When did Right leaners become pussified?

I’m back....only because I respect/like you as a poster. Dgaf what you think about me as a poster (jk-sort of) but it doesn’t matter. I know it’s out there, and a lot of people believe that the post you made was really wasn’t. Maybe if you were 23, in a bar with your buddies, it might have been, you’re not and you weren’t.

That said, I hope to see you on the other side or maybe on tMB. Clever shit like that would have the SEC idiots roiling. I like posting over there because most of the fights...errrrrr....discussions are with retard SEC folk, not my OSU brethren.

Go rickie.
Oh it was funny.
And yes, I like you as a poster even though you don’t get my humor. I occasionally post on tMB and enjoy some of the threads. I tread lightly though because I don’t really have the time, desire or energy to engage. I’m more of a drive by poster there and even here.
I’m back....only because I respect/like you as a poster. Dgaf what you think about me as a poster (jk-sort of) but it doesn’t matter. I know it’s out there, and a lot of people believe that the post you made was really wasn’t. Maybe if you were 23, in a bar with your buddies, it might have been, you’re not and you weren’t.

That said, I hope to see you on the other side or maybe on tMB. Clever shit like that would have the SEC idiots roiling. I like posting over there because most of the fights...errrrrr....discussions are with retard SEC folk, not my OSU brethren.

Go rickie.

You get offended by a joke insinuating that someone is gay but freely use the word 'retard'. Strange sense of offensiveness.
This thread is fvckin stoopid.

Leftists today are extremely authoritarian

What has conservatism done?

Well for one, it conserved the second amendment and that alone kept conservative authoritarians from just straight up ending your shit. Same applies tonauthoritarian cons

How about the arts you simpletons. The arts were conserved as a better part of humanity.

What have leftists done with the arts?

Turned it into shit. It’s all about the grotesque and props today. Garbage

How about the nuclear family?

This is crucial to society. Leftists fight it tooth and nail, they despise it. Without it advancement is stymied.

How about Christian principles?

Yeah, scoff retards. Many of the most ardent philosophical atheists are realizing the folly of “God is dead.”

Without a God and working toward an afterlife you end up with nihilism and hedonism.

It’s all about being anti-God, seeking pleasure first.

Instant gratification, no sacrifice for the future, get what you can get now.

Society can’t persevere through that. It eats itself.

Both sides offer progress when balance is achieved.

Imbalance either way always resorts in authoritarianism.
I scoff at this...

The arts? The nu-cu-lar family? Se-cu-lar humanism?

A serious discussion over many adult beverages is required...
I scoff at this...

The arts? The nu-cu-lar family? Se-cu-lar humanism?

A serious discussion over many adult beverages is required...

Scoff all you want. No fault divorces, children growing up without a steady father figure, etc.

All have been bad for society. Without a framework establishing something to work toward in the afterlife you end up with nothing but a hedonistic, instant gratification, increasingly selfish society that has less regard for the lives of humans than they do a dog. How many mass shooters grew up with a steady father figure in the home?

As I said, even philosophical atheists have started to realize the folly of nihilism. There is question over what should we replace Christianity with in the western world. There has even been discussion of some new paganism.

If you are a liberal and want to conserve the great arts of the past, you’re being a conservative in that arena.

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Scoff all you want. No fault divorces, children growing up without a steady father figure, etc.

All have been bad for society. Without a framework establishing something to work toward in the afterlife you end up with nothing but a hedonistic, instant gratification, increasingly selfish society that has less regard for the lives of humans than they do a dog. How many mass shooters grew up with a steady father figure in the home?

As I said, even philosophical atheists have started to realize the folly of nihilism. There is question over what should we replace Christianity with in the western world. There has even been discussion of some new paganism.

If you are a liberal and want to conserve the great arts of the past, you’re being a conservative in that arena.
This thread is fvckin stoopid.

Leftists today are extremely authoritarian

What has conservatism done?

Well for one, it conserved the second amendment and that alone kept conservative authoritarians from just straight up ending your shit. Same applies tonauthoritarian cons

How about the arts you simpletons. The arts were conserved as a better part of humanity.

What have leftists done with the arts?

Turned it into shit. It’s all about the grotesque and props today. Garbage

How about the nuclear family?

This is crucial to society. Leftists fight it tooth and nail, they despise it. Without it advancement is stymied.

How about Christian principles?

Yeah, scoff retards. Many of the most ardent philosophical atheists are realizing the folly of “God is dead.”

Without a God and working toward an afterlife you end up with nihilism and hedonism.

It’s all about being anti-God, seeking pleasure first.

Instant gratification, no sacrifice for the future, get what you can get now.

Society can’t persevere through that. It eats itself.

Both sides offer progress when balance is achieved.

Imbalance either way always resorts in authoritarianism.

About right. Not one tangible, real thing. All worldview. All:


Hey buster! Thusly is a,perfectly fine word.

As I said, even philosophical atheists have started to realize the folly of nihilism. There is question over what should we replace Christianity with in the western world. There has even been discussion of some new paganism.
Can you share some of what you are reading? I have great interest in this topic.

I read a piece on bringing back paganism to replace Christianity in the West because it was realized that when you end religion you must replace the void. Still looking

Exactly. People like toon and others need something to believe in. Not having religion makes you susceptible to whims. He needs church on Sunday bible study on Wednesday young adult group on Friday and some volunteer time throughout the week. Atheists generally don’t seek this community orginization out and there is no binding fabric.
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Exactly. People like toon and others need something to believe in. Not having religion makes you susceptible to whims. He needs church on Sunday bible study on Wednesday young adult group on Friday and some volunteer time throughout the week. Atheists generally don’t seek this community orginization out and there is no binding fabric.

What they can’t admit to themselves is Liberalism IS their God and we are all Heretics. Knowing that, I think it makes debating most of them fairly easy. Most...
Exactly. People like toon and others need something to believe in. Not having religion makes you susceptible to whims. He needs church on Sunday bible study on Wednesday young adult group on Friday and some volunteer time throughout the week. Atheists generally don’t seek this community orginization out and there is no binding fabric. did all that, and you’re still a mental clusterfvck! Sounds like an extraordinary waste of time and money haha
Laffer curve? For Peet’s sake. It’s Masters Friday. Some of us celebrate this with mint juleps...or wlskey and water. I can handle general concepts, but the laffler can do.

Can’t discuss in detail (see above), but “always” reducing spending in no bueno. Sometimes the fed is the only peep on the scene with enough cash to do what needs to be done. Don’t drive one, but love seeing that Chevys are still being sold and millions of Americans are still being paid to make them, right here in the good ole USA. Would not have happened wo the feds spending cash to save them. But that’s just me.
It must be nice living in Fantasy Land.
What they can’t admit to themselves is Liberalism IS their God and we are all Heretics. Knowing that, I think it makes debating most of them fairly easy. Most...
Not everyone needs a divine overlord to live a good life. I don't think it much of a stretch to say that peace and clarity are actually easier once you accept multiple centuries of dogma for what they are and stop thinking in terms of selfish immortality and more in terms of the long arc of humanity.

I could be wrong though. I am an agnostic after all.