Trump: "Why do we want people from these sh*thole countries coming here?"

No it isn't.


Spread racial vitriol and black victimization, a bunch of people are no longer going to sit in silence, that card has been overplayed.

Question, are the African American rappers that use vulgar language and sing about violence and death to whitey racist? Just seems to me that since libs think they are the champions of eliminating racism why you would not be more upset over much more hateful language with a call to action for violence. This has been going on for decades just like the Dems new hot topic, sexual harassment that they just discovered.

No, playing the race card and the black victimization card is about votes, not about racism. The hypocrisy in which libs are so comfortable to use skin color for votes is pathetic.

Take a good long look in the mirror. Society has had enough, you would not know racism if it bite you in the @ss.
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Spread racial vitriol and black victimization, a bunch of people are no longer going to sit in silence, that card has been overplayed.

Question, are the African American rappers that use vulgar language and sing about violence and death to whitey racist? Just seems to me that since libs think they are the champions of eliminating racism why you would not be more upset over much more hateful language with a call to action for violence. This has been going on for decades just like the Dems new hot topic, sexual harassment that they just discovered.

No, playing the race card and the black victimization card is about votes, not about racism. The hypocrisy in which libs are so comfortable to use skin color for votes is pathetic.

Take a good long look in the mirror. Society has had enough, you would not know racism if it bite you in the @ss.

Do you say the same about the GOP consistently playing their race card (gerrymandering)?
Are any of them POTUS?

Stop justifying his actions by pointing to the inappropriate behavior of others.

Dems brought up the race issue, it is a broad topic and if you want to go all preachy on racism and limit it to those situations that suit you then I would say again, race card used for votes and only those situations that benefits Dems and that Dems are not interested in solving all racism. Black victimization equals votes, you do not want to widen the topic because it exposes the hypocrisy and faux outrage over Trump.
Been, LBJ was a racist and if you'll look back you'll also see that he invoked "this is what JFK" would want to pass the CRA. It also passed despite some democrats voting AGAINST it.

I personally don't think Trump is a racist, but the rent free space he occupies in yours and every other Pavlov's dogs head is awesome. Have you noticed all the stories in the news about black & Hispanic unemployment being historically low? Yea me neither, do you think if the ex-rodent in chief was still stinking up the WH this would be the case under the same circumstances?

You ever thought most of the angst he catches is from people who already don't like the guy so in their eyes (yours as well) he can do no right. In my eyes he can do right and wrong. It's just that the standard he (and all conservatives) are held to has a much higher bar then liberals are held to. If you don't believe me ask Robert Byrd.

LBJ's "Great Society" ensconced victim hood as a reason for and excuse to create a permanent underclass and voting block for the democrats. That's some enlightened stuff there.

What is really screwing up people's minds is Trump is showing you don't have to give all the special interests or your buddies a reach around to accomplish something. I do hope the democrats shut down government because of DACA, that would be beautiful and not much of a platform accomplishment for re-election.
You guys win. I'm getting a headache from beating my head against the wall. Waste of time.
The left's feigned outrage over the shithole comment is just an attempt at suppression of speech. And the brainless charges of racism even more so. The kind of stuff that shithole countries are made of. There are lots of shithole countries out there and we should call them shithole countries. It needs to be said, and often, until the shithole dynamics in those shithole countries gets cleaned up.
You guys win. I'm getting a headache from beating my head against the wall. Waste of time.

Been, I asked a simple legitimate question, and you choose instead to banter in a meme war. I'm sorry that hurts your head, but you are choosing to fight at that mundane (and frankly worthless) level. However, if you want a real discussion, feel free to respond to my real question: Are you upset that the President used the "s" word or do you believe that that misrepresented the severely mismanaged countries such as Haiti and Liberia? If its the former, I agree, its a poor choice of words, but eh. As others have stated, I'm for substance over style. If you are upset because stating the truth about some of these countries isn't politically correct, then eh. See point one. But if you believe he misrepresents the quality of these countries, then I'd love to debate that point.

But maybe this discussion is simply a misunderstanding of immigration in general. What in your opinion, is the point of immigration? What (as a country and government) are we trying to accomplish? Is it simply to diversify our country via exposure? Is it to provide a helping hand to those who are seeking it? Is it to better our own country through the integration of new ideas? Is it to provide pathways for those countries to better their own people by providing education and resources and returning them? Or is it to supply an endless supply of cheap labor? What is (or should be) the goal of immigration. From my perspective, its the integration of ideas to expand our own intellectual capital, and given the education and literacty rates of Haiti vs. Norway, its hard to argue (from that perspective) that Trump is wrong. He wasn't politically correct, but his statement wasn't wrong. But I surrender the floor to you (or the other thinking libs) to understand exactly what your perspective is that Trump has seemingly enraged in this latest statement.
Well, you will get your roofs repaired or your trees trimmed after storms.

So you believe that immigration should be the solution to provide cheap manual labor to the United States? Is that your position on the reason and necessity for immigration?
I'm a lib and I don't really think he's a racist per se - he's an asshole narcissist. Race, age, sex, height, weight, hair... all just potential benefits or obstacles to his ego. He literally does not feel sympathy, its a weakness to him. People from shitholes? Irrelevant to him. He doesn't personally need anything from them so who gives a shit? If Africa was wealthy he would kiss their ass like he does China.
Question to the libs on the board:

Are you whining because he used the word shithole or because he told the truth about these 3rd world countries and the quality and contribution that the vast majority provide to our economy? If the former, then go on and whine, and I'll proceed to the next thread. If the latter, I'd love a solid debate on how immigrating peoples from these areas over individuals from more educated and civilized (like Norway) is a benefit to America.
Your assertion of whining is a lame attempt to undermine those you would like to engage with. I like the idea, just poor execution.

As to the point, Trump is not so much demeaning a place as he is a people. The implication he makes is these people are lesser than others. This is a theme for Trump and applies to mostly people of color.
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I'm a lib and I don't really think he's a racist per se - he's an asshole narcissist. Race, age, sex, height, weight, hair... all just potential benefits or obstacles to his ego. He literally does not feel sympathy, its a weakness to him. People from shitholes? Irrelevant to him. He doesn't personally need anything from them so who gives a shit? If Africa was wealthy he would kiss their ass like he does China.
Not at all true. Trump is a patriot who loves America and he got tired of watching us relegate ourselves to second and third fiddle to benefit the rest of the world. But your above description does describe Hillary Clinton to a T. Shithole countries needed to be said. Good, blunt and true statement. Trump is blowing political correctness to smithereens. Lots of good blunt talk needed in the future.
Not at all true. Trump is a patriot who loves America and he got tired of watching us relegate ourselves to second and third fiddle to benefit the rest of the world. But your above description does describe Hillary Clinton to a T. Shithole countries needed to be said. Good, blunt and true statement. Trump is blowing political correctness to smithereens. Lots of good blunt talk needed in the future.

Besides feeling good, what is the objective of this blunt talk?
This whole story is 100 times bigger and more wide-reaching than "shithole" --- literally.

This lady is one of eight people undercover recorded saying Stasi Agent type things. And there is more to come.

These people are developing the AI that could eventually ruin us all, literally.

Full video ---- if you haven't watched yet, spend 15 minutes doing so.

It's unlike anything you've ever seen captured on film.

Project Veritas had undercover reporters for an entire year to get this!!

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This whole story is 100 times bigger and more wide-reaching than "shithole" --- literally.

This lady is one of eight people undercover recorded saying Stasi Agent type things.

Full video ---- if you haven't watched yet, spend 15 minutes doing so.

It's unlike anything you've ever seen captured on film.

Project Veritas had undercover reporters for an entire year to get this!!!

The left's has a zeal for squelching debate. Shadow blocking on Twitter or calling people racist. Doesn't matter as long as debate and discussion is stifled.
I'm a lib and I don't really think he's a racist per se - he's an asshole narcissist. Race, age, sex, height, weight, hair... all just potential benefits or obstacles to his ego. He literally does not feel sympathy, its a weakness to him. People from shitholes? Irrelevant to him. He doesn't personally need anything from them so who gives a shit? If Africa was wealthy he would kiss their ass like he does China.
Wow. Sounds just like the elitist pigs on the left too, except they need the votes so they pimp their victim classes while doing absolutely nothing of substance to help anyone but themselves out.
  • Like
Reactions: gopokes2003 kind of illustrate the lefts stupidity and hypocrisy regarding all things DJT.

Sean Penn, yea the guy who loved Hugo C calls Trump an "enemy of mankind." Whatever that means.

Jamie Lee Curtis, blamed Trump for the Hawaiian Emergency System's screw up today telling citizens that they had 38 minutes to seek shelter.
Not at all true. Trump is a patriot who loves America and he got tired of watching us relegate ourselves to second and third fiddle to benefit the rest of the world. But your above description does describe Hillary Clinton to a T. Shithole countries needed to be said. Good, blunt and true statement. Trump is blowing political correctness to smithereens. Lots of good blunt talk needed in the future.

It’s comments like this that baffle me. In what manner has the US “relegated ourselves to second and third fiddle to benefit the rest of the world?”

As to the main point that has been discussed on this thread, I disagree with those who call Trump a racist. I disagree the quotes earlier attributed to him constitute racism. Trump is a die-hard nationalist. He views the USA as superior to other countries in every way: culturally, politically, economically, etc. He views international relations as an us-vs-them competition with winners and losers. His economic understanding is classic mercantilism, and his desire to start a trade war with the rest of the world via tariffs, etc. will lead to our economic demise, and could lead to a world wide depression. He does not understand that free trade between participants, whether it be between 2 individuals or citizens of two countries leads to a win-win situation. If Jose has a product I’d like to buy and I have the money Jose desires, and we exchange his product for my money then both of us win. Trump thinks trade results in winners and losers. He’s wrong.

Trump’s over the top nationalism coupled with his infinite vanity and boorishness lead him to say politically incorrect things. The media and the left respond like Pavlovian dogs. Trump is dangerous, but you’d never know it because his political opponents are too busy concentrating on his foolishness. Nero is fiddling! Rant over.

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