Trump: "Why do we want people from these sh*thole countries coming here?"

this haitian thing is sad

beautiful country run by thugs on the backs of its people and they're indignate that trump would call their dirt a shithole
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this haitian thing is sad

beautiful country run by thugs on the backs of its people and they're indignate that trump would call their dirt a shithole
I've been to Haiti. It is a shit hole and it will always be a shit hole because a huge number of people there are criminals and they raise criminals. It's the culture there. Wouldn't let anyone I care about ever go there.
Trump is dumb as a stump. Either that or he is losing his mind.
Keeping people from shit hole countries out of America makes more sense than any thing I've heard out of government ever!

Either you have never traveled to shit hole countries or you don't care about the quality of life in America.
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Study what happened when Rhodesia went to Zimbabwe.....classic case of turning a country that was almost self sufficient to a complete corrupt shithole.

Immigration should absolutely be tied to a merit system, we have enough native born dead beats and idiots without importing more.

Why is it America is supposedly loathed world wide, yet when many people get a chance to immigrate, this country is their first choice. The media, as usual, will excoriate Trump for this comment. Glad he doesn't care though, primary difference between being sure what you're doing is right and demonstrating you have a backbone vs the usual sniveling rodent like normal politicians who can't be tied down to an opinion or stance with 100 gallons of gorilla glue.

Lastly, there is a very nice book out called "Dead Aid," which is about the wests fascination with tossing copious amounts of money and aid to African countries and why it actually has done infinitely more harm then good.
Regardless of the point he was trying to make, POTUS should be more selective with his choice of words.

“Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly.”
Spencer W. Kimball

“profanity and obscenity entitle people who don't want unpleasant information to close their ears and eyes to you.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Hocus Pocus

“Vulgarity is like a fine wine: it should only be uncorked on a special occasion, and then only shared with the right group of people.”
James Rozoff
I found this to be funny...
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The demographic obsessed with mass importing people from shithole nations into the west --- deports people from shithole nations out of their own ethno-state (while living behind a massive and effective wall).

Refugees is just one part of an immigration battle that's been going on 100+ years (which culminated in the immigration act of 1965 --- there's tons of behind the scenes history, political battles etc), but it's very central.





NaZi Poke strikes again.
Congressman Mia Love demands that he apologize:

"This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. My parents came from one of those countries (Haiti) but proudly took the oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That’s the American Dream. The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned."
The fact that the WaPo can make up a story saying Trump said this or that with zero actual proof and start a firestorm with all the mainstream media following is for me a bigger problem then Donald Trump. Trump doesn’t need my hate as much as the mainstream media needs me to hate Trump. Where is the actual evidence he said "shithole"? There is none. Completely fabricated. And I’m not defending his ass just saying we have a real problem with how rumors spread quickly as "news".
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Keeping people from shit hole countries out of America makes more sense than any thing I've heard out of government ever!

Either you have never traveled to shit hole countries or you don't care about the quality of life in America.

You love it, don't you? They have no money. They have no honest government. They can't do anything about him talking shit! They just have to take it and you get a little, tiny, hateful hard-on over it.
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Can you objectively refute his argument other than using a silly ad hominem attack? You sound like a five year-old throwing a temper tantrum.

Sounds like I should be POTUS.

How about this.

This was a thread about Trump's choice of words, and about whether or not his primary point was appropriate. Our favorite anti-semite interjects this:

The demographic obsessed with mass importing people from shithole nations into the west --- deports people from shithole nations out of their own ethno-state (while living behind a massive and effective wall).

Who is he referring to as "the demographic"? Obviously he means the Jews. So, he has taken a discussion about language and US immigration and inserted a tangent about how the Jews are secretly trying to influence US immigration and how they are extremely hypocritical. He strives to bring the evil Jews into every thread. Did you think NZ stood for New Zealand, or maybe his initials?
The fact that the WaPo can make up a story saying Trump said this or that with zero actual proof and start a firestorm with all the mainstream media following is for me a bigger problem then Donald Trump. Trump doesn’t need my hate as much as the mainstream media needs me to hate Trump. Where is the actual evidence he said "shithole"? There is none. Completely fabricated. And I’m not defending his ass just saying we have a real problem with how rumors spread quickly as "news".

The fact that the WaPo can make up a story saying Trump said this or that with zero actual proof and start a firestorm with all the mainstream media following is for me a bigger problem then Donald Trump. Trump doesn’t need my hate as much as the mainstream media needs me to hate Trump. Where is the actual evidence he said "shithole"? There is none. Completely fabricated. And I’m not defending his ass just saying we have a real problem with how rumors spread quickly as "news".

So, does Durbin work for WaPo? If his ear witness explanation of what was said does not satisfy your desire for "actual evidence", what does?

How can you say that the WaPo "completely fabricated" the story? Were you in the room?

Stop being obtuse and sticking your head in the sand.
The WaPo and CNN have been making up stories about Trump for over a year.

I don't trust Durbin. He's part of the party that rigged their primary and helped ole Hillary cheat in a debate.

Furthermore, you remember the media outrage that one time ole Hillary called half the people in our country deplorable? Yeah, neither do I.
The WaPo and CNN have been making up stories about Trump for over a year.

I don't trust Durbin. He's part of the party that rigged their primary and helped ole Hillary cheat in a debate.

Furthermore, you remember the media outrage that one time ole Hillary called half the people in our country deplorable? Yeah, neither do I.

None of you snowflakes had a problem when VP Pervert Joe whispered in Obama's ear but was heard by everyone "this is big f¥cking deal".

Presidents using strong language is as old as the Presidency.
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You love it, don't you? They have no money. They have no honest government. They can't do anything about him talking shit! They just have to take it and you get a little, tiny, hateful hard-on over it.

This is a weird post.
None of you snowflakes had a problem when VP Pervert Joe whispered in Obama's ear but was heard by everyone "this is big f¥cking deal".

Presidents using strong language is as old as the Presidency.
These snowflakes must be fairly ignorant of American History. Abraham Lincoln cussed worse than a sailor, telling some of the most profane jokes men back in those days had ever heard, making many of them feel uncomfortable the jokes were so coarse. Truman was notorious for cussing and so was LBJ, and there are many others.
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These snowflakes must be fairly ignorant of American History. Abraham Lincoln cussed worse than a sailor, telling some of the most profane jokes men back in those days had ever heard, making many of them feel uncomfortable the jokes were so coarse. Truman was notorious for cussing and so was LBJ, and there are many others.

Cussing is fine. Insulting people that are poor as hell and just want to get an opportunity is what's offensive to me. It's not good diplomacy, it creates enemies, and it's an awful influence for kids. If he wants to talk blue behind the scenes or whatever I could personally care less. I dont' even care if he publicly salts it up a little bit for specific purposes. But using that language to insult allies and countries that look up to us?
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You can't objectify refute this argument.

That's why all Been Jammin can do is call names (point and screech).

I appreciate different cultures, visiting different countries etc.

But several years ago, I began to question the cult-like obsession with making the west (less than 10% of the world's entire population) "diverse" and "multicultural"....

--- because there's zero no push to make ethnically homogenous Asian or African countries (a much larger share of the global population) "diverse" and "multicultural."

It's only the west....

Imagine any of us moving to Japan, China, or South Korea and telling their people that that they must mass import completely foreign cultures (that don't speak the language), and give them long-term taxpayer benefits, or else their "racist."

It's a massive contradiction.....

You’re racist, along with others on this board. You believe in ethnic cleansing. Got it. Congrats on another confirmation, as if you needed to point it out again, and again...and again.

Carry on.
Cussing is fine. ... If he wants to talk blue behind the scenes or whatever I could personally care less.

Wasn't this behind closed doors? Isn't that why there is no actual recording of him saying this? Isn't this all hearsay from Sen. Durbin? So isn't this a he said / she said situation as Trump has come out and denied it? It seems to come down to whether you believe Durbin or you believe Trump. Another left v right argument.

The media has blown it up to get everyone on both sides of the aisle worked up for ratings.
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