get pummeled.

Whoever is coaching cents needs to throw in the towel.
As usual, you offer nothing substantial to the discussion.

@Syskatine is sure right about you.
Funny how you make this assumption.

But yes, Putin Sooner is a big fan of Putin and Russia. His posts over time has made that clear. He clearly wants Putin to invade Ukraine so us Americans can be shown how much Russia will be welcomed and celebrated. Which, btw, I don't necessarily disagree with. There will be those in the Ukraine who would welcome Russia. As well as those who won't. Wonder what Putin and his regime will do with those who won't?
You really are a mouthy little bastard. I would have no problem putting you in your place but striking minors is against the law. You have no idea what I want. I keep up with Russia news and views. You on the other hand are a clueless little **** that can only throw words around with zero experience to back up anything you say. Yes, I lived and worked in Russia for a few years. How can you agree or disagree on something you have no idea about? You can't. Wait and see how wrong you are about the Ukrainian outcome, junior.
I'm sure this was part of the calculation along with the fact that they knew what a withdrawal would look like. This was also part of Biden's calculation too when it came to supporting a withdrawal. Yet, he had the courage to get the job done. He didn't pass the buck to someone else.

Never said he was smarter. He had more political courage is what I said. And he did.

The US is better off now that we are out of Afghanistan. It is starting to sound like you are one of those who supported remaining in this mess for another twenty years.

Withdrawals are messy and yes, Biden made some mistakes (Trump didn't help him out much either with the deal he signed). Still, Biden ended the war. We are out. I'm sorry this bothers you so much to hear, but it is good that the war is over and no more Americans are going to die in that mess. Again, thank you President Biden.

False claims about Afghanistan

Biden was bedeviled over the summer by his chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. And he made a variety of false claims as he tried to defend his handling of the situation -- further undermining his authority on an issue on which he was already struggling to persuade the public.

In August, the President said, "What interest do we have in Afghanistan at this point, with al Qaeda gone?" Al Qaeda had been degraded in Afghanistan, but it wasn't "gone" -- as a Pentagon spokesman acknowledged on camera that same day. In an interview that week, Biden defended the US withdrawal in part by claiming that the concept of nation-building in Afghanistan "never made any sense to me" -- though, in fact, he had explicitly advocated nation-building in the early years of the war, both in Afghanistan and more broadly.

In July, when Biden was under pressure to quickly relocate Afghans who had assisted US troops, he said "the law doesn't allow" Afghan translators to come to the US to await the processing of their visa applications. But experts in immigration law immediately said this wasn't true, given the administration's authority to grant "parole," and, indeed, the Biden administration ended up using parole later in the summer to do what Biden had claimed wasn't permitted.

In December, Biden said in another interview that "I've been against that war in Afghanistan from the very beginning." While he eventually grew opposed to the war, he was not against it from the start -- as fact-checkers pointed out when he had made similar remarks during his presidential campaign.
And this shows what a complete and utter shill you are for Republicans.

If Trump had got us out of the war even with the mistakes, you would be defending him and praising him for ending the war. We both know this is true.

I'm sorry your hate of Biden keeps you from acknowledging when he fulfills a promise. Biden did what four Presidents couldn't do. He ended the war and got us out of a mess. Again, thank you President Biden.

There you go again making assumptions that make you look like the fool you are. Unlike you, conservatives have no issue criticizing their elected leaders when they screw up. We put the country before the Party very much unlike people like you. You are a party first kind of guy.

While you see ending the war, no matter the consequences, as a good thing, I see it as the exact opposite. We are seeing the results of those consequences with Russia massing troops on the Ukrainian border. We see the consequences of the humanitarian crisis Biden single handedly caused. We see the consequences in the moral of the military, our relationship with allies and enemies alike. We will also see more consequences in the future with the rise of terrorism around the world now terrorist have free reign in Afghanistan. The problem with you lefties is you only care about instant gratification, you have absolutely zero common sense and look as far into the future as your pathetic little peckers sticks out. Don't worry though, I will be happy to point out those consequences in the months to come as they arise.
We put the country before the Party very much unlike people like you. You are a party first kind of guy.
Really? Did you right-wing nuts do this on January 6? Have you done this regarding Trump's lies and attack on our democracy?

I've never seen you once criticize a Republican unless it is a Republican who has broken ranks with Trump.
While you see ending the war, no matter the consequences, as a good thing, I see it as the exact opposite. We are seeing the results of those consequences with Russia massing troops on the Ukrainian border. We see the consequences of the humanitarian crisis Biden single handedly caused. We see the consequences in the moral of the military, our relationship with allies and enemies alike. We will also see more consequences in the future with the rise of terrorism around the world now terrorist have free reign in Afghanistan.
Most of this is not even remotely true. Just you repeating what your right-wing propagandists tell you.

But there really is no use with you Biden haters. You guys are hopelessly lost and once again, will never give Biden credit for anything. Your hate of Biden won't allow it.

I'll say it one more time. Biden delivered on his promise, unlike Trump, and ended a twenty year war. He did exactly what some of you claimed to support when Trump was promising it but quickly changed your mind when Biden got it done. Were mistakes made by Biden in the withdrawal? Yes. Did Trump make the withdrawal more difficult. Yes. Yet, Biden got us out and we are better off for it.
Embracing violence now, huh? What truth bothers you?

btw, I'm a 42 year old man. You want to try to put me in my place, bring it on.🤣

Do you want and/or support Russia invading Ukraine?
Violence has always been a part of my life. Six years army. 40 years of my life in hostile environments. You may be 42 but you are far from a "man". I bet your husband is proud of you. Actually I am surprised by your age. You do not show the requisite wisdom of a teenager let alone a 42 year old man. I have kids older than you so I would have no qualms about assaulting you. I don't fight fair. I do not want or support Russia invading Ukraine.
Really? Did you right-wing nuts do this on January 6? Have you done this regarding Trump's lies and attack on our democracy?

I've never seen you once criticize a Republican unless it is a Republican who has broken ranks with Trump.

Most of this is not even remotely true. Just you repeating what your right-wing propagandists tell you.

But there really is no use with you Biden haters. You guys are hopelessly lost and once again, will never give Biden credit for anything. Your hate of Biden won't allow it.

I'll say it one more time. Biden delivered on his promise, unlike Trump, and ended a twenty year war. He did exactly what some of you claimed to support when Trump was promising it but quickly changed your mind when Biden got it done. Were mistakes made by Biden in the withdrawal? Yes. Did Trump make the withdrawal more difficult. Yes. Yet, Biden got us out and we are better off for it.
Yes, we did. If you go back, you will find everyone on this board condemned the action. What we don't agree with is the false radical left-wing accusation that it was an Inserection.
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Yes, we did. If you go back, you will find everyone on this board condemned the action. What we don't agree with is the false radical left-wing accusation that it was an Inserection.
No, "everyone" on this board didn't condemn it. And since then, you right-wingers have been on major defense mode concerning January 6. Making excuses for it, downplaying it, and considering conspiracy theories about it. You don't want it investigated, you don't want to admit the role Trump played in it, and you have a problem calling it what it was.

Not to mention your continued support of the big lie and Trump's attack on our 2020 election

You don't put the country first. You put Trump and your part first. Just be honest for once.
Did I say this? No.
You clearly implied it and made a bigoted joke about it.

You may be 42 but you are far from a "man". I bet your husband is proud of you.
What does me having or not having a husband have anything to do with being a "man" or anything else for that matter? Why did you say "your husband" and not "your wife?"
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No, "everyone" on this board didn't condemn it. And since then, you right-wingers have been on major defense mode concerning January 6. Making excuses for it, downplaying it, and considering conspiracy theories about it. You don't want it investigated, you don't want to admit the role Trump played in it, and you have a problem calling it what it was.

Not to mention your continued support of the big lie and Trump's attack on our 2020 election

You don't put the country first. You put Trump and your part first. Just be honest for once.
You clearly implied it and made a bigoted joke about it.

What does me having or not having a husband have anything to do with being a "man?" Why did you say "your husband" and not "your wife?"
There is a period (.) after "man". The reference to your husband is not subject to my comment about your manhood. You cannot connect those dots. You provided me the reason to reference "husband" rather than "wife". Thus my comment about your being far from a man. You seems far more feminine than masculine. I think I hit a nerve.
Nobody wants Russia to invade Ukraine, most of all Russia.

There is clear and obvious solution to the situation, something so appropriate none of our leaders can see because of the militant blinders they are defacing themselves with. And that is for all parties to declare Ukraine to be an independent and militarily neutral territory. Which is essentially giving Russia all it’s asking for: no NATO/American military bases/ballistic missile sites on Russia’s border, less than 500 miles from Moscow. Ukraine would be free to engage in any economic pact it wants with the EU, but no military. It’s a win for every side but the war-lusting security state in the US, who would almost certainly use the American media to paint Biden as a weak kneed cuck who succumbed to Russia’s unhinged demands.

The secondary question is how long would you bet before one party or the other, Russia or the US security apparatus, would violate the agreement and covertly slip some of its military into Ukraine. And which party do you think it would be? That’s not a trick question.
Nobody wants Russia to invade Ukraine, most of all Russia.

There is clear and obvious solution to the situation, something so appropriate none of our leaders can see because of the militant blinders they are defacing themselves with. And that is for all parties to declare Ukraine to be an independent and militarily neutral territory. Which is essentially giving Russia all it’s asking for: no NATO/American military bases/ballistic missile sites on Russia’s border, less than 500 miles from Moscow. Ukraine would be free to engage in any economic pact it wants with the EU, but no military. It’s a win for every side but the war-lusting security state in the US, who would almost certainly use the American media to paint Biden as a weak kneed cuck who succumbed to Russia’s unhinged demands.

The secondary question is how long would you bet before one party or the other, Russia or the US security apparatus, would violate the agreement and covertly slip some of its military into Ukraine. And which party do you think it would be? That’s not a trick question.
Wow Dan, you actually make some good points with this post. You are actually the first person I have seen to put forth this suggestion (one I am open to) on this board, although I've been asking a number of posters for a while now what their solution would be.

Got a question for you though. What if Ukraine doesn't agree with this declaration, what if they don't want that? What then? Does the international community still force it upon them?

You are absolutely right though about what would happen here in the US if Biden did pursue such a policy. And we would definitely see numerous threads/posts on this board about how weak Biden is and how Putin made him back down.