To Indict or not to Indict...

I've tangled with bob wire before. He is sharp and will stick it to you if given the chance. I could roll him up if I wanted but he is good at keeping the cattle on my property so I put up with him.
Stick i am familiar. And there's a 99.9 pct. likelihood I strung more 'bob' wire than you, laid more pipe, hung more steel and tied more rod. Before I turned 30

Bob Wire is a singer/songwriter. CCup just might be a fan.
No doubt I would enjoy.
In these parts Bob Wire Road is the cutoff to Willie'sPedernalesCC Cut&Shoot if you know where to turn
Okay, so mocking Hillary makes us misogynistic neanderthals. Focus on her qualifications, okay.

I want you to tell me her accomplishments, legislative record, tell me about those. Her big achievements as Secretary of State, let me see those.

Let me save you some typing, being married to the President and traveling on a plane around the world are not accomplishments unless your goal is to see how well you can marry and how many miles you can travel without accomplishing anything.

I'll be waiting, let's have all the substance that makes Hillary such a great candidate.
No use
CUP - there is legitimacy to the position that there is resentment of the POTUS because of his race. That HRC is criticized for shit that has nothing to do with her qualifications for office.

Your approach here does nothing but superficially seek to reinforce those points. I would much rather see a real discussion of the issues. This thread starts with a reference to an Opinion piece in the NY Post. The author has a clear agenda and bias. Plenty of things to mention discrediting the substance of the article if one chooses to. But alas, same old shit.

Like you I am pretty much outnumbered here. The social liberal agenda gets little to no support, but I think you would do much better to engage at a more intellectual level. To each their own...
Life's too short
- worst set of candidates I can recall (and I partly remember my parents talking Nixon v. McGovern).

I couldn't agree more.

If the L's truly do get to be on the Oklahoma ballot this Fall, I will be voting for that candidate regardless of who it is, just to show my disdain for the others.

I am a registered Dem (for the remainder of this year only) and voted for O'Mally in the primaries just because he wasn't Clinton or BS. That was enough for me.
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I couldn't agree more.

If the L's truly do get to be on the Oklahoma ballot this Fall, I will be voting for that candidate regardless of who it is, just to show my disdain for the others.

I am a registered Dem (for the remainder of this year only) and voted for O'Mally in the primaries just because he wasn't Clinton or BS. That was enough for me.
You can now actually register as a Libertarian in Oklahoma.
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CUp, you would lick hillary's asshole clean if she had no toilet paper. You are so far from mainstream americans.

Davidallen, you and i are probably damn close on social issues. I also am so fed up with the constant daily consternation over the emails. The act was stupid. Some components might be felonious, but i am sick of the daily crying about them. Get to the bottom of it, then deal with it at one time. The non-stop hrc attacks have numbed most of us and just lose their point with it. McConnell completely screwed the GOP by bragging about the poloitics of the emails.
CUp, you would lick hillary's asshole clean if she had no toilet paper. You are so far from mainstream americans.

Davidallen, you and i are probably damn close on social issues. I also am so fed up with the constant daily consternation over the emails. The act was stupid. Some components might be felonious, but i am sick of the daily crying about them. Get to the bottom of it, then deal with it at one time. The non-stop hrc attacks have numbed most of us and just lose their point with it. McConnell completely screwed the GOP by bragging about the poloitics of the emails.

Again, it's an FBI investigation. There are over 100 FBI agents working on the case; what does that tell you? There is ZERO doubt she committed felonies. All the FBI can do is investigate the evidence, and then recommended an indictment. Then it is up to AG Lynch. But, you know what, she doesn't have to announce anything. She can just do nothing. AG Lynch was first appointed as a U.S. Attorney, by, you GUESSED IT! -- Hillary's husband. She has only been AG a short time; do you think she might like to continue on as AG in a Hillary Clinton administration, or, dare I say it, become a USSC Justice?

Would we be where we are right now if Hillary and her band of co-conspirators (Mills, Abedin, et al) had been forthcoming from the get go? The reason for the whole e-mail server/Blackberry set up, right from the start, was so that Hillary could avoid being held accountable for her decisions as S-O-S and scrutiny of the incestuous relationship between the Clinton Foundation and foreign governments and contacts. The story of Hillary's life since she became a public figure has been flanked continuously by the twin pillars of scandal and lack of accountability.
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Again, i get that it is the FBI. It still does not take away the fact that Mitch screwed the GOP regarding their complaints about the emails. The daily handwringing does nothing but further hurt the credibility of the investigation. I have already said she should be indicted due to precedent. Even with that, I am so sick of the constant whining.

Lynch is every bit the slime that holder was. The FBI will have to take drastic steps, and I am willing to listen to them. The FBI is not who is making the most noise, and they are getting drowned out by GOPers.
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All that said, has the FBI formally recommended indictment yet?
Again, it's an FBI investigation. There are over 100 FBI agents working on the case; what does that tell you? There is ZERO doubt she committed felonies. All the FBI can do is investigate the evidence, and then recommended an indictment. Then it is up to AG Lynch. But, you know what, she doesn't have to announce anything. She can just do nothing. AG Lynch was first appointed as a U.S. Attorney, by, you GUESSED IT! -- Hillary's husband. She has only been AG a short time; do you think she might like to continue on as AG in a Hillary Clinton administration, or, dare I say it, become a USSC Justice?

Would we be where we are right now if Hillary and her band of co-conspirators (Mills, Abedin, et al) had been forthcoming from the get go? The reason for the whole e-mail server/Blackberry set up, right from the start, was so that Hillary could avoid accountable for her decisions as S-O-S and scrutiny of the incestuous relationship between the Clinton Foundation and foreign governments and contacts. The story of Hillary's life since she became a public figure has been flanked continuously be the twin pillars of scandal and lack of accountability.

If it were as clear cut as you seem to believe then WHY OH WHY does the GOP need to try this in the press? I'll tell you why - there is enough wiggle room that there won't be an indictment and the GOP leadership believes they need to set the stage for outrage when that occurs. As manipulative and conniving as people paint the Clintons, the anti-Hilary crowd comes off just as bad.

Agree with you that she was clearly avoiding scrutiny on intermingling Foundation and State Department business - that and she is too lazy or insecure to deal with modernizing how she works. But your choice of language - "co-consipriators" - does that include everyone who knew of the server? That would include hundred of people at State. Not to mention the preemptive attack on the character of the AG.

Your last sentence says it all... she killed Vince Foster? Yeah right. She defrauded investors with Whitewater? Uh huh, see how that turned out. She cheated customers at the Rose law firm? Well how come nothing ever came of that? She threw shit at Bill because he was a crappy husband? Good for her.

At some point the constant drumbeat of Hillary the Crook plays into the hands of those trumpeting a "vast right wing conspiracy"...
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If it were as clear cut as you seem to believe then WHY OH WHY does the GOP need to try this in the press? I'll tell you why - there is enough wiggle room that there won't be an indictment and the GOP leadership believes they need to set the stage for outrage when that occurs. As manipulative and conniving as people paint the Clintons, the anti-Hilary crowd comes off just as bad.

Agree with you that she was clearly avoiding scrutiny on intermingling Foundation and State Department business - that and she is too lazy or insecure to deal with modernizing how she works. But your choice of language - "co-consipriators" - does that include everyone who knew of the server? That would include hundred of people at State. Not to mention the preemptive attack on the character of the AG.

Your last sentence says it all... she killed Vince Foster? Yeah right. She defrauded investors with Whitewater? Uh huh, see how that turned out. She cheated customers at the Rose law firm? Well how come nothing ever came of that? She threw shit at Bill because he was a crappy husband? Good for her.

At some point the constant drumbeat of Hillary the Crook plays into the hands of those trumpeting a "vast right wing conspiracy"...

There doesn't have have to be a 1/8 of inch of "wiggle room" when a bonafide FOB is the AG who will decide whether or not to indict.

There is zero doubt she committed the same or worse as David Petraeus and has either lied or obstructed justice to stonewall the investigation. Do you suggest she didn't provide sensitive/classified information, some of it from the NSA, about our allies and/or operatives to Sidney Blumenthal, whom President Obama expressly forbade from working at State?
There doesn't have have to be a 1/8 of inch of "wiggle room" when a bonafide FOB is the AG who will decide whether or not to indict.

There is zero doubt she committed the same or worse as David Petraeus and has either lied or obstructed justice to stonewall the investigation. Do you suggest she didn't provide sensitive/classified information, some of it from the NSA, about our allies and/or operatives to Sidney Blumenthal, whom President Obama expressly forbade from working at State?
Facts of the Patreaus case:
  • Patraues was knowingly providing classified information to Boradwell (his biographer/mistress) as indicated by his explanation to her that the notebooks contained highly classified information at the time of handing them over.
  • Patraues lied to FBI agents in so far as he categorically denied knowingly handing over classified documents to Broadwell. These were physical notebooks containing excerpts of or entire copies of classified documents that he delivered or had shipped to Broadwell.
  • Patraues plead guilty to a misdemeanor, retained his military rank, his pension, and other benefits.
Understanding of the facts in the Clinton case:
  • Clinton provided advance information to those in charge of info sec at State in regards to her server. This wasn't done under some veil of secrecy.
  • The State Department (and other branches of government) have both classified and non-classified email and document management systems. It is technically impossible for information to be moved from one system to the other without manual reentry. No one has alleged that happened. If something from the "high side" ended up being sent to the "low side" then that is a technical failure at State. Emails on the "high side" can not be sent outside that system. The problem is most of what ends up classified occurs in retrospect only after a request for release. So technically nothing that went to her personal server was classified.
  • Executive Order 12958 gave the SOS the discretion to classify Top Secret information at her discretion down to Secret or Confidential. Like it or not, that was in her NDA - as it has been for previous SOS going back through many administrations. Reminiscent of what is the meaning of "is" - the case will be made that by sending them to Blumenthal she had declassified Top Secret material.
  • That Clinton used Blumenthal contrary to the POTUS's wishes isn't a crime - might be a firing offense, but do you really think it is criminal?
I can't believe I have been put in the position of defending HRC - but you can't make these specious comparisons. Credibility of the conservative case is undermined when people just blindly say "hey look at what happened in the Petraeus case...."
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Conservative case? No way. It's simply a matter of law. Either she broke it or she didn't.

Pretty much.

And if this isn't one of the biggest lapses in judgment on record, outside of opening the Eastern front in WW2, I don't know what is.
Again, it's an FBI investigation. There are over 100 FBI agents working on the case; what does that tell you? There is ZERO doubt she committed felonies. All the FBI can do is investigate the evidence, and then recommended an indictment. Then it is up to AG Lynch. But, you know what, she doesn't have to announce anything. She can just do nothing. AG Lynch was first appointed as a U.S. Attorney, by, you GUESSED IT! -- Hillary's husband. She has only been AG a short time; do you think she might like to continue on as AG in a Hillary Clinton administration, or, dare I say it, become a USSC Justice?

Would we be where we are right now if Hillary and her band of co-conspirators (Mills, Abedin, et al) had been forthcoming from the get go? The reason for the whole e-mail server/Blackberry set up, right from the start, was so that Hillary could avoid being held accountable for her decisions as S-O-S and scrutiny of the incestuous relationship between the Clinton Foundation and foreign governments and contacts. The story of Hillary's life since she became a public figure has been flanked continuously by the twin pillars of scandal and lack of accountability.

Well stated, but I would add re:Lynch announcing anything; if/when she tries to sweep it under her carpet, the FBI leaks will make her resemble Noah building an ark and it won't float.
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Well stated, but I would add re:Lynch announcing anything; if/when she tries to sweep it under her carpet, the FBI leaks will make her resemble Noah building an ark and it won't float.
There are no secrets in Washington---see Hildebitch's email and server. If and when the FBI makes a referral to Lynch, it will become open knowledge almost immediately. Unfortunately for justice, the MSM will slow play it rather than go balls to the walls like in Watergate.
Common sense is all that is needed. Do you think the Clinton's got so rich because people love to hear the sound of their voices?

Why did Bill's speaking fees triple right after Hillary was named Secretary of State?

They are dirty, everyone knows they are dirty and it's a sad state of affairs that the MSM and Democrats don't care.
Common sense is all that is needed. Do you think the Clinton's got so rich because people love to hear the sound of their voices?

Why did Bill's speaking fees triple right after Hillary was named Secretary of State?

They are dirty, everyone knows they are dirty and it's a sad state of affairs that the MSM and Democrats don't care.

I'll agree with you as far as the MSM goes, but a self-proclaimed socialist, who is funded largely by individual, small contributions in Bernie Sanders wouldn't be winning some states if all Democrats didn't care. There are a lot of Democrats that think Hillary is a conniving, flip-flopping crook, who is up to her eyebrows in wall street's and other crook's shit.

I'm registered independent, but would vote Sanders should he somehow make it to the general election, but I'll have a hard time taking time out of my day to vote Hillary, and there's quite a few voters out there who have a similar thought process as me.
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I'll agree with you as far as the MSM goes, but a self-proclaimed socialist, who is funded largely by individual, small contributions in Bernie Sanders wouldn't be winning some states if all Democrats didn't care. There are a lot of Democrats that think Hillary is a conniving, flip-flopping crook, who is up to her eyebrows in wall street's and other crook's shit.

I'm registered independent, but would vote Sanders should he somehow make it to the general election, but I'll have a hard time taking time out of my day to vote Hillary, and there's quite a few voters out there who have a similar thought process as me.
This I can agree with.
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I'll agree with you as far as the MSM goes, but a self-proclaimed socialist, who is funded largely by individual, small contributions in Bernie Sanders wouldn't be winning some states if all Democrats didn't care. There are a lot of Democrats that think Hillary is a conniving, flip-flopping crook, who is up to her eyebrows in wall street's and other crook's shit.

I'm registered independent, but would vote Sanders should he somehow make it to the general election, but I'll have a hard time taking time out of my day to vote Hillary, and there's quite a few voters out there who have a similar thought process as me.

My son and his college-age buddies are firmly in the Bernie camp. They are also firmly in the Not-Hillary camp. They look at her as a dishonest POS.
I may very well find myself voting Bernie if he's the Dem nominee vs these ego maniacs doing ego maniac bullshit on the Republican side. I'll definitely vote for whatever the Republicans trot out if Hillstank is the nominee though.
The only redeeming feature of Bernie Sanders is his ridiculous tax and spending policies could never, ever be passed and if by some freak of circumstances they were it would be the biggest boon to true libertarian conservatives in history.
So if I get pulled over for DUI tonight but nobody got hurt, you'll represent me for free?

Anything for you, Mega. It would be an honor. Also, I wouldn't try and spin it as one if the biggest lapses of judgment since WWII. I suspect that wouldn't even make your personal top 10 lapses of judgment.
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Wow. I mean... Wow.

Who has been hurt by this email scandal?

One one level, Hillary has. When a liar is exposed, they lose credibility.

Were any secrets disclosed as a result of her actions? Guess we will have to wait and see.
Who was hurt by Scooter Libby? Who was hurt by David Petraeus?

Your point is a good one and that's one reason I haven't characterized those lapses of judgment as "one of the biggest lapses in judgment on record, outside of opening the Eastern front in WW2..."

The more I think about it, one could say that Libby fanning another discretionary land war in Asia proved pretty disastrous, and the effects aren't over.
Very well written. It's too bad the Left is apparently unable to read and still supports this pile of shit to be our next President. Dumb and Dumber describes HilHag and her sycophants.

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